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What is your pre-cruise routine?


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Although this is my second cruise, it feel like my first because this time I am taking all the kids and have so much more to pack and I stress at the thought of leaving something behind.. So how do you get ready for a cruise? What do you do 30 days out, 20 days out, a week out..days etc? When do you start packing? When do you empty your fridge (or do you)? I would love to know!

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Why empty the fridge? You'll only be gone a week....

I start making piles on the dining room table about 2 weeks before, so that way when things I want to pack are clean they can't get 'worn' before the trip.


Depending on how old your kids are they can pack or make their own piles, if something is forgotten...too bad they are responsible.


Other than that I don't have much a routine. I travel a lot so packing is quickly done just before bed the night before departure.

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Take the electronic chargers you need for your devices. Plan your pack and Pack to the Plan. Have all the documents you need done and ready at hand. Cancel the paper,have mail kept at the Post Office etc. Start doing these things a month out. Get the pets ready to be boarded prior with all their shots updated and current. Let your credit card company know that your cards maybe used out of country.



Edited by Folk Singer
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We have made a series of lists for preparing to travel. One for readying the car for a trip to the port; one for each of our carryons (pretty much the same for flying to the port or driving). I have two lists for my things, one for more formal cruises, one for less formal - both dependent on expected weather where we are traveling (see http://www.weatherbase.com) DW doesn't have a list - she wings it about five days before!


We normally travel with two suitcases; our clothes are evenly divided between them, in case one is late or lost. Our carryons always have one complete casual outfit in the bottom (we had both suitcases delayed for 6 of 12 days on a river cruise years ago). Of course, personal items, medicines, cameras, etc., are always in the carryon.


We start putting things aside about 10 days before we leave for the trip, so we do not have to wash and dry something the night before departure. And I must admit, DW looks over all my outfits and changes items as she see deems necessary!

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It depends on how long we will be away. Our procedures for a short cruise (no more then 2 weeks) is totally different then when we are going away for 2 months. But with the shorter cruises we have very little prep. A few days before we are to leave DW and I will start piling our clothes (and other stuff to pack) in a separate place of our living room. Then the day before we leave, we pack. We also make sure to notify our ATM banks, credit card companies, and stop the newspaper. And of course we make sure to put out the "hold mail" form for our friendly mailman (Kevin).


If taking a cruise from a US port we always plan to arrive at the embarkation city at least one day early. We go out an have a very good dinner (better then we get on any ship) and then a good nights sleep. On the morning of the cruise we have breakfast, put on our cruise line luggage tags, and generally grab a taxi to the port planning to arrive by around 11:15. Since we get priority embarkation with just about every line we are normally aboard by noon.


If we are in a warm weather port and the weather is good we pack swim wear (and coverups) in our carry-on. So after lunch we change into the swim wear and just relax in a deck chair and do People Watching. Its actually interesting watching people as they walk around a ship on that first day. We then return to our cabin about a half hour before the boat drill, and if our luggage has arrived we quickly unpack.



Edited by Hlitner
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We don't empty the fridge for a week...that's overkill!


I get clothes together, but don't pack until the night before we leave...everything will be really creased if you actually pack too soon.


Pay any bills that are due while you're gone.


We stop mail and paper...turn off the water to the washing machine, set the thermostat to whatever will save a few bucks, and go!


You are WAAAAY overthinking this! It's no different than any vacation!!!

Edited by cb at sea
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The reason I say empty the fridge..lol is because we have alot of "left over" containers on a regular basis because with 3 teenagers in the house who are always hungry I save leftovers in the fridge for them to snack on when they are wanting something to eat in between meals. If I was in town, they would probably stay in the fridge until I get around to getting them out and emptying them..but with us being gone so long I don't want to come home and have to clean out the fridge. I would rather come home to a clean fridge and dishes..make sense? We are actually driving the 16 hours to port over 3 days so will be gone about 9 days.

