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Everything posted by LaCal

  1. People have been getting $50 OBC Worth a shot to check it out
  2. Here’s the letter a lot of guests are getting in the cabin
  3. How much was it to have lunch there? That sounds like a good idea.
  4. It’ll be our first Celebrity cruise on the Solstice in 2023 Any pros or cons you can share? Ive read the Solstice was due for a refurb but it was put off due to Covid….Any ideas when it might get done? Best Specialty Restaurants? We upgraded to a suite so plan on dining mainly at Luminae but would like to try 1-2 specialty restaurants Hows the casino onboard? Thanks for any input
  5. Well there’s a lot of guests coming home w Covid after each cruise right now….so to ease protocols even further to me indicates the cases will amp up even more. Kinda common sense IMO And while most of the guests coming home w Covid are not having severe symptoms there’s still ones that are Case in point is the wife and I both came home w Covid on our Alaska cruise….She had very mild symptoms where I had pretty bad ones including severe weakness and congestion for over 2 weeks It won’t stop us from cruising and we have our next one booked for November but even w testing going away we’ll still be testing ourselves pre cruise and bringing some rapid tests onboard w us Covid can change up quick and hit people differently…..My buddy had Covid a year ago w barely any symptoms…..now 6 months ago he got it again and has long term Covid still today w bad brain fog and days he can’t remember things…..So IMO better safe as can be
  6. C.D.C. Eases Covid Guidelines, Noting Virus Is ‘Here to Stay’ The new guidelines eliminate quarantines and put less emphasis on social distancing, routine surveillance testing and contact tracing.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention loosened Covid-19 guidelines on Thursday, freeing schools and businesses from the onus of requiring unvaccinated people exposed to the virus to quarantine at home. The changes are a sharp move away from measures such as social distancing requirements and quarantining, which had polarized much of the country, and effectively acknowledge the way many Americans have been navigating the pandemic for some time. The agency’s action comes as children across the country return to school and many offices have reopened. “We know that Covid-19 is here to stay,” Greta Massetti, a C.D.C. epidemiologist, said at a news briefing on Thursday. “High levels of population immunity due to vaccination and previous infection, and the many tools that we have available to protect people from severe illness and death, have put us in a different place.” I’m wondering if the cruise lines will follow and no longer isolate people if they have Covid onboard 🤔 Personally I think it’s a recipe for disaster and further outbreaks if they do….there’s already a large number of guests coming home w Covid on a lot of the cruises and especially the Alaska ones…..And it’s not just NCL
  7. With testing you’ll at least have less guests coming onboard w Covid already Soon as no testing happens there’d even be some guests that knowingly have Covid still cruise just because their symptoms aren’t bad Same as the guests who for years will still cruise knowing they have the flu etc
  8. $5 is what we tip room service and if we order a large amount for lunch then we tip about $7-$8
  9. I’ve tried since Friday to call them and spent a lot of hours each day w no luck so far getting someone to answer. Definitely frustrating
  10. Yes you can and On Point will proctor the test for only $14.99
  11. Plain and simple you don’t use the service all week and not once complain about it or at the minimum inquire why it’s so slow etc and then expect a refund That would be like me eating at Cagneys and finishing all the food on my plate but once home wanting a refund because my steak was really rare but I ate it anyway 🤣🤣
  12. A few guests posted on another site it was in their cabins
  13. We always pre-pay just to have one less bill at the end of the cruise
  14. So far the change is fleet wide and guests onboard multiple ships have confirmed it over on the other site Not 100% sure if it’ll remain or change back….A few Guests were told it’ll be permanent when they asked about it at the cruise next desk but who knows I know they’ve also been giving $25 OBC for Platinum and $50 OBC for higher tiers for the few things like Behind the scenes etc being canceled I’ll be using my $25 OBC for the lobster upgrade charge at Cagneys 😜
  15. Also you can now use the 2 free specialty restaurant perks for Platinum and above in ANY restaurant 😜
  16. The $25 OBC will cover getting a lobster tail at Cagneys 😜😜
  17. Wrong We had a few rude comments happen….one lady laughed in the elevator and said like masks really help…. And there sure as heck were some eye rolls And no we don’t preach or say a thing to others if they aren’t wearing them
  18. If it’s not till August 1st why’s it to late to change and go a day early?
  19. We are in the very slim minority who still mask up while on the cruise Amazed me that people jam packed the elevators 10-12 deep without a mask on and then wonder why they got Covid once home 🙈🤔🤔 Also amazed me the number of eye rolls or even a few rude remarks we got because we wore masks 😷😷
  20. Yes or a beer and shot. I get 2 Grey Goose vodkas at a time and pour them in my Yeti
  21. Video of the ice they hit https://www.facebook.com/dena.white.5/videos/1003344337001915/
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