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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. I haven't watched them yet. If I'm not going to get "credit", I don't need to watch them yet. 🤣
  2. We're less than a week from sailing. Where in the app does the safety video that you have to watch appear? In "Safety Information", I see our muster number and a link to find it on the deck plan. Then there's a video for Life Jacket Instructions, an audio file of the Emergency signal, and a video for "Additional Safety tips". Is there a "master video" we're supposed to watch? Thank you
  3. Something else that isn't brought up much (if at all)... many will say "when you add the specialty coffees, bottled water, juices, etc, it's easy to get your money's worth." BUT, all of those are also available with the refreshment package. From what I've been seeing the difference between the refreshment & DBP is ~$50/day. Assuming $15 (including tip)/alcoholic drink, and you need to average 3.33 ALCOHOL drinks every day to make the package "worth it". Now, some may say 3 drinks and the extra $5 is part of the "all inclusive feel".
  4. And that's different than going to a sporting event/concert? A restaurant? An airplane? The movies? Please explain how the cruise is that different. People are travel on busses and subways presumably also.
  5. I doubt you're standing next to the same person on the cruise ship for a significant amount of time.
  6. What do you want to see? Do you want to look at the port while docked? Select Starboard (not a guarantee, but the majority of the time they'll dock on the Starboard side of the ship). If you want the chance to see land while you cruise by, look at the itinerary and figure out what side of the ship you want.
  7. This is not a guarantee, but one thing you can try... Install (if you haven't already) the app on your phone. Click the person icon at the top. It should take you to your profile. Under the cruise you're scheduled for, click "Select a different sailing" Toward the bottom of the page click "Get more details on ships we support" Select the Ship you are sailing Click the date for a sailing with your identical itinerary (might need to go online to find that out). Click "Daily Planner" You can now scroll through each day (filter for just entertainment if you'd like) to find out the schedule. That will give you an idea. There's no guarantee things won't change, but I would think the main production shows would stay similar. Yes, it's a very clunky way of doing it.
  8. We had MTD when we signed on for our upcoming cruise (next week). I was able to go into the planner and pick dining times. We had 7p every night except one on an 8 day cruise. This was set up months in advance, and done online. Based on the posts regarding long waits to get into MTD even with reservations, we changed to early traditional dining. Now, when I selected our MTD dining time, the earliest possibility was 6:45. I still don't understand why that is, and it's a moot point now, but I WAS able to schedule a set dining time. Whether that would have worked once on board, I don't know.
  9. I didn't care for it. Watched it on Disney+. While I thought the King was humorous, I felt the music was all the same. And I had a hard time understanding the words. Casting never factored into it.
  10. Funny that you didn't quote my next sentence... the odds of losing a passport, while small, are higher than needing the passport. THATs my (and guessing others) concern about keeping the passport with them... the chance of losing it. And sure, one can say "I'll never lose my passport." Good for them. The risk doesn't outweigh the reward IMO.
  11. Google "proctored covid test for travel". There's a bunch out there. As I said in post #3, we're using rapidtestandtrace.com.
  12. The government sent us the iHealth ones. We're planning on using them for our tests with Rapidtestandtrace.com. If you do use them, they'll need to be proctored.
  13. In your 40 years of travel, how often have you HAD to use your passport while off the ship? Camera will get used. Credit Card will probably be used. ID (DL) will be used. Passport? Hopefully not. So what do you gain by carrying it? And, of the above, what's more difficult to replace? What would cause a bigger issue if it gets lost/stolen? In my opinion, the odds of NEEDING a passport while "out and about" (whether from a cruise ship or hotel) are infinitesimal. The odds of losing (whether stolen or not) the passport, while small, are still larger than needing it. Therefore, for me, it stays in the safe. This applies for cruises or hotel stays.
  14. Oh, I don't have a problem if people don't like CATS. I don't think anyone should go see any show "out of respect for the performers". You should go see a show because you think you might like it. If you don't like it, leave (hopefully without disturbing the cast or other audience members). It's all the "Disappointed with Royal Caribbean" and "worst show ever" and all the other multitude of posts complaining about the show I don't get. Personally, I like the music of CATS. And I haven't seen it in over 30 years. OK, it doesn't have a plot (at least not much of one). I still liked the music.
  15. I don't get all the drama over a show. So you don't like it, that's fine. Why there are so many threads about not liking it is beyond me. I don't like bingo. You know what? I don't go. I don't like art auctions. You know what? I don't go. I'm not interested in dance classes. You know what? I don't go.
  16. Well poop. Hoping they get it together in the next two weeks, but not holding my breath.
  17. And how did boarding go yesterday? Did they enforce boarding times?
  18. We got these for our upcoming cruise: https://www.amazon.com/10-Pack-Standard-Thickness-Specialist/dp/B01GLOUR6K/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=N8XGVOI51U2W&keywords=gripper+card+holder&qid=1656976559&s=office-products&sprefix=gripper+card+holder%2Coffice-products%2C82&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExUDlDSEk5SDIxWlhKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTM2Nzc1M0RUTTA2NUYzUVZJVSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUExMDQ1NDg1MjFVS1JRSUYyT1haVyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= Hoping we don't need to go to GS to get holes punched, but that's our backup. These should work for RFID cards too. Just a little over $1/holder.
  19. Not even close. The fight on Navigator was inside & outside Cafe Promonade. The one on the Carnival ship looked like it was on a dance floor.
  20. I read PP as saying the government (and therefore everyone else via taxes) should cover the cost of testing for travel.
  21. Honestly, I missed the joking line. Mythbusters was just testing the boarding process. SW also has fans because of cost and what cities they service. It's not just boarding.
  22. Mythbusters did an episode testing the "best" way to board an aircraft. While the "free for all" was the fastest, it was also the least satisfactory to the passengers. Look it up. Southwest's boarding process also hinges on all the seats being the same. Don't think that would work for cruise ship cabins.
  23. How picky are you on your food? We're not. And on our three cruises to date, the MDR was just fine. We did some specialty meals on Oasis (on our first cruise) and while it was "better" than the MDR, it was by no means a requirement. Others are choosy on their food and MDR isn't good enough for them.
  24. You are correct it doesn't make sense for others to pay for you to go on a cruise. However, *MY* issue is I didn't know about the cost ahead of time. We booked our cruise last July. "Oh you need to test, but there's no charge to you." OK, fine. Now, two weeks before, "here's a $500 charge" (four people sailing). At least we have a couple weeks to figure out what we're going to do. I feel for those who had the charge show up AFTER they booked their test. How would you feel if you booked a flight on an airline that didn't charge for checked luggage, then the week before your flight, "oh, $50 for each bag each direction"? It's not the charge per se, it's the lack of notice.
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