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Carnival Cruise Etiquette 101


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I have offended a couple unintentionally for offering to share my wine. We had anytime dining and my husband chose to stay in the casino that evening so I was seated with another couple. I ordered my bottle of wine and offered to share it with my tablemates who as it turned out, were very religious. I got to hear about it why they choose not to drink throughout the meal while I guiltily tried to enjoy my wine. Since then I have never offered.


I just assume that anyone who wants wine will order their own. I am not about to open that can of worms again.


i got one that tops all.


i got a bottle delivered to my table from carnival for being a group leader.


my cousins thought we weren't coming, opened, and drank it. AT ANOTHER TABLE!

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I have offended a couple unintentionally for offering to share my wine. We had anytime dining and my husband chose to stay in the casino that evening so I was seated with another couple. I ordered my bottle of wine and offered to share it with my tablemates who as it turned out, were very religious. I got to hear about it why they choose not to drink throughout the meal while I guiltily tried to enjoy my wine. Since then I have never offered.


I just assume that anyone who wants wine will order their own. I am not about to open that can of worms again.




I would find that couples little sermonette way more offensive than being politely asked to partake in some wine.


A simple "No Thank You " from them more than would have suffiiced.

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I have offended a couple unintentionally for offering to share my wine. We had anytime dining and my husband chose to stay in the casino that evening so I was seated with another couple. I ordered my bottle of wine and offered to share it with my tablemates who as it turned out, were very religious. I got to hear about it why they choose not to drink throughout the meal while I guiltily tried to enjoy my wine. Since then I have never offered.


I just assume that anyone who wants wine will order their own. I am not about to open that can of worms again.


I don't offer alcohol to anyone I don't know either...not anymore anyhow.

Years ago, at Christmas, I used to hand out bottles as gifts to certain service people...our exterminator took the bottle graciously every year for years and then one time while talking to him I found out he was a recovering alcoholic :eek:

Man, did I feel stupid.

Learned a valuable lesson though.....






A simple "No Thank You " from them more than would have suffiiced.




Yup...you'd think it would have.

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I thought the op was joking since I opened this on April fools day....guess not



Just got off the sensation and I can tell you for a fact that class or the lack thereof is not the domain of any particular age group. Sadly I think it will be my last Carnival cruise. Had a blast over the years though, just outgrew it I guess.

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I thought the op was joking since I opened this on April fools day....guess not



Just got off the sensation and I can tell you for a fact that class or the lack thereof is not the domain of any particular age group. Sadly I think it will be my last Carnival cruise. Had a blast over the years though, just outgrew it I guess.


It is also not exclusive to any socioeconomic group either. The are low income jerks as well as wealthy jerks. There are also very nice wealthy people as well as very nice low income people. Some of the rudest people I have ever run into were on a 10 day Princess cruise....some of the nicest, down to earth folks I've run into on Carnival.

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I'm 43 also and I agree with you completely. (and I feel old but I feel like my philosophy is ancient! lol)

A few years back I was "nannying" for a family and the oldest daughter (12 at the time) fought me tooth and nail about saying please and thank you. This went on for over a year. Mom finally told me "thats just who she is, she doesn't say please or thank you, just yes or no.....she doesn't mean anything by it". (mind you, this child was perfectly competent, no issues with development or anything else that would make it understandable) A short time later I said "bye bye" to this crazy woman and started my own business, a place where please, thank you and consideration for others is taught to the children in my care, imagine that!!


My point is, some parents these days feel their special little angels are above even the basics of social manners. I don't really know why some parents raise their kids this way, but they do.. These kids eventually grow up..[/quote]


I know what you man about kids in recent years (decades?). I'm from the north-east, but have lived almost everywhere in the Navy. My last active duty tour was in the deep south. Deep as in 1/4 mile from the Gulf. My kids (elementary school age at the time) were respectful before we moved south, but the first words out of their mouths were not "yes sir, no sir", etc. Within 6-months, their "level of curtesy" (to invent a phrase) had improved dramatically, and even 5-years after we moved back north, "yes sir" was typically the first words out of their mouths.


