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My Cuba Cruise

Balloon Man

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Firstly the muster station system works and cannot be "skipped" since whilst you are at the muster they check all the cabins of the people who boarded at the last stop and make sure that the lifejackets have been removed from the cabin and that there are no people remaining in the cabin (which they explained at the muster, if you had been paying attention!). It is a small ship and not many places to hide, but remember half the passengers would have embarked 3 days earlier (Montego Bay or Havana) so not everyone required to attend each muster.


Secondly, not sure what YOUR problem is (apart from not being able to type or spell!!) but I and many others are totally independent (definitely not representatives) and have no personal interest in the ship or its charterer. Your comment is somewhat offensive given that different people can enjoy and expect different things. If I do not like something I will not go out of my way to do it and then spend a whole lot of time bagging it. If you think it is not for you, do not go. For example I had the drink package and it suited me perfectly, others might not have the same drinking patterns. With it we got the best spirits and could ask for doubles, no problems. It was definitely not "a bad all inclusive drink choice" for my tastes! Maybe you should be taking your "dark" glasses off.


Not true as i went back ro my cabin durring muster station safety procwdure

And i had a tag on my cabin saying vacant but my life jackets were in the room

Imthen went to the area and stood with my jacket with no apperant recognition

Not a problem however and i dont care

But just wanted to make a point about ez safety concern


Now this is a cruise critique right


I try to point out positive but also negative aspects


Those pills,or,drugs for diarea should be stressed formthis cruise


Cubans are way more polite than you btw

You should be embarrassed by your post

Its,rude and imature

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You should be embarrassed by your post

Its,rude and imature


LOL - At least I can type, and I can spell, and I can write proper English. :eek: :p :D :confused: :rolleyes:


Feel free to criticise away, but don't go tarring all the other critics with your tainted brush just because you disagree with something a number of users all independently happen to agree with, and with which they feel compelled to share their experiences.

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With all my respect , The crueise experience was great , but I am from the eastern European communist country and I have never experienced the worst hygienic experience in my life.The other hand the service and entertaimant was the best we had ever had in our life.The shows were very creative and high level of enterteing , which we recommend to see (by the way better than the Tropicana show) ,so be my guest.🚢

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... Feel free to criticise away, but don't go tarring all the other critics with your tainted brush just because you disagree with something a number of users all independently happen to agree with, and with which they feel compelled to share their experiences.


With a membership commencement date of but one month and with a total of 17 postings, methinks the author (David22) doth protest too much. I am sure other Vancouver members would like to see their province better represented, at least in it's abbreviation (bc?), if in fact that is the origin of these postings. The authors nationality might enlighten us as to his hostility. The insignia placed at the end of David22's posting, when opened, results in a vocal statement in a foreign language which might be of interest, if someone could translate it for us.


Obviously from his comments and innuendo, no time had been spent in reviewing the entire thread for it would have been found that I have been a vocal critic of both ship and shore. But in so doing, I try to discuss the pro's and con's of the issues and incorporate suggested remedial action. Complaint for the sake of complaint in this case has, I believe, an ulterior motive and perhaps political.

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Hi all!


It is Cruise Critic but please be careful as we don't want them to pull the thread if bickering continues! Everyone is entitled to their opinion but respect must be shown.


David22 ~ I think your resistance to the trash can way of doing things is more a male problem than female.:o I have no problem with it yet DH does & let's face it girls use much more tp than men! This has been the way of doing things in resorts we've been to both in Cuba & Mexico & as a matter of fact even at the port shopping area in Cozumel last November.


Last year we had to go to the safety meeting twice since we weren't shown our lifeboat station the 1st time.:confused:


Anyhow, the approval rating has gone up a couple of points & here's the latest review.



Hope our friends that boarded Monday are having a great time & will come back & let us know how they feel.


I loved the cruise & am in no way affiliated with the companies involved & don't think it's perfect but really enjoyable.


~ Jo ~ :)

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Calm boys¡¡¡, will not be angry for a cube of garbage¡¡¡. We all know the limitations of the Louis Cristal :(


DONTWORRY, thank you very much for your review. We go to the hotel Parque Central, is OK? better the colonial zone ?. On the boat scares me to tell little space in the cabin, and you had drinks package? :)


DAVID22, tried the Steak House ?. And you had health problems ?, poisoning, diarrhea or some bath fungi?, boat cleaning is ok? : Confuso:


JxsAUS, You can give information beverage package?, I wrote to Cubacruise a week ago and I'm still waiting for answer. : Mad:


Best Regards

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JxsAUS, You can give information beverage package?, I wrote to Cubacruise a week ago and I'm still waiting for answer. : Mad:


This from their website:

"Open Bar" Beverage Package:

Experience a selection of award winning wines and spirits, beer and bottled water, all served by the glass in all bars/restaurants aboard ship. Package includes soft drinks, tea and coffee and a selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic cocktails, all from the regular bar menu. $294.00 ($42/day)

Children under 6 years of age enjoy free juice, milk and water throughout the day with any accompanying adult wine & dine or open bar beverage package.


