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capnpugwash is heading home from New York


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Having arrived last Friday in New York at Pier 88 on a very warm day I departed the ship earlier than I anticipated as a Carnival behemoth pulled in next to us, clearing Immigration with no undue delay I got a cab to the Empire Hotel at West 63rd Street where my room was ready. I had a very nice day in the city, met a friend in the evening for some cocktails and retired to bed by 1.30am.

The next morning I was due to pick up a rental car from Budget to travel to an old friend’s house in Carversville, Pennsylvania. This area is called Bucks County and is a really beautiful green and peaceful area. Their house is a lovely old stone 4 bedroom house with another apartment in a separate barn that have been nicely restored and they are actually looking to sell it. I looked at the documentation and realised that the fee for the 4 days was a little over $400 and as I was likely to only use the vehicle for the drive to and from their house it didn’t seem to be very sensible compared to the $31 round trip fare on New Jersey Transit from Penn Station to Trenton, NJ. That was the solution that I chose and my host met me and drove me to his house.

It was quite hot and humid but in the evening we were able to sit in their garden where we were joined by a dozen of their friends and family for a really pleasant evening and early morning. I have known most of the attendees for over 20 years so it was a real reunion.

The weekend and July 4th passed all too quickly and I am currently back on the train heading to New York. It is going to be 92 degrees today but the humidity is forecasted to be very low, so it sounds like a pretty perfect day. I am staying at the Empire Hotel again tonight prior to reboarding QM2 tomorrow afternoon.

We are just approaching New York and the skyline of Manhattan is straight in front of us, how I miss those two towers every time I see the city, Jersey City is off to the right and we have just stopped at Secausus. This train takes 80 minutes for this journey and stops a few times or you can pay over 3 times the fare to take Amtrak which takes just under one hour. I suppose if you are in that much of a hurry it might be worth it, but not to me.

I got a cab to the hotel and not only was my room ready again at 10.15am but the girl behind the desk gave me an upgrade. I don’t know yet what the room is like as I am in the lobby where there is free Wi-Fi.

More later

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Ahoy Capn! We've emerged from a fog bank, now enjoying hazy but delightfully cool weather. Like ships passing in the night, I'll be disembarking as you prepare to embark tomorrow. Don't worry, I didn't deplete the stores :-)



On board QM2

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Ahoy Capn! We've emerged from a fog bank, now enjoying hazy but delightfully cool weather. Like ships passing in the night, I'll be disembarking as you prepare to embark tomorrow. Don't worry, I didn't deplete the stores :-)



On board QM2


I'd love to hear your stories from your voyage too! QM2 doing the east coast of US and Canada sounds very nice. Feel free to start a new thread!

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Sounds like you had a lovely time. I just finished packing most of my bags. I have one that needs to wait til morning. SO excited for our first trip on the Queen. I can't believe we will be on the ship this time tomorrow :)


Looking forward to meeting you on board.


Kerry & Mark

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Sounds like you had a lovely time. I just finished packing most of my bags. I have one that needs to wait til morning. SO excited for our first trip on the Queen. I can't believe we will be on the ship this time tomorrow :)


Looking forward to meeting you on board.


Kerry & Mark


It's like Christmas isn't it! Will you be able to sleep tonight?!! :D


I'm very jealous! Enjoy!

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The Queen Mary 2 is almost there as I write at this early hour. So glad you had a wonderful 4th Weekend in Bucks County with old friends. I look forward to hearing about your return voyage to S'ton.


A friend of mine and I have been invited to be at Mr. Duffy's table for one transatlantic voyage in October.


I have sent off my passport to secure the India Visa for the 112-day World Voyage of the ms Amsterdam beginning on Jan 6th, 2012, embarking from Fort Lauderdale and disembarking in Fort Lauderdale in late April 2012. I am asking for a ten-year India Visa. We have three major stops in India in 2012. Luckily, my Brazil Visa from 2008 is still valid, and the stop in Hong Kong does not require a China Visa. We turn left in Hong Kong and don't go to Shanghai or to Japan.


