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    Naperville, IL
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    Holland America Line
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    Alaska and Hawaii

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  1. It is good to know where the fleet is on this September day, Thank you for the report, The Alaska season is in the final weeks.
  2. I was sorry to learn of this. Prayers for all affected by the landslide.
  3. Thanks for the Daily Rich. Dubrovnik is a very beautiful city. I was first there in 1985.
  4. Rivh Thank you for the fleet information. The Summer is going too quickly.
  5. Well and busy. was in medjugoria for the youth fest in early August.
  6. Thanks for the report. By the way I like French Onion soup,
  7. Jacqui: I had to cancel my October 27 cruise on the Rotterdam. Please delete me from this cruise. Thank You Himself
  8. You are right Roy. I was on the Eurodam a few weeks ago and the place was too crowded It was difficult to walk down Franklin Street.
  9. Thanks for the report as we celebrate 248th anniversary of the Declaration of Independance from England. Happy 4th of July.
  10. The Westerdam is docked under the mount Roberts Tram Way and The Nieuw Amsterdam was docked Ketchikan before 6:30 AM
  11. Last week, when I was in Juneau, we docked on a sunny day with temperatures in the mid sixty’s. Today it is fifty four and cloudy. I am glad I was there last week!
  12. Last week I was on the sail in, this week I hope to watch the sail in.
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