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Everything posted by HowardK

  1. Its like put the dumpy NCL Jewel in the dumpy Philadelphia port. The city is really unsafe (and I was born there and would go in often for concerts and games) and the Jewel was the worst ship I ever went on. If the Breakway were going from Philly then I would be a little more excited.
  2. It has been a while but in 2018 I paid to upgrade a week before from a Studio to a Balcony gurantee and got a AFT balcony which was nice for the extra space. I gather whomever had it had upgraded themselves elseswhere
  3. I've been on 6 NCL's solo but not for 6 years. End of 2025 I am either going on the Epic from San Juan 12/21 or the 12 night Breakaway 11/30 from NYC. Haven't decided which one. I would have to fly to San Juan but the NYC would be more local for me and vs. spending nights in San Juan beforehand, I could just be on the Breakaway instead. However- I loved the Epic
  4. Hello, my favorite cruise I took was on the Epic in 2011 from Miami- my subsequent 5 were from NYC which I loved as well but to me the Epic was special. I currently have a hold on the Epic end of 2025 from San Juan- as I like the fact it hits 6 ports and spends more time at each one vs other ships. Has anyone had a good experience on the ship lately? I did see it is going for dry dock.
  5. Hello, I will be going on the Epic next December 2025 from San Juan and am looking to stay at a Marriott brand beforehand (due to points). Can anyone make a recommendation- so far I have been looking at the LaConcha resort which seems close to places like cvs/walgreens so I can buy things beforehand as well as the Stellaris resort. Probably looking for something on the quieter side. thanks in advance
  6. I found Cananda New england to be very subdued. I went on 6 NCL cruises, 4 of them I didn't have a drink, the 2 that I had the free drink package - I ended up getting colds on- I was never drunk but was spacing drinks out to get the most of the free perk and I regret it. I have a 7 day NCL Epic scheduled for 2025 that has 6 port days- that will keep me out of trouble as far as I am concerned.
  7. People seem more rude lately- I was just at a hotel that had 20 minute delays to get an elevator due to one breaking. We had 8 people (max) on the elevator, 4 more people wanted to come on and I said "you can't come on as it would exceed the weight limit" The person proceeded to curse me out in front of his 2 young children.
  8. Has there been any mention on why the Epic was cancelled? I am curious as I am going on it the following month from San Juan
  9. I lived in Jacksonville for a year in the late 90's., and wished I had visited St Augustine. This is great news for those in that area!
  10. I like it when the reviews are broken into paragraphs, and not like 80 sentences of mindless rambling.
  11. When I was able to , I would upgrade the week before to a balcony. To me, I wanted space to unpack and have my bags.
  12. Although the ship is different from 2011, my Epic cruise then was the best of the 6 solo trips I took. Regardless if you stay in a studio or not- with 128 studios there are more solos, I found the entertainment better. I can't speak for the itinerary but loved the Epic
  13. I have done the following - please note I am using hard shell suitcases, besides printing the tags and then putting them in one of those tag holders I also get Avery full size adhesive sheets, print them and stick them to my suitcase. They are pain to take off though in fact I still have one of them on from 2018
  14. Thank you for your excellent review so far! I am scheduled to sail from NYC a year from today and was wondering (of course it can change year to year) how the weather was, and about how long it took to get warm enough weather to spend time outside. I loved the Breakaway and was on it 2013 and 2014
  15. The cruise I booked with a balcony- had no solo balconies available. I didn't mind paying the supplement because I am stunning and have plenty of time and might find a wife by then.
  16. Hello, normally I cruise Solo on NCL from NYC and currently have the Prima booked for next year. However, I like how the Venezia looks? Has anyone sailed solo on this ship and how is the entertainment- specifically the music? I enjoyed Howl at the Moon and the District on my prior NCL cruises for example. Thanks in advance.
  17. thanks for posting this- I am scheduled on the Prima for 11 nights next year and was going to get one
  18. This thread is very valuable to me as I have a deposit on the 11 night November 30th 2024 sailing from NYC to the Caribbean. This will be my first cruise in 6 years. It seems compared to other cruises I have been on , there will be a lack of entertainment (primarily Howl at the Moon, the District) but I was planning on getting either a Spa pass and/or Vibe Pass and taking whatever downtime to get through several books on my Kindle and listen to music. I booked a balcony on the 11th deck that was near the elevator as I hate walking to them, I heard i shouldn't be a problem with noise. I am really looking forward to be able to visit the ports without having to fly to them as I did in the past. I am gathering this is a better warm weather ship, and envision of course I could have ~ 1-2 days of chilly weather on the way back and down. For those of you that have been on this ship, are you going with the expectation for lack of a better term to not be wowed by entertainment/activites and just going to relax vs. other megaships in the past?
  19. I can't believe in this day and age of multiple information sources why people cut it close and just assume everything will go flawless.
  20. They need to just do all in one pricing and quit with this "free"nonsense. The ship is going to have to stock the alcohol regardless, its a sunken cost. I am paying to go on a cruise, I don't see why I should have to pay more for someone to serve me a coke vs water vs beer, they are getting salaries. - and believe me I tip individuals because I think NCL robs them.
  21. They are dangerous and prohibited. Kind of like when they banned fireworks after having them on the Brekaway.
  22. Could have been due to being packed on the ship with others not sleeping and having too much alcohol themselves, which wears down the immune system. For my return to cruising next year, I am seriously considering having them waive the drink package for me.
  23. For my first cruise in 6 years on the Prima 11 nights I booked a balcony even though it was $4k + whatever charges vs. $2k for a studio + whatever charges. I know I could book a studio as well and then gamble to see if the price drops and I can upgrade for the difference, but that seems to be happening less than 6-10 years ago. I looked earlier at my sailing at it didn't have a single balcony. I figure I would keep my balcony in case my ex-wife decides to leave her new husband.
  24. She was likely once of Frank Del RIo's kids trying to nickel and dime you. Just hang up and call again to get someone else.
  25. 100% agree with you both! The point of going on a cruise is to unplug for me- obviously I know people do need to stay connected- in Bermuda i checked voicemails with my verizonpass etc. but I prefer to be just looking at the ocean
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