Back to topic on the thread: simply common curtesy; except we all know common curtesy isn't as common as it should be, and that's true everywhere in life, not just on a cruise



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Don't some of the OP's etiquette rules sound like she is the one being selfish...Don't talk on the elevator, I don't want to hear you. Give up your table so I can have a seat. If your going to by a bottle of wine vs a glass, you better be giving some of it to me. That's not etiquette...That's selfishness.


I didn't take the original post that way (referred to by the red text above). Although not specifically stated, I took the original posting to refer to people talking LOUDLY to others who may be on the opposite side of the elvator.


To me, this is the same as (elsewhere) talking on a cell phone blue-tooth in a voice loud enough people 15 feet away can hear every word.


I consider that to be rude. At the same time, I don't get hung up on it; after all - I'm on a cruise on vacation!!!!!!!!!! :)

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Treat others as you want to be treated-do unto others as they would do unto you

It all got thrown out the window years ago.

Now it's treat me as if i were emperor, and the heck with you. Not every one, and not everywhere, but most of us "older" folk see it more and more every day. They used to say that the generation of the 80's was the "me generation," but it really is the current generation. I deal with the public everyday in person and on the phone, and the younger the person the less ability they have to connect with another human. Ever see a young couple out on a date, she's on her phone, he's on his-how do they really know why they went out with each other?:o


I digress-you asked for helpful hints-Read the signs before action. Hot tubs say no children-(at least they used to)

Unfortunalety there is no sign for not using your hands when reaching for food-use tongs......


What an ignorant statement. My wife and I are 23 years old and are nothing like you described. It seems to me like your the one with the issues.

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I am not sure if this thread was meant to be tongue in cheek or not, but I can say that many people don't seem to be teaching their kids simple courtesy these days. I am not saying that to put people down, but my point is sometimes I think the younger generations just don't know. I am 43, and writing this makes me feel ancient. ha ha !


Some things are not common sense apparently. I have had discussions with my kids about looking someone in the face when he or she is waiting on them in a restaurant. My daughter once stared at the menu the entire time she ordered. After the waitress left, we talked about how the waitress is a person and that was rude. I see people talk on their cell phones while paying at the grocery store. I see people on their cell phones at the dinner table at a restaurant. ( I recently went to a very nice place that asked a woman to put hers away. I couldn't believe they did it, but inside I cheered.) Sometimes, people really don't know what is rude because no one ever addressed it with them. Even on this board, I wasn't sure if it is considered rude to ask a question on someone else's thread. Still not sure. lol


So, for those who say this post is just for drama, I think some people might not be offended by suggestions by people who have experience. I'm not. ;)

You don't have to agree with the suggestions. I think it is more of a list of pet peeves. So, for the drunk girl who kept wobbling and leaning across my plate at the buffet line: Here is my rule: If you are so drunk your friend has to steady you, go to your room, order room service, and sleep it off before some hateful woman puts cocktail sauce in your hair. That's my etiquette tip. ha ha


That's all ages and generations. I have encountered plenty of the older generation that is just as rude as my generation.

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That's all ages and generations. I have encountered plenty of the older generation that is just as rude as my generation.

I think every generation says the same thing about the upcoming generation. It probably isn't really an entire generation, but seems as if there are enough in each generation to generalize that way.

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I'm 43 also and I agree with you completely. (and I feel old but I feel like my philosophy is ancient! lol)

A few years back I was "nannying" for a family and the oldest daughter (12 at the time) fought me tooth and nail about saying please and thank you. This went on for over a year. Mom finally told me "thats just who she is, she doesn't say please or thank you, just yes or no.....she doesn't mean anything by it". (mind you, this child was perfectly competent, no issues with development or anything else that would make it understandable) A short time later I said "bye bye" to this crazy woman and started my own business, a place where please, thank you and consideration for others is taught to the children in my care, imagine that!!