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I definitely understood about cleaning out the fridge of leftovers. I have a Grandson who just turned 21 and he's over here lots of the time. I even check the dates on milk, etc and toss it. Nothing worse than someone coming home and pouring a glass of ruined milk to drink on your return. Long ahead of the cruise I make sure our sweet furbaby is booked with a woman who keeps them in her home. I buy the dog food and treats and put them in their tote bag, along wit medication for one of them. I make sure I have all my prescriptions ready. I make a list of days/nights according to the activity and hang an out fit for each in the spare closet and check it off the list. I know that I might have more than one day to wear a swimsuit and coverup but that's ok. I have a list of what goes in the carry on and what goes int eh checked bag and in my carry-on I'll carry my cosmetics, medications (prescription and OTC), a change of clothes, phone charger, one swimsuit and cover-up. I only pack for me now but I kept a separate list for every individual. I have the Post Office hold my mail. I turn in the notice about a week before we leave. A couple of days before we leave I get cash. I put cash in a zip lock and label it "room service tips"; cash in a zip lock labeled tips at hotel, porters, shuttle driver, etc.; cash in a zip lock for other tips and small bills for shopping. I carry a several spare zip locks. If we have an excursion, I label bag with the port on it and put the cash for the excursion, tip for driver. All these plus my car keys, etc that go in the safe in the cabin. I make sure that my passport, ID, credit card to use on the ship (plus a spare credit card in case of loss/theft). I put an 8 x 11 paper with my last name, itinerary including hotel and cell phone # in each bag in case of loss. I make a picture of it on my phone just in case. I haven't had any of it get lost but you never know. I have lists of lists...lol. I pack the night before the flight and I try to put what I'll wear the next morning to board the ship on top since we fly in the day before. I don't like to have to go through the suitcase looking for what Ill wear to board the ship.

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I tend to over plan and have only forgotten one thing because it wasn't something I even owned to pack so I didn't even consider it. I also tend to book 6+ months out so...


As soon as I book I start making packing lists. I make one list for everyone for all the clothing that is needed. Then I make a list of toiletries that can't be packed until the day of. Then I make ANOTHER list of all all the electronic stuff needed and chargers (camera, batteries, chargers and such).


Starting a month before we go, I start actually packing clothing and buying needed things. I line up the suitcases in the basement where our washer and dryer are. When things get washed, they go right in the suitcase and checked off. I also tend to buy a lot of "new" stuff before we go. Everyone gets a brand new package of underwear and socks. They go unopened into the suitcases. Same with shoes that aren't worn often and dress clothes.


About a week before I check all my lists for anything not checked off. Do last min shopping and get things packed I won't need before hand (bug spray, sun screen, band-aids, OTC meds) Once clothes bags are done, they go into our Jeep. I don't do grocery shopping the week before and just eat out of our chest freezer so I don't need the room for shopping. Would rather have my husband take the suitcases to work for a week then leave w/o them!


Also about a week before hand I get everything together in my carry-on bag. This includes passports, tickets, directions, cash, extra chargers, anything important that won't be missed for a week.


Night before we leave, I put everything that we need in the morning but haven't packed on the dining room table. Sure, you have to go there to get your toothbrush and things, but I know where they are and it is just a quick look in the bathroom for anything left out that shouldn't be there then.


Day we leave I throw everything that is left in the empty bag. The longest on this time is getting the dog ready. He is worse to pack for than my kids when he goes to camp! I can't pack anything before hand for him because he will notice something is missing and want it and find it!


I have 2 cats so I don't empty my fridge. Not because the cats will eat the stuff, but a family member comes over every other day to check on them. I tell her, take my milk, take XYZ left-overs if you want by Tuesday, she loves my cooking and is more than happy to clean out my fridge for me!


I am probably honestly just on the obsessive side with packing. But the last thing I want to do is run around in a time crunch ever. I refuse to be in a hurry for anything so I give myself enough time so I don't have to stress. :)

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I tend to over plan and have only forgotten one thing because it wasn't something I even owned to pack so I didn't even consider it. I also tend to book 6+ months out so...


As soon as I book I start making packing lists. I make one list for everyone for all the clothing that is needed. Then I make a list of toiletries that can't be packed until the day of. Then I make ANOTHER list of all all the electronic stuff needed and chargers (camera, batteries, chargers and such).


Starting a month before we go, I start actually packing clothing and buying needed things. I line up the suitcases in the basement where our washer and dryer are. When things get washed, they go right in the suitcase and checked off. I also tend to buy a lot of "new" stuff before we go. Everyone gets a brand new package of underwear and socks. They go unopened into the suitcases. Same with shoes that aren't worn often and dress clothes.


About a week before I check all my lists for anything not checked off. Do last min shopping and get things packed I won't need before hand (bug spray, sun screen, band-aids, OTC meds) Once clothes bags are done, they go into our Jeep. I don't do grocery shopping the week before and just eat out of our chest freezer so I don't need the room for shopping. Would rather have my husband take the suitcases to work for a week then leave w/o them!