Lord Kay of Shandon.

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The Queen Mary 2 is almost there as I write at this early hour. So glad you had a wonderful 4th Weekend in Bucks County with old friends. I look forward to hearing about your return voyage to S'ton.


A friend of mine and I have been invited to be at Mr. Duffy's table for one transatlantic voyage in October.


I have sent off my passport to secure the India Visa for the 112-day World Voyage of the ms Amsterdam beginning on Jan 6th, 2012, embarking from Fort Lauderdale and disembarking in Fort Lauderdale in late April 2012. I am asking for a ten-year India Visa. We have three major stops in India in 2012. Luckily, my Brazil Visa from 2008 is still valid, and the stop in Hong Kong does not require a China Visa. We turn left in Hong Kong and don't go to Shanghai or to Japan.


Lord Kay of Shandon.



He is a very nice man and a gracious host, I am sure that you will both enjoy your time on his table. He usually hosts on 2 of the 4 evenings and the other evenings are with the Chief Purser and the F & B manager who will both be very interesting to talk to.

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Update No 1


I went to the room and it is twice the size of my last one here, very spacious with a king size bed, it is like a mini suite. It just shows that it pays to be nice to people.


I met an old business friend for lunch today and walking around was fairly pleasant, it was almost perfect at 81 degrees but the humidity was almost non existent. How things have changed in the insurance business, he drank Pellegrino Water during the 1½ hour lunch and I had a Peroni beer. It seems that the three martini lunches are a thing of the past. The industry now seems to be run by lawyers, accountants and kids and none of them has an ounce of business acumen, whereas in the past it was run by experienced Underwriters and Brokers. I am quite glad that I am semi retired although I do still miss the social contact and conversations. As I was walking back from lunch the temperature had risen to 86 degrees which was starting to feel quite hot and less pleasant. I am going to have a quiet evening tonight as tomorrow is the start of my trip back to Southampton.


Today is Wednesday July 6 and I woke quite early at 5am, looking at the QM2 webcam I see that she is approaching the Hudson River to begin the slow journey up to Pier 88, I am tempted to go and see her arrive but that seems a bit strange as I will be back on board by lunchtime today. I can’t wait really although I realise that it is wrong to wish time away especially in such a great town as this, but I think that you know what I mean. The current temperature is already 75 degrees and with the 70% humidity it is quite sticky and set to get worse as the day progresses. Where are those sea breezes when you need them?


It is 6am and the QM2 is commencing the 90 degree turn into Pier 88, this is quite a narrow area in which to moor.




More later.

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Watching the ship on its webcam as it approaches the pier. Looking forward to reading your adventures on your trip back home. BTW, you went through my NJ home town while on the NJ transit!

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Good morning Cap.


It would appear we were on similar schedules this past weekend. I headed to PA and returned approximately the same times as you. I eagerly await your daily reports on your trip home. Have another grand time.


Good morning Jack.


I just returned from a lovely weekend with Eva and Bob. They live in a postively breathtaking area of Pennsylvania. My travel Route was on 78, so perhaps I breezed through your neck of the woods as well. Hope you are well.





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Ahoy Capn! We've emerged from a fog bank, now enjoying hazy but delightfully cool weather. Like ships passing in the night, I'll be disembarking as you prepare to embark tomorrow. Don't worry, I didn't deplete the stores :-)



On board QM2

Hi Salacia, hope you had a great time on QM2. Would also love to read about your voyage.



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Ahoy Capn! We've emerged from a fog bank, now enjoying hazy but delightfully cool weather. Like ships passing in the night, I'll be disembarking as you prepare to embark tomorrow. Don't worry, I didn't deplete the stores :-)



On board QM2

#Hi Salacia

I was due to join the ship today, but due to circumstances beyond my control (illness in family), i am unable to do so and am upset big time BUT ... i was in Donegal at the weekend and heard a song that, l understand, has been on the arirways of NYC. It is called 'When it snows in NY City'. The singer had an audience of some 15 people, so listening to him in such a small group was quite special - if you haven't heard it, it's on You Tube.



