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Mass Prepared Meals and The Picky Eater!


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I always order the steak or grilled chicken from the always available menu, when I can't find anything else I want to try.


If a menu item comes with sauce, I ask for it to be "On the side."


Even as a child, I could not eat cooked carrots, squash, sweet potato, or any yellow cooked veggie. However, I love raw carrot sticks. Cooking these items changes the texture and taste, which even today, I can't deal with. Therefore, I avoid them.


Broccoli, spinach, and green beans------no problem.

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While me, DH and DS11 don't have problems with any foods, DS15 eats well, to the rest of us really bland stuff.


He has never had a problem finding anything he likes and is willing to eat in the MDR, and he won't touch steak ever at all! But there is always chicken avaliable at least which is good.


While I haven't been on NCL (yet) I we have been on 3 other lines and found all of them very accommodating. For well anything we ask for at meal times. DS11 could live off baked potatoes with butter and sour cream if we let him, never had a problem even just ordering 2-4 of those for his dinner anywhere.


And I do want to thank everyone in this thread. While I have never had to deal with things like this, it is good to learn. My cousin is graduating HS today and already have over 2/3 of her tuition in childhood education paid for by scholarships. I plan on passing what I learned her onto her also!

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It is good to read all this information. My DS (8) also has a limited taste and texture tolerance for foods. People tell me all the time just to "make him" eat things or "introduce" him to more foods. I'd say we introduce him to plenty. My DH and I eat a wide variety from sushi to turnips, etc. We've tried to force the issue. He has seen and refused and tasted and repulsed. You know he is not faking gagging when it ends in losing his lunch. He will only eat what he wants and will not eat what he doesn't want. Maybe I should leave him home. Lol. I am not worried about him finding something to eat now as there are always burgers, pizza, and chicken fingers. Thanks for asking the question!


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I have been on 29 cruises and have never had a problem in the MDR getting my food plain. I explain the first night that I like all my meat plain with plain white rice and no veggie, never a problem. When you explain what you like with a smile and a thank you the waiter is usually very accommodating.

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A few things to remember.


On the Breakaway you have o'Sheehans as well as the Buffet. You can get chicken tenders or a burger at any time.


In all restaurants, including the specialities, there is a kids menu which includes chicken tenders, mac and cheese etc, if your daughter was to order from there then obviously there is no charge.


Finally, the great thing about being on a cruise is that you can order something, and if you find you don't like it then it will be replaced by something else. Alternatively, just eat the bits you can and then hit the buffet or pub a bit later if necessary.


In my opinion, a cruise is the perfect place for picky eaters. Both my wife and son are quite picky, but I can eat with them just about anywhere on NCL ships with very little risk of them going hungry.


The staff want you to enjoy yourselves. Within reason they will go to great lengths to help. Just make sure you have some notes on you, as they will most likely be so helpful that you will want to reward them.

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If you are portraying your husbands and childs picky food eating accurately, my recommendation is to avoid going on a cruise. They will not enjoy the dining experience. You should vacation in a more controlled and predictable food environment.


However if you are just being overly dramatic and they are more flexible than you describe, you should be fine.



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No one is more finicky than my DW. I always tell her she has the palate of a nine-year-old who has money. No seafood, no veggies or fruit, nothing too spicy, I could go on and on and on.


Anyway, for us going on a cruise provides her with food she will eat - almost every night was the strip steak and baked potato from the Classic Selections side of the menu, while I had far more adventurous food with two appetizers every evening. We not only survived, but we both were happy with what we had to eat. After we got to Anchroage, though, the first thing she wanted was a classic chicken sandwich from Burger King!

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I think you'll be fine. There are simple dishes on the "anytime" menu and steak or chicken and fries will always be available. Worst case is a visit to O'Sheehan's after for chicken fingers, wings and a burger. Your husband and daughter won't go hungry. Of course there are levels of pickiness and if they are off the charts, then you may need to make changes in where you eat. Teppanyaki may be a good choice because the sauces are separate and you can make a request for no veg and still have plenty to eat.


