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All Things EARTH... part 2


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Thanks, Anita, and good advice about decanting into a smaller bottle. Fortuitously, at the travel show where we found our safari planner I won a TSA liquids kit (in a contest about The Love Boat!!) so I have some small spray bottles.


From my reading it appears that the lodges do provide bug spray, but I'd like a backup for on the road and for DH if he doesn't do well with what's provided. I always say that if there was one mosquito in the state, it would find him and bite him 20 times. His bites swell up like crazy and take days to go away. Kim said the tse tse flies were much worse than the mosquitoes and the bites were painful. :eek: So, I'd rather be over-prepared. I also have some bug wipes that won't count as liquid, if I have room for them.


Our next big trip, hopefully, will be to Chile or Argentina in December 2020, which is a long time to wait! That bargain cruise from NY-San Juan is apparently a regular thing, so perhaps next fall it will work for us? Perhaps a few days post in PR? We've never been there.

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Yes, he's very allergic to bites in general. We always bring Benadryl because he's allergic to lots of things. The last time we went horseback riding together (before his hip surgery), we actually packed an outfit for him to wear that went directly into a plastic bag when he was done so it wouldn't affect him just having it in our cabin. I planned the day so that we rode in the morning then spent the afternoon at a resort, so he was able to shower right away. It was the only time he needed long pants so we didn't bother with doing laundry on that vacation just for his pants.


The last time we flew to Florida we had aisle seats across from each other. I switched seats with him because a passenger had a support dog on his lap in his row. He doesn't even have to touch it to have issues.

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Margaret, my family also has allergy issues. In addition to Benadryl you might want Claritin (or another long lasting, non drowsy anti-histamine). Our doctors have recommended the longer lasting vs Benadryl, and pharmacists have confirmed that you can double-up on anti-histamines as long as they are different active ingredients (of course check with your doctor too ;))

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Everyone will just have to forgive me for completely ignoring all other conversation...because I have been so focused on my Trip Report...and now, I am finally DONE. OMG.


I have to share just a few more pictures here though...and then I'll REALLY be done with all the reporting.


I love my son!! I can't believe he's a senior...gasp...my eyes tear up every time I think about it...




I posted a similar one to this one...but this one has the helicopter too...




A more close up photo of us at the toe of the glacier where the river / creek originates.



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We could be up for that repositioning cruise out of NJ next year... Obviously next fall will be a time of major change for my family...DS going off to college and DH and I moving at the end of August to who knows where.


I think though...that cruise is a recurring cruise. Is it on the 2019 schedule?


I think a couple days in PR after would be fabulous.


Melody...loved reading about how you got into all your activities when you did. I second Margaret's thoughts on how encouraging that is. DH and I are trying to get back into some semblance of fitness after dealing with injuries, etc...it's hard.


All the talk about all the house stuff...times when I am so happy to not own a house...


50th wedding anniversaries...Congrats to those celebrating! I'm a big believer in celebrating when you can, how you want. Specific days are rather meaningless IMO...I think proximity is good enough...or even in honor of... Schedules are crazy these days so doing things when you can...having a celebration to motivate...even if it just makes it happen whenever it can...that works.


Sad to say...I think that 50th wedding anniversaries have been rarer in times past because of major wars causing a premature end of marriage. Now we have post world war marriages celebrating 50th anniversaries... There may be a slight downturn for a time because of those getting married later in life...but I think longevity will continue and we'll see those 50th anniversaries stabilize again, unless there is another wide spread death event.


How's that for uplifting conversation? OMG.


Meanwhile...I've rearranged my furniture just slightly to make more floor space. I'm going to try to do some of the Misty Copeland exercises from the book I bought when we saw her perform...and also some more yoga. So I needed to get some room in my little flat to be able to do that!

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I had my follow on appt with my family doctor yesterday. He suggested I taper off on losing any more weight (I’m lighter now than I was in 2000, just before my first foot surgery). He agreed 10-15 more will give me a cushion, but no more than that. I’m not trying to lose, but carbs still aren’t my friend. My blood work was rather fabulous (boy was he happy about that!) blood sugar A1C is 3.5, fasting was 68; total cholesterol was 150; so I’m not on any medication other than my thyroid (which is just wacky), that’s being increased after further testing.


I’m really glad that I didn’t recycle my really good formal wear, I fit into it again [emoji23]. In fact, the jumpsuit I’m wearing to the reunion had to be taken in a bit on the hips as it was just too baggy. I’ve pretty much stabilized at a size 8 in pants, but still a 12 for tops (darn chest didn’t shrink a bit), another reason I seldom wear dresses.