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Cap'n, always enjoy your posts. The QM2 is one of our favorite ships and it is a treat when she docks at the West side piers. I watched her come in this morning.

Ironically, we live across from the Hotel Empire. If I had known you were going to be staying there, I would have invited you over. Would have loved to listen to some of your stories. Next time you are in the Lincoln Center neighborhood, please let us know.

Have a wonderful eastbound crossing. Will be following vicariously, through your posts.


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Watching the sail away on the web came and you can see the Verrazano in the distance. Looking forward to when I'll be boarding in Oct.


Hey, Jeanne...good to hear from you! Funny you should mention Eva and Bob and your visit to them last weekend. I was thinking of them earlier this week when a pic of them popped up on my screen. It was taken in our cabin from a mini cabin crawl we did on a Caribbean cruise a few years ago...fond memories!

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Update No 2


I saved a small fortune this morning by having breakfast at a pavement café on Broadway, well pavement café is too swanky a description, it was a tiny café with a service counter and there were 7 tables outside that were constantly barraged by traffic noise but it was great value and fairly fresh air. I was people watching as they were heading to work. Most girls wear comfortable shoes or trainers as the sidewalks are not always the most even but you do get the occasional anomaly. There was a tall willowy girl walking along in the highest heels possible and they were so hard to walk in that the pigeons were taking longer steps than she was able to.


I went back to my hotel and packed then killed a couple of hours watching TV, every channel is obsessed with the young lady who was acquitted yesterday by a jury of murdering her daughter, I don’t know the ins and outs of the case but the gist of the comment seems to be that everyone is amazed at the decision of the jury and they are desperate to discover how they made such a big mistake. This seems to be the way that the US handles matters of this nature whereas in the UK it would attract little comment and certainly no lengthy diatribes by TV presenters.


A little after 11am, I gave up and got a cab to the pier, because I was approaching from the north, the driver went up the ramp and actually dropped me at the door to the embarkation hall. I only had two small bags but I gave them both and a couple of dollars to a baggage handler and went inside. There were very few of us there and I was registered and had my cruise card by 11.30. I sat waiting to board and was approached by a lovely lady from upstate New York who recognised me from CC and we had a nice chat for ten minutes about the ship etcetera and then I was called to board.


The cabins were ready, as usual and I was soon ensconced in my inside cabin on deck 6. My steward is Nancy and she seems charming, whilst talking to her we were joined by Ricardo, my steward from the last trip and he was able to tell her of my few requirements which was very handy. I went to King’s Court and grabbed two cheese and cucumber rolls and some fruit which will see me through until dinner this evening. After lunch I sat out on deck 7 for a while and as I came I met Katherine with whom I had sailed and shared a hosted table either last year or in 2009 and we had a great chat for a while. I went to my cabin but there was still no sign of my bags but if I open the bottle of Pol Acker this normally is accompanied by a knock on the door telling me that the bags have arrived.


Needless to say, it didn’t work and I remain totally bag less.


The weather is warm at 84/29 degrees and feels quite sticky with 82% humidity, there is a gentle westerly breeze but it makes little difference. We are due to sail at 5pm and the dress code for tonight is elegant casual. There is no clock adjustment tonight so I think that will mean that we do 5 in a row for the next 5 days and then no adjustment on the final night. I don’t think that there will be too many late nights for me this week; of course experience has shown me that I should never say never.


I just got a knock on my door and found a steward there with three massive cases which had my cabin number on the labels hand written in ink, sadly they are not mine and doubtless someone will be searching desperately for them later this afternoon. My two bags finally arrived at about 2.20 and I was all unpacked within 5 minutes, I am on glass 3 of the PA and am slightly losing interest in it but I will persevere for a little longer. My main case is being minded by missfrankiecat in her cabin as she remained on board during my sojourn ashore so I will contact her when she re-boards and relieve her of the burden. It was really so very kind of her to do this for me and I certainly appreciate her thoughtfulness.


