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VEENDAM, Feb. 5th “HELL” week


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Why is it ok for someone to be overly negitive but wrong when others are overly positive. I'm sorry but there is way too much negitivity in this world, and I find your kool-aid reference highly offensive, unnecessary and insensitive. Just because I tend to look at the positive side of life does not mean I would die for HAL or any other cause! Perhaps only and idiot would look at it that way ????

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The Kool Aid comment has always been over the top insulting and I've always simply ignored it. It's also absolutely ridiculous in this context.


Frankly, I don't quite get why Hal-haters even bother with these boards, but that's just me. Some people just love to find a place to fan a flame.;)


I'm also very sad to read some posts here that are quite insulting yet the same people were more than happy to ask for all sorts of help when booking their cruises. Talk about gratitude.


As to being greeted when I embark the ship, there must be something wrong with me because I really could care less whether I'm greeted or not. Yet every time, they're all lined up looking really spiffy and they all greet me with a warm welcome.


I've criticized HAL more than most, I've often said I prefer Celebrity, yet I've never felt I was being ostricized by anyone here. I love reading all opinions, bad and good. I'm sure there's much validity in any review and most probably in this one, but I think we come away from a cruise with a basic impression that it was good or bad and what stays with us is one basic overall impression and that's what we're reading here.

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I'm cruising with my wife and two children on the Veendam, 3/19. I was skimming through the HAL message board and saw this thread titled "cruise from hell". Of course I was immediately concerned and read the entire thread. I've been reading these boards for years and have never posted a message. This is my first.


People with complaints have every right to voice them and there's no better place then this forum. But it seems apparent to me that most negative experiences, (not all, but most), are due to expectations that were not met.


Anyone planning to take a cruise has to ask themselves what they are looking to get out of the experience. I'm 38, and my kids are 7 and 9 and I choose HAL because I want to RELAX on vacation. That means quiet time on deck. No wet tshirt contests at the pool. Some kids on a cruise are fine but not overrun with the little ones.


We took our first HAL cruise last year on the Zaandam and to be honest, we chose it at the last minute because of one thing, price. But I would have paid double for the experience we had.


When I was single, I loved Royal Caribbean cruises because of the availability of activities and nightlife. As a husband and father of two, I want a respectable environment with respectful people and a chance to RELAX.


I've read about HAL's food being too bland. I've also read that it is too salty, spicy. People always complain that the entertainment on board is lousy. I say, if you want Vegas, pick another cruise line!


We had a chance to cruise either on the Zuiderdam or the Veendam this March. I avoided the Vista Class ship because I enjoy the slower pace, more individualized service, and quite frankly, the Zuiderdam has received lukewarm reviews.


Also, did anyone consider that the less than stellar service on the Veendam earlier this month could have also been due to the fact that many of the ship's crew were stricken with the illness. They were therefore shorthanded, and those returning back to work from the illness were not at 100% health.


Anyone else cruising on the Veendam on 3/19, I'd like to hear from you. I am not expecting perfect service, perfect food, perfect stateroom; what HOTEL can promise that? What I am expecting is some relaxing "down" time with my family. But maybe I'm easier to please.


Moderator, I apologize in advance for the long posting and any other rules broken here. I'm new at this.

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our first week long cruise was on the Zaandam with a cat s suite. Having never been on Hal before we really didn't know what to expect from the crew or our suite.... what we got was a very friendly staff that always smiled, took time to talk to us, answer our questions if they had the time while doing their jobs or maintenance work and plenty of tlc from our cabin steward. We did not seek out people to escort us to our suite as we knew they were busy preparing the ship for the next cruise... we were directed toward the elevators and out to the lido deck. There were people stationed all along the way to help with directions. I certainly would not let one thing at the beginning of a cruise ruin my whole vacation. Actually when we got to the lido deck, the first thing we saw was the taco bar and pizza stand and didn't past there,,, it was great...



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You may wish to reread this thread.



The Kool-Aid reference has been explained in great detail herein.


Sorry...I was at work and must have got behind in the thread.


I got it now....I might be guilty then. IMHO HAL is one of the best. I keep going back almost every 2 months...they must be doing something right.

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You know what I just realized? Something that has happened the last couple of times and maybe this is what happened to you...I've been on the Zuiderdam a couple of times when they let us board early because the rooms weren't ready so most of the guys who would normally escort you to your rooms were still taking care of the cabins. I was told I could go to the Lido and eat and leave my bags in another area, etc. I think there were maybe only 3-4 guys there helping take carry-ons and put them away and they were trying to direct passengers to the Lido also. Maybe this is what happened on the Veendam that day?

