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Everything posted by TravelGirlinDallas

  1. I'm sorry to hear this. I know I read recently that they had placed her in hospice care. 😞
  2. The photo of you and Sakari at the very end is just beautiful. I'm so glad you are back cruising again! Really enjoyed the review.
  3. I saw a lady with a full leg tattoo today, and I started wondering… is a leg sleeve called β€œpants”? Please tell me it’s called tattoo pants. πŸ˜‚
  4. I love afternoon tea! My favorite is the tea at the Peabody Hotel in Memphis, which I enjoyed many times since my grandparents lived in Memphis. Other favorite experiences were the Empress Hotel in Victoria and Harrod’s in London. My husband plans a tea date for us every year as my Christmas present for the last ten years. He usually alternates between a fancy hotel like the Adolphus and one with more country charm. Last year’s was at the Crescent in Dallas. This past year’s was at the Ashton in Fort Worth. Crescent Hotel Edith’s Bistro Chocolate Angel Dallas Arboretum
  5. Far Side and Calvin & Hobbes were always my faves. I have several compilation books of both and Andrew is now enjoying them.
  6. We will be on the cruise directly before the President's cruise. Hopefully, the ship will be in extra great shape as they prepare for the bigwigs to board the day we disembark! πŸ™‚
  7. This happened to us, too. The AirTag notification kept warning us that my bag was still at the terminal as the ship was sailing away. It was a tense hour and a half before the bag did indeed arrive. I guess when the bag is deep in the hold of the ship, it can't ping any iPhones nearby to update its location.
  8. Here is a photo of King George V and Queen Mary wearing the same crowns. Back then, they looked to be of similar height. I wonder why they made it taller for Camilla? Seems like they could have adjusted it to fit her larger head without making it so tall. Interesting. Edited to add: I also noticed that they removed the pieces going upward from the fleur de lis, so that Camilla's version only has 4 of those upward points.
  9. I live near Bonnie as well as @George C. I have been to that mall several times. I can't comprehend what causes that much hate in someone's heart to randomly kill a bunch of strangers. Maybe a sick desire for fame.
  10. ❀️ Thank you! I feel like I've aged, though. πŸ˜‚ I did wear a tiara that day! 😁 No kidding! It doesn't feel like it's been that long. Thank you, you are too kind. THANK YOU to all! I very much appreciate the well-wishes. ❀️ Brian and I met in our 30s and were just so grateful to finally find each other. We still feel that way. We celebrated last night at a Brazilian steakhouse in Dallas called 12 Cuts. @Tree_skier has actually been there, back when it had a different owner. It was lovely.
  11. Absolutely lovely! I always love seeing pictures of your beautiful home. I very much enjoyed watching the coronation today. My only disappointment was the king requested that the ladies not wear their tiaras, which I would have loved to see.
  12. The original Celebration was my very first cruise in 2001. Your pics brought back great memories!!
  13. A month ago, Andrew fell and bent his wrist backwards while playing soccer. The swelling was an odd shape, and the pain level was high. We attempted to go to urgent care for a quick x-ray, but they were already closed (at 8:00 p.m., seriously??). So off to the ER we went - because the last time we blew off an injury and did the "wait and see", he actually had a bad fracture. So yeah. We were "those people". No break this time, so I guess they all probably thought we were stupid for going in, but we didn't want to make that mistake again.
  14. @mitsugirly How are Kendra and your other kids and grandkids doing? It's been a while since you've traveled with the whole crew.
  15. Josh was still on the program at least through last season. I'm not sure if he's featured in this new season or not. Several years ago, he bought the Cornelia Marie, and he now is the "co-captain" with another youngish guy named Casey McManus. Casey appears to do most of the actual captain stuff and Josh just sits beside him in the wheelhouse. He has a young daughter now, but she hasn't been featured on the show. They did do a spin-off show in Hawaii but were also still involved in Alaska crab fishing. Jake has been in and out of rehab & jail for drug issues.
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