Pretty much everything except exotic spirits and some fine wines. The standard drinks list tells you which drinks have a surcharge if you are on the Open bar package, but they were few and far between. All cocktails etc were included and it was no problem asking for double shots. Spirits were of good quality (not just "well" spirits) all you do is specify at the time of ordering (eg say "Grey Goose" rather than just "Vodka"). You are supposed to order one drink at a time, but you could order (say) both an alcoholic drink and a bottle of water. The staff are generally only too happy to please.

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We just got back from this cruise-from Feb 9-16-and had a wonderful time. This is my 61st cruise-lots of newer ships and lots of older ships. This one exceeded our expectations. Clean, well maintained, comfortable. Cabins were fine-ours was an inside cabin and was small but we never spend much time in our cabin anyway so it was no problem. We were mid ship on deck 3-quiet and easy to get to upper decks. The entertainment was fabulous-Danny, the Cruise Director was a real pleasure to listen to and to talk to-very approachable and friendly. Freddy-one of the singers was a highlight but the rest of the singers were also excellent.

The itinerary was a delight. Cubans are so friendly and happy to see us. We took toothpaste, soap, shampoo, some disposable diapers and old prescription glasses to give to some churches there. They were so full of thankyous that it warmed our hearts.

Only one hiccup happened on our way through the Havanna Airport when we were on our way home and folks should be aware. Some of the folks(14 out of about 60)on our Air Transat flight were held up for more than an hour at the Immigration counter on the way to Security. They showed their passports and tickets to the Cuba Immigration officers and then were asked to step back from the counter-with no explanation. There continued to be no explanation for their wait and any questions were not answered They were finally let through just before our flight was ready to board. No explanation was ever given. Needless to say it caused some anxious moments.

That being said-it was a wonderful trip and we will happily do it again.

If you are thinking about doing this trip-do it-you won't regret it.

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...Only one hiccup happened on our way through the Havanna Airport when we were on our way home and folks should be aware. Some of the folks(14 out of about 60)on our Air Transat flight were held up for more than an hour at the Immigration counter on the way to Security. They showed their passports and tickets to the Cuba Immigration officers and then were asked to step back from the counter-with no explanation. There continued to be no explanation for their wait and any questions were not answered They were finally let through just before our flight was ready to board. No explanation was ever given. Needless to say it caused some anxious moments.


Oh, THAT... Isn't it silly. It happened to us too. Much checking of passports, calling supervisors, who in turn called their supervisors and I was observed like a science project. Take off your hat, take off your glasses, turn this way turn that way. I could understand it as part of their scrutiny coming into their country but leaving it? And it's nothing more than a control thing. What are they going to do, keep you there forever? Silly really. Not a plus for their tourism.

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Hi again!


nightingalegirl ~ very nice summary of your cruise.:D Sounds like you had a great time.


I called the lady from Town who was on the Feb 2 cruise to see what they thought of it. OMG what an adventure they had!:eek: They went to Varadero for a week before the cruise, her husband's suitcase never turned up until they were back in Toronto! Only 4 people on their flight had their entry visa stamped so all the others had to wait for someone to come with a stamp so they could enter the country. They had a good time on the cruise & actually met another couple from Town & their relatives so that was nice. They did excursions in all the places & enjoyed them, liked the food better on the ship than at their resort.


Coming back they took VIP service at the airport to avoid further problems & the madhouse of the terminal.


Upon arrival back at YYZ the bag was still not there (it had gone to Panama) & was actually on its way from Montreal so after a lot of running around after 9 at night, they went to their airport hotel where upon opening the door they were surprised to see a man in his underwear! Quite the trip!


Guess I better get packing tomorrow morning if we're to leave after lunch for the airport hotel.:o


Ron ~ safe travels & fun times! See you after the 23rd?


~ Jo ~ :)

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Yes Jo, we're still on for arrival at the Cristal around noon on the Monday, the 23rd. Call us after that. All travel weather forecasts are good It is something like opening up the cottage for the season coming back to the same cabin yet again. We are really cutting back on the amount of clothing this trip having learned from bringing home shirts never worn. I was wondering if we will get to also meet burm who thought would remain on the ship until mid afternoon. See you aboard.

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Hi all!


Ron ~ are you in the same cabin as she is? We'll probably be 'hopping on & off" in Havana during the day so might give you a call in the evening. I'm sure burm would like to meet you too so will mention it to her. They are in Havana for a couple of nights after the cruise I believe.


