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Fire on Carnival Triumph. No engines, running on emergency generators.


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John Arthur Eaves, a Jackson, Miss.-based attorney isn't surprised the same ship seized by the district court in Galveston, Texas, nearly a year ago based on Carnival Cruise Lines' lack of compliance to standards regarding on-board safety and procedures aimed at preserving the lives of passengers and crew is now adrift in the Gulf of Mexico.


"How much longer are we going to allow this to happen?," asked Attorney John Arthur Eaves, Jr. "Once again, Carnival's desire to increase profits at the risk of passenger safety has resulted in putting passengers at risk."


On request of the Law Offices of John Arthur Eaves, police seized Carnival Cruise Lines' ship, the Carnival Triumph, in the port of Galveston, Texas, on March 29, 2012.


"We seized this exact ship to make Americans aware the same inadequate standards that caused the sinking of the Costa Concordia are the same problems on every Carnival cruise vessel," Eaves said. "How ironic is it the Triumph is the ship we seized to make this point?"


Eaves maintains Carnival continues to put profits over passenger safety and "has set the safety standards for the international cruise industry."


"Carnival has had billion-dollar profits yet consistently cuts costs in hiring and training of its crew, in the discipline of its officers, in the design of its vessels and, as we know now, in the maintenance in its mechanical operations," said Eaves. "It's sad but true that when a company like Carnival is able to avoid responsibility because of outdated laws they always cut safety costs to increase their profits.


"We call this greed, and the only way to remedy this is to close the loopholes in the law and hold the company accountable" says John Arthur Eaves, Jr. For this reason, Eaves Law Firm continues its actions aiming to change the rules on safety at sea for the entire cruise-industry in all the world. Hence the law firm is addressing all social, economical and industrial entities aiming to enact measures to avoid tragedies like the grounding of the Costa Concordia, a tragedy which could easily have been repeated with the Carnival Triumph.

My opionon is this man is not concerned about safety, he is going to file lawsuits for passengers on this ship and is laying the ground work.


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I am kinda of new here and have been trying to keep up. I am wondering what the contingency plan would be if this happened in the middle of the Atlantic during a Tranatlantic cruise? Or anywhere 1000 miles from land?

That would have been much worse especially in rough seas.


Time to call the US Navy in that case. They have the resources to evacuate thousands of people.

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They are getting complete refund on the cruise they are on now, which by the way, was almost completely finished. They are also getting a cruise credit for another cruise for the amount they paid for this cruise. They are also getting all transportation costs refunded. AND, they are getting their sail and sign accounts refunded except for casino and gift shop. So this includes their shore excursions that they went on and soda, and alcohol. which Carnival shore excursions aren't exactly cheap. Let's say 1000 for the cruise, 300 for shore excursions, 300 for alcohol. That is a nice refund. And their next cruise is free.

You're not even in the neighborhood for excursion and drink costs. They went to one port and had less than 3 full days before this happened

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i am assuming that the conditions on the triumph are the farthest thing from ideal and that the passengers and crew are dealing with things and are exposed to things that many would have never believed would occur in their snug little lives, but when i hear other passengers refer to their shipmates as savages and report that people are resorting to basic animalistic instincts (per the guy who is reporting his conversations to cnn) i begin to wonder how much is truth and how much is fiction.


i'll give people the benefit of the doubt and will assume that those on the ship are trying their very vest to work as a community to see these horrendous days pass with the least amount of strife and confrontation and that the worst aspects of human nature are kept individually under control. i'm a glass half full person and am hoping and am confidant that people are coping (because what else can they really do but mutiny and throw each other over board).


i expect that a lot of the stories we will hear after all this is said and done is about the way people rallied on board to make sure the elderly and the young were taken care of and that children were entertained and kept occupied. we will learn that people with balcony cabins invited others to use their couches or haul their mattresses onto their floors. we will hear stories about big bruising guys assisting peeps up and down stairs because of the lack of elevators. i think the truth on board is a whole lot more civilized than the few panicked phone calls from a few drama queens have led us to believe.


and i am very glad that the loud, cantankerous, and judgmental seem to be on board this thread and not the boat. now flame away and everyone have a good morning. and to the triumph and those aboard: 3 down 1 or 2 to go. god speed.

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Chalk board? Again it's 2013.


