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Everything posted by memoak

  1. Why would that be they obviously don’t care about infecting others
  2. The email also asks if we want to add plus or premier We got plus on our comp deal. I believe these emails are just going out to everybody
  3. Yeah but that appears to be an automatic email. I got one today for a comped cruise that I upgraded to a full suite when I booked. What upgrade do they think I am going to look for.
  4. We have been happy with the offerings on the plus package since the added the new package no need for. another upgrade for us
  5. They put you in a lockdown area to prevent you from continuing to roam the ship infecting people. Having been one of hundreds infected on the Royal August 27 cruise I have first hand knowledge even if you left your cabin you could not get out of the corridor
  6. Normal is not using an entire deck for covid hell
  7. If you have a cruise through the casino department only that department can deal with it. You can upgrade from whatever category you got for free but I don’t believe you can bid they will tell you what the upgrade will be. Even my CVP cannot help us on these cruises
  8. I can’t imagine carrying a credit card around on a ship. Only take it out of the safe when going ashore
  9. This was also the case on the Royal on the August 27 sailing and hundreds of us came down with covid Absolutely no enforcement and actually denial from officers
  10. Been there does not work. I have used the app for several cruises and am losing patience
  11. Yeah but if your cruise will not show up on the app you can’t order the medallion
  12. The app is totally screwed up. I have 3 upcoming cruises in my personalizer and one will not show up in the app have spent hours with the so called “navigators” and no help at all
  13. Nothing isolated. We were 2 of hundreds quarantined on a recent southbound Royal trip
  14. It was much preferable to being out in covid hell (quarantine)
  15. On the Royal last month the entire port side of Dolphin was covid cabins. Not sure about starboard. Yes we were in quarantine otherwise known as covid hell
  16. In Texas there will be a limited drink menu until you clear Teas waters
  17. On the Royal we had short blood tests and then prescribed. They just have to check your liver and kidney function
  18. Not too relaxing when you and hundreds other passengers come down with covid and are subject to Canadian quarantine protocols
  19. Also the will be inches away in the dining room. Spending all your time in your cabin is not a cruise
  20. Elevators are the worst. Tons of unmasked people crammed in. When we asked them to please mask up the usual retort was “my vacation not yours” or “get over it covid is gone”. Then if course hundreds of us got infected and thrown into covid he’ll on Dolphin deck
  21. There are a limited amount of tables on club class. If I had to wait I would be very unhappy
  22. Believe me they are still having outbreaks. I was one of hundreds infected on the Royal Princess 8/27 cruise
  23. There will never be a case when you can be assured that masks will not be required partway into a cruise. Any large outbreak such as we experienced on the 27th cruise will call for additional protocols Otherwise they may very well run out of isolation cabins. Dolphin deck was pretty much jammmed with people with fevers
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