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Von & John

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Everything posted by Von & John

  1. Wow on the Princess discrimination/upcharge... Do you have to inform them which cruiseline/ship you are sailing? Very strange there's a penalty tied to one line... Can you imagine an Airport charging more for one airline over another? UGH!!! Even before C-19 most people were no longer doing that!
  2. Thanks - I have a postcard collection... 1000's & 1000's &... (or Johnny claims I have that many 🙂) Sounds like lots of fun & shouldn't take up much luggage space!
  3. For future reference - one great way to ensure your battery is functional, after a longggg trip is to disconnect the battery b/4 leaving 🙂 My first & only dead battery was jumped & replaced, in Orlando, after my first 6 months in Alaska... I didn't know better then - since then any planned trip over 30 days & I disconnect the battery.
  4. Thanks for a Fantabulous Review! Feeling a little jealous on the Galapagos Cruise - 2 of my siblings have done the Galapagos separately from each other - maybe someday...
  5. LOL - every year @ Thanksgiving/Christmas I think of the cranberries Mom used to serve... Some holidays she served Ocean Spray & some years she cooked the cranberries from scratch. Not sure how old I was when I asked her about the mold she used to create the round cranberries w/ the design... All the adults just laughed & laughed at me 😏 After dinner Mom pulled the can out of the trash to show me her mold ❤️ I've never been a cranberry sauce lover - but that memory has stuck w/ me for life... Now if you want to talk about Cranberry / Gran Marnier / Orange fruit relish/dip or High Bush Cranberry Bread, Jelly, BBQ Sauce or Icecream or White Chocolate Craisin Cookies or Craisins whole or, or, or... I'm all over it 🙂
  6. I just looked - Our last Princess cruise was on the Regal Wow all the way back to Thanksgiving 2014 & we were in a Balcony Room (A-617). We had a great time on the cruise/ship! Cheers from Talkeetna
  7. Thanks Greg for a new Live... Diving in head first - it appears the review is already up to 4 pages & I am excited to be the 80th follower. Time to actually read the first 4 pages now - I'm guessing the Party has already started w/out me 😎 Cheers -- Von
  8. What I really want to know is where can you buy a 1.5 liter top brand vodka for $16.89?
  9. 7 consecutive Sea Days - OCT/NOV 2019 - TransAtlantic - Copenhagen to New Orleans 4 was the original plan... Unfortunately due to weather, we were unable to dock in the Azores - which created 7 straight Sea Days from Cobh, Ireland to the Royal Navy Dockyard, Bermuda 6 consecutive Sea Days - SEPT 2018 - TransPacific - Vancouver - Tokyo (Yokohama), Japan Planned Sea Days between Seward, AK & Petropavlovsk / Kamchatka Peninsula / Siberia, Russia Both were Fantabulous cruises & Sea Days were filled w/ Activities & Fun!