I hope you'll report back, there are plenty of others in the same situation, and your experience will be helpful.


BTW, I'm sorry for the reason you're able to take this trip, I hope you have a really relaxing, happy family time together.


I don't eat gravy, mushrooms, bleu cheese, black olives, or meat that is not well done. I didn't have any issues having any of these items left off of or out of a dish, or having the meat cooked to my liking. I don't think you'll have any problems, and as others have said, there is an anytime side to the menu with fairly plain items listed to choose from, just in case. You can sub the kind of side, potato, or veggie with a different one, as well.


If they don't get full, they will just have to order two desserts. I would tell your daughter to avoid the flan. That is about the most icky texture I can think of.

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As usual, the voice of rationality and sanity rings loud and true. Yes, I think given everyone else's input and my own knowledge of my family's dietary needs and wants, I'll just chuck the whole idea and head down to the Piggly Wiggly for the sampler bucket since you've said now that they will find nothing on board to eat for the week. Screw the pizza, chicken fingers, fries and burgers that others have mentioned. Breakfast food like scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon be damned.


Why is it that with almost no exception, every post I read by you is dripping with disdain for the person you're addressing? Why do you even bother contributing? Just so you have yet one more person you feel you can look down your nose at? Fascinating study in human psychology and online interpersonal relations is what you are, my 'grumpy' friend. I hope you have a lovely day.






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Add me to the list that recommends the buffet, for both your daughter and your husband. While the MDR food was wonderful on my last cruise it tends to be more "exotic" perhaps than what your family will like. At least from my own experience with a picky eater, I know that most of the items on the MDR menu were things my picky son-in-law wouldn't eat, mostly because of what he would call the "fancy" seasonings (like "Rosemary Chicken" for example). That being said, if you find an entree you like in the MDR you can always ask for a substitution of the sides if you need to. As long as it's on the menu somewhere it shouldn't be an issue. I did that once on my last cruise. I wanted a beef entree that came with asparagus but since I hate asparagus I asked if I could have the squash that was being served that night with a chicken dish. They had no problem making the substitution.

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I really don't have much to add to the "topic", but just wanted to chime in and say I hope you go and have a great cruise. I applaud your preparation and spirit.


Would love to cruise with you and your family someday!

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As far as NCL and food, I personally love the Buffet, so many choices, so many things to try everyday. Take a spoon, don't like, don't eat.


I'm not a seafood person, but evey day I could try a different type of seafood dish, just to know what it was like.


You don't know what it's like until you try ... But you can always Grab a burger anywhere.


Enjoy your cruise, -and- in the word of Bob Marley "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause every little thing gonna be all right!"



My daughter (turning 17 next month) is a very "basic" eater. Not sure it's about texture, but who knows. On our last cruise, she did try foods she had never eaten before! I do try to encourage my kids to try different foods. Worst case - at least they've tried it to declare they don't like it.


As many others on this thread have said, you will be fine. Everyone can find something to eat on a cruise. Have an awesome trip!

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Ya'll are just awesome x infinity. Thank you so much for the advice, ideas, info, suggestions and above all the backup to the singularly *bad* issue on this thread.


I don't understand why it is some people's life mission to ruin another person's good time. Maybe so they can make sure I don't book a cabin THEY might want?? :P

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If you are portraying your husbands and childs picky food eating accurately, my recommendation is to avoid going on a cruise. They will not enjoy the dining experience. You should vacation in a more controlled and predictable food environment.


However if you are just being overly dramatic and they are more flexible than you describe, you should be fine.


Wow, could you be any less helpful?

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My opinion - not worth much of course.


You should not cruise.