I had a short visit to the Spa this afternoon and then went to the Terrace Bar on deck 8 but the band, Vibz was set to play in the Pavilion Bar on deck 12, this is the pool bar with the retractable roof that they never open. Apparently there had been a shower of rain earlier this afternoon so the Entertainment staff was being ultra cautious. With no band at the stern I retired to the bow and the Commodore Club where I watched the sail away in comfort, as we passed the Statue of Liberty in the sunshine I returned to my cabin.


I want to give you an update on the USPH inspection that took place on June 10 where the ship was given a poor grade because of some matters which mostly arose from a chef’s locker near the King’s Court buffet. Since that date extensive retraining has taken place on board the ship and greater supervision has been imposed but despite visiting New York on two occasions the USPH has not bothered to come on board to re-inspect this ship that they were so very critical of. My view is that they should have taken the earliest opportunity to do so to ensure that the high standards formerly achieved had been regained and I cannot understand why, if they were truly as concerned as their report purports to say they were, they have not been bothered to revisit and re-evaluate the condition of the ship.


I am just off to collect my last suitcase and then get ready to head to the Chart Room and dinner and do it all again.


More later.

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Cap'n, always enjoy your posts. The QM2 is one of our favorite ships and it is a treat when she docks at the West side piers. I watched her come in this morning.

Ironically, we live across from the Hotel Empire. If I had known you were going to be staying there, I would have invited you over. Would have loved to listen to some of your stories. Next time you are in the Lincoln Center neighborhood, please let us know.

Have a wonderful eastbound crossing. Will be following vicariously, through your posts.



Thanks so very much :)

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Update No 2....



...I want to give you an update on the USPH inspection that took place on June 10 where the ship was given a poor grade because of some matters which mostly arose from a chef’s locker near the King’s Court buffet. Since that date extensive retraining has taken place on board the ship and greater supervision has been imposed but despite visiting New York on two occasions the USPH has not bothered to come on board to re-inspect this ship that they were so very critical of. My view is that they should have taken the earliest opportunity to do so to ensure that the high standards formerly achieved had been regained and I cannot understand why, if they were truly as concerned as their report purports to say they were, they have not been bothered to revisit and re-evaluate the condition of the ship...


More later.


Hi Capn. Thanks for the update regarding QM2's failed scores on inspection. I didn't know the inspection failed because of a chef's locker on King's Court. I added up the detracted points that lead to the failed score, and I thought it was more encompasing than just that one locker, but I'll go back and re-check my figures.


I understand and appreciate your feeling that the CDC should have conducted a follow-up inspection promptly following the failure of QM2 to pass inspection. However, my understanding is that these inspections are unannounced, random inspections. I doubt that is a case of inspectors "have not been bothered to revisit and re-evaluate the condition of the ship..." but rather that the importance of a random inspection is paramount.


BTW, am I correct in thinking that no staterooms are inspected during the CDC inspection?




P.S. Please forgive me, but since you raised the topic of inspection, I felt a relpy was in order.

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#Hi Salacia

I was due to join the ship today, but due to circumstances beyond my control (illness in family), i am unable to do so and am upset big time BUT ... i was in Donegal at the weekend and heard a song that, l understand, has been on the arirways of NYC. It is called 'When it snows in NY City'. The singer had an audience of some 15 people, so listening to him in such a small group was quite special - if you haven't heard it, it's on You Tube.




Wow, bummer that you missed your trip to NYC. I was hoping to meet you and turn Cheesecake into Gin & Tonic. Hope everyone is Ok over there. I will search YouTube for that song.


Capnpugwash: I spent "Thanksgiving" a couple blocks from the Empire Hotel.( 63rd St and West End Ave.) I watched the fireworks from a friend's 24th floor window. Great view of all 6 barges and a great view of the Cruise Terminal. Wish I was there today to see QM2.


Denise- Oh my that was my 2000th post

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