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Von & John

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Everything posted by Von & John

  1. @ColdCruise We truly live in Talkeetna - well really 4 miles out off The Spur... Are you talking about Payo's or My Mom's Thai? Payo's also had a small campground behind it. Husband & Wife ran it - Payo (Wife) was the Chef. They retired & moved south for the warmth... The property sold - but Payo's was closed. This summer another small Food Truck opened - but not Thai Food. My Mom's Thai used to be w/in a group of builidings. They've moved out to the "Y" - the junction of The Park's Hwy & Talkeetna Spur Rd. Both had good food! Loved Stir Fried Rice @ Payo's - would purchase extra at the end of the summers to freeze & enjoy later @ leisure. Glad to hear you enjoyed your time in Talkeetna - Alaska kind of grabs you & Talkeetna grabbed Johnny & I... Our Funky Little Town @ the end of the road 🙂 Cheers -- Von & John
  2. Thanks for a fabulous review & finish!!! It's been a few years since we've been to Barcelona & we truly enjoyed reliving through your eyes... The cruise was amazing - during our transatlantic in 2019 we missed the Azores due to weather, we circled a couple of times & then continued across the ocean. You are a great story teller you intermingle the facts & photos w/ the side notes, snarkiness, jokes & sarcasm... Love it! Happy Holidays from Talkeetna! Cheers -- Von & John
  3. Thanks for an Amazing Live Review... Even if I saw it in Rerun timing! It's been great & your time/effort are very much appreciated Cheers -- Von
  4. You can call in for an adjustment w/in the first week or so (not sure how long the timeframe was)... Last year our TA couldn't figure out how to do it (fairly new then) - NCL fixed it for us
  5. Hugs to the pups & kitties... Thanks for a fabulous Live Review! We enjoy the pictures & descriptions almost as much as the laughter & sarcasm 🙂 Cheers -- Von
  6. @mking8288 Thanks for an Amazing Live Review! We loved being right there with you... Sad to hear you've had to cancel the next leg. Hope life treats you & your family well!!! Cheers -- Von
  7. Absolutely expensive for the neighbors 🙂 We keep both Kitty & Pup Treats in bowls @ the front door... It's quite possible we may also buy toys for them. They come looking for us & sit @ the front door until we come out. Some bark or Meow Mabel, one of two former British Mastiff's who are no longer w/ us, used to sit & wait. She'd let out one big Woof if neither of us noticed her in a timely manner. Mabes was one of the Loves of my Life - I miss her, Moose & Murray constantly! Even though they rarely spend the night with us - they certainly are still part of the family! These days we have: Pups - Bandit, Smokey (Bandit's son), Molly, Goose, Asha & Roxie Kitties - Chitlin (aka "Lit'l *****), Kaladi (aka Latte) & Myrtle Now the Peeps should not feel left out... We have Twin (2 sets - 9 & 4)) appropriate treats always available in their personal treat spot, and Beer, Vodka, a Seltzer or 2 & Champagne chilled for everyone else.
  8. We always want cats or dogs... But you have to be home on a regular basis to take care of them... Luckily for us we have 6 neighborhood dogs & 3 cats who all come to our house for treats & love and believe they belong to us 🙂
  9. OK -- had to look again... Similar to a White Russian... Once again - I lived in Colorado for a few years - Crested Butte & Aurora and do not remember ever hearing of a Colorado Bulldog I will have to try one sometime - Galliano is not something I usually stock @ home Maybe on future cruise 🙂 And I've made it to page 51
  10. OK -- new one to me & I lived in Corpus for a few years... Sounds Absolutely YUMMM Ranch Water - on my list to make as soon I've purchased some Tequila... "Someone" drank the last of it
  11. So Basically... You're beating Mom @ finding the most ducks this cruise... The fact she's not on the ship is irrelevant - You are still WINNING 🙂 Love that you plan to hide them @ Mom's House!
  12. Thanks for an overall fabulous review... Your zest for life / enjoyment & enthusiasm shined through the entire time! As I've mentioned on the hashbrown threads... "Hashbrowns" vs. Breakfast Potatoes should be: Fresh shred hashbrowns - scattered, smothered & covered or in my case - fresh shreds - scattered & covered w/ sharp cheddar or aged havarti 🙂 Cheers & Thanks Again for sharing your cruise -- Von
  13. @schmoopie17 We need fresh shred hasbrowns scattered, smothered & covered! Or in my case - scattered & covered w/ sharp cheddar or aged havarti
  14. 🙂 I am sure for others as well... Personally I noticed b/c I recall biting into the 3rd triangle & couldn't eat anymore. Johnny finished it off for me - so there was no waste 🙂 In my case - the 1/2 sandwich should be just about right...
  15. Costa / Carnival Venezia... @bmwman @Jamman54 not too long ago finished uploading his Fantabulous Review!
  16. Henry -- it looks like the Monte Cristo is now only 1/2 Sandwich... Did you request a 1/2? In April/May it was a full sandwich (too much for me - but a full) This was on the SUN (MIA to SEA through Panama Canal), not Prima
  17. Love the retrieve my Room Service Tray!! Can the other Cruise Lines Adopt @ least this portion of the Technology...
  18. A little late to the party - but all caught up! First cruise off to a great start & a huge spirit lifter to those of us from the Cold, Sun-Deprived, Snowy North... Von Boyage & Cheers from Talkeetna - Von
  19. No Hashbrowns is just wrong... As I noted on @cruiseny4life Live'ish review - slightly revised... You're on the Prima - Just ask them to whip you up some Fresh Scattered, Smothered & Covered... No smothered for me - Either way - enjoy! Please sure to ask them to properly season the fresh potato shreds... We enjoyed amazing Rösti yesterday @ the Swiss Alaska Inn in Talkeetna 🙂
  20. Jeff & Patti - Fabulous Review & Amazing Photos!!! Thanks for sharing your Cruise with us - we need a little something to keep us going... Both pictures & words provide us all the ability to be right their with you!!! Thanks Again -- Von
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