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Everything posted by possum52

  1. Some of what Marion wrote was my life growing up by the coast in south west Victoria too. The bread, when I was a child was delivered by a horse drawn van and during school holidays, the deliveryman always had extra fruit buns for us. Where did you grow up John?
  2. Unless you go to an animal wildlife shelter or zoo, you are unlikely to see koalas while driving as they are nocturnal and will be asleep far up in a gum tree.
  3. Perhaps book a tour privately instead of through the ship. There are usually plenty to choose from at Tauranga. Just google cruise ship tours Tauranga. We booked through Zealandier Tours - Zealandier Tours Tauranga
  4. They are good Les, we had them for dinner with mashed spuds and veggies one night last week.
  5. What a shame you will miss the Royal Princess cruise Mic but your wellbeing has to come first. i hope you can manage the pain ok until your surgery which I assume will be quite major.
  6. I would suggest you post this on the Australia and New Zealand Cruisers board as well. The movie actually wasn't filmed around the Snowy River but in the Victorian High Country around Mansfield. I just had a quick look and most of the tours I found actually start from Mansfield. So you may have to find your own way there.
  7. Thanks Terry, all the websites included the metro areas so I'm not sure why the differences. The photo is interesting, the CBD (central business district) on the right and the newer area of Southbank on the left. This area was originally industrial and part of South Melbourne. In the 1990s, an urban renewal program of more densely populated apartment and office buildings was started. Along the river, Crown Casino and its associated hotels was built. This complex also includes shops and many restaurants and other entertainment venues as well as the casino. This started the opening up and revamping of the area to the west of the casino using the Yarra River banks for further restaurants, bars, entertainment venues, an exhibition centre and theatres plus shopping, hotels and apartment complexes.
  8. Thanks Mic, the pain subsides after awhile usually. Fortunately it is usually only twice a week. I think what made it worse was that Rob thought he could walk what for me was a short distance to the car, but ended up not so for him. I had dropped him off at the door and then parked and walked to the clinic building. So if we have to do this again. I will go and collect the car and come back and pick him up. How is your achilles Mic?
  9. Thanks John, he went well. Although very tired and in pain by the time we arrived home - the taking down of the dressing, the doctor prodding and then the nurses applying the new dressing and attaching the negative pressure machine all contribute to this. The doctor was happy with how the wound is healing, and all seemed good.
  10. The Theatre is the State Theatre and the Concert Hall is now called Hamer Hall, named after former Victorian Premier Sir Rupert Hamer who supported the building of the Arts Centre. Yes and they are world class venues, hosting many international performances each year.
  11. The population of both cities depends on what publication you read or website you look at and how the population is determined. Melbourne Overtakes Sydney in Population Melbourne Population 5.11 million Sydney Population 5.28 million Melb Population 2 5,235,407 Syd Population 2 5,120,894
  12. He’s had it on for two weeks now, we’ve learnt to be organised. Until the wound heals, it seems the machine will be used. We may know more today as Rob has a review at the hospital with the vascular surgical team later this morning. Unfortunately with the crappy weather we’ve had, Rob is a bit over it. He has walked up and down the driveway and along the street a bit and even came for a drive yesterday and sat in the car while a did a bit of shopping. He rarely would have done that. Hopefully in a week or two he can go and watch grandsons play cricket.
  13. Thanks John. A negative pressure machine helps drain nasties from wounds, promotes healing and although they have been around for some time now are being used more extensively for certain wounds. My husband had the two little toes on his right foot amputated due to an infection from a soft corn which became ulcerated. The machine is attached to the wound with a specialist dressing and tubing. The other end of the tubing is attached to a waste canister in the machine which can be replaced when the nurse visits to change the dressing twice a week.
  14. I was glad my 93 year old Dad isn’t with Optus that day as he relies on a medical emergency alarm. But it could still happen with other providers too. My husband is using a negative pressure machine 24 hrs a day for the foreseeable future. If there is a power outage like there was in our suburb a couple of days ago, he is in trouble if the battery runs out.
  15. Your airport parking is much cheaper than ours. I think it is about $12 a day. I know we last paid $120 for 10 days in the long term carpark. We have taken other transport to the airport, but other than hiring someone to drive you, it is too much hassle from outer bayside suburbs particularly as we age.
  16. The Optus outage included more than their mobile system - land lines and internet as well. Friends have all three services on one plan with Optus so lost all three for hours and hours. Many businesses, hospitals and schools have their landlines through Optus. We were glad we have a different provider for our mobiles. Our internet was down for most of the day.
  17. The flight from Melbourne is roughly 90 minutes and costs vary from $129 to over $300 one way. Most of our cruises have been from Sydney - only two from Melbourne and one from Brisbane, We had one booked from Fremantle but Covid put paid to that. We're usually quite happy to fly and have a couple of days in Sydney prior to sailing. I must admit though, it was good to be able to sail from our home city without having to spend money on flights, car parking at the airport and accommodation. We have been fortunate that with both Melbourne cruises, family have dropped us off right outside the terminal and picked us up. We haven't had to line up or stand out in the rain and cold as others have done. That said, it is disappointing for Melbourne that Carnival have made this decision.
  18. The same in the inner northern suburbs of Melbourne. Concrete in the front yard and big veggie patches in the back along with grape vines and olive trees.
  19. Melbourne Ports Ships' Movements webpage has the Grand arriving at midday today - it is updated every hour.
  20. Well, the way I feel at the moment, balcony on a P&O ship would do me. Usually I would say no to P&O. We have friends on a P&O cruise at the moment and they are quite happy with their choice of ship.
  21. I read the article on the ABC website. If I was to be kidnapped, a cruise would be ideal for me.
  22. Since my retirement, Rob and I have managed to still stay relatively sane when we are both home. We still do our own things and sometimes do things together but the next possibly few months are going to test me. Rob had two toes removed two weeks ago due to a severe infection in his right foot which started from a soft corn between the two amputated toes - the two littlest on the right foot. He has a negative pressure machine attached to his foot where the toes were to promote healing and take away any nasties still there. The nurse who came on Friday, when asked how long he will have it attached said anywhere up to three months. Fortunately it is mobile and he can move around with it with the help of a walking frame. But he has to be helped in the shower, hopefully we have now have than down pat after a few adjustments to the routine. He is still learning to walk with the frame and really can't help me with anything. So I am doing all the things Rob would usually do (under strict supervision 🤣) plus everything I normally do plus being the maid. Of course, he has had a few visitors since coming home from hospital last Thursday which means making tea and coffee for them. Oh well, I guess I'll survive but whether Rob does .......
  23. I tend to try and put the same colour pegs together. But not to match colour of clothing!
  24. Just note that the Australian ETA can only be done on the government official app and the NZeTA can be done either online here or on the NZ government official app.
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