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Everything posted by Tothesunset

  1. See, I told you. Whatever next? Cowboy hats in the restaurant?
  2. Oh, I think they'll look after Mysty and Mr Mysty all right They wouldn't dare do otherwise!
  3. I'm beginning to sense that, for various reasons, the intimacy and personal service that we always found on SS ships is now slipping away? I know all companies evolve their product ultimately, they hope, to the benefit of the bottom line. That's just good business. SS seems to be evolving into a more mass market product at the expense of service to the passenger - not just the direct personal service from individual crew members but also in terms of food, ambience and SS's uniquely customer-centered ethos. SS is morphing into just another cruise line. That makes me sad. Am I wrong?
  4. Oh, no. How very sad. Those who don't have the privilege of having pets just couldn't understand the special bond we have with them. The only comfort at times like this is knowing that this unique little individual has had the best possible life and receives the very best of care.
  5. Mainly political biographies. So, yes, fiction.
  6. Is there an option to ask for a bar of soap?
  7. Brad Pitt's let himself go a bit.
  8. Is it unusual? Or is it the extent of reporting that is unusual? Or unusual to us because it's gained a life of its own on this forum? On a worldwide scale, this sort of ship/nature interface isn't that rare.
  9. It's important to remember that trial by social media is not guaranteed to be impartial or even intelligible.
  10. I hadn't realised there were so many Master Mariners and Forensic Detectives on this forum!
  11. Maybe it will turn out to be a storm in a tea cup?
  12. Why quote me yet not address my point?
  13. I'm intrigued by the thought that it takes longer to dress smartly than scruffily. Unless, of course, one goes straight from the tour to the dining venue. After x hours in 90 degree heat and humidity. Without showering. Yeugh!
  14. Jacob's Cream Crackers?
  15. If that's what people think deserves the word "smart" anywhere in the definition then I have to say that the descent to sloppiness is faster than I thought.
  16. You'd think so. Sadly, money doesn't buy class.
  17. So do I. She insists on coming.
  18. Combined Services Entertainments (CSE) is the body that shunts celebrities around the world to entertain the troops. I don't have too much experience except to say that those that volunteer do end up in some very non-celebrity places. I know I had a pop at Mr Davidson earlier but, and this needs saying, he will have spent 48hrs in the back of a C130 Hercules transport aircraft, stayed in someone's spare room in Stanley and chowed down with the troops. And I'll tell you another thing: the troops really respect these people but would bring them down to earth in a moment if they got a bit "starry". Total respect to CSE and those that don't need to put themselves to the hassle of visiting the troops but still do. And they get nothing other than satisfaction from so doing.
  19. Following on, if you will indulge: British readers will remember Sir Harry Secombe: a founder of The Goon Show , actor, singer, comedian and quite possibly the most famous Welshman of his time. He came down to entertain but I missed the show because I was on duty at Stanley Hospital. Anyway, before the show Harry set aside a chunk of his time to come to the hospital and chat to the staff and patients (some of whom, you might imagine, were quite unwell). Well, he was wonderful. He spent so much time with the lads in the wards that he was late for his show and missed dinner. At one point the CO said, "Best get going, Harry, and get some dinner before the show." It was the only time Harry looked cross. "Considering what these boys have suffered, I don't mind missing my dinner." A true gentleman.
  20. Reminds me of a night at Stanley airfield after the shooting stopped and things "settled down". One of the first entertainers to come down was Jim Davidson - very much an old school sort with so-called jokes that I didn't find funny then and find offensive now. He picked on several members of the audience and was, quite frankly, plain rude. Of course I was on the front row and, of course, the pager went off during his act. "Dear God, I'm for it now" I thought. However I had a red cross symbol on one epaulette so as I got up and he stopped and looked straight at me - ready for the kill - I tapped the symbol and mouthed "Emergency Dr on call". Well, he snapped straight back into his routine. I was not only grateful but also very impressed. He may have been objectionable but a true pro.
  21. And that is the end of Silversea as we know it. Just another flashy, larger ship line with nothing special to offer. No soul.
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