But I would have lost my patience early on, especially when what we are being told from source A is not marrying up to existance B.


And that press conference video kinda explains why there's been such deafening silence. I expect this aftermath on an incident some are saying is not as bad as the Splendor fire to be a lot worse.


I do hope I'm wrong.

So you shouldn't expect to suffer through a disaster and live in these conditions in 2013? There are hurricanes, floods and tornadoes every year. Lots of people have to suffer with horrible living conditions, What about all the poor homeless people? Not to mention all the poverty stricken third world countries?


I looked up the roll call for this cruise. There are several forum members on the ship. We should have a good base of what it was like.





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And the conditions are partially the fault of passengers urinating on the floors, some in public areas. How SICK!! Same with food hoarding. Because of this, others don't get much but undesireable leftovers, then they report home there's no food. One family reports she had water and a peanutbutter sandwich as her "daily ration", How could TONS of food being delivered reduced to a peanutbutter sandwich? So this is how it gets reported to the media?


Not only that, the water was served in a bowl? Not a cup but they put water in a bowl. Sounds odd, perhaps true, but odd.


Also, they are eating vegetable sandwiches. Why not have a vegetable salad with bread on the side? Nope, can't do that, we are eating vegetable sandwiches. Also very odd to me.

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No one should "have" to go into survival mode. But, if you do have to then they should try and make the best of it. It happens and it can happen anywhere. What if you were on a plane and it went down in a jungle somewhere. Are you gonna sit around and cry about it or pull up your big girl panties and deal with it the best you can?


The jungle would be more sanitary. I wouldn't have to use an overflowing toilet. I'd be able to eat the food from the plane. And the chances of a jetliner crashing into the jungle and not having rescue/recovery begin within 12 hours or so is pretty minimal.


As for the weeks pay, I would hope that most employers would be understanding and let these people use extra vaca time or personal time or something. This was beyond their control and most employers would know that. I am certainly not rich by any stretch but I am pretty sure my employer would work something out with me as would my husbands. Also, we would deal.


You are missing the point. What if they are using the one week a year that they get for this cruise? What if they are self-employed and don't get paid for vacation? What if they get fired for not showing up to work? Just because you could "deal" it doesn't mean that you should have to. Carnival needs to step up to the plate and make things right for people who lost wages. This was not an act of God (weather, volcano, etc.)--if that were the case I'd feel differently.

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Not only that, the water was served in a bowl? Not a cup but they put water in a bowl. Sounds odd, perhaps true, but odd.


Also, they are eating vegetable sandwiches. Why not have a vegetable saladwith some bread. Nope, can't do that, we are eating vegetable sandwiches. Also very odd to me.


It's possible that they were using a bowl because there were no clean glasses. Sandwiches due to lack of utensils.

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This thread has taken an interesting turn... I wish everyone on here could paint a picture of what they think is going on, then the closest to reality wins a prize...


Everything from people assuming the ship smells like rose and they are having a party... To people living in poop, sleeping in poop, potentially eating poop, and throwing bags of poop at other passengers... I assume it is somewhere in between the two situations.


I assume people haven't turned the entire top deck in to feces party, so maybe outside on the top deck is perfectly fine to sit? I really think all the talk about "they are in an unbearable life or death situation and need to get on a lifeboat and get off" and all the "I would make the best of it" talk is a complete joke. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!!! When you are in this same situation (and hopefully, you never will be), then you can tell us what you would do.

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I'm not a psychic. Who knows when you should have to go into survival mode. A disaster can strike anytime and anyplace. You should always have some idea how you would react.



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I always have my water bottle with me--I even took it to Europe last summer. I bring a few snacks along as I have food allergies and am limited in what I can eat--they wouldn't be enough food for more than a day. I bring a flashlight as well. What more would you expect from someone taking a cruise?


At home I've got a generator, gas grill and propane camp stove, cases of bottled water and at least two weeks worth of non-perishable food for emergencies, the list goes on.


Those people aren't at home. Big difference.

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This thread has taken an interesting turn... I wish everyone on here could paint a picture of what they think is going on, then the closest to reality wins a prize...


Everything from people assuming the ship smells like rose and they are having a party... To people living in poop, sleeping in poop, potentially eating poop, and throwing bags of poop at other passengers... I assume it is somewhere in between the two situations.