Well TG the weather looks good for the trip to Toronto. Even with the problem the Picton people had DH still didn't want to cross pack!:o

BTW the couple actually met 2 couples from Picton, small world eh?


All packed & ready to go after lunch. Just have to print out the boarding passes then shut off this machine.


Safe travels to all heading out this weekend.


~ Jo~ :)

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Received an e-mail from one of the bar servers we met and she tells us it is cold. Of course she really doesn't understand the true meaning of "cold". Friday night to be only 14C she says, but it is expected to reach 26C Saturday in Havana which is just fine with us. Yes, we follow burm in the same cabin. She just might be still in there with the door bolted...:D

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Hi again!


Ron ~ are you going to be at Pearson early Friday morning?:confused: DH won't be very happy if he has to dig the car out of snow & ice like he did one other time even if he had a great cruise.

Kerri et al must be getting so excited! I can't believe the time has come.


Had a water problem today when I went to do a load of washing, the line was frozen, the dryer vent stayed open from yesterday & froze it up. This is the coldest weather we've ever had here.




~ Jo ~ :)

See you aboard on Monday!!

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It has been stated, and we agree, that there is an stark absence of both lobster and shrimp (especially shrimp) in the menus aboard the Cristal in comparison to other lines. Granted, these are premium perishable food items. But perhaps you are not aware of the following:


In the Cuba lobster fishery, 245 vessels up to 18 m in length supply seven industrial plants with a total annual production of more than 9 000 tonnes. In the shrimp fishery, 92 trawlers of 18-23 m in length catch about 1 800 tonnes of shrimp per year, with a bycatch of 12 000 tonnes which is used for human consumption.


It would seem opportune to take advantage of the immediate location and ready supply to include in the ship's menus. Just saying

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the talk about seafood reminded me of one night in the dining room one of the entrees was fish and chips. Everyone was curious to see what their version would be and it was simply fantastic. The fish, not 100% sure what it was, and even the chips were outstanding. You should give it a try. No one wearing shorts were permitted in the dining room at dinner time, this was not enforced in the buffet at dinner. Service was great, perhaps due to there only being 550 of us, you had coffee,juice, bar service at all times. There is an exhibition of "Buddy Bears" right across the street from the terminal. There are over 150 bears(not sure of the material) representing that many countries. It is truly amazing to see and they are there until March sometime. They have been going around the world since 2005. Check out the Cuba one. One thing about Cuba that gets to me is the entering and exiting. Going up to the immigration booths by yourself, and waiting to see if your door gets unlocked so you can go through and hoping that the rest of your family gets through their door is unsettling to me :) When we got to the Air Transat counter while coming home the fellow had a tip jar on the counter??. After giving us our tickets he implied that he gave us great seats(we chose them months ago) and would we do him a favour. He said he was too busy to change his Canadian money to Cuban so would we exchange our Cuban money with him at par. He stood to make good money if he did this with a lot of people. We said no and ten seconds later an employee from a different airline asked us to do the same thing. Nice scam there. Anyways I ramble, happy cruising to all. The time will fly by so quickly.

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As we entered and exited via Havana we did not have a "door" to open up but instead just a plain counter. What airport was that please?


Lots of scams with money exchange. They take advantage of the moments of uncertainty or confusion. On our first visit we had to cough up a Canadian five to get our passports back. No such costs but she knew we were newbies...:confused:


Sorry to leave you with this weather...but have to run..:D

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at Varadaro airport,,,, you go up to the desk,get looked at for a minute amd then you move to the door and they unlock it and you hear the click and you are officially in Cuba....your partner may or may not be in the same line so you wait until they make it through too, not a huge deal but it does make for a few tense moments for me ")

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JxsAUS, Thanks for the info. i locate the website the beverage package, now I hope to buy it on the ship. ;)


NIGTINGALEGIRL, as you say hope I do not regret the choice of traveling, for the airport as we minded, jaja. :)


KANDCSAILING, which have good news and everything OK. : Cool:


We know that Canada you have a very cold February, but bad luck Child 3years of Toronto, My thoughts and prayers to the family at this difficult time. :(

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Looking for comments from any U.S. citizens who have booked this cruise and received the People to People Partnership letter. Did it all go smoothly?


"Cuba/US People to People Partnership"


I am looking for this information as well, although I would prefer to fly to Havana.


Right now there is a temporary ebola ban on people from Texas ( I have no idea why at this point) so I will have to wait for it to be lifted anyway. We are hoping to go March of 2016.

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We did have a few Americans get on in Montego Bay on our cruise.


There was also an American group of 20 Rhodes Scholars, almost all seniors, had flown into Havana, taken a bus with a couple overnight stops to Cienfuegoes, boarded our ship and were getting off at the Santiago De Cuba port.

We were speaking to one man from Indiana with the group. He was retired, but his wife stayed home and still worked to pay for his trips.

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