With all due respect, the last 2 pages of posts tell me otherwise. Burgers, fries, pizza, chicken strips, plain grilled chicken, pasta, plus breakfast foods, fresh fruits like bananas...all of these options that are (as people have told me through the aforementioned 2 pages of posts) available on board and are just a simple request away are all things that both my DH and DD eat regularly at home.


Honestly, you've read through these replies and suggestions and still think that because of my original concerns (which have now been addressed en masse) we should not cruise?


My opinion - not worth much of course.


You should not give advice.

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So I have this ...problem. I think. Both my husband and my daughter (she's 4) have a *thing* about eating. My daughter has an issue with the texture of things and if it's not something she is expecting, even if she likes the taste of it, she'll spit it out or start gagging. (She tried a fresh peach for the first time the other day and loved the flavor but immediately spit it out when she took a bite because the texture freaked her out.)


My husband is decidedly bland when it comes to *his* food. No sauces, no funky seasonings, no veggies. Chicken and potatoes all the way.


Being that the majority of the meals are sort of 'mass produced', is there any way they'd do something like just cook up a plain grilled chicken breast? How about fries for a side instead of roasted or otherwise 'funky' potatoes?


I've been trying to look at the menus in the specialty restaurants on The Breakaway and getting more and more nervous about the prospect of him finding anything he'll eat. I'm sure with my daughter, we could probably just grab something from the buffet (she likes pizza and chicken) and that would do her fine.


Anybody with experience of not only feeding children with the 'unusual' foods but also picky adults who are decidedly UNexperimental, your feedback is desperately needed!!




Yes, you can ask for just a plain grilled chicken breast and fries. My grandmother is a very picky eater (no one can cook but her :rolleyes: ) and all she ever ordered on the cruise was a plain grilled chicken breast.

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If you are portraying your husbands and childs picky food eating accurately, my recommendation is to avoid going on a cruise. They will not enjoy the dining experience. You should vacation in a more controlled and predictable food environment.


However if you are just being overly dramatic and they are more flexible than you describe, you should be fine.


Oh good grief - they most certainly can go on a cruise AND enjoy it. Such an asinine statement to make.

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My opinion - not worth much of course.


You should not cruise.


Why? LOL


My 16-year old is STILL a picky eater. If she isn't in the mood for a filet, she will still order chicken fingers and french fries in the MDR. We have never, ever had a waiter say "no".


As previously stated, my grandmother ordered a plain grilled chicken breast all 7 nights of our cruise. Wasn't an issue.

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As usual, the voice of rationality and sanity rings loud and true. Yes, I think given everyone else's input and my own knowledge of my family's dietary needs and wants, I'll just chuck the whole idea and head down to the Piggly Wiggly for the sampler bucket since you've said now that they will find nothing on board to eat for the week. Screw the pizza, chicken fingers, fries and burgers that others have mentioned. Breakfast food like scrambled eggs, sausage and bacon be damned.


Why is it that with almost no exception, every post I read by you is dripping with disdain for the person you're addressing? Why do you even bother contributing? Just so you have yet one more person you feel you can look down your nose at? Fascinating study in human psychology and online interpersonal relations is what you are, my 'grumpy' friend. I hope you have a lovely day.


We have GOT to cruise together and have a few drinks LOL

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We have GOT to cruise together and have a few drinks LOL


with some of the replies that I have gotten on this and other threads, I genuinely hope that I have the chance to meet some of you and raise a glass or 12....ya'll are good people :D

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Sometimes I think it's rather amazing that I managed to make it to adulthood at all.


As a kid I hated veggies, omelets, quiche, flan, stewed tomatoes, candied fruit, marzipan, organ meats, shellfish, and just about anything else with a strong smell, slimy texture or gross appearance.


In our house we had to try everything and if we didn't, then sat on the back porch, it could be an hour or more while others enjoyed dessert...rather loudly, with extra brio it seemed.