I assume people haven't turned the entire top deck in to feces party, so maybe outside on the top deck is perfectly fine to sit? I really think all the talk about "they are in an unbearable life or death situation and need to get on a lifeboat and get off" and all the "I would make the best of it" talk is a complete joke. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!!! When you are in this same situation (and hopefully, you never will be), then you can tell us what you would do.


I agree. Am amazed at all the speculation. It will be so interesting to hear a NUMBER of first person accounts. We have heard very few first person accounts .. what maybe 10 (at the very most) of 3100 passengers? that is a teeny tiny percentage. AND those accounts have been second hand.. (not saying that isn't what they heard - but it's still a person away from the actual passenger.


I figure fact is somewhere in the middle ... not a bed of roses certainly - but not chaos either. (Hopefully .. )

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Not only that, the water was served in a bowl? Not a cup but they put water in a bowl. Sounds odd, perhaps true, but odd.




I saw the interview the bowl information came from...the guy was misquoted. He actually said "bottle" but it was difficult to understand.

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I agree. Am amazed at all the speculation. It will be so interesting to hear a NUMBER of first person accounts. We have heard very few first person accounts .. what maybe 10 (at the very most) of 3100 passengers? that is a teeny tiny percentage. AND those accounts have been second hand.. (not saying that isn't what they heard - but it's still a person away from the actual passenger.


I figure fact is somewhere in the middle ... not a bed of roses certainly - but not chaos either. (Hopefully .. )


Those first person accounts should start coming in in a matter of hours.

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All I know is I'm clearing my schedule tomorrow for some heavy "duty" reading.


As we'll be boarding the Allure tomorrow, I will be at a disadvantage from a bandwidth standpoint. DARN, right when the real "stuff" will hit the fan too!


I'll never be able to catch up. :eek:



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There is hardly a true topic left, the thread has gone awry. It's frustrating, we aren't there, we all have a different picture in our mind, some aren't listening to other's viewpoints, so postings go in circles.


Made most obvious by our return to passport discussions reintroduced yet again above.

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This thread has taken an interesting turn... I wish everyone on here could paint a picture of what they think is going on, then the closest to reality wins a prize...


Everything from people assuming the ship smells like rose and they are having a party... To people living in poop, sleeping in poop, potentially eating poop, and throwing bags of poop at other passengers... I assume it is somewhere in between the two situations.


I assume people haven't turned the entire top deck in to feces party, so maybe outside on the top deck is perfectly fine to sit? I really think all the talk about "they are in an unbearable life or death situation and need to get on a lifeboat and get off" and all the "I would make the best of it" talk is a complete joke. YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IS GOING ON!!! When you are in this same situation (and hopefully, you never will be), then you can tell us what you would do.


I agree 100%.

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It's possible that they were using a bowl because there were no clean glasses. Sandwiches due to lack of utensils.


Use the bowl for the salad and eat it with your fingers. You're eating the sandwich with the exact same fingers so.....


I've also always had glasses in my cabin but, like I said, it's possible they were using bowls for water, I wouldn't have unless it was served that way. i would have used the glass from my cabin.

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As we'll be boarding the Allure tomorrow, I will be at a disadvantage from a bandwidth standpoint. DARN, right when the real "stuff" will hit the fan too!


I'll never be able to catch up. :eek:




I'll save the good stuff and post it on your Facebook page! :)

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I saw the interview the bowl information came from...the guy was misquoted. He actually said "bottle" but it was difficult to understand.


Figures, you could get it right but the media couldn't.


Soladad to Wolfy: "Did you hear they're drinking out of bowls and treating them like dogs on the cruise, how horrific."

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So you shouldn't expect to suffer through a disaster and live in these conditions in 2013? There are hurricanes, floods and tornadoes every year. Lots of people have to suffer with horrible living conditions, What about all the poor homeless people? Not to mention all the poverty stricken third world countries?


I looked up the roll call for this cruise. There are several forum members on the ship. We should have a good base of what it was like.





Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Homeless people and those in third world countries have not paid for a cruise where they deserve to have at least basic sanitation.


Many natural disasters are foreseen well in advance and can be prepared for--not to mention it's a lot easier to cope with challenging conditions in your own home where you've got resources than on a ship where you've got whatever you got on board with--if they'll even let you go to your cabin.

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