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Wishing on a star

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Everything posted by Wishing on a star

  1. Thanks for the reminder on the Salt and Pepper on the table! Note to self: stock up on little to-go packets of salt.
  2. I have not logged into Princess, as many have, to check their bookings and info. Something told me to just stay away, lay low, until this all is resolved. I see the earlier post about being logged in... Like that might affect whether your account could have (accidentally) been viewed by somebody else. Can anybody give any more info on that? Could there be truth to this?
  3. We do not frequent the buffet, but I have to say that I, as a wanna-be foodie, like to visit the buffet and try a little of this and a little of that. One time, lunch ended up being mostly desserts! I like to be able to take just the portion and section that I like. Just don't feel free to do that when everything is pre-plated. I like fruit and berries... try getting that, and not a lot of cheap melon, on a pre-portioned fruit bowl/plate. A good percentage of what is 'served' would def. not be eaten. Nothing seems more gross where a buffet isn't even set up to promote cleanliness. Tongs that are laying out all over the food.. Ewwwww. I haven't been on the Sun yet. So, I will see how that is at some point!
  4. Serving utensils on the buffet line are not usually how air-borne illness' spread. Unless you are one to actually rub your eyes/nose etc. It is utterly amazing to see how many people still do this, or lick wayward food/grease/juice off their fingers. I won't say anything more about face masks.... I do think we will bring the disposable gloves... And we always have sanitizer wipes. Haven't been caught without those since the dreaded pandemic. I do hope that this cold/cough/covid thing subsides before we travel again!!!!
  5. Ohhhh My..... Princess.... once again... this is not okay. I am not going to go online and do anything, as long as there are still reports of problems. A gazillion people are all probably going crazy, trying different things, again and again.
  6. They seem to hold some availability back until onboard.. We have been 'squeezed in' later in the evening. Right now, on one upcoming sailing, Crown Grill is showing NO availability, at all. Retired - The amount you pay in advance for that dining IS refundable - just to clarify again. Hope you enjoy your cruise on Princess!
  7. The reservations can be changed over to refundable OBC when onboard. ( refundable would be something paid for by YOU, not a perk from some other source, which are usually not refundable.) I you have any unused refundable OBC at the end of the cruise, you can have Princess send a check to refund this to you after the cruise. Yes, a hassle and maybe should not be this way, but this is how it has worked. If you have NON-refundablele OBC, you might want to make sure that this amount is used up before any refundable amount. If you have made reservations for dates and times you want, and the restaurant(s) are getting booked up, you will NOT want to cancel those. We upgraded to Premium Package, which will cover two Specialty Dining upcharges. I think we, too, will have to handle this when onboard... We might or might not have any unused OBC at the end of the cruise. You could also get the Premium Package if you plan to dine twice at Specialty Dining. You would have to do the math, depending on if you enjoy alcoholic beverages, coffee drinks, more than one device on WIFI, etc... You have to do the math to see if this any benefit to you.
  8. Born to dance is not quite as flashy with the special effects and sets. It is a true nod to the history of broadway and the choreographers and dancers. That might help you decide between this and the other shows.
  9. CruisingFox, About the tenders... yes, the initial rush can be a factor... Sometimes it is more of a factor than others. Not always a big deal. You should be fine if you are ready to go, and get your tender tickets early that morning. Of course, usually tenders run back and forth thru the day. For a newbie, perhaps somebody can confirm that you do have to show up, in person... Do they ask that all members of your party be there to get tickets. (It has been a while since we have tendered at a port where it is busy.) You are probably picking up a lot of info here. But if you have any other questions about boarding, dining, packages, etc. Just post a new thread and ask!
  10. I am curious... are you looking to sail soon, or after the dry-dock?
  11. I do not know what that term means, but it seems unnecessary and derogatory. Wake, If you are not traveling with children, then a different vacation might be in order. We all know that the short cruises during family breaks are very different. Even on Princess. Luckily I am able to cruise off-season. And have had good experiences. Maybe a longer sailing, or a different cruise line? We have done nice resorts and even all -adult resort. I understand how your experience was... and do not question your feedback. And, yes, there was a time when it was not this way on Princess. On some ships/sailings Carnival has devolved from Party Ship to booze cruise and fights onboard. ( I understand that they are trying to address this.) I have seen reports that even Celebrity, now sailing short sailings in the Caribbean, including private island, is more like Carnival used to be and Princess can sometimes be today. Even traveling off-season, Princess and nice upscale resorts $400. to $600. per night, non-inclusive. I have noticed a very real difference. I do not like it, but seems that things are different. Not just on Princess or other cruise lines, but everywhere. A much different vibe, in how people dress, even during school months tons of kids around 7 and under. On a recent Princess cruise, two 5 year olds were encouraged to run wild and turn the dance floor in the Piazza into a playground, during the later evening entertainment. Actually interfering with the performance. Ugggghhh. While it is beyond our pay-grade, the kind of vibe and experience you are hoping for seems to come at a significantly higher price.
  12. Journey, That is amazing!!!! I love Alfredo's! I don't think the version of Veal Pockets that I had is the one that most are familiar with. I have heard of it being changed, or different versions. Of course I am no expert on 'Italian'... But maybe this dish is from the region (Emilia) that the restaurant in Rome, Colline Emeliane serves. (forgive me if I show my ignorance!)