Also about a week before hand I get everything together in my carry-on bag. This includes passports, tickets, directions, cash, extra chargers, anything important that won't be missed for a week.


Night before we leave, I put everything that we need in the morning but haven't packed on the dining room table. Sure, you have to go there to get your toothbrush and things, but I know where they are and it is just a quick look in the bathroom for anything left out that shouldn't be there then.


Day we leave I throw everything that is left in the empty bag. The longest on this time is getting the dog ready. He is worse to pack for than my kids when he goes to camp! I can't pack anything before hand for him because he will notice something is missing and want it and find it!


I have 2 cats so I don't empty my fridge. Not because the cats will eat the stuff, but a family member comes over every other day to check on them. I tell her, take my milk, take XYZ left-overs if you want by Tuesday, she loves my cooking and is more than happy to clean out my fridge for me!


I am probably honestly just on the obsessive side with packing. But the last thing I want to do is run around in a time crunch ever. I refuse to be in a hurry for anything so I give myself enough time so I don't have to stress. :)


This sounds like me. I have a list for each of us, A list of what to pack, a list of stuff to buy, a list for family stuff, (shampoo,toothpaste,soap and such) and then a things to remember list (insurance cards, birth certificates, ss cards) and then list for my 2 dogs, and even a list of list to check. We too look forward to going shopping BEFORE the cruise to buy new things to wear. My sweetheart of a hubby is taking me on a 3 day beach trip to FL for Valentines day just to buy new clothes for us to take on the cruise. Here in TN they just don't have the tropical type things I love. We actually lived at the beach for 2 years and I guess I was spoiled when it comes to shopping because I prefer tropical attire year round but can look out of place here if I am not careful. So getting to dress tropical is a treat for me.


And I had planned on buying everyone new undies but did not think about leaving them in the package, that is a great idea.

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I also wanted to add that there are 8 of us plus my BIL going. My husband, myself and 3 boys (12,17,18) and 3 girls(8,11,14) and hubby is not a fan of buying over priced items that I forget unless he absolutely has to. In his profession saving money is the only thing that matters. A penny can cost him over $200 at times.. in other words he is all about money. He refuses to do laundry on vacation so I have to make sure that everyone has what they need before we get on the ship and if something is left, then I will see it again when we return. Don't get me wrong, he has no problem spending money on me or the kids or buying souvenirs and things, but he will not over pay for something and if can wait for a sale..he will.


That is why I am stressing so. We go on several vacations a year and I don't stress quite as much but there is always a dollar store around the corner if I truly need something. With cruising this is not the case. And because I have so many people's things to remember, (I do all the packing..for everyone..because if I don't the kids will have tons of electronics and no clothes and hubby will have 1 pair of shorts 2 t-shirts and a nap) I start several weeks out washing and putting aside and days out putting things in suitcases because I don't want to go on a luggage finding frenzy on the last day when I go to pack everything in the 2 large suitcases only to find out that it won't all fit and I need another one..then instead of getting the house in order one last time, I am running to the store trying to get a good deal on a suitcase.


Also I tell the kids that if the house is not clean enough for (insert their favorite celebrity/athlete here) to come over, then we are not going. It get's them to clean their rooms up really well before we leave. My grandmother always told me the worst thing in the world is to come home from a nice vacation and have a messy house..and with 6 kids it has a tendency to be messy at times..plus this gives me great motivation to do some spring cleaning..and gives me a time frame in which to do it.

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This site has all kinds of advice, lists and articles. Hope this helps!


Go to cruisediva dot com

Click on "Planning Tips" on the left side of page.

Then click "The Cruise Planning Timeline" in the middle of the page.

(Sorry, this site won't allow a direct link.)


I print this list as well as the packing lists.

Happy cruising!

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Although this is my second cruise, it feel like my first because this time I am taking all the kids and have so much more to pack and I stress at the thought of leaving something behind.. So how do you get ready for a cruise? What do you do 30 days out, 20 days out, a week out..days etc? When do you start packing? When do you empty your fridge (or do you)? I would love to know!


I have a check list for 100 days out and 15 days out. I have a separate check list for packing.


100 days out are the major items:

Pay off cruise

Arrange transportation (air, taxi, rental car ...)

