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Everything posted by udamom

  1. thanks for the info I'll try that
  2. Hi I wanted to ask how were you able to pick up the car right near the dock? When I go to their website it only looks like they rent at the airport Thanks
  3. Did you have trouble with the car or driving in the area? Thinking of renting a car
  4. Am in Aruba in Feb and trying to decide about renting a car also. we have a long port day 8am-9pm so would love to see a few different things on the island. Love to snorkel and see a few posts mentioning where the good places for that are. Commenting hoping this thread gets a little more action from people who have done the rental car thing
  5. Wow love your google sheet. Any chance you could post a blank copy of it? I am doing the same itinerary 9/24. Looks like you did all your excursions through private excursion companies. This is what I prefer. Did you like all of these companies? I am an experienced cruiser and detailed planner also almost always use private companies. Haven't done Europe and am feeling overwhelmed. Thank you for giving this great starting point in doing research!
  6. Did you end up going to this place @jean87510 curious to hear what you thought. Have been to Maya Chan numerous times but can't seem to find a spot I want to return to
  7. When is your sailing? would love to hear review of Davids fun tour
  8. @Brillo, any chance you could post the Don't Miss The Show paper from this week? I printed out the one posted from last week earlier on the thread and just want to compare if all the shows are basically the same times each week. Have to plot to plan the shows and 3 night specialty meal times. Hope you are having a wonderful 3rd week. I'm a nightshift nurse also (37 years! ) and also an avid snorkeler that will spend hours in the water. Nice that you could get that much time off in a row! Thanks Trish
  9. I leave friday out of Seattle. Did the ArriveCan to be able to get on the ship with Victoria as the Canadian destination and got the QR code. I also plan to rent a car in Skagway and do the drive to Emerald Lake. I cannot see a way to add another destination on ArriveCan app or to get a second QR code for Yukon/Fraser crossing.. Do I need one or is the one code I have good for both? Thanks
  10. We sail week from today and have Juneau Car Rental booked in Juneau and Avis booked in Skagway. Will come back to this thread when I get back and let you know how it worked out. I did not book wither one very early as I only booked my cruise a few months ago. Avis I just booked on the website and Juneau I called and talked to someone.
  11. Thank you for the info! looking forward to this trip as I've heard the scenery is beautiful!
  12. @cruisegal40 I just did a OnPoint test to try them out. We have always used Emed/Navica but with testing for cruising ending I didn't want to invest the money in purchasing more expensive tests. The process was fairly easy and result was fast. My question is Navice has always sent a QR code to go along with the test results and that is what we always showed in the terminal. I'm not seeing one with OnPoint. Did the webpage with the results work fine for getting on board? We leave out of Seattle Alaska cruise in 15 days Thanks!!
  13. Jerseygirl, we are planning to do this same drive in 2 weeks. May I ask you a few questions? How was picking up the rental car at Avis? With tendering off the ship now that the dock had the rockslide I am kind of worried it all could be a long process leading to not enough time on the Hwy. We plan to stop at the Tutshi dog sled camp also. That sounds fun! What was your total drive time from Skagway to Emerald lake and back? (I'm assuming you stopped and took pictures at multiple places along the way and also went to Carcross?) thanks for any info
  14. thanks for the map. This looks like it would be an extremely short tender. They are basically just taking you up to the front of the pier inside the small boat harbor? That is good hopefully they are getting lots of practice on this before we get there on 9/20 and will be fast and proficient!
  15. Looking for someone who has used OnPoint and which test they used with it to make it approved by the cruise line(We re cruising RCCL) We have always used emed/Navica but the onpoint option is looing attractive price wise! Dave OKC you could purchase emed/navica tests and do it once you land in Seattle with your cell phone for quick results. Have done this with no issues in MIA with my cellphone. Results show up in about 10-15minutes
  16. Panda, I am wondering how this worked out for you and if you ended up using Juneau Car Rentals? I just booked with them for a car in next month and they told me they have been able to drop the car off at the pier all season this year. To call ahead the day before when you are in port and they will verify if it will be at dock A. Anyone who has used Juneau car rental this year would like to hear your experience
  17. What has RCCL Ovation been doing this week for anyone who has docked lately? We are due there 9/20 I believe to dock a RRA...so I'm assuming we will tender to the harbor. If anyone is familiar with the town how far does this put us from walking to Avis for our rental car? Thanks
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