Pulled everything out for packing today. Let’s see, two formal events, Check. A week on the beach; swimsuits (2), coverup (1), rashguard (2), jeans & hoodie; capris (2), yoga pants & 3 tech shirts. Clothes suitable for nice restaurants, check. Black sandals, black Birks, Keen water shoes, my multi color Sketchers (so glad I bought 2 pairs of those, should’ve bought 3!). I’m done. Sounds kind of like cruise packing! Melody



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Our doctors have recommended the longer lasting vs Benadryl


Yes, it's good to have both on hand, depending on whether you want to sleep or stay awake!


Anita, I'm so glad you had such wonderful family time on your trip. Yes, you are in for some big changes in the next year, but even though the nature of family time will change too, you'll still have great times, memorable times, together.


Melody, good news about your health! I know you work hard to take care of yourself. I'm glad to hear that you and your doctor have agreed to a weight floor. I worked with enough anorexics to see how damaging it can be to be underweight too.


I haven't had a Vogue in months now. My friend who gave me the freebies has switched to Bazaar, which is not very interesting IMO. But, the fall catalogs have started to arrive, and here are my current favorites:


Love love this jacket, this whole look in fact. Makes me want to cut my hair:



Pretty berry color on this top:



Cute and practical teal hat:



Look! A brown coat!



This looks so cozy:



How awesome are these boots in Terracotta?



This sweater has all my fave colors:


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Margaret, long way to go to get anorexic, only things I can’t eat are bread, potatoes & rice. I’m able to eat pasta if it has plenty of sauce. I’m back to eating the way I always did when I was slender, not sure why I ever stopped eating this way, I definitely feel better.


I think I need that cozy Aline coat! Melody



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FYI Sierra Trading Post has mosquito repellent (good for 70 washes). men’s technical cargo pants & shorts. Brand is Grasshopper. Waist runs about 1-2” small, length comes S-R-L, short is 29-30”, regular is 32”, tall was 34”. The pants are online under hiking apparel

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Those are great numbers Melody! What is even more fab is how you are feeling. That's the real benefit to better health. The feeling of feeling better.


I like some of those things...but I'm all about trimming the fat right now. I'm going no buy for a while. I'm working my way through the items in my wardrobe...giving them a sort of use it or lose it kind of trial. I brought out my army green cargo vest thing. For so long, I've been looking for a kind of "cover up" for when I wear my ultra fitted exercise tops and other tanks, which I love to wear around the house but find that I increasingly DON'T like to wear out without something over them. I grabbed my vest, which I was worried would be too warm in this continuing heat...and found out that the stiffer fabric hangs away from my body and so it really isn't at all as hot as I thought it would be. And BONUS, all the pockets in the vest make it fab for grabbing my slim wallet and phone only...and having a place to carry my keys. It's been VERY handy for all the dog walking help I've been doing lately.


I picked up two patches at a concert that we saw last summer...at Dead and Company I bought a purple Dead dancing bear and also a purple butterfly...not really knowing what I would do with them...I just liked them. I've decided to start giving my vest some character...I'm going to sew those patches on and maybe continue to collect them. OH! I might add my funny pins that I got in WDW from doing the animation class...who knows? Anyway...starting to find my voice for some wardrobe ideas...

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I just realized that the name of the men’s pants I described was autocorrected to Grasshopper. The actual name is Craighopper I’ve tried to attach a link but the cc site is giving me fits. Melody



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Margaret , I love that jacket . I drool over fall clothes but alas no use for them . We only have cold weather briefly in Jan, & Feb. I have been stocking up on summer clothes at the sales to get me through the year .The one thing that helped me keep my weight stable after I lost 40 lbs. was eating smaller portions . I did not eliminate any foods just ate less amounts . I have maintained the loss for ten years .Gary also started eating less and has lost over 50 pounds .

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Anita , Now that you have returned from your adventure is their anything you would not have packed and how did your clothes selection work out ? I am amazed at how few clothes you packed and were able to re wear often.Did you wish you had done laundry ?


My clothes selection worked out very well. Overall, I was really happy...I didn't want for anything...and there were a few things that I would not have packed.


I overestimated how many times I would wear my dresses. I had packed a short-sleeved (worn twice) and a long-sleeved (worn once). In hindsight, I would not have packed both...I would have picked one. Also, I would not have packed one pair of "fashion" socks that I packed, nor the thicker patterned leggings. I might have brought a second pair of patterned tights/nylons...which are much thinner and smaller for packing purposes and worn those with the third wearing of the one dress...and maybe a fashion scarf incase I had spilled on my one dress.