Purchase shore excursions

Purchase insurance

Arrange arrange pre-cruise lodging


15 days out are the little things:

Stop mail

Arrange locale transportation to the airport

Make sure online check-in done

Print out luggage tags

Call banks

Confirm reservations


2-3 days out - complete laundry so I have enough clean clothes for the trip


Day before - pack

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The reason I say empty the fridge..lol is because we have alot of "left over" containers on a regular basis because with 3 teenagers in the house who are always hungry I save leftovers in the fridge for them to snack on when they are wanting something to eat in between meals. If I was in town, they would probably stay in the fridge until I get around to getting them out and emptying them..but with us being gone so long I don't want to come home and have to clean out the fridge. I would rather come home to a clean fridge and dishes..make sense? We are actually driving the 16 hours to port over 3 days so will be gone about 9 days.


Understand. And left overs wouldn't be overly safe.

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As soon as we book I start to make my list of what we need to take.

I go super detailed on the list so if I'm not home before we leave (I travel for work and may or may not be gone until the day we leave) DH can make sure we have everything I've deemed necessary for the trip lol. I break it out into clothing, medicine, shoes, things we'll use the morning we leave the house, stuff we'll use in the cabin, stuff we need before the ship, stuff to keep with us no matter what etc and then for clothing list out what we're planning to take so nothing gets left behind.


We arrange for the dog to go stay w my parents or the trainer about 4 months out and make sure we have all his stuff (crate, food, updated shot records) ready to go 2 weeks before (aka make sure we have enough food for the time we're gone, verify the trainer has his records etc)


My parents live around the corner and will get the mail/make sure a pipe doesn't burst while we're gone, My mom also usually makes a mini grocery run for us the day before we get home so we have the basics for breakfast/lunch the next day.


The night before we leave we drop the dog off for his vacation and we usually go get massages as our pre vacation ritual.


The day we leave home I make sure

-we've taken the trash out,

-cleaned out anything that will expire while we're gone from the fridge or cabinets (and that its in the trash can at the curb)

-change the sheets on our bed (bc coming home to clean sheets is awesome)

-set the thermostat to whatever will save us the most cash

-make sure all the bags are in the car (suitcases will be loaded the night before, my purse and the back pack will be taken out as we leave and have all the "morning of" stuff)


As we pull out of the driveway I thank my DH for putting up with my OCD tendencies when it comes to travel and we crank up whatever playlist we've made for vacation : )

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I made my own computer list for what needs to be done and when. My own computer lists for what goes into each suitcase and carry-ons.

We only do cruises 14 days or longer. By the time we factor in pre cruise hotels and pro cruise hotels, we can be gone anywhere from 3 weeks to 6 weeks.

Items that will spoil are thrown out from the refrigerator. Make arrangements for neighbors to pick up the newspapers. Our mail goes directly into the garage. Bills are not a worry as years ago I set up a utility bank account and the bills are automatically paid from that.

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Pre-cruise routine


1. Get told I am going on a cruise

2. Pay for cruise

3. Keep away from luggage (I'm not allowed)

4. Stay in hotel for a night or two before cruise

5. Cruise

6. Pay credit card bill






This is so my husband!!!!!!


Sent from my SM-G900V using Forums mobile app

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This is a great post for the first time cruiser over here! I am just a little over 30 days out and have already packed beach towels, suntan lotion, and things we wont need until the cruise. I did not even think about notifying my bank that I may use my card out of the country. I have also set up a roaming data plan on my phone. I am looking into excursions, and have nailed down parking at the port.

Edited by jennerpoo14
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  • 4 weeks later...
This is a great post for the first time cruiser over here! I am just a little over 30 days out and have already packed beach towels, suntan lotion, and things we wont need until the cruise. I did not even think about notifying my bank that I may use my card out of the country. I have also set up a roaming data plan on my phone. I am looking into excursions, and have nailed down parking at the port.


To save space in your luggage you don't have to take a beach towel. The ship has some in your room when you get there. Also, you can get some by the pool on the Lido deck. We brought ours but never even used them. :-) Hope you have a great time on your cruise!!

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Pre-cruise routine


1. Get told I am going on a cruise

2. Pay for cruise

3. Keep away from luggage (I'm not allowed)

4. Stay in hotel for a night or two before cruise

5. Cruise

6. Pay credit card bill






Yep, very familiar...:p:rolleyes:

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