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I'm not so sure the negative posts are ALL bad.


There is a HAL lurker (or contributor?) here somewhere, and if he can see trends of complaints, then MAYBE there will be something done.


I'm most concerned with serious infrastructure problems, i.e., toilets that flush in reverse, broken elevators (I'm a little mobility challenged and cannot do stairs), faulty HVAC systems, polluted fresh water systems.


These are either design flaws or poor maintenence. If someone 'upstream' from you puts something in the toidy they shouldn't, for instance, there should be an efficient way to clear any blockage.


A grouchy waiter or a snotty pool staff guy? So get his name and complain! But don't let it ruin your vacation!



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I'm happy you found the replies. :) I agree with others here who do not like the way this Kool Aid business has been used to describe posters who have positive things to say about HAL.


One would normally expect that if you go to a BB dedicated to a particular cruiseline, you're likely to find alot of folks who like that cruiseline.




Nevis..... Great post. Please keep them coming.

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I've been reading these boards for years and have never posted a message. This is my first.


Repeat after me : My name is Nevis92 and I'm a Cruise-Aholic! hah j/k


Seriously thank you for posting. It is wonderful to contribute. You have a very well-rounded view and it is so refreshing! Having that moderate point-of-view and open-mindedness is definitely the best way to go.

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I'm happy you found the replies. :) I agree with others here who do not like the way this Kool Aid business has been used to describe posters who have positive things to say about HAL.


One would normally expect that if you go to a BB dedicated to a particular cruiseline, you're likely to find alot of folks who like that cruiseline.



I will break this one out again.


If you go in to Yankee Stadium wearing a Red Sox shirt and hat and start shouting "Yankees S_ck!" are you really expecting a favorable response?

As much as I would love to do that (being a Red Sox fan and all), there are going to be some responses that are not very favorable.


This board is kind of like HAL's stadium. The majority of folks do not mind negative comments and most will try to help you out if they can, but if you come in with the "Cruise from Hell" posted as your topic you tend to get a lot of people's feathers ruffled. I am not saying that they are right, just that you kind of have to expect a certain level of response when you start you post like that.


Thankfully, we are all a little bit different when it comes to what we enjoy and what we don't enjoy. HAL or any other cruise line is not for everyone. Boards, such as CC, can help you determine which ones you might want to try that may fit into your particular lifestyle. If you try one and do not like it, there are many other ships on the sea. If you feel you have been treated badly, it is best to deal with the cruise line directly. If they do not respond favorably, you can take your dollars (or pesos/francs/euros if you choose) elsewhere.

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Thankfully, we are all a little bit different when it comes to what we enjoy and what we don't enjoy. HAL or any other cruise line is not for everyone.


Despite favorable or unfavorable experiences, I have yet to be on a cruise where someone does not say either:


(a)This is the my best cruise ever or (b)This cruise is so bad I'll never cruise this line again...

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Well said. It always facinates me the way there can be two people eating the same meal at the same table (cruise ship or on land), one of whom raves and the other rants. Same way with shore excursions. Love to hear people discuss them over dinner and try to imagine how they possibly could have been on the same bus (they were).


I still remember one couple that were generally pleasant but definately "empty glassers". One evening they were bitterly complaining about a shore excursion they took. Apparently they did not notice that I had been on the same bus. Anyhow, they began to put-down the guide (I would give her a7 or 8 out of 10) and the bus we rode on. Now, in all honesty the bus had seen better days, but it was comfortable and kept running. However, the air conditioning/heating system was old and could not keep up with the humidity brought in by the soaked people who reboarded after every stop. (It was pouring outside and cool.) Now let me say that we were in Ushuia, and this was 10 years ago, the first season that several large cruise ship were stopping there. Their tourist infrastructure was geared to expedition ships of 100 or so people. (This has since changed.) Their buses at that time were obviously used buses from larger cities, but better than the school buses we used to ride in Alaska. Anyhow, the complained and complained how their window was fogged up and that they could not see anything the whole trip. I agreed that the windows were fogged, but then asked why they did not take a kleenix (or even a jacket sleeve) and wipe off the window from time to time (as most of the bus did). They looked at me with astonishment and said - why would we do that, it is not our job!


