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Everything posted by TravelGirlinDallas

  1. Your sons are so handsome. I know you are very proud of them. I'm so sorry that your family will be separated as your son and his family seek a safer home in another country. 😞
  2. Retirement isn't happening anytime soon here, either. Still have a young teen to put through college, which will be here before we know it.
  3. Brian posted these pics from the College World Series on social media yesterday, and the caption ended with: “Many things bring fathers and sons together, but few do it as well as baseball.” ❤️❤️❤️ And here they are at church yesterday:
  4. It is 81* in my office at work today so far. The A/C has been repaired a bunch of times in the last month, but it broke again last week. Parts are on order (again).
  5. It does sound delicious, but I will miss the strawberry soup. Maybe they will have it another night.
  6. oof straight sulphur! I drank the sulphur water out of that Fountain of Youth in St. Augustine many years ago in my 20s, and I'm very disappointed to say that it DID NOT work. 😠
  7. And speaking of Vegas, when I worked at SWA, my friends and I went there often since back then it was easy to hop on a plane flying standby and there was no need to rent a car. Those were the days when the slots dispensed actual coins that we carried around in large plastic cups provided by the casinos. The paper receipts just aren't the same. One of my friends called Barbary Coast the "Buttery Toast", so that's what I always think of. Of course most of those old places are gone now. I didn't realize Monte Carlo was now something else until Andrew's posts. Brian and I renewed our vows in Vegas for our 10th anniversary in 2016 at the chapel in Excalibur. That was really fun. He had never been before.
  8. Speaking of stoves, first, so glad @mo&fran's wife is OK! We just had our gas line extended to the kitchen so we can replace our very old electric stove with gas while you can still buy them. Our house had gas for every appliance EXCEPT the stove. Who would do that?? Anyway, a plumber had to run the line from the attic down the exterior of the house and then back under the cabinet where the cooktop goes on top. $$$$$$$. Now to buy the stove. Since our setup has a downdraft fan instead of a vent hood, and the footprint is only 30", we are limited to only about 3 choices. We need to order it ASAP.
  9. Sorry I've been scarce lately. I've been so busy and going through some things. I turned 50 at the end of May. 😭 Then a couple of weeks later, Andrew turned 13. He was just a tiny baby yesterday. So while trying to plan Andrew's birthday party(ies) and keep things somewhat normal at home, I'm still working through this merger at work, having to travel out of town multiple times for training, dealing with both the workload as well as the emotional stuff of everything changing and lots of people/friends leaving or being relocated. Our Allure cruise next month can't come soon enough, because I really need to get away for a minute. Brian and Andrew are driving to Omaha tomorrow (9-10 hours) to see TCU play in the College World Series on Friday. This is a bucket list experience for Brian and it's so awesome that he gets to take this trip with his son on Father's Day weekend. I am so happy they get to do this together and that Andrew is old enough for it to be a real "dudes' trip". Andrew just got home from camp last night, and his reaction when Brian told him they were going was priceless.
  10. Did you tell her to stop touching your stuff and get lost?
  11. Same here! I remember being AMAZED by everything. Even though later I realized that ship was small and worn-out by the time I sailed her in 2001, on my first cruise I was so impressed - and totally hooked on cruising. Back then, the waiters danced with flaming baked Alaskas on their heads. I tried escargot for the first (and last) time. The behind-the-scenes ship tour was free, and we loved it. Great memories.
  12. The same person for the second time?? Or just the second time it happened?
  14. When we were on the Parking Spot North shuttle last week on our way to FL, a lady got on and asked to be taken to the SWA terminal. 😱 She could hardly believe it when the driver explained that she needed to be at a different airport right then. She wanted him to take her over there. No.... I still wonder if she and her daughter made their flight.
  15. Wishing you a perfect trip and no more airline shenanigans! Have such a fun time!!
  16. What are you interested in doing in Progreso? We are going there on Breeze in November. 100% agree.
  17. That is a gorgeous ship. Really enjoying the review and all of the pics.
  18. This is what we have always done. We'll never earn loyalty anywhere. We are sailing Princess, Royal, and Carnival in 2023.
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