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Everything posted by TiogaCruiser

  1. Good morning all, Our hoped for rain never turned into anything remotely described as rain. Only the sidewalks got moist. We’re still hoping for some tomorrow. My photo scanning project continues…. Hoping to be done by January. Today’s meal looks interesting. Is it a finger food, or fork food? I see complications either way… @marshhawk We ordered our Christmas cards last Saturday online from Walmart. We’ve used them for years, and they were particularly handy when the card service was available at the local store. ( I made several “proofs” for Dad’s review for the memorial card for Mom’s lunch in 2015). Anyway, estimated receipt date when I placed the order was for December 13. I received them Tuesday. YMMV. Have a great day everyone!
  2. Good Morning All, We have “rain” here so His Nibs doesn’t get a walk. It would take forever for his fur to dry, and it’s Clean the House Day in the Tiogacruiser household. Thank you to all who make this thread what it is. I’ve only been in the airport at Lima for a stop over once, and a second time for a plane change. (For the plane change, we ended up not getting assigned to a jetway and instead had to deplane on the tarmac and shuttle to the terminal. I was in coach, so it took quite a while to get off. With only 90 minutes between flights, I just got to the next flight in time to board.😱 As grampa used to say “A miss is as good as a mile”.) Am adding the wine to my list. HAL ran tours to the winery from the hotel in Santiago. I was surprised to find the brand all over the place when I returned home. @aliaschief Ah- yes! That was the BEST cruise, and it and all the planning was fabulous. It was great meeting you two. Last night I reliving Iguazu and was on the Melia (Sheraton Iguazu) website and boy has that hotel changed. I was there in 2018 just after it was sold and was the last occupant in my room before they remodeled. Have a great day everyone!
  3. Good Morning All, Looking forward to some much needed rain later this evening or tomorrow. I hope. These predictions have been vanishing as the predicted time approaches. The storms have been turning eastward before they get down the coast to us. @smitty34877 Praying for Tana. @dfish Thank you again for the recipes. I’ve clipped one and it’s added to my “try it “ list in my planner. My planner for next year contains extra pages for food and will debut one for wine. And I’m doing a spin-off for weekly meal planning and the coveted “go-to” (make again) recipes and @cat shepard wines. Thanks for the memory- when I was a kid we went to San Pedro to see off an aunt and uncle on one of Prinsendam’s older sisters. We were able to board and visit until sail away, then we did the streamers. What memories. Have a great day everyone!
  4. Good Morning All, Looks like a lovely day in the making. I have a few errands and will work on my scanning project. A couple weeks ago I got a picture scanner and I’m making soft copies of our pre-digital prints. I stated using 300 DPI and after about 2 boxes, realized I really did want the additional resolution of 600 DPI, so will re-scan those boxes. And tag some of the pictures. I might be done by Christmas. This year. @JazzyV Sending you and your BFF hugs, and praying for peace. We’re listening…. Have a great day everyone!
  5. We had neighbors we dubbed “Onslow and Daisy”. That said it all. Their house was bought by a famous flipper and took extra long to rehab.
  6. Not sure I’m understanding what you are saying: Did they stop fixed dining, or stop allowing reservations for Anytime?
  7. A late Happy Thanksgiving to all. We just finished eating and DF just left. I’m really done cooking for several days, and so stuffed that I’m probably done eating for the same amount of time. We have had Santa Ana winds all day, so using the Big Green Egg was out. Instead, our “splatted” turkey went in the oven. It was really good and I look forward to doing one on the BGE in the future. Spinach salad with apple, cranberry, feta and dried cranberries Squash soup with apple and dried cherries The turkey Those are the stuffing biscuits someone posted a few days ago raspberry cobbler with homemade vanilla gelato This wine was suggested by one of the staff at Total Wines. It was a great pairing with the soup and salad, and the main dinner. I’m not usually a white wine drinker.
  8. Thank you. When I first heard about the technique I tried to commit it to memory by visualizing a rooster hitting a wall……. And I NEVER get it right without help. maybe “ butterfly” would be better.
  9. Good morning all, Wishing all safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving. We’re staying home and I’m cooking for DH and DD. Got a fresh turkey that hadn’t been brined nor soaked in other solutions and the guy in the meat department splotcocked (sp?) it for me. It’s going on the Big Green Egg tomorrow early. Thanks for the reminder about cranberry- I forgot to add it to the menu. @kazu Hope your luggage arrives well before midnight. If they were to have put a sticker on it for each stop, maybe it would look like this? Happy anniversary and congratulations to Anne and Pat. @Vict0riann @marshhawk Sorry that is happening- Sounds like management is really not in touch with reality. Your situation brings back memories of my last job assignment ( Covid case management and contact investigation) when they implemented Salesforce software and our focus went from nursing to feeding the big data machine with political demographic data collection ( and not giving a hoot about the individual and helping them.) Have a great day everyone!
  10. Is this the one you mean? https://www.portugalresident.com/invisible-white-from-the-red-aragonez-grape/
  11. On our Sea of Cortes cruise in March of this year HAL had it for sale on Zuidie
  12. Shedding a few tears here as well. What a lovely tribute. Thank you for sharing.
  13. Good Morning All- from a rainy SoCal, And I’m loving it, but Mr Figetpants our Golden Retriever isn’t so happy. He’s missing his walk, and has been trying to convince me a swim down the street would be a good thing. Praying for those in the path of Nicole. I’m celebrating Radiology Day with an MRI this afternoon. Will await results to determine next steps- didn’t pass cortisone injections for a neuroma but in some ways it’s better, others it’s worse. Am filing some of today’s recipes for future use. For another version of a potato gallate, see this Francis Mallmann recipe that we like with a steak. http://girlinanapron.blogspot.com/2014/05/patagonian-potato-galette.html?m=1 @mamaofami You might email Cc help and ask for a password reset. It ended up working for me. Have a great day everyone!
  14. But the context of the indicated post was that the bacon was becoming an upcharged item on its own.
  15. By golly, I'm back in, thanks to the Mods. I will now report this post so it can be deleted. I’m back in business on my iPad also.
  16. Oh my gosh- thanks for reminding me-maple cookies. Made some last year and Dad loved them. (His nuclear family were subsistence farmers and maple sap & eggs were their mainstays). Gotta make them again.
  17. Me too. The HCP form only asks for current employment ( and the header says nothing about retired HCP), BUT both the military and teacher section and application forms have a place to indicate “retired”. The HCP requires active license. screen shots ( I’m on an iPhone so I cannot get a full screen shot) Military Form: Teacher Form: HCP Form ( need active license):
  18. No mention of retired healthcare workers. Under Teacher there is a place to check off retired or active. Not for HCP. “ Active, Retired & Veteran Military Personnel Healthcare Workers, First Responders & Medical Professionals Active And Retired Teachers/Educators”
  19. Interesting that the military and teacher awards include retired military and retired teachers, but not the healthcare award. Hmmm.
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