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Everything posted by Pushka

  1. Given that testing isn't mandatory, thank goodness, then knowing the numbers onboard is pretty much meaningless. Having had Covid last year, and being symptomless I am happy to move on. If you are prepared to go on a cruise then catching any manner of illness, be it gastro or flu or covid, is just a part of the risk. Covid is here to stay. Influenza is here to stay. How much longer can extreme measures like mandatory testing be in place? Wear a mask if you want but in reality that won't stop you catching covid. Or flu. It just minimises the risk. In many countries now, seasonal influenza is much more prevalent than Covid but no one cares to know.
  2. I'm looking forward to 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀. The only place requiring it in SA is some doctors surgeries.
  3. Is any of the mobile phone info relevant for Viking only ships, and isn't relevant for anyone not living in US.
  4. Viking just requires vaccination of primary dosage and that's it. No masks required for crew and passengers unless the local ports require it. So effectively in the NH no other protocol. Son and DIL recently cruised on Cunard in the UK to Amsterdam and no Covid protocols. People could test if they had symptoms and then would be required to isolate but there was no forced testing.
  5. I also have a river cruise and cancelled one of those excursions and it's been a month and nothing yet. Yet another refund arrived very quickly. I'll call in a few weeks.
  6. I'll call Viking Monday but recently cancelled an excursion on our May 5 Ocean cruise. Instead of going back to the credit card, it now appears in MVJ as a negative amount in my account (obviously I've paid for the cruise in full). I thought it might go towards payment of another excursion on that cruise, which I booked yesterday, but that amount shows as a pending amount on my credit card so clearly not used for future excursions. Is this a glitch or usual practise? I can't see any shipboard credits or vouchers in MVJ. I thought the refund would go back to original form of payment. Will I be able to access this money on the cruise? Although other than massages I don't think I'd use it all ($430 AUD) and we have already purchased SSP and gratuities. Help?
  7. Yep I'm in a DV so good news! Choice of days wasn't too bad either.
  8. This week we were able to book a table for two in both restaurants. They did open up a few hours earlier than what was stated.
  9. Sweet Caroline is used in many Australian National sporting competitions as well.
  10. Prices in Australia anyway have been put up and another price increase on April 1 direct from Viking.
  11. It will be stated on the Invoice from Viking AUS in the Terms PDF. Ah. Just saw your update. Forget it then. Promotional Amenities Pre-Paid Onboard Gratuities
  12. The tiny dots in the water on the left? Sea lions. This glacier was spectacular. And as for the Orcas, humpbacks, puffins, seals, birds....what a day. This was early June.
  13. Aussie and UK bookings are all priced so that tips are included so not a choice to pre pay. They just are. I'm curious to know whether the stateroom crew know that we have paid or is it assumed that everyone will pay, just at a different time. Obviously the tips hadn't increased when we booked our next cruise, which was Covid Covid cancelled but now happening in May.
  14. The one thing I like about the Abba and Beatles productions is that many people go to them and it leaves the Explorer lounge blissfully quiet for us to enjoy drinks and admire the scenery. The bar crew aren't so busy so we can get to know them and it's a lovely time onboard. And then, the crowd hits.
  15. We did it independently. It was fabulous. On our disembark day on Orion. Viking held our luggage as the train to anchorage leaves in the afternoon. Cheaper to do it independently and through major marine at the dock
  16. As a previous cruiser with Viking that needs to be passed on to them. I understand issues of supply but with this itinerary in Australia there is no excuse for poor quality. Lamb is very expensive in Australia though.
  17. Can you set up your camera to take both RAW and jpg at the same time to reduce the work? Also just taking a snip from the bottom edge of each photo reduces size considerably.
  18. Blew us away! We weren't told it was going to happen until an hour beforehand because stuff can happen.
  19. It's a very popular holiday experience to do three or four day trips from one capital to another. My first one was on QM2 from Adelaide to Melbourne to Sydney. On the way we passed this magnificent vessel. They set off a cannonball and we blasted with our horn. This was my movie And this was from The Endeavour. I can see me when it zooms in. Huzzah!
  20. They go to Bali so it can be declared Duty Free. Most Australian cruises don't touch international soil.
  21. I don't think it's the same. There's sometimes a stop in Bali or similar so that goods purchased (alcohol etc) are duty free. But the majority of cruises are internal to Australia. So Aus port to Aus port only.
  22. I know this exists in the USA but why does it?
  23. Today reservations showed up for our cruise in May. I was able to select the two reservations for Manfredis and Chefs Table and did so just because I could. I might cancel these before we set sail anyway. Was able to book a table for 2 with most times available being a reasonable time of 7.30pm. Of course there was no option to select a night on any sea day, which comprises half the trip. So I booked the port that has the earlier departure. We like the sail away toast on an open deck. It doesn't bother me if we don't go to these at all, we enjoy the buffet, and the restaurant. It will be a hot weather cruise anyway with long excursions so usually appetite isn't that great.
  24. Not at all like this. We are flying in on the day the extension trip starts, we have booked our own air, and transport to the Viking Hotel is included so that's what we will do. We will notify Viking and will not have to pay any extra as it's already stated in our booking it's included. However I do not consider it in any way unethical if people have purchased the extension, notify Viking they will be at the arrival airport on the day the extension starts, and will likewise use the included transportation. Viking are well aware they are not booking my flights. They gave me a price that did not include Air. And the transport for the extension is included and stated on my booking reference. THAT is their policy. So anything to do with Air is moot and irrelevant.
  25. Well, I haven't been asked for flight details for my collection at the airport just an expected arrival time. I am flying in on the right day anyway but I don't see the issue. Viking did not book my flights. The Policy is only there to ensure that people understand they won't be collected on any day other than the day the extension starts.
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