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A Solo Fashionista review of the MSC Armonia


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Hi everybody!


I’m just back from my first MSC Cruise, sailing on MSC Armonia from Venice, visiting Italy, Croatia, Greece and Montenegro. I am no photographer, I just point and shoot and see what comes out, but I like to include pictures so that you can get an idea of my experience. As my title suggests, I travel alone and aspects that are important to me are food, fashion and the solo experience. I include photos of what I wore because cruise clothing is a well discussed topic but people don’t often show pictures of their outfits. I like to write a long, day by day, blog style review, so you are in for a long read! If a concise, well balanced run down of ship/service/ports/food etc is what you like, this review might not be for you, but if you want a good story, please keep reading!


A bit about me…


I’m a 28 year old single girl from Manchester in the UK. This was my fifth solo cruise. I first cruised alone because I had no-one to travel with and was fed up of moaning about wanting a holiday, so I decided to just go for it! However, as time has gone on, I have come to enjoy travelling by myself; I get to do exactly what I want, when I want, and I meet people I would never have got talking to if I had been with other people. My last few cruises were with NCL, mainly because of the studio cabins and lounge which cater specifically for solo travellers. I had a great time on these trips but I was starting to miss the dressing up of formal nights and the set tables with lovely long meals in the dining room, neither of which are common place with NCL’s freestyle concept. So although MSC was going to be a new experience for me, with its European style, I had done my research and was looking forward to a change.


I write my posts in purple so that you can tell which posts are part of my review, and which are comments and replies. This way you can just skip those parts if you want to! So settle down, relax and hopefully enjoy :D

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Day 1 – Holiday Time!


So the after all the planning and anticipation, the day was finally here. I had set my alarm for 4am (urghhhhhh) but actually woke up early. My friend Jim had very kindly agreed to give me a lift so I stumbled blearily into his car for the fastest journey I have ever done to Manchester airport (I think he was eager to get back to bed!) A quick check in then a sarnie and coffee woke me up a bit before an uneventful flight that got me to Venice Marco Polo on time.


I had decided to fly out to Italy a day before the cruise, because I booked all my travel arrangements independently, and I didn’t want the worry of flying in the same day. I chose Anthony Palace Hotel in Marcon from my pre-cruise stay, mainly because it was a reasonable price and offered a shuttle service from the airport to the hotel and from the hotel to Piazzale Roma in Venice. I had pre-booked the 1230pm shuttle online, but because I arrived on time and collected my luggage really quickly, I had an hour to wait. I decided to call the hotel, and even though I missed the earlier shuttle, they sent the driver straight away, and as I arrived at the meeting point he pulled up. It was a small, smart, air conditioned people carrier type vehicle, which I had to myself, so for only E5 I was pleased, it would have cost sooooo much more to get a taxi. The journey to the hotel only took about 10 minutes, where I checked in with no problem, despite being really early. The hotel was clean and modern and I was very happy with my room.








The hotel was in a shopping area, where there wasn’t much other than a mall called the Velocentre, which was about a 5 minute walk away, and a couple of pizza places. I already knew this, and didn’t really need much more for only one day. The hotel was actually a perfect pre-cruise stopover. The only negative was that the bar area seemed to be closed for some kind of private meeting, and I was hungry and wanted a drink, so I decided to walk straight to the mall. However there were no bars/restaurants there so ended up with a sandwich at the food court. I felt too embarrassed and shy to use my Italian, even though I had learnt some specially and actually knew what to say! So I awkwardly stumbled through in English to get my food then did some window shopping and looked around. I decided to get some snacks and water from the Carrefour supermarket, which I took back to room and red for a while.


After a nap I got changed and went down to the hotel bar. I stayed casual, wearing a long turquoise maxi dress and flat silver sandals.




As usual, I had eaten only healthy food and drank no alcohol for a month before my holiday, so I was looking forward to some food and drink! I enjoyed a couple of Proseccos, a glass only cost E3 each and the bar man gave me my second one on the house. The bar area was nice, the staff were very smart and the food looked good. I wanted a change of scenery though so I then walked across the road to one of the pizza places, Bavaria Fest. It was full of locals, rather than touristy, with a lot of people getting pizzas to take away. The staff spoke little English, but enough to get by and there was an English menu, though some of the translations were rather funny! I had a delicious pizza, with the thinnest base ever, a salad, a glass of wine and an espresso, which came to E16, including a service charge. Once I finished I went back to the hotel for an early night, in preparation for my cruise in the morning.





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Very excited to read your review, as I have read another from your NCL cruise I believe , and it was one of my all time favorites. I am actually posting this b4 reading as to not sway any pre concieved excitement I have for my upcoming MCL cruise...not sure that made any sence....anyway.....off to the review!

Edited by SteelCruisin
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Day 2 – Hello Armonia


I woke up early at 7am after a horrible sleep, nothing to do with the hotel or my bed; I think it was just from knowing where I was headed this morning! I had some tea and fruit in my room before going downstairs for breakfast, which was included in the price of my room. Breakfast was only ok, with the usual continental cereal/fruit/cheese/cold meats etc, plus some bacon and scrambled eggs, but I didn’t think the food was the best. Also, the hotel seems to be a popular venue for meetings and conferences, and as I was finishing eating, a huge group of businessmen and women arrived and took over the bar area where people were having breakfast. It wasn’t very relaxing so I took my coffee up to my room to read for a while to pass the time.


I used the hotel shuttle again to get into Venice itself, and it took abut 20 minutes to reach Piazzale Roma, which is the last point for motor vehicles in Venice. I had already done my research, so I knew to head straight for the People Mover, a tram which for E1, stopped at the port and also the water ferry/vaporetti stops near the port. I bought my ticket from the easy to use self serve machine then just followed the signs to the tram itself. You had to scan the ticket at a turnstile to get through.


Now this would be a good point to explain to you that I am really clumsy. Also, odd things happen to me and I frequently find myself in ridiculous situations, the sort you would see in a fictional sitcom rather than real life. Those who know me find this hilarious, and I have almost come to expect it now. The reason I tell you this is because once I got off the People Mover, I had to go down several sets of escalators. I had a large suitcase with me so decided to use the lift instead. I got in alone and went to the bottom floor but once there I could see the people getting off the escalators and heading towards the port but I was separated from them by a mesh fence, and I couldn’t get through. I was on the wrong side, where people were coming through the turnstiles from the port area, to get the other escalators up to the People Mover. I tried to find a way to squeeze through to ‘my’ side but it wasn’t happening. I got back in the lift, deciding to go back up and go down the stupid escalators like I should have in the first place! The doors closed. Then the lift juddered and stopped. The lights went out. ARGHHHHHHHHH! I was stuck in the lift by myself, in the pitch black. I fumbled for my phone in my bag and used it to get some light. Pressing the buttons didn’t help and the lift still wasn’t moving, so I had to press the emergency buzzer. I could hear it ringing but no-one answered or came, so I started to worry. I pressed it a few more times, wondering what I should do. I stabbed at the buttons again, and suddenly the lift jolted back down to the bottom floor. I leapt out before the doors could shut again, went all the way up the escalators, then all the way down again, finally free and on the right side of the fence! So let that be a lesson to you, DON’T USE THE LIFTS AT THE PEOPLE MOVER haha!


After this little adventure I walked towards the port, and there were reps from both MSC and Princess dotted along the way, showing people where to go. Because the Armonia was the furthest away, MSC had a bus outside the people mover to take passengers down to the ship itself. I was the last one on, with people who had been on the People Mover with me looking at me puzzled as to where I had been…


Check in was easy enough and there were barely any queues. The whole process only took about 15 minutes and it was now 1230pm, but we were allowed straight onto the ship, despite my ticket saying boarding was at 2pm. Cabin weren’t ready until 1pm, and I wasn’t very hungry, but after the lift fiasco I needed a drink so I headed straight up to the pool deck for a soothing cocktail! My cruise card was already endorsed with the code 431 at the bottom left of the card, indicating that I had bought the drinks package. I had a strawberry daiquiri, which unfortunately was waaaay to sweet for my tastes, and relaxed by the pool. Oh, and for travelling in I wore a cute little nautical dress with flat bronze sandals, as I thought it fitting for boarding a ship! I like to take the opportunities I have to wear my dresses and summery clothes, because I don’t get much chance to do so at home.




After this I went to check out my cabin. I had a balcony suite on deck 10, aft. It was lovely and very clean. There was a bath, with a shower over it, and a walk in wardrobe. (Which I managed to fill even by myself!) The space was an absolute treat after the 100 square metre studio cabins on the NCL Epic. Plus this was the first cruise where I have had a balcony, but I got such a good deal this time, that it only cost me £150 more to have this cabin, over an inside.








I didn’t fancy joining the melee than I was sure would be the buffet so instead I grabbed a burger and fries from Il Girasole, the grill outside on the pool deck. It was not good, lukewarm and not very tasty. I was a bit annoyed and wished I had been hungry earlier so I could have gone to the Marco Polo Restaurant instead. Although the staff were directing people to the buffet, I happened to walk past the restaurant, which is how I realised that it was open, but it closed at 2pm.


I went to explore the ship, which I was very impressed with. She was beautiful, spotlessly clean and showing no obvious signs of wear and tear. I was pleasantly surprised just how nice the ship was actually, and I would never have known how old she was just by looking. I didn’t bother taking any ship photos, because there are already plenty out there online which are far better than I could do! The muster safety drill was the usual necessary evil, we gathered in our life jackets on the promenade deck, below the life boats. The crew members collected a red card that you were given at embarkation as proof that you attended. It took about 30 minutes or so, but felt like ages! But although it's boring, it's compulsory and it annoyed me when people made it longer by turning up late, and talking loudly throughout.


I went to the buffet where I made up a couple of small sandwiches and took them to my balcony where I read for a while. Whilst I was doing this, my suitcase arrived so I was able to unpack before enjoying a glass of Prosecco on my balcony for sailaway. Sailing out of Venice, with a glass of fizz in my hand was amazing, I felt so happy and relaxed, and like my holiday had really begun.




I got ready for the evening, wearing a turquoise dress with white and flowered wedges. The daily newsletter indicated the dress code for each day, but bar the two Gala nights, every other day was just Casual, there was no inbetween. But as I said, I was on a cruise, I was not going to wear jeans and a vest when I could showcase my pretty dresses! (Unfortunately tonight was the one night I didn’t get an outfit photo.) I went to see the show in the theatre before dinner, which was somewhat more low budget and traditional ‘Cruise show’ than the entertainment I become used to on the Epic, but it was still entertaining enough. There was a girl doing tricks with hula hoops, a juggler and a guy who made shadow puppets with his hands. That sounds odd but he was actually very good!


I went for another glass of fizz at the Red piano bar before dinner, which was a nice bar, but rather sedate and quiet. But it was right next to La Pergola restaurant, where I was seated, which is why I chose it. I was nervous about dinner as I was praying I would be at a large table with fun people, as I enjoy socialising over dinner. I was on a table for seven, sat with a mother and her 11 and 15 year old sons, and a family consisting of lady called Julie who was travelling with her 17 year old son and her mother. They were all nice and we got along, but having families at the table meant it was a different experience than if I had been sat with adult couples or groups of friends. It took all my social nicety abilities to keep conversation flowing and integrate everyone, but I managed and we had a pleasant meal.


Tonight I had mussels in a tomato based sauce, which were delicious, followed by spaghetti carbonara, which was disappointing, a bit cold and stodgy, then a tasty dish of cod in an anchovy and caper sauce, followed by a cheese plate. Other than the carbonara, I really enjoyed the food and the service was very good too. I ordered wine and water, both included in the drinks package, and they brought bottles rather than individual glasses. As a result we just shared the wine out between everyone rather than having our own bottle, but there was no lingering over wine or a digestif after dinner, which I would have liked, as my tablemates didn’t do that.


After dinner I went for a drink with Julie and her family in the White Lion pub. This was a smoking venue, which was very well ventilated, but obviously still smoky. I didn’t enjoy smelling of smoke afterwards. The pub was very quiet and once my new friends went to bed I wandered about and found the same to be true of the rest of the ship. I think with it being the first night, everyone must have been tired and gone to bed. I headed up to the Starlight Disco at the top of the ship, but there was just a group of teenagers dancing together so I went to bed myself, figuring I still had a whole week left to stay up late and dance.



Edited by lara_lox
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Day 3 – Ancona


I woke up very suddenly from a deep sleep, but again early at 6.30am! I tried to go back to sleep but couldn’t so I admitted defeat and got up. I was looking forward to being able to get orange juice and ‘proper’ coffee as part of the drinks package, because I hate both synthetic squash type juices and instant coffee. I presumed that Café San Marco, being a café, would be open for me to go to, however, this was actually a bar which didn’t open until 6pm! So I ended up at the Il Girasole bar on the pool deck, as this, along with the pub, were the only bars open at that time. The coffee cups were only small so I asked for two! The coffee was nice and strong, and the juice was freshly squeezed and very good. Once I had come round a bit I went to the Marco Polo restaurant for breakfast. At breakfast and lunch time, this was the only restaurant which was open and there was no set seating, you were just sat wherever there was a space at one of the large tables. This morning it was not very busy, and I was sat a table with one other Italian lady. I ordered an omelette as I wanted to choose something I wouldn’t be able to get another day in the buffet. It arrived quickly, hot and fresh.


I had already decided that I would probably stay onboard today, rather than go into Ancona, as there didn’t seem to be much to do there really, and I wanted to relax and enjoy my first proper day on the ship. I changed into my bikini and took my Kindle to a sun lounger just above the main pool deck. There were loads of loungers free, even as it got a bit later in the day. They were a strange design though, with only one setting for the back. This was fine for just lying there, but I would have been more comfortable if I could have been sat up a bit more in order to read. My location meant I had a perfect view of the entertainment team just below me so I watched as they held the stretching class, then some games, like trying to score a ‘goal’ by kicking a ball between the legs of a chair! Basic, but it looked quite fun. I tried a vegetable health juice from the Vitamin Bar, which served fresh juices and smoothies, again included in the drinks package. It was unusual but good. I then passed the rest of the morning finishing my book.


I got ready for lunch and returned to the restaurant as I wanted some peace and quiet rather than the bustle of the buffet. A few different people of different nationalities came and went from my table throughout my meal. I had a cold salmon fillet (oddly served with cold vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower rather than salad!), a mixed salad, and then a pasta dish with chicken ragu. It was all very good, particularly the pasta, which made up for last night’s poor spaghetti carbonara. I didn’t have a desert but instead went back to the pool deck where I sampled a strawberry gelato from the ice cream bar. I’m not really fussed about ice cream, but it was delicious.


As I had spent the morning in the sun, I found a lounger on the sun deck at the very top of the ship and I lay and dozed in the shade. For sailaway today there was deck party held by the entertainment team by the pool. I went down and watched, choosing to have a cocktail with Julie rather than participate in the dancing!




I took another cocktail and some sandwiches from the buffet back to my balcony before getting ready for the first Gala night. Seeing as I had paid for my lovely balcony suite I wanted to make use of it and my balcony was a great place to get some quiet time to relax when it became busier on deck. I took my time getting ready, and wore a satin black, white and yellow striped dress with ridiculously high black heels with gold studs, and a lot of make-up!




Because I was messing about getting ready I missed tonight’s show, and went straight to Café San Marco (which was finally open!) for a glass of fizz. This quickly became my favourite bar and perfect spot for pre-dinner drinks. The bar was in a semi-circle shape, leading to the top floor of the theatre, and the centre space looked down to the deck below, where reception was, and the lower floor of the theatre. This made it an excellent place for people watching! I enjoyed looking at everyone’s outfits and it was great to see how many people had dressed up and made an effort. I saw a lot of ladies in both long and short evening dresses and men in nice suits, even a few tuxes.


I went to dinner, which was a long drawn out meal taking over two hours, but which I thoroughly enjoyed. The food was very good indeed, I had a smoked salmon and prawn starter, a Greek salad, seafood bisque, then lamb. Other than the bisque which wasn’t a smooth enough consistency for me, it was delicious. I think I was too full for desert, or even cheese, which I prefer.


After dinner I stayed with Julie and her family and we messed about on deck taking a few photos, before going up to the Starlight Disco. It was much busier there tonight, though there was a ridiculous number of young teenagers, predominantly Italian, taking over the club. This was to stay the case for the rest of the Cruise, which was a shame because I think it put the adults off going. And they were really, really young, some only about 14, and they kept getting into a giant circle, encompassing the dance floor, so the rest of us had to shuffle around the outside of them to dance! I found out later that the teen club was actually held in the disco earlier in the evening, which is why they were all there. But I wish they had a different venue just for them, or that a curfew was imposed for under 18’s, like they do on other cruise lines. This was one comment I made on the feedback sheet at the end of the cruise actually. Anyway, after elbowing ourselves a little space behind the circle of teens, we had fun dancing for a while, before I made it to bed at about 2am.









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Day 4 – Dubrovnik


I finally managed to sleep in a bit later, waking just before 9am. The problem with this though was that it gave me little time to get breakfast. The restaurant closed at 8.30am, which I thought was rather early, and the buffet at 10am. I went for a quick coffee and orange juice at the Il Girasole bar again, then made it to the buffet before it shut. There was only a limited selection, even though it stated that there was an English breakfast. Several items I like and am used to seeing such as mushrooms, tomatoes, salmon and pancakes (I don’t eat those together!) were not an option, with not much choice. I got bacon, sausage, beans, egg, hash brown and toast, and this was by far the worst meal I had! The food was cold but greasy and did not taste nice. I went back to my room feeling a bit sickly and unsatisfied, so I ate some fruit from a bowl which had been left in my room.


Dubrovnik was one of the ports I was most looking forward to, as I have never been there before. I had seen in the daily newsletter that we were 20 minutes away from the town, and MSC were providing a shuttle for E12 return, or I think E8 one way. However I decided that 20 minutes was not far and I would rather walk and see a bit of the country. There were two other ships docked, and from my balcony I could lots of people walking from all three. Still inside the port a shopping area with lots of little stalls had been set up, showcasing local products, so I had a quick browse before leaving the port and walking in the same direction as everyone else. There were also some signposts directing people to the Old Town, which is where I was going. From my research I have found that Dubrovnik, along with most of the other places we were visiting, were close to the ports and easy to do alone, so I had chosen not to book any of the ship’s excursions, and just do my own thing instead.


I carried on walking, admiring the beauty of the Dalmatian coast…and kept walking…and kept walking…and kept walking. By now I was climbing up a steep hill, with nothing around, just dusty streets and the occasional local. A few other tourists from the ships were doing the same as me, looking puzzled, sweaty and learning against the walls to catch their breaths and drink some water. It was boiling hot and although I’m quite fit, I was getting tired and warm. Loads of shuttle buses had passed me, so I knew I must be headed the right way, so I refused to stop and turn back, I couldn’t now I had made it this far! I reached the top of the hill, where I got a brief respite from the sun in a lovely shaded park, overlooking the cliffs and sea. However, I then had to walk all the way down the other side of the hill before finally reaching the Old Town. It had taken me an hour! Silly me obviously didn’t read the information properly, it was a 20 minute bus ride, not a 20 minute walk away! So now I had made it I was already feeling worn out and unfortunately didn’t enjoy my time there as much as I had hoped. I decided not to pay to walk the city walls and instead walked around the Old Town which is inside the walls, having entered from the Pile gate. I went along the Stradun, the main street, looking at the buildings and shops, and along to the harbour, where people could get on glass bottom boats. I also went to the coast where people were going sea kayaking, which looked like fun. There seemed like a lot to do, with various tours/activities, and plenty of little cafes and restaurants. It was a beautiful and interesting city, I was just so annoyed that I was no longer in the mood to appreciate it fully.










Needless to say I caught the shuttle back to the ship! I went to the restaurant for something to eat, where I had a great lunch, which I really enjoyed, The staff were lovely and very friendly and the food was good. I had salami with a green bean and potato salad then vegetable and bean burritos with guacamole and salsa, all washed down with a glass of wine. I also had my first desert of the holiday, a vanilla mille feuille. This was one of my best meals. I’m smiling and my mouth is watering just thinking about it!


After lunch I just napped and sunbathed on the sundeck for the rest of the afternoon. I tried a slice of pizza (from the opposite side of Il Girasole to the grill where the burgers were) and a sandwich to tide me over until dinner, then I sat on my balcony and relaxed before getting ready for dinner. Tonight I wore a long black and white maxi dress with silver jewelled sandals.




I went for a walk on deck and wandered around the ship for a while, before going to see tonight’s show in the theatre, ‘Africa’. It was much busier than when I went on the first night and difficult to get a seat. There was a mixture of gymnasts, dancers and singers, performing a vaguely African themed show. They were good, but not great, with the dancers not quite in time and the gymnast looking a bit unsteady, rather than effortless. Although there were wait staff serving drinks in the theatre, because I arrived just as the show was starting, I didn’t get one, so I returned to Café San Marco where I had a Cosmopolitan before dinner. Tonight at dinner I felt really hot and my eyes hurt so I didn’t enjoy the meal as much. I had fish croquettes and prosciutto with melon, which I like, risotto which was ok, then because the main courses didn’t appeal to me today, I just had grilled chicken and vegetables off the always available menu. Julie and her mother were getting very annoyed over the timings of dinner, saying it was taking too long, and we kept getting served last. I could see what they meant, but out waiters were very good at their jobs; attentive, polite and efficient. It was just that they had an obvious schedule where they served the tables in a certain order so that they knew where they were up to, and we just so happened to be last. My tablemates were complaining that because it was generally 1030-1100pm when we finished dinner, they had no time to go for drinks or do anything after. I bit my tongue not to point out that on the first night that they had told me that they had changed from the 1st sitting because that was too early for them! I think they would have been happier on a cruise line that offers my time/any time dining so they could have been more flexible. For me, being served a long dinner with lots of courses, whilst chatting and being sociable, is a real treat, as it is something rarely done at home. For people who don’t like the idea of this, the buffet is also open at dinner for a quicker, more casual option.


I had a quick drink with my tablemates at the White Lion Pub, but I decided I’d had enough and went for a walk, whilst they went to bed. I browsed some stands set up with various beauty items in the shopping area and let the sales girl try various products on me, but I didn’t buy anything as I didn’t need any of it. She tried her best to make a sale but I resisted! I stopped at the Il Girasole bar to get some water to take back to my cabin, and said hello to the barman who always chatted to me. He and an older English couple who were sat at the bar persuaded me to try a B52 shooter, which I was surprised to enjoy! I ended up staying at the bar having a chat and a couple more drinks with them. It was good to find some more people to talk to.


The clocks went forward an hour tonight so I headed to bed (minus the water, which the B52’s made me forget, doh! :rolleyes:) and realised I didn’t have any photos today as although I’d met some nice people, I didn’t find a group of friends, like I normally do, which is when everyone tends to start snapping away.

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This review is fantastic! Keep it coming :-)


Amo - it seems to me reading this and looking at the pictures that the only thing different from the Sinfonia is the names of the bars and restaurants. You think so?

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Enjoying your review and looking forward to reading more! I hoped you would have found the bar inside the walls of Dubrovnik's Old Town...it is high above the cliffs and has an amazing sea view. Having stayed in Dubrovnik years ago, your walk reminded me of the same walk my sister and I did together. I think it is great you travel solo...with exception to the elevator scare!:eek:



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This review is fantastic! Keep it coming :-)


Amo - it seems to me reading this and looking at the pictures that the only thing different from the Sinfonia is the names of the bars and restaurants. You think so?


Yes, seems that way to me too. The cabin certainly looks the same.

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Day 5 – Corfu


This morning I tried very hard to lie in and catch up on some sleep! I kept waking up but finally got up at about 10am. As I mentioned already, this meant I was limited with my choices for breakfast, so I ended up having my coffee from the bar with yoghurt, fruit and rolls from Il Girasole. This type of breakfast would not be my first choice but it was actually really good. What did surprise me was that no orange juice was available at the bar! It seemed they only served it first thing in the morning and after it you had to go to the pool bar or vitamin bar. Instead I sampled the juice from the drinks station, and as expected it was synthetic tasting, sugary water, not actual juice!


I wasted no time in leaving to go ashore to Corfu, this time not hesitating to get a shuttle! The price today was E8 for a return ticket. Earlier in the day these had to be bought from reception, but by late morning you were able to get them from an MSC rep checking tickets by the bus. The shuttle dropped me off right outside the Old Fortress, which I had already planned on visiting, but first I had a little walk around some pretty gardens and took some pictures. It was only E4 to get into the Fort, and it was much bigger, with far more different areas than I was expecting. I really enjoyed seeing the Fort itself but it also provided some amazing views of the island. The Fort also housed some kind of music school and students could be heard practicing (very well indeed!) through the open windows. I learnt that they performed concerts in the Church on the grounds, which I thought would be lovely. There was also a café and bathroom facilities, and with all the nooks and crannies to explore, you could spend a few hours there if you wished.








Unfortunately my eyes became very sore and sensitive, and kept watering, getting worse as I stayed. They became so bad that I had to leave, rather than walk around the town itself properly like I wanted to. I wasn’t doing very well on these trips ashore so far! When I got back to ship I rinsed my eyes out and was just able to make it to Marco Polo for my usual restaurant lunch. As soon as I walked in the waiter looked very concerned and asked why I was crying so I had to explain! Luckily I was sat at my table alone so I didn’t have to tell anyone else what was wrong. Today I had a salad, followed by mushroom soup then a lamb madras curry. The curry was great, not very spicy but with unusual flavours, though I was still in so much discomfort that I couldn’t enjoy it.


I went to my cabin where I washed my eyes out with drops again, but also took some painkillers and allergy tablets, then went to sleep, as I couldn’t open my eyes to do anything else. When I woke up I was thankfully so much better, so I think I must have had an allergic reaction to something. Luckily this didn’t happen again at any time during my holiday. Now my eyes could cope with light again I went and read on the sundeck and enjoyed a very nice smoothie from the vitamin bar, made almost entirely out of freshly blended fruit. I continued my now familiar little routine by getting some food to keep me going until dinner, as 9pm meant I couldn’t last all the way through from lunchtime with nothing else! I tried the salami pizza and the tuna pizza, and both were fresh out the oven so really hot and tasty. The pizza was always nice enough but did seem to vary depending on which chef was preparing it and how fresh it was. I took a mint tea from the buffet and soaked up the final rays of sun for the day from my balcony, before getting ready for dinner. Tonight I wore a casual flowered patterned midi dress with flat bronze sandals.


I returned to San Marco Café, where by now all the staff would wave, greet me by name and have my fizz ready. Now that’s service! I had a lovely chat with my favourite waitress, Arta, who was so friendly and such a nice lady. I gave her special mention on the comments sheet at the end of the cruise, as she was a credit to MSC. She took a few photos of me before I went to dinner.




Tonight was Italian Night and the dinner menu was a great menu, I could have eaten pretty much every choice! I made a good go of it, having antipasti, mozzarella salad, then the grilled fish main AND the steak main! The fish was the worst choice because there was a delicious piece of swordfish, but my king prawn had been overcooked in the shell and was a bit mushy, and the other fish was of a squid-like texture which I don’t like. The steak was one of my favourite dishes all week though. It was really thin slices of quite rare beef, marinated in a garlic and balsamic dressing, served on a pecorino and rocket salad, ooooohhhhhh it was amazing! Tonight was also the first waiter’s parade, where all the restaurant staff paraded around the dining room to music, carrying huge tiramisus, and we all clapped and waved our napkins. It was then our turn and we were led up to do a bizarre but fun conga line around the room. It was just as well I was wearing flats, not heels, tonight! I don’t normally like tiramisu, but this was lovely and I ate every last bit on my plate.


When I had been walking through the ship the night before, I had noticed that a venue I had not really visited, the Bar del Duomo, was busy, with lots of people enjoying themselves there. Seeing as everywhere else had been quieter, I suggested to my tablemates that perhaps we go there tonight. It was packed! The staff were all dressed up in Italian costumes and getting people up on stage to dance and sing with them. The lounge was full of Italian families, and everything was in Italian so I didn’t understand but there was a fun atmosphere and it was nice for a change.






When we left, Julie and her mother went to bed, but Julie’s son Aiden was hoping to go to the disco to try to find some Italian girls who sat on the table next to ours at dinner and kept waving at him! So we went up to the Starlight Disco, which was busy, with lots of people (including of course all the teens) dancing, but no sign of the particular girl in question. I helped him look round for a while, (drinking a few Sex on the Beach cocktails to sustain me!) which led to me talking to some of the younger group, albeit the English speak contingent. They confirmed my suspicions, everyone was as young as I thought, the Italians in particular were all only 14-15 years old. Me being oh so dreadfully old (!) was either novel or bewildering for them, which amused me! Still, I chatted away for a while and ended up having a very late night.