  10. What is this postcard delivery you speak of? It sounds quite interesting...
  11. Quite possibly a difference in the way we were raised or culture... However, I have always craved salt & @ the ripe old age of 21 I found out why. My body is chronically sodium deprived - way below the normal range. I've been told to listen to my body on the salt cravings - as the amount I crave does fluctuate. Approx. 4 times I have realized I can taste sodium in Coke (Coca Cola that is)... The 2nd time it happened I was headed in for blood work - sure enough I had hit the bottom limit for entry into the normal range 🙂 I took that as a win - unfortunately it does not stay there. Other than eggs - I taste all food, prior to seasoning... For those who like/love eggs - ENJOY them anyway that makes you happy 🙂 Cheers all -- Von
  12. Charla -- Thanks for sharing your Fantabulous cruise & journey w/ Jeremy!!! I made a number of notes for the next time we are in Italy/Greece... Looking forward to your final thoughts & hope life hasn't been too overwhelming upon your return 🙂 Mine certainly impacted my ability to finish your review live - I started off great, but then life intervened & I've just finished now... Cheers -- Von
  13. Wow -- Finished my final binge... I was hoping to finish before you were off the ship! It appears I missed my goal by hours. Thanks for taking us along on an amazing 5/6 cruises (depending on how you count QE) & your stay in Barcelona... We LOVE Barcelona & have spent additional time there for our cruises starting & ending in Barcelona. Love you have all this time to enjoy w/ your Mom. 3 of my sisters & I took Mom on her first & only cruise, JAN 2001, on the Celebrity Century. We had 2 connecting cabins & my youngest sister had her 10 month old son w/ her. We created lifelong memories on that cruise! Unfortunately Mom was never able to go on another cruise & we lost her in 2007. However, she sure did recall & relive every memory from that cruise! Enjoy the time together while you have it & we ALL are looking forward to living vicariously through you on your future cruises... Cheers from Talkeetna - Von
  14. LOL -- My Mama didn't allow cutting pasta for children either... We are of the twirl on the plate clan 🙂 Johnny's family is the twirl w/ a spoon family....
  15. Good Morning -- I have truly been enjoying your review(s) sporadically, as a binge reader... I started when you were @ 70 pages or so - I am now on page 87 (your final day on QE) & you are currently up to 143. Looks like I need to find time to binge a "few" more pages - hoping to catch up b/4 your cruise home is over 😎 Your review has been Fantabulous & love you & Mom can transition from Carnival to Cunard so seamlessly... Your enjoyment of cruising & these cruises specifically shines through! Cheers - Von
  16. Travel Safe today Sid... Hope every minute that passes you start to feel better. I'd put off thinking about work until after you're home tonight. Relationships/Friendships can be challenging & the slightest comment or deviation from expectations can at times throw them helter-skelter (speaking from experience)... Don't be too hard on yourself - I challenge you to instead remember the good/great experiences/memories. I wouldn't trade my past happy memories w/ an ex (or 2 or 3...), even though we parted ways many years ago... Cheers to the upcoming Tribe Cruise - You are All going to have an amazing time!!!! New memories to be made w/ Friends 🙂 Cheers
  17. @sid_9169 Wishing you an Amazing final 24 Hours or so... Jumping on the Champagne Share Wagon.... I believe in the 3 C's of Life: Coke, Chocolate & Champagne 🙂 (Coca Cola that is for all of you with your minds elsewhere) Forget about us, the review & all the PIA's around - Go Out & ENJOY Yourself! Cheers from Talkeetna
  18. Woo Hoo On-Board... This Cruise is really happening - Thanks for Taking us along.. Remember - "Semi-Live" or "Limited" Review Enjoy your time together - we can all wait a few minutes for updates! We'll be here for any crumbs you may throw our way 🙂 Cheers
  19. Fantastic Photos & Walk-About... Memories of our last MIA Visit - Panama Canal Cruise in April 🙂 Thanks for my Work Break - catch up to the rest @ the end of the day Cheers to You & JinxyB arriving tomorrow
  20. Charla - Fabulous way to travel!! Maybe someday… We have enjoyed lay flat business class rarely - but Flagship looks like a whole other world. Enjoy your time in Rome!!
  21. Woo Hoo... A Sid (w/ JinxyB) Review! Have a FANTABULOUS Cruise on this "Semi-Live" Enjoy first & share w/ us later 🙂 Can't wait - 12 hours into the review & we are already up to page 4 So excited - I posted w/out reading any of the pages. Will now go back & read... Cheers -- Von & John
  22. Charla - so looking forward to another Fantabulous Cruise!!! Enjoy those Special Seats Happy Birthday Jeremy Cheers - Von & John
  23. Looking forward to your Live We sailed TransPacific on the Jewel 2018 - 19 Days Vancouver up through Alaska to Petropavlovsk, Russia to Japan - ending in Yokohama. Loved it!! Enjoy Your Trip Cheers - Von
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