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Everything posted by MikeMary4449

  1. Thank you @PurpleTraveller for taking the time to write such a wonderful and detailed review. Your photos are outstanding! We have taken many notes and hope to use your valuable information in the future. Continued safe travels!
  2. Have no idea why @Frenchkona would bother to start a thread and offer to answer questions and then virtually disappear. We were on the 6/24/2024 sailing of the Sil and had a wonderful time. The Captain was Nigel Smyth from Ireland, the Hotel Director was Deborah Poortier from Amsterdam, Cruise Director was Eddy Jenkins from Wales. Due to rough seas we were not able to tender for our day in Waterford. In Edinburgh the bus from the city, plus all the Celebrity tour buses, returned to the tender dock at approximately the same time, which caused a 2+ hour wait, sometimes in the rain, to return to the ship, which delayed our departure. Weather was what we expected for this time of year - layers were required. Sorry, we don't have pictures of the ship or our ports to share. Hope this answers some of the questions that have been asked. Mike and Mary
  3. NO, as we stated, the "round-trip Vancouver" on the Solstice was NOT allowed to be added to our B2B (Sydney-Honolulu-Vancouver). To stay on the same ship, we had no choice but to fly home from Vancouver after the first 2 legs. As US citizens, the PVSA applies to us. Not sure if it applies to non-US citizens.
  4. In our experience in 2016 we did Sydney to Hawaii B2B with Hawaii to Vancouver but could NOT add a leg to Alaska (round-trip Vancouver). Our travel agent went around and around with Celebrity trying to make this work, but in the end, we were denied as Vancouver was NOT considered a "distant foreign port". We think it is past time for Congress to change PVSA!
  5. Regarding AGE limitations: Don't even think about trying to take A Celebrity BUS TOUR in Kotor, Montenegro, if you are over the age of 70! You can't do it!
  6. @flyerbrp: A quick question, please. During your Celebrity Tour of Pompeii, did you stop at the Giovanni Apa Cameo Factory/Show Room, or a similar store? We stopped here on a tour of Herculaneum years ago and particularly want to visit this factory again. Thanks in advance. Mary
  7. @Water_Baby_: Sorry if we gave bad info, but when we phoned Celebrity a few years ago, we were expressly told heating pads were not allowed. As an alternative, we now bring our own hot water bottle.
  8. @FolsomMike and @Water_Baby_: It is our understanding that electric heating pads are NOT allowed to be brought onboard any Celebrity ship and will be confiscated on embarkation day but can be retrieved on disembarkation day.
  9. FYI: There is/was Captain Vittorio Cantu, whose hometown is Venice, Italy!
  10. Thank you so much for posting your pictures of Istanbul. We visited there in 1983 on our very first cruise. The pictures have brought back some wonderful memories of all those years ago! Maybe it's time for us to revisit this amazing city!
  11. While not a Celebrity shuttle, you CAN take a train from Bologna to Ravenna. In your Cruise Planner, you can book the Celebrity shuttle from the Ravenna train station to the ship. Hope this helps.
  12. Thanks @mahdnc for the wonderful review of your Panama Canal cruise. We have enjoyed every minute of it! I can understand that you were tired after a busy day in Los Angeles, but I was looking forward to a picture from the restaurant in my hometown of Manhattan Beach. Thanks for posting the picture of the sunset, even if it was from 2022. That view never gets old to me! Safe travel home. Mary
  13. Thanks @Jim_Iain for taking us along on your fantastic adventure. We have loved every minute of it! Hope to sail with both of you in the future. Mike and Mary
  14. We remember! Switch the phone to selfie mode, put it on the ground, and push the button! What a great idea! See, we ARE paying attention. Thank you so very much for all that you have done for this review. We have been taking a lot of notes as we will be doing this itinerary B2B in September also on the Connie. Can't wait to see what you did in Ravenna as this will be our turn-around day. Have a wonderful rest of your trip and safe travels home. Mike and Mary
  15. We received the Zenith Retreat Discount on four upcoming cruises based on the price we paid when we booked. This Discount was not applicable to our one paid-in-full cruise. If you are dealing directly with Celebrity, try calling again and speaking with a different agent. If you booked through a TA, have them call Celebrity again. Good Luck!
  16. Thanks, Jim. We just learned something new from you today. We had never opened the CS sofa but definitely have slept on it when DH snores! Thanks for all the time you take to educate us and to bring us along on your fantastic adventures. We look forward to sailing with you and Iain again one day soon. Mike and Mary
  17. No, sorry, the filet mignon has been replaced by a 4oz New York Sirloin.
  18. FYI: Someone earlier this month posted the current Kid's Menu and we can confirm that the Spaghetti Bolognese is indeed listed as an entrée. Bon Appetit!
  19. While this may be true in your case, in our experience, some TAs offer refundable OBC and some issue non-refundable OBC. @gvgseg should verify with their TA.
  20. Our British Isles cruise is only 2 months away! Please join us by clicking on the link below to sign up for our Roll Call. Looking forward to meeting you soon. Mike and Mary
  21. @mahdnc Great review so far and looking forward to following along. Enjoy your cruise on the Summit. We did the full transit but in reverse (San Diego to FLL) on the Infinity back in 2017. It was great! I was especially interested to see that you are having dinner at The Strand House in Manhattan Beach after you disembark in Los Angeles. I grew up in Manhattan Beach and lived there for 49 years but have been away for the last 25 years. (Did you live near LAX from 82-83?) Safe travels and have a wonderful trip! We look forward to sailing with both of you one day. Mary (and Mike)
  22. So happy to see that you will be doing a live report while on your TA. Take good care of the Silhouette for us. We will board her on June 24 in Rotterdam for an 11-night British Isles cruise returning to Amsterdam on July 5. We saw Captain Kirk's Rock Concert on the Reflection last October. It was great! You will definitely enjoy it. Have a wonderful cruise. Gute Reise! (Bon Voyage!) Mike and Mary
  23. FYI: It is our understanding that, if you want the "remaining $308" as a "rebate check", you need to let your TA know this BEFORE you embark on the cruise. If your gratuities (or any other charges onboard) exceed the $120 of OBC, your credit card on file will be charged, but any amount over the $120 will be offset by the rebate check (money in your pocket) after you return home. If you take the entire $428 as OBC, you MUST use it onboard or you lose it. Hope this wasn't too confusing.
  24. @Jim_Iain, We can't wait to follow along on your next adventure. The only thing that would make it better is if we were going with you! Have an amazing time! Mike and Mary
  25. @Jeremiah1212, This is great news! Where did you learn about this change? Can you post a link? Thanks in advance, Mike and Mary
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