I changed for dinner four times. 1. Sea Day: First Elegant Chic Night. 2. Early port day after spending time in the pool. 3. Early port day for Elegant Chic Night 4. Last Sea Day, but I was all packed before dinner and wearing what I planned to wear off the ship the next day. If I had a scarf that would work with both my dress and one or more of my other shirts...I think that might have been nice to have to "spruce up" my look from port to dinner...but overall I didn't really care that much.


I also would not have worn nor brought denim jeans. I wore them on the plane from NC to BC, and then I didn't wear them again.


I didn't need the warm scarf (for cold weather) I brought.


I do not wish I had done laundry...mainly because I had enough underwear to get through the trip. I recognize that I am very different in thinking about clothing than most. Because my life is lived largely at home and in relative isolation...I wear the same clothes a lot. For instance, I'm wearing the same pants I've worn everyday since Monday...and that isn't something that most people do. So when I travel, it isn't a change from my norm to bring a limited wardrobe and rewear clothing a lot. I seriously dislike laundry...

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Fall is my favorite season, for so many reasons. One of the big reasons is the clothing. I love a pair of boots, a scarf, some layers. That first jacket with the scarf was very, very appealing to me. Being a true earth, I tend to look for more color in my choices. However, I am realizing the benefit of finding good darker earth colors. I do better moving to the warm side than I do to the cool side, so teal, chocolate brown, dark warm olive and a dark spice color are what I am keeping an eye out for right now.



I was at the mall just a few weeks ago, and my husband had to take care of something for work. I told him to leave me there, and just pick me up on his way home. I had a lot of time to shop, look, try things on. You know what? I came home with a pair of jeans that I kind of didn't need, but they were such a great fit. I just didn't see anything else.



I am wondering if the fall clothes are just starting to come out, like the things Margaret posted?



By the way, that last sweater was really nice. I can see all sorts of ways to change that up. If that first link of the jacket came in a warm enough color for me, I'd be so tempted!



Anita, I still haven't had a lot of time to go through your whole trip report, but I'm looking forward to it. My husband has a bunch of overtime coming up during the next month, so I am going to use the downtime to catch up on things such as this.




It's a weird feeling to be alone sometimes. My older daughter moved, and my younger daughter is taking classes as well as working full time. She is also very social, so she is always going here and there. With my husband working more hours right now, I bring work home with me because I have to get home to feed the dogs and take them out. I'm glad I have the pups to keep me company.



I don't expect my older daughter to move back home, but that is all good. They grow up and move on, you know? But we are very close, so we are always texting each other. She is 30 now. I can't believe it! My younger daughter is 26.



I will be working in my older daughter's room, so that will occupy my time too. The room needs a good cleaning, and I'm going to patch a few nail holes. I wasn't going to paint it, but after taking a good look, it needs it.




For those of you with spare rooms, do you focus on keeping them as a bedroom, or a room than can become a bedroom easily, such as putting a sofa bed in it? I have a living room and family room, plus that small den that I recently posted a few pictures of. I don't need to room for an office or anything. I could set up my sewing machine in it if I wanted, but there are no fabric stores around, and I don't sew that much these days. Plus I think it works well to have it in the laundry room area because I usually use it for mending, which seems to follow doing the laundry. :-)



Anita, figuring out what to pack for a trip can always be challenging. One thing I recently thought about was that the Pacific Coastal cruise I took had some similarities to your Alaska trip. The cruise in general was more casual, and it wasn't warm. Having comfortable shoes was very important. With long flights, time changes and cooler weather, you think about what you pack in your luggage too.




One area where I didn't do well with that cruise is that my clothing choices were not warm enough. I was very cold throughout, and wore a sweater under my coat a lot.




Sally, I know you said it stays pretty warm for you, but when you get a cooler spell, how long does it last for? I was just thinking that having a few sweaters, hoodies and a jacket is probably handy?



Melody, you are doing great! When I was losing weight, I was also going through my change, and my thyroid levels were totally unpredictable. They have settled down now that my weight is steady, but every so often, my doctor has to lower my dosage, and then raise it back up. It is very strange.



I think I would probably take jeans for Alaska. Leggings are not very warm to me, but I also don't wear leggings, lol. Jeans I will rewear, as long as they are clean! Twice. I'll wear them for two days. Then scarves and layers? When the time comes, I will look into all those great things you brought with you.



I would love to go back to Puerto Rico. The resort we stayed at was hit hard by the hurricane, but I understand they are up and running again. Morton's Steakhouse was so good there! Expensive, but good. I remember how much I giggled when we order a salