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Omg!!!!!! Is Fema Going To Cancel My Cruise????


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addition to the number of beds being made available, the federal government was in talks with the International Council of Cruise Lines about using ships as housing for storm victims.


Spokeswoman Christine Fischer said it's a possibility, but may be more difficult than at first thought.


"This is something that the cruise industry is exploring," she said. "We're trying to figure out if you're even able to get a ship up the river."

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If they have to cancel cruises to give relief and housing to the unfortunate people effected by the hurricane, so be it. I have a Carnival cruise booked in Nov, back to back with one on Celebrity. If one or the other, or both, of those are cancelled for this reason, it's for a good cause. I'd sure like to go on vacation myself, however there are people who don't have ANYTHING whatsoever in this world now, but the clothes on their backs. Some have lost family members, some aren't alive anymore. It's hard for me to even think about going on a cruise right now, realizing just how low things have gone for those people. Chartering cruise ships may indeed be a much quicker way of getting adequate housing for people while other arrangements are being made, like mobile home cities, etc. There may not even be an adequate spot to dock cruise ships for a while.



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I agree w/ CrackerKen. I'd rather all those familys have a place to stay than go on a cruise. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go but what there going through is much worse than us missing out on a cruise. Besides, there's so many last minute deals out there it would be easy to find a vacation w/ airfare at the same cost.

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Of course most are worried about, and I would hope, sympathetic to victims of Katrina. Can understand OP's concern also. Not everyone has luxury to just take additional time off and rearrange schedule easily to cancel and rebook and/or pick up a last minute vacation deal. Some people I've met have even planned and saved for years in order to take their "dream" vacation. It doesn't detract from sympathy for plight of gulf residents. I am donating $$, and also exploring means of offering my professional skills to relief effort, but can still experience some apprehension about rising gas prices in wake of disaster and its impact on daily life. Sincere compassion does not exclude all other thoughts and concerns.

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Of course most are worried about, and I would hope, sympathetic to victims of Katrina. Can understand OP's concern also. Not everyone has luxury to just take additional time off and rearrange schedule easily to cancel and rebook and/or pick up a last minute vacation deal. Some people I've met have even planned and saved for years in order to take their "dream" vacation. It doesn't detract from sympathy for plight of gulf residents. I am donating $$, and also exploring means of offering my professional skills to relief effort, but can still experience some apprehension about rising gas prices in wake of disaster and its impact on daily life. Sincere compassion does not exclude all other thoughts and concerns.


Well said. My heart goes out to all those affected by this storm and I will do all I can to help. But life does go on and there are always other concerns to deal with as well. Like you said, it isn't always possible to be flexibile. If our cruise were cancelled I would certainly understand, but I'd still be disappointed.

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This is a tough situation. I do not think for one moment that anyone should not have a place to sleep. I also know how badly I need this vacation. I know my stress level and I know there are people out there who need it worse than I do. You canont judge someone elses circumstances. Because soemone is worried about their long awaited vacation does not mean they do not care about the people whose lives have been so horrifically uprooted.


*If* they use the cruise ships to house people would they refund the money? I don't think that is selfish to ask. I have saved for a year for this cruise. I can change my plans as far as destination but I cannot go at another time.


It is 100% OK to be sad if your vacation is changed. I don't understand why people don't think that is normal?

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I agree - it is ok to be disappointed if your vacation is - or might be cancelled.

I am not selfish, but we do look forward to spending time with family and relaxing.

IF for any reason our cruises are cancelled... there is nothing we can do. I imagine we will get our money back or we will just take another cruise at a later date. My airline tickets are bought, I can probably change the dates - and pay big penalites or fees, but it isnt worth the expense because I got such a good deal. I am already planning my alternate vacation just in case. I WILL go to Florida and we will have fun doing a land vacation - then look forward to another cruise.

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I would hope that if cruises are cancelled because of the tragedy the airlines and others would understand and give people a break. I know this was done after 9/11 in many cases. (We received refund on a European trip from United). Being disappointed is not wrong, it's normal.

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<big snip>


It is 100% OK to be sad if your vacation is changed. I don't understand why people don't think that is normal?


My vacation was cancled due to Katrina. I was flying in Sunday for my Monday departure on the Holiday. Yes, I got a refund from Carnival and my air tickets the value, but now I will have to wait until next summer for another vacation. My entire family feels letdown about the loss of our vacation. But we also have relatives in Mobile and know what the loss is like...


Another idea besides using cruise ships is the possibility of using navel ships, aircraft carriers etc. They are no frills. And I bet you can expect more looting and trashing of were ever so many are housed. Yes, not all are like the animals that we've been seeing on tv doing the looting... But why should Carnival and other lines take the chance? It's their livelyhood.


<putting my fireproof blanket on preparing for the fire (flaming)>

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I suspect navel ships may be out because of 1. Security concerns and 2. we are at war at the moment and there may not be any available for deployment.


The cruise ships can be comandeered by the US Government. They will want to keep the use as short as possible because of financial loss to the lines. I suspect, although I could be wrong, that they will want to keep as much of the tourist economy moving forward as they can with gas prices climbing, the loss of tourist dollars to a huge portion of the American South and other issues. Right now they don't have anywhere to berth ships for residents. I can see them being used to house workers who are re-building the city but they may have other ideas.


No matter what this is a huge mess. I don't think anyone could truly have forseen this scenario. Yes they have known for years that NOLA was at risk but to this extent? It was fodder for disaster shows on The Discovery Channel.

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They should have had ships on stand by for assistance (naval, etc) and I'm glad to see the US Comfort (docked in my hometown of Baltimore- just sitting there) has finally been deployed- it left yesterday. You may recall this was a hospital ship deployed to Iraq for quite some time. The Mississippi was a key means of transport back in the day-- I'm sad that river boats, barges- whatever were not sent from Northerly towns to shuttle people out of New Orleans. Amazing they're now going to be bussed over 300 miles. Canal St sits right on the Mississippi- they could have brought supplies in. River looks all clear.

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I don't believe that cruiseships can be commandeer, they are not flagged in the U.S. but in other countries. I really think if they did this it would be a mistake and the ships would be rendered unusable for the purpose of vacation cruises in the future. So they might as well just junk them when they're done. I think the cruise lines would be making a big mistake to do this voluntarily.

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No one would want their vacation cancelled - but I suspect no one would want to trade places with the victims of the hurricane. Those of us who aren't directly affected have so much to be thankful for - giving up a cruise isn't quite the same as having your home and city destroyed or your love ones dead.

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As for the looting you see televised, if you were in there shoes do you really think if you had no where to live and no where to go and no bed to sleep in you would not be doing the same thing, taking food and drink. So they have something other than garbage floating by. The store is probably only going to right it off in there insurance anyway, and maybe if they were smart use it as a donation. Something to help out the so many homeless survivors. :confused:

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I am actively involved in this recovery effort


home for a little rest, and able to access the net, i dropped in here for some entertainment.


Am I surprised at what I see?




A small number of people are doing heroic things to save large numbers of people. Pray to your God in thanks there are people willing to do that.


Are the people who are victims acting 'wrong'? Yes, some are and those make for WONDErFUL TV. And for every 1 right now there are 1000 not so sensational who need as much help or more. While TV is showing you the superdome - which is HORRID to be sure, and police looting in New Orleans....they are not showing you Venice Cityand Gulfport,,,,just as devistated but not as photogenic.....no looting (?), but people stranded on their roofs for DAYS.....waiting for a helo or a boat to come by.


My house was adjacent to Metrozoo for Andrew...that was bad. This is at least as bad & probably worse.......yes worse.


US government can not seize cruise ships flagged outside the US. All we can do is try to contract them. Don't hold your breath. But we are trying to 'think out of the box' for ideas. If you have an answer of how to house and feed the entire population of New Orleans, with no complaints, e-mail me. I DO know who to forward ur ideas to.


Excuse me now, I'm gonna grab a little shut eye....I have a bunch of work to do yet.


DHS employee sends


PLEASE....consider donations to the red cross or your church charities. After I lived thru Andrew I had a NEW perspective on the annual CFC/United Way DRIVE...

