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Everything posted by vwrestler171

  1. From what I understand(I could be wrong), there isn't enough room for the larger ships to turn once in the port area.
  2. Its going to be worse than RCL. According to Carnival the ships will be 230,000 tons which is roughly the same size as Royals Oasis class ships which hold 6000 people. Carnival will hold 8000.
  3. I could be wrong, but I think you have to call to have them added now.
  4. You pay when you make the reservation. Too many people would make reservations and then not show up, so they started charging at time the reservation is made.
  5. They have enough on the waitlist, that they closed it. Diamonds and platinum will get their first choice and then it will go down the list to the rest of the people in the waitlist until its full or cleared
  6. Good thing they asked for your opinion and also its good that you can make the choice to not go to these.
  7. Diamond/platinum USUALLY has nothing to do with it, it's definitely from the casino. If there was a set number, EVERYONE would spend that much expecting the last minute deals.
  8. Sokath, his eyes uncovered. Seriously though, I see both sides of this argument. One could argue that people are paying for their cruises in the casino. I know people will CLAIM that they only spent $100 and are getting free cabins, but if that is true, it is the extreme minority. Most gamblers spend thousands and could get 2-3 cruises for what they pay. Casinos are not built on winners and eventually every winner will lose and the casino counts on that to make the revenue, which keeps prices lower for everyone else. I will say that I do agree with people complaining that if you are getting a free or even "extremely discounted" cabin, that it should not go towards your loyalty benefits, those should be earned by paying a good chunk of the cruise fare, maybe 50%? 75%?
  9. Movies for September won't be out until early-mid August.
  10. I don't think you realize how little Carnival budgets for feeding everyone. It's less than $10/day. Cabins are not where the ship makes money. If they're lucky they will break even on cabins for the expense of the fuel. Usually they start the sailing in the red and count on onboard revenue to make the cruise profitable.
  11. So just claim you are sick and expect a refund? I'm sure that won't be abused at all......🙄
  12. Someone asked this today on John Healds page and this was the response. So take from that whatever you want. Seems to be a 50/50 shot.
  13. I won't argue, but when people get away with it, they think it's ok to keep doing it and then act shocked when they get caught.
  14. So you weren't responsible enough to protect the financial cost of your vacation by purchasing travel insurance and are upset that Carnival didn't bail you out? The fact that you won't return to Carnivao over that says more about your character than it does about Carnival. The customer service agent was correct, Carnival MIGHT offer a token FCC, but they are not required too. There is a reason that Carnival offers travel insurance, but YOU CHOSE not to take it. That is 100% on you.
  15. Leave it to Carnival to make rules and then apply them differently in each port. Then act surprised when people can't remember what is an actual rule.
  16. Wow, I've seen people have to give their bottles up. My brother sailed from Dover and ended up losing a bottle.
  17. YTS all the way. I can still get the same waitstaff if I want, I can easily have a different waitstaff if I didn't like them. Plus if we are in port late, I can just go to dinner later and not have to rush to get ready.
  18. Usually no. In Europe they let you bring on wine in every port, but usually pre-cruise alcohol is confiscated and "destroyed"
  19. I can't believe she is still in business. Yes, there will be good, but when people see the bad and her doing everything she can to avoid the refunds, you would think she wouldn't keep getting new customers.
  20. It's not Carnival. it's the regulations they have to follow. They have to have a bed in that room for each person. Doesn't matter if they are 6 mo or 100, there has to be a berth for them. The fact you're upset that they won't break the rules for you(which could get them in trouble) says more about you than it does about them.
  21. Usually, they will change over to the next months movies. So you will likely get the August movies.
  22. I've found that it depends on how you book. I could book certain rooms online, that my PVP wasn't able to book us in due to the rooms allowing higher occupancy. Back to the OPs question. I have found that when I had 4 people in my room, I was more likely to get an upgrade(5 times and was offered an upgrade 5 times). There are far less options for 4 people so they will offer them upgrade more often to get the cheaper rooms open for others to book.
  23. The OP said it was on Celebration and was asking about Mardi Gras.
  24. Carnival Destiny 2010. We swapped port order due to 3 tropical storms in the area. Liberty which was supposed to be in 2 of the same ports as us on their 7 day cruise, missed 2 ports and only made Cozumel.
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