My point is, some parents these days feel their special little angels are above even the basics of social manners. I don't really know why some parents raise their kids this way, but they do.. These kids eventually grow up..[/quote]


I know what you man about kids in recent years (decades?). I'm from the north-east, but have lived almost everywhere in the Navy. My last active duty tour was in the deep south. Deep as in 1/4 mile from the Gulf. My kids (elementary school age at the time) were respectful before we moved south, but the first words out of their mouths were not "yes sir, no sir", etc. Within 6-months, their "level of curtesy" (to invent a phrase) had improved dramatically, and even 5-years after we moved back north, "yes sir" was typically the first words out of their mouths.


Back to topic on the thread: simply common curtesy; except we all know common curtesy isn't as common as it should be, and that's true everywhere in life, not just on a cruise





It's funny how the same place known for Jim Crow, lynchings , and separate eating, drinking and restroom facilities always prides itself on manners .

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I think every generation says the same thing about the upcoming generation. It probably isn't really an entire generation, but seems as if there are enough in each generation to generalize that way.


I agree. What the people who are complaining about the younger generation dont realize, is the kids they are complaining about, are their kids/ or the same age. So technically they are the ones to be held responsible for their actions.

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I agree. What the people who are complaining about the younger generation dont realize, is the kids they are complaining about, are their kids/ or the same age. So technically they are the ones to be held responsible for their actions.



Yes but the people that complain are complaining about "other" kids of that generation.


The complainers are alwasy the model parents who raised their kids right and their kids are the perfect ones . *LOL*

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It's funny how the same place known for Jim Crow, lynchings , and separate eating, drinking and restroom facilities always prides itself on manners .


What a ridiculous statement. Because of it's past, people in the South now can't take pride in what's good about it? What on Earth even prompted you to say something so stupid?

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I read halfway through the thread and in spite of several posts I wanted to comment on I decided to post two quotes:


"When you look for the bad in people, you shall surely find it." from the movie PollyAnna




"Be kind to everyone you meet, for they too are fighting a hard battle." Unsure the author on this one...


My point in these is like many others have said, if you board the ship determined that everyone will be rude and disrespectful of the rules *you* feel are essential, then that's what you'll see.


If you judge everyone by how they look, how slow they move, or if they refuse to take the steps instead of the elevator you have a lot to learn in life. Someday - hopefully not until you're geriatric, you too will move slower, take the elevator, ride a scooter...and hopefully you'll still have enough zest for life to wanna take a cruise. ;)

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What a ridiculous statement. Because of it's past, people in the South now can't take pride in what's good about it? What on Earth even prompted you to say something so stupid?[/quote



Its the fact they throw it in your face all the time , like everywhere else on earth people are heathens .

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I read halfway through the thread and in spite of several posts I wanted to comment on I decided to post two quotes:


"When you look for the bad in people, you shall surely find it." from the movie PollyAnna




"Be kind to everyone you meet, for they too are fighting a hard battle." Unsure the author on this one...


My point in these is like many others have said, if you board the ship determined that everyone will be rude and disrespectful of the rules *you* feel are essential, then that's what you'll see.


If you judge everyone by how they look, how slow they move, or if they refuse to take the steps instead of the elevator you have a lot to learn in life. Someday - hopefully not until you're geriatric, you too will move slower, take the elevator, ride a scooter...and hopefully you'll still have enough zest for life to wanna take a cruise. ;)


Sounds like a good way to look at it. BTW, my early on post about dodging hoverounds wasn't meant to be mean at all. It was actually a poke at some of the other threads on CC. I think we can all agree that RCI, Carnival, and Disney are cruise lines marketed with families in mind. Keeping that in mind, I've read many threads on each of these cruise lines forums from older cruiser stating along the lines of, "it would have been a great Carnival cruise except for all of the kids." Well, that's a fine thought, but booking a cruise on a cruise line marketed towards families, and then complaining about the families seems a bit ridiculous. So my Hoveround comment was just a jab in that same theme. Ever walked down a ship's corridor or theater only to have a mobility scooter obstacle course? Just lighthearted fun....