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It may be too complicated to use cruise ships as floating shelters for the unfortunate victims of Katrina. Just for one, all the staff of the ship, I mean staff who get tips such as room stewards, waiters, etc would not be given tips by the storm victims. These hard working people would be sacrificing a substantial part of their income to work unless the government increased their pay to compensate for what is lost.


These ships would be out of cruising mode for possibly many months. One problem connected with that would be the significant loss of income form the casinos and bars that cruiseships enjoy.


How do you assign rooms? Who gets balconies, suites, inside, ocean view rooms, for example?


I'm not sure how safe the waterways are. Many boats sank...maybe barges, metal and wood trash, etc. Until the waterways are cleared and checked for hidden dangers, I don't even know if a cruise ship could safely navigate up to the dock.


Where would the ship dispose of its garbage and sewage? The sewer system of N.O. is completely shut down. Where would the ship get potatble water and clean water for bathing and laundry? There is no such thing in N.O. now or for the near future.


I'm no expert on these matters, but I would think the cruise ship companies would be very reluctant to donate ships and run the risk. It is one thing to have passengers coming and going, but another thing to have folks set up residency for an extended period of time. The wear and tear on their facilities would be much greater.


If the government were to compensate the cruise ship companies for all these expenses, I believe they would discover the use of cruiseships would not be a cost effective way to house storm victims.

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As for the looting you see televised, if you were in there shoes do you really think if you had no where to live and no where to go and no bed to sleep in you would not be doing the same thing, taking food and drink. So they have something other than garbage floating by. The store is probably only going to right it off in there insurance anyway, and maybe if they were smart use it as a donation. Something to help out the so many homeless survivors. :confused:


I feel that it is one thing to break into a store to take food, water or clothing that you need to survive (understandable), and quite another to be hauling off television sets and stereos (inexcusable). What items one is looting is a demonstration of their character.

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Capt BJ,

Thanks so much for all of your efforts and for shedding some light on the actual happenings in the 'war torn' zone of NO. Thinking out of the box is going to be so much better than the lack of preparation for this long anticipated catastrophe.


I, too, have a cruise coming up. There is no guarantee that any of us will be flying to catch the ships with the price and shortage of fuel and cancelled flights.


All we can do is donate our $$, needed materials, our volunteer time, and if possible, open our homes to those whose basic needs are not being met - especially the aged, the ill and the young. And I suggest that all of us send our prayers and our thanks that we are healthy, eating and, more than likely, experiencing plumbing that works and AC.

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I never thought about the cruises being cancelled until I read this post. I guess in my mind I never thought twice about it, because there are other people out there with bigger concerns than having to postpone a vacation. Right now my concern for my personal family is are we going to have gas to get to work. Many counties here in FL are out of gas and wont be getting gas for a few days. Still this is nothing compared to our neighbors to the West.


Would we be disappointed if we had to postpone our cruise... of course who wouldn't. But having been thru the hurricanes that came thru FL last year, I can only sympatize with them because it was a stressful time and we didn't even have a fraction of the damage they have had. I just pray that there are no other hurricanes coming because lord knows we don't need them here in FL and neither does the Gulf Coast.


The looting is awful but you know? Those stores aren't going to be using that merchandise anywhere else. I think it is crazy that people are looting things like electronics and alcohol. Those things aren't needed to survive. Food and clothing, yes. What I didn't realize is that a good portion of NOLA is poverty stricken and now they have nothing.


This is just alot of rambling, but I would postpone my much needed vacation in a heartbeat to help out the neighboring states that helped our state in its time of need last hurricane season.


Thank you to all of the volunteers and the National Guards that are there.

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As for the looting you see televised, if you were in there shoes do you really think if you had no where to live and no where to go and no bed to sleep in you would not be doing the same thing, taking food and drink. So they have something other than garbage floating by. The store is probably only going to right it off in there insurance anyway, and maybe if they were smart use it as a donation. Something to help out the so many homeless survivors. :confused:


Taking food, water, diapers, clothing and personal toiletry items is certainly understandable.


But getting crains and ripping off the gates of stores in order to steal jewelry and firearms? And lets not forget to mention the raping of women because no one is around to stop them. Errrr......no, I wouldn't be "doing the same thing". Nor would I be shooting at the helicoptors with rescue workers trying to get me out of there!



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