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Canal archive

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Everything posted by Canal archive

  1. That Steamboats is just about the best advice, I forgot about that Advent had usually been the general kick off time for the markets, obvious when you think about it. The nearest we come to Christmas Markets is the ‘Goose Fair’ these are really ancient and go back to the Middle Ages when geese were walked to market for Michaelmas the largest is Nottingham but there are very much smaller ones around England. Although we seem to have borrowed your tradition I’m off to the one in Bath our nearest if we can squeeze in past the tourists!
  2. When I was still able to walk well for any distance my Gortex Italian hiking/walking boots traveled on the plane on my feet although they don’t really weigh that much it was that little itty bitty amount saved out of the suitcase. Going through customs on one early April cruise one year we changed airlines at Schiphole airport I was wearing my Timberland waterproof furry lined ankle boots for a change, they nearly caused a riot with the Dutch security ladies they had never seen them before and were all fans of Timberland - quickest I’ve passed through customs ever apart from those lovely ladies.
  3. My eldest daughter interailed between her end of senior school and starting university but that was train travel. Never tried it just used my scooter.
  4. Roz I will leave that to your colleagues in the US but if we have no problem finding really comfortable waterproof footwear in the U.K. you should have no problem as well. What a great excuse to go shoe buying.
  5. CPTtrips that got me thinking I’m pretty sure in my youth (oh so long ago) there was a way of travelling across Europe including Ireland and the U.K. with no hindrances at all. It was something like carte blu, I will have to search my European travel stuff, because I think we used the system when we cruised Europe on our Lambretta’s.
  6. The Dutch are excellent at dealing with snow, ice & frost not like us we only seem to get ‘the wrong kind’.
  7. My husband gave me my Cannon wide angle for Christmas just before our last cruise and although I have my paparazzi lens I rarely use anything but the wide angle now, the quality is so good you can if you want pick out from the image. I do like to play with my macro lens I wonder if the iPhone is any good in that area. jazz that’s cheating but in a good way.
  8. Stop telling me these things, I’m an avid quilter. If your anywhere near Bath go to the American Museum at Claverton they have a wonderful quilt collection. Whilst waiting for a guide at an ex Mormon ranch near Chamberlain Utah, I think I was asked to add stitches to a friendship quilt by the wife of the state guide I’ve often wondered what happened to the quilt.
  9. Just a little suggestion don’t overdo the water drinking you don’t want to wash out your system, try for a balance. Have a great time enjoy, become an expert in finding shade and a gentle breeeze.
  10. Isn’t it wonderful that we ladies can now wear - suitably elegant and blinged up flat or slightly raised heel footwear without the what was requisite in my day 4inch (occasionally more) heels. My feet thank the fashionista’s who helped the idea gain credence. p.s. sorry guys they went by the wayside along with dare I say it stockings.
  11. Ohh looks really good Second seating one of my favourites. I tell everyone I just have to try it as often as possible when out for a meal only to compare of course.
  12. Always take loads and loads of pics my dad taught me that he self loaded film canisters and I got the best husband ever he worked for a photographic company. Every time a new film or camera type came out he’d come home and hand me everything and just say throw that film through that. Obviously pre phones now you’ve got me thinking as mines a 7 so must try better.
  13. Rox excellent idea toasty dry toes are a must so comfortable.
  14. I got escorted into the lounge by the hotel manager for my 70th because they started and I had disappeared for the dreaded weed given it up now for four years never thought I would but did thanks to a wonderful NHS nurse.
  15. But what about those little snippets of info picked up they all add to the overall experience. I’m looking at it from a researchers point of view.
  16. dcl999 if you feel safer that’s the way to go. I’ve so far never been in the situation where many people are coughing but these days I hear one cough and wonder, it’s not nice!
  17. Bill Nighy one of my favourite actors. We are going to have to take another Bordeaux cruise so many different interesting things to see and appreciate and yes it’s a wonderful city. Sailing in the estuary. Airbus wings being shipped through Bordeaux to Toulouse, it all happens in Bordeaux!
  18. Notamermaid your still in with a chance fingers crossed 🤞 Watching a programme about Regent Seven Seas they are just about to dock in Bordeaux.
  19. Germany Spain on the telly at the moment but only 8 mins played. Fingers crossed 🤞
  20. Just one observation will the TA use their paid for by you research with another customer and charge them?
  21. I’ve decided to get a set of noise cancelling headphones. Evidently Germany has its work cut out as their group is just a tad even. Heaven knows what Belgium is up to. Englands not shown any flair and Wales is in a little trouble. So who do we cheer for apart from France or Spain. I usually enjoy a good game of football to watch but not this World Cup to much politics.
  22. I believe it’s Thanksgiving Day today in the USA so have a great day all enjoy 😊
  23. Jazz I know what you mean. Our educators mean the best but I know there is stuff some will never ever ever know happened. River cruising and chatting with what are already to some extent like minded people is so so useful. Many of us regardless of creed, colour or ethnicity actually when you get down to the nitty gritty are really similar so to discover is very useful. On a lighter note has anyone seen little green men and is there an European ‘area 51’. Who does everyone else have to report UFO sightings to?
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