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Hi Lara,

I'm loving your review. Your writing is exemplary as is your wardrobe. (Of course it helps that you are such a beautiful person to model it.) I'm really enjoying your critique of MSC. I was on the trans-Atlantic crossing of the MSC Poesia last fall. I liked MSC. Like you, I am a solo traveler, not necessarily by choice, but I do enjoy the benefits.


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Lara ... Such a shame you did not get chance to continue the visit around Corfu town, the area you mention is close to the Liston and the Old cricket pitch where many years ago they actually played on that area.

The Liston is the place to hang out for the Greek people and in years gone by you could not eat or drink there unless your name was on the "list" hence the name of the Liston, the views from the New Fort are wonderful if you ever go to Corfu again.

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I too am loving your review and your fashions!! I'm cruising solo for the first time in October leaving from Venice. I am enjoying reading about the solo experiences of others. Keep it coming!!

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Day 6 – Gythion


After my late night and cocktails I slept in again, so it was a light continental breakfast at Il Girasole again for me, but this time I went to the vitamin bar afterwards for my orange juice! Then I just sunbathed and read on the sundeck, but it was very hot today so after a casual lunch of sandwiches and chips from Il Girasole I went to find somewhere a bit cooler. Whilst a lot of newer ships have cabins at the very back of the ship, with the coveted aft view balconies looking into the wake, the Armonia had outside tiered levels, which could either be reached by walking down from the balcony running along the outside of the Starlight Disco at the top of the ship, or by going through the doors at the very end of the cabin corridors on each floor. This was a really relaxing and peaceful place, with nice music playing softy in the background, so I just lay on a sun lounger and read in the shade for a few hours. This was my view, what a hard life!




I went to the buffet where I got a bowl of fruit, and I must say, although I wasn’t a fan of the food served at meal times, the snacks they had on in the afternoons when lunch was finished serving, were fairly good. The fruit was really fresh and tasty, and the cakes and pastries looked nice, even though they aren’t really something I eat. Plus there was a small ‘make your own sandwich’ area which I found was a better option than most of the pre-made sandwiches that could be a bit stale. I also never found the buffet to be as busy and manic as others seem to have experienced, though I suppose I didn’t go at peak times. The one thing I did notice was that people automatically just got into the queue as soon as they walked through the doors (very little of this often noted Italian pushing and shoving) and this would get very long, but actually this would just be because of people getting the food at the first station. If you weren’t waiting for that particular food and you walked further back to the other areas you would find that there were far fewer people queuing. I never had trouble getting a seat and the staff were very good at clearly tables quickly after people.


After my snack I was ready to continue my lazy day with a bit more sun, and I ended up on a small elevated circle of a sundeck which was between the two pools. It gave a good view of everything going on, but without the noise and splashing of the pool level. I didn’t last long though as I quickly became too hot again, so I took a pina colada down to the shade of my balcony. I didn’t even consider getting off the ship today because I was tired and lethargic (or maybe a better word would be hungover lol!) and I’m glad I didn’t because I don’t think that I would have enjoyed it when I wasn’t in the mood. Plus all I had planned if I did go ashore was to have a wander around, as although it seemed to be a pretty little port town, I don’t think there was much to do without going a bit further afield. I did consider doing an excursion to the Diros Caves though, which I think would have been an interesting change. After skipping a few of the ports and hearing all your suggestions about things I missed in the ones I did visit, I have come to the conclusion that I only really have one option – to go again!!!


Tonight I wore a long jewelled maxi dress with my high black heels and gave my hair a break from the straighteners, so looked a bit more windswept than usual!




I decided to mix things up a bit and go for a Mojito in the red piano bar tonight, but once I did, I found there was little atmosphere again so went back to my happy place of Café San Marco and fizz! Dinner was very good again, with me enjoying almost every course. I had hot salt cod pate, asparagus wrapped in cured beef, stuffed aubergine then beef in gravy with green beans. Everyone commented on how tasty and tender the beef was, and actually we were happy with most of our main courses throughout the week, despite a lot of people saying in their reviews that the mains weren’t very nice. One thing that really wasn’t very nice however was my desert, a clafoutis, which was a set custard with cherries in, a bit like a crème brulee without the crisp top. The custard was curdled and lumpy, rather than smooth, and the cherries were those fake bright pink things out a jar. I didn’t eat it, which nearly made my poor waiters cry! Overall I was very happy with the quality of the food on the ship, and as you will have gathered, I like my food and eat a lot, and although I’m not a food snob, I do like good meals.


