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Everything posted by S.A.M.J.R.

  1. We got these for our upcoming cruise: https://www.amazon.com/10-Pack-Standard-Thickness-Specialist/dp/B01GLOUR6K/ref=sr_1_1_sspa?crid=N8XGVOI51U2W&keywords=gripper+card+holder&qid=1656976559&s=office-products&sprefix=gripper+card+holder%2Coffice-products%2C82&sr=1-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUExUDlDSEk5SDIxWlhKJmVuY3J5cHRlZElkPUEwMTM2Nzc1M0RUTTA2NUYzUVZJVSZlbmNyeXB0ZWRBZElkPUExMDQ1NDg1MjFVS1JRSUYyT1haVyZ3aWRnZXROYW1lPXNwX2F0ZiZhY3Rpb249Y2xpY2tSZWRpcmVjdCZkb05vdExvZ0NsaWNrPXRydWU= Hoping we don't need to go to GS to get holes punched, but that's our backup. These should work for RFID cards too. Just a little over $1/holder.
  2. Not even close. The fight on Navigator was inside & outside Cafe Promonade. The one on the Carnival ship looked like it was on a dance floor.
  3. I read PP as saying the government (and therefore everyone else via taxes) should cover the cost of testing for travel.
  4. Honestly, I missed the joking line. Mythbusters was just testing the boarding process. SW also has fans because of cost and what cities they service. It's not just boarding.
  5. Mythbusters did an episode testing the "best" way to board an aircraft. While the "free for all" was the fastest, it was also the least satisfactory to the passengers. Look it up. Southwest's boarding process also hinges on all the seats being the same. Don't think that would work for cruise ship cabins.
  6. How picky are you on your food? We're not. And on our three cruises to date, the MDR was just fine. We did some specialty meals on Oasis (on our first cruise) and while it was "better" than the MDR, it was by no means a requirement. Others are choosy on their food and MDR isn't good enough for them.
  7. You are correct it doesn't make sense for others to pay for you to go on a cruise. However, *MY* issue is I didn't know about the cost ahead of time. We booked our cruise last July. "Oh you need to test, but there's no charge to you." OK, fine. Now, two weeks before, "here's a $500 charge" (four people sailing). At least we have a couple weeks to figure out what we're going to do. I feel for those who had the charge show up AFTER they booked their test. How would you feel if you booked a flight on an airline that didn't charge for checked luggage, then the week before your flight, "oh, $50 for each bag each direction"? It's not the charge per se, it's the lack of notice.
  8. A number of people are saying Royal needs to cancel the test requirement. Isn't that requirement from the CDC? Hasn't Royal (and other lines) petitioned the CDC to stop the mandatory tests?
  9. Of course, if you get the refreshment package, that covers all the "extras", and is probably $50/day (if not more) cheaper. How to get every last bit out of the drink package... drink, drink, drink some more, drink, and drink. Get up at 8am, go to bed at 2am, and have 16 drinks (one an hour, I mean, that's not a lot, right?)... preferably all alcohol (most expensive).
  10. That will show you what you ordered and what you paid. It doesn't show the current price (so you can see if it's cheaper). Here's what mine looks like:
  11. But if the airline give "travel credits", that maintains the customer as "whole" when it comes to the airline. Reimbursing for a rental car is NOT a "windfall". It makes the customer "whole".
  12. Disagree. Travel Credit doesn't help pay for rental car. If the airline gave them a true refund, then maybe. But, IMO, what financial transaction between the airline and me is no business of Royal. Also, ROYAL SAID THEY WOULD REIMBURSE FOR A CAR. Now they say they won't. That is wrong. How anyone can defend that is beyond me.
  13. Yea, @rockmon explained that. But my next question would be isn't there SOME RC rep during the land tour? Wouldn't they be a good person to contact?
  14. Cheaper than what? Prepurchasing? Doubtful, but the answer could also be "it depends". Buying a la carte? Again, "it depends". How much alcohol will you drink?
  15. I get that. And I would have no problem with them saying "your cruise is over, you're on your own". BUT THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY SAID. Personally I believe if anyone (business or person) says "this is what we're going to do", that's what they should do. Apparently you have no problem making promises you're not willing to keep.
  16. Because they said they would? To me, that's the point. If they gave a letter to passengers saying they'll reimburse rental car expenses, then they should reimburse rental car expenses. Is it too much to ask companies to do what they say they will do?
  17. OK, so? If they know they want to cancel, get on the planner now and cancel. If they want to wait and see if things clear, go to the excursion desk once on board.
  18. I am by no means an expert, but why not go to the excursion desk when you get on board and see what your options are? Or, can you get into your planner and cancel the tour now?
  19. No idea of when you want to go, but doing a quick Google Flights search, I found $562 on American. To get the best pricing, you need to be flexible with dates/times/airlines. Saying "I only want the nonstop on American that leaves at 10a" limits your options.
  20. There was a time (2016?) where individuals could purchase packages on their own (didn't have to purchase one for everyone in the cabin). I think that experiment lasted about a year. I don't know if they changed it because of sharing, but the fact it didn't last very long is telling.
  21. Ah, the wording is little strange. For those having the same problem... Under "Profile", click the link for "Select a different sailing". Then click the link for "Get more details on ships we support" Select the ship Select the sailing you want to see.
  22. I don't see how to look at an itinerary that I don't have a reservation for.
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