Well, maybe it was not our "job", but most of us have done many things in our life that were not a part of our "jobs". They just prefered to sit there and complain about fogged windows, missing a primary reason for being there, seeing new places.



we all do

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A note to Heyabbott - I want to add my voice to those who are also bothered by the KoolAid reference. I know the what it signifies now and I must admit to being a bit offended by the reference. I guess you can call me "old fashioned" or maybe even uptight, but using such a tragic event in connection to what is posted on these boards seems very insensitive, imo.


I wasn't going to post anything, but I have noticed the KoolAid man is now your posting signature. That seems very much "over the top" in my humble opinion.

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The Kool-aid reference is a very common slang term nowadays. Once again, it is nothing new except to a few posters here (for a more dated reference, think kool-aid drinker = Pollyanna.)


For those that are offended, go back and reread your posts. Is it possible that you only say good things about your cruises? Do you try to rationalize every complaint that comes across this board?


I, for one, discount ANY poster who thinks either HAL is all good or all bad. I would prefer to know what to expect, warts and all, before I go.



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Over the years, I have developed a kind of philosophy about reviews and expectations that goes something like this:


"The stuff people complained about will have been fixed, but new things will go wrong. Remember that when you are on a cruise ship, you are better off than 99% of the people on this planet; would you like to change places with them?"

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The Kool-aid reference is a very common slang term nowadays. Once again, it is nothing new except to a few posters here (for a more dated reference, think kool-aid drinker = Pollyanna.)


For those that are offended, go back and reread your posts. Is it possible that you only say good things about your cruises? Do you try to rationalize every complaint that comes across this board?


I, for one, discount ANY poster who thinks either HAL is all good or all bad. I would prefer to know what to expect, warts and all, before I go.






This slang phrase is new to me and I am not that old! I think it's offensive when I think about the reference. The Jonestown massacre was a tragedy, surely not something that should or can be compared to someone who is a HAL "loyalist" or a Pollyanna - and the constant references that some posters are just drinking KoolAid is old. I guess what I am thinking is - it was said, then explained, why constantly refer to it?


I agree with you, I would also prefer to know the good, the bad and the ugly about HAL from those who have experienced things first hand. I have shared my "less than stellar" HAL experiences and have been on the receiving end of more than a few scathing replies, "it simply must not be that way, because that never happened to me", which I also find offensive.


I think the tone I am seeing more often is "it was a really bad cruise", or "it was the cruise from hell" and yet nothing really all that bad seemed to have happened... it makes people a bit more skeptical when these statements are repeated in different posts over and over again... the reality of it is, "what was so bad?" Please tell us, we do want to know. I am not going to single out any specific threads or posters, but "bash and run" seems to be the favored method lately. Just my own thoughts, for what they are worth. :)

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The Kool-aid reference is a very common slang term nowadays. Once again, it is nothing new except to a few posters here (for a more dated reference, think kool-aid drinker = Pollyanna.)


For those that are offended, go back and reread your posts. Is it possible that you only say good things about your cruises? Do you try to rationalize every complaint that comes across this board?


I, for one, discount ANY poster who thinks either HAL is all good or all bad. I would prefer to know what to expect, warts and all, before I go.






Very well said.


I look at it from this perspective>>>I discount, for the most part, posters who have made only a few posts. They generally tend to have an ax to grind, and their opinion is therefore jaded. An exception, of course, being the "one-post-person" we've seen earlier on this thread.


In a similar vein, I also discount posters who have 1000X's of posts. First, they tend to loose objectivity on either the subject, the cruise line, etc. Second, this is a message board and is supposed to be solely for entertainment purposes, not to spend all your waking hours here. Geeezzz, life's too important...........

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I agree with EKerr ... the KoolAid reference is in very poor taste. I'm surprised that everyone doesn't see that.


As for opinions about any cruise and the fact that 2 people can go on the same cruise and one has the so called "cruise from Hell" and the other thinks it was fantastic, my DH and I can watch the very same weather forecast at 11 pm ... when it's over he'll tell me they've forecasted rain for the next day while I insist they said we'd have a sunshiny day.

So much of all this is perception.

But in the end I cannot understand why we constantly end up battling it out when someone has had a bad cruise. They had a bad cruise in their eyes. We can read their review, decide if the information is helpful and (if we choose) comment. If we cannot comment ... either negatively or positively ... then why are we here at all? I don't think the OP writes thinking no one will respond. If the response isn't what they hoped ... well, so it goes.

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