Super gross stuff like soufflé was attemped by my adoptive first Mom, who have few skills but rather lofty ambition. I can still smelled that singed mess coming out of the oven, as well as the nauseating smell of some many overcooked veggies and burned mac and cheese in our school's cafeteria.


All these years later I've done the research and come to find I'm one of those folks with extra taste buds, about 20% more...guess what? It really helps now when seasoning dishes and combining flavors. Now I laugh at things I originally hated like avocados, asparagus, mushrooms, melted cheese on pizza or even cheesecake.


Yes, it was the name cheese cake that did me in, and I could have happily lived on cheeseburgers, ice cream, Popsicles, apples and grapes, plain lettuce, baked chicken (we didn't have chicken fingers or strips back then), peanut butter and jelly, (but never marmalade). I remember opening my school lunchbox and finding a whole wheat sandwich with lettuce, peanut butter and mayonnaise.


DH is still somewhat picky and the "Everyday" side of the menu is great for his simple palate requirements. He also liked the carved roast beef, chicken and ham in the Buffet and the comfort foods served in Blue Lagoon (called Sheehan's on the newest/largest NCL ships).


Here are a few photos, and the comments are right on the mark. Kid's menu always available and there are no icky things added to any of those items...the wording is so Pro Picky Kid you will love it. The Butler, rather han Concierge is the go-to person for items delivered to your Suite (Haven or otherwise).


The Head Chef can be consulted at the beginning of the cruise for any meals in the main dining rooms and the Food & Beverage Manager is another fine resource.


Plain cheeseburger and fries (any fixings on the side, can be omitted)



Full, bulter delivered breakfast with chocolate croissants, seasonal melon, bacon, sausages, scrambled eggs, oatmeal, coffee, cream, milk, juice and so on. (I wrote down '4' for the eggs, thinking they would scramble 4 but no, they brought us 4 large servings, FYI)



Plain or pepperoni pizza, can be delivered in your room, by the pool, at the spa et al.



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Sometimes I think it's rather amazing that I managed to make it to adulthood at all.


As a kid I hated veggies, omelets, quiche, flan, stewed tomatoes, candied fruit, marzipan, organ meats, shellfish, and just about anything else with a strong smell, slimy texture or gross appearance.


In our house we had to try everything and if we didn't, then sat on the back porch, it could be an hour or more while others enjoyed dessert...rather loudly, with extra brio it seemed.


Super gross stuff like soufflé was attemped by my adoptive first Mom, who have few skills but rather lofty ambition. I can still smelled that singed mess coming out of the oven, as well as the nauseating smell of some many overcooked veggies and burned mac and cheese in our school's cafeteria.


All these years later I've done the research and come to find I'm one of those folks with extra taste buds, about 20% more...guess what? It really helps now when seasoning dishes and combining flavors. Now I laugh at things I originally hated like avocados, asparagus, mushrooms, melted cheese on pizza or even cheesecake.


Yes, it was the name cheese cake that did me in, and I could have happily lived on cheeseburgers, ice cream, Popsicles, apples and grapes, plain lettuce, baked chicken (we didn't have chicken fingers or strips back then), peanut butter and jelly, (but never marmalade). I remember opening my school lunchbox and finding a whole wheat sandwich with lettuce, peanut butter and mayonnaise.


DH is still somewhat picky and the "Everyday" side of the menu is great for his simple palate requirements. He also liked the carved roast beef, chicken and ham in the Buffet and the comfort foods served in Blue Lagoon (called Sheehan's on the newest/largest NCL ships).


Here are a few photos, and the comments are right on the mark. Kid's menu always available and there are no icky things added to any of those items...the wording is so Pro Picky Kid you will love it. The Butler, rather han Concierge is the go-to person for items delivered to your Suite (Haven or otherwise).


The Head Chef can be consulted at the beginning of the cruise for any meals in the main dining rooms and the Food & Beverage Manager is another fine resource.



om nom nom...thank you for the pix...DH will flip for that breakfast spread lol:)

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