Tonight there was a white party held on deck. As you saw, I clearly wasn’t wearing white! A lot of people were, but I didn’t know about this before I saw the daily that morning, and I wasn’t going to substitute my nice maxi dress for the sake of it. I had planned on going to bed straight after dinner as I wanted an early night, but my tablemates persuaded me to join them on deck for a while. The party was really busy and had a very fun atmosphere, with the entertainment staff singing and dancing on the platform by the pool, where they did the entertainment during the day. They were leading everyone in doing different dances from around the world, so Julie and I got up and joined in. Now I like to dance and I pick steps up quite quickly, so I was getting into it, dancing away. All around people were watching, taking photos, and a crew member was filming with a huge camera. Do you remember me saying how I can be very clumsy? Well suddenly, with no warning, as everyone was shimmying to the side, disaster stuck. I hit the deck. Literally! I have no idea how, I didn’t trip on my dress, or fall over my heels, I just suddenly fell, and not in a little trip kind of way, but a full on feet in the air, whole body slamming down onto the floor. With everyone around watching and recording my moment of shame (and pain, I still have the bruises to prove it!) for posterity. Nooooooooooooo! :eek: Julie and a lovely Italian girl I kept seeing around the ship helped me up and I just carried on dancing, albeit a bit more carefully. But after the team finished teaching the steps, I decided to leave it there and took my red little face off to bed.





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Day 7 – Cefalonia


This morning I woke up really early at about 6am. I thought I might as well take advantage of this so I went to the Marco Polo Restaurant for breakfast as soon as it opened, where I had eggs Benedict. They were good, arriving warm and very well cooked. I then went and sat on deck with my daily coffee and orange juice and watched as the ship anchored. I was horribly tired, and my head was so muzzy I felt almost drugged. Maybe that’s why I can’t remember doing this at all now! It's just as well I make notes.


I went back to sleep in my cabin for a few hours, as once again I was too tired to go ashore. When I woke up I read on my balcony, over looking Cefalonia, enjoying once again having this private space to myself. I returned somewhat more refreshed to the restaurant for lunch, where I had pasta with a olive/anchovy/tomato sauce, which was very tasty but filling, then mousaka. After my pasta I wasn’t sure how much mousaka I would eat but it was so good it disappeared before I even realised! My lovely waiter also persuaded me to try the key lime pie, which I would normally never order, but I really liked it. All this was washed down with a glass of wine, and all in all it was a very enjoyable lunch.


I went to sunbathe for a while as I recovered from my food coma but it was so windy up on the top sundeck that loungers were blowing over and I was worried one might hit me. After all, it’s me! Instead I chose the safer option of sitting by the pool bar with a fruit smoothie. Various games were being played by the entertainment team, this time people taking basketball shots, then throwing water balloons at a crew member on the edge of the pool trying to knock him in! It was all very silly but still funny to watch. What to do next? Get more food of course! It was now that I was really glad I had been so good with the healthy eating and no alcohol before the cruise. I got some sandwiches and fruit from the buffet then took ages getting ready for the second gala night.


I wore a black, slightly glittered black dress with a mesh top and a peplum, with my jewelled silver sandals, which I refer to as my ‘cruise shoes’ as I can’t imagine anyhwre else I could wear them! As I walked to Café San Marco for another bout of people watching, one of the ship’s photographers convinced me to let him take some pictures. Some of them actually turned out very nicely, but what was I going to do with a large photo of just me, it would look a bit odd to have pictures of my face dotted around my house! What I did notice was that less people were dressed up tonight compared to the first gala night, but there was still a nice range of outfits for me to look at before dinner.






The gala menu was again a good one, and I had smoked marlin, a mozzarella salad, seafood bisque, then duck in orange sauce. The duck was fairly well done, rather than pink like I was expecting, so perhaps not to everyone’s liking, but I really enjoyed yet another meal. Tonight’s desert was baked Alaska. Just after our main courses had been cleared away, all the restaurant lights suddenly went out! The waiters then did a parade around the dining room, holding aloft their flaming baked alaskas, which looked great. I didn’t try any of the desert, as I don’t like it, but I had the cheese plate instead. It is a different selection of cheeses on gala nights, and tastier than the standard ones. One thing I must mention, is that generally the cheeses come served with marmalade. Now I thought that would be some kind of spiced orange chutney, which would be understandable. But no, it was actual marmalade, like you put on your toast! Strange.


After dinner I went with my tablemates to the Armonia lounge to see the ‘Dance with an Officer’. But this was rather boring to watch actually. However, the Armonia’s officers were some of the best looking I have seen, both men and women! They have professional but stylish uniforms and were very attractive ;) Alas this wasn’t enough to keep my attention so I said my goodbyes and headed up to the Starlight Disco; I wasn’t going to bed and wasting my nice dress! I got talking to lots of different people tonight, including some rather nice Swedish lads, and a group of Australians. I had a lot of fun dancing the night away (with no mishaps this time) and drinking Cosmos with everyone. It was a late night though, so just as well the clocks went back an hour.





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