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Yes but the people that complain are complaining about "other" kids of that generation.


The complainers are alwasy the model parents who raised their kids right and their kids are the perfect ones . *LOL*


I wish I had a like button for that comment

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If I want to go up to the Lido Deck and grab an empty table and chairs for DH and myself while we are just just having a drink, I will do so. :p


I will also say, thank you and excuse me when I need to. :)


I will help anyone to something if they can't reach it and if they don't say "thank you" after helping them several times, I will just look at them and say "thank you" for them. I think they usually get the message. :rolleyes:


Thank goodness our table of 9 is family and friends. Don't have to worry about the wine sharing stuff. It is easily done. :D



LUCKY Z - I am a pretty healthy person and don't have problems going up the stairs. But if I take the elevator up one deck, that is my decision. If I wanted to take the stairs, I would. Since I live in a 2-story house, I have my share of walking up stairs. So when I am on vacation and want to take the elevator for one deck up, I will take the elevator since I do not have one in my home. :p

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I wish I had a like button for that comment


Thank you :)



i would really love to sit down and talk with the friends , neighbors , relatives and co workers of some of the more high and mighty posters on these boards . The ones that always do the correct thing, and admonish those that they feel don't , and have the perfect kids and all that.


You know darn well some of them are "that guy at work " or the neighbor no one gets along with , or the sister in law the family all talks about and rues the day their brother married her . But on line they are the beloved icons of Cruise Critic. *LOL*



You just know some of those people are out there.

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Thank you :)



i would really love to sit down and talk with the friends , neighbors , relatives and co workers of some of the more high and mighty posters on these boards . The ones that always do the correct thing, and admonish those that they feel don't , and have the perfect kids and all that.


You know darn well some of them are "that guy at work " or the neighbor no one gets along with , or the sister in law the family all talks about and rues the day their brother married her . But on line they are the beloved icons of Cruise Critic. *LOL*



You just know some of those people are out there.


When your hidden behind a screen name you can be anything you want.

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Thank you :)



i would really love to sit down and talk with the friends , neighbors , relatives and co workers of some of the more high and mighty posters on these boards . The ones that always do the correct thing, and admonish those that they feel don't , and have the perfect kids and all that.


You know darn well some of them are "that guy at work " or the neighbor no one gets along with , or the sister in law the family all talks about and rues the day their brother married her . But on line they are the beloved icons of Cruise Critic. *LOL*








You just know some of those people are out there.


Hey - my kids ARE perfect.:D Yeah.....right. My kids are far from perfect, though we try to teach them courtesy and respect, there are so many other influences in their little lives that contradict what we try to teach them. We can only hope they choose to follow the right paths in life.


I don't know that anyone on this thread is expecting everyone else on board to be perfect, as I know that won't happen. But even making an attempt at being considerate of and courteous towards other cruisers can make a huge difference.

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I didn't take the original post that way (referred to by the red text above). Although not specifically stated, I took the original posting to refer to people talking LOUDLY to others who may be on the opposite side of the elvator.


To me, this is the same as (elsewhere) talking on a cell phone blue-tooth in a voice loud enough people 15 feet away can hear every word.


I consider that to be rude. At the same time, I don't get hung up on it; after all - I'm on a cruise on vacation!!!!!!!!!! :)


You are one of three posters who actually read and understood what I was saying, even though I have explained myself countless times. I guess it sounds better to say I am asking folks to not talk at all in the elevator.


Again, for those folks who did not understand...my suggestion was simply this, if you get on an elevator and it becomes crammed and you are not standing next to your friend/partner, it might be a good idea to wait until arriving at your floor to continue your conversation. I consider it rude to shout over others in the elevator.


I really like your analogy that this is similar to having a conversation on a cell phone in a packed elevator, most would find this rude, right?

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I would hope that the CC members are sincere, honest people. :confused:


But we all know that their are some that we would assume are not :rolleyes:


We could also assume that all politicians are truthful and honest about everything, too:rolleyes:

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