  13. I have heard of, and seen, different variations on the veal pasta pockets. Finally tried it on Regal... and it was the version that was like little tiny square ravioli. It was good, but was I wowed... no... being from the. south, beef and gravy have been common. And, the version of the veal on Regal tasted more like that than what most would think of 'Italian'. This veal pasta option is not on the menu on the Sun. I could still go to Alfredos several times and try different Pizzas and dishes!!!
  14. Retired, I had considered the wakeview area as well. But, then realized how limited this is in size. Not sure how the different options would actually compare? I do know that I see comments, and more comments, and pictures that show that little wakeview pool just packed, often with kids.
  15. Thanks! for your extensive review! I would like to hear more specifics, at some time, about the things you enjoy more on the other three cruise lines, that make you put them ahead, for you and your family. We are looking at Enchanted for next year, so all comments are appreciated! Note: Is there not another review, perhaps from the sailing before you boarded, that has a quite different point of view. It would be interesting to know if your experience ever matched what they noticed that they did not like.
  16. OMG!!!! an adult-diaper... NO... I will not post what is going thru my head!!!! HAHAHAHA! I do think and hope that the new dining system also involves three dress-codes that are enforced. This might help with these disagreements. But, then again, there will still be the entitled and disrespectful hold-outs that want traditional white table cloth and full service dining, in shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. Uggghhhh.
  17. Looking forward to your final report! We have been able to travel with one large suitcase and two carry-on bags. One for each of us. DH has piggybacked his carry-on on the larger spinner-wheel suitcase.... We have not had a problem... But if the elevators are necessary, maybe the line when we have been there has not been too long? I don't remember where it was, but I remember hearing stories, like a child that was carrying one small item was not allowed to get on the escalator (yes, really) as the adult had stepped on and was being whisked away. So, good to be aware!
  18. About the kids in the Dome, but not the Terrace... I thought of that too. My thoughts are that Princess, as it seems to do, is changing things around and doing 'trials'. Flying by the seat of their pants. Reactionary instead of any leadership. Depending on the number of kids onboard, I would be happy if they created one, non-negotiable, adult area on either the Port or Starboard side. Just guessing that this could easily be done with signage and a few types of barriers???? This wouldn't create a huge division between the adults and the open area. But, IMHO, would be better than nothing. Do I not remember some initial PR that the Dome at night, and the evening events held there, might be adult only? There was even talk about a 'Miami Beach' vibe? Not sure this materialized at all. Like SO many other things. (shaking my head... way past eye-rolling) I had actually hoped they would do this and add some updated 'excitement' onboard. This is more than an identity crises..... This seems like a 'corporate' crisis of huge proportions.
  19. Just out of curiosity.. to those who post that their kids were happy without an area like Park 19 and found plenty to do. What did they enjoy doing while onboard???
  20. Thank you so much Dides. I so appreciate your keeping on top of information! We are all indebted to you for your efforts. I will be looking forward to this if Princess continues to do this! Maybe, just the Port or Starboard side, if they do not always do this with the entire area?
  21. I have seen no indication, at all, that the Seaview and/or Dome are adult only. I have seen mentions of the kids in that small indoor/outdoor pool. Should Princes have some open adult only area.. Yes. Do they, at this time. It does not seem so.
  22. I have heard that some think that the new three tiered dining program will not only have three different types of dining. (Traditional, Reservation, Walk-in) but will also involve three different levels of dress-code. This might actually be a good way to address the snobs-vs-slobs differences. Wakepatrol, I am sorry to hear about these 'less-than' aspects of your cruise. I think that there is some truth to the idea that the time of year and the itinerary make a very noticeable difference. We also ONLY vacation/cruise when it is not the middle of summer, holidays, or other overcrowded busy 'family' vacation times. Our experience has not been what you describe. (Even so, the last few vacations, even off-season, the number of kids, many below school age, is just incredible. I do not know why families with children do not choose more family friendly vacations. The one thing that would bother me, and I would not want to simply look the other way... your description of the pools.
  23. Princess has removed reference to these things at Park 19 on their Deck Plans. THAT, my friends, I believe for now, is their public announcement. Have to CYA against any 'fraudulent promises/advertising'. That is what I have been thinking. Ohhhhh my..... As mentioned, this is not the first major mistake/change-up with this ship. We now have a ship arriving to FLL and the Caribbean in October, during school's Fall Break, with NO family/kids area, and NO open adult area. This has taken away and destroyed the last tiny bit of any brand loyalty that I might have had for this cruise line. NOTE: I personally would be cancelling any 'family' cruise with kids. That is the last thing that Princess wants to happen. But, for me, the fewer kids onboard a ship like the Sun, the better. How to dismantle all of this... As mentioned, the TA will not be possible. I would not think so. and for safety reasons, etc... this whole area, the aft of the ship, would have to be cleared. My question is this... Are they going to begin this in Europe? Wait until the ship arrives to FLL? Could they manage to do this demo during the few days when this is an exclusive TA/VIP cruise planned, before Oct. 14?
  24. Thank you! Hope they are doing a good job estimating how many seats they need to reserve. We have Premier for the first time on our upcoming cruise, and this will be nice.
  25. There is a $14.99, one time per cruise, fee to cover the room service when you don't have a package, correct... Ocean Now... Just want to avoid any confusion.
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