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Everything posted by clo

  1. "blame"????? Give me a break. More and more ports are heading in this direction.
  2. Quite a few years ago we did a partially escorted trip to Costa del Sol. Never again. It was mobbed, as you said, with European from north of there wanting to get away from the winter. It was a complete struggle to get any Spanish food. At the end of the escorted part we rented a car and visited a bunch of places, still in somewhat Southern Spain but not there. What a relief. Now understand, I don't blame them 🙂
  3. Well, we love having the morning service. We DON'T make our bed at home so it's a real treat. But if we're back in the cabin in the afternoon, we can read on the sofa or on the bed without turning back the covers.
  4. Sorry. I read that as he doesn't want to even see those things and be tempted by them.
  5. It means if a particular food is present it doesn't mean I have to eat it. I.e, rice, potatoes and bread.
  6. I'm an adult and have no problem with doing that. Sorry you do.
  7. Very, very well written. Lots of great info. We HAVE done some escorted land trips but we think those are over. Back to independent. And, yes, now that we have internet that makes it way easier. I'll always remember and smile getting into a town and finding a place to stay 🙂
  8. That is so sad. We loved BA...and I'd never known its Italian roots. Had some great food. And super nice people.
  9. Tee hee. I remember when we were on our Norwegian coastal cruise a few years ago. The ship had only 100 pax so one place to eat. And they served dinner-equivalent meals for lunch and dinner. Just too much food for me. The breakfast included meats and cheeses, so I would sneak out a piece of ham and a piece of cheese and a couple slices of bread and make myself a sandwich for lunch. I still chuckle over it.
  10. We don't make messes and we make little trash. And I tell them from day 1 not to replace towels unless we have left them on the floor. We use our towels, at home and traveling, far more than one day. It's one of those 'tree hugger' things I love doing.
  11. I'm surprised that anyone feels that way. I'm surprised that anyone wants/needs twice a day. Why do you?
  12. Excuse my ignorance. Until I checked just now I never knew that South America is considered part of Latin America. Mea culpa. And we adore South America and have been to a lot of the countries. Re Argentina, I believe it was someone on CC who said their economy has improved greatly. No more incredible $30 meals for two tourists but good for them.
  13. Well, the sofa open up and down if you're not very tall. We have what's called an "RV queen mattress." Not quite as big as a real queen. Big enough even with Hairy Red Dog but he mostly sleeps on pillows behind our heads. But sure, come on out!
  14. Maybe I can get you a stay in one of those "coaches." That's what they're called. Not ours.
  15. But it doesn't appear that OP is just wanting to discuss rather than affecting change...which isn't going to happen here.
  16. We have a small (23') motorhome and frequently park with 'coaches' twice our size. And some I'm betting cost a million bucks. And I shudder to think what MPG they get. Can you tell which one is ours?
  17. We used to have an apt. In Rio and never felt unsafe but I have long had a personal motto of 'don't be where you shouldn't be when you shouldn't be there.'
  18. Canada and the US are about the same size so I can see that.
  19. Then I'll be #2 behind you.
  20. You might be better off writing Oceania.
  21. From my olden days of working for an intl airline, if they let you board then they're 'responsible' for you. If you're not allowed in that country then they have to bring you back to the US.
  22. I would go to Asia and Europe long, long before Latin America. Or even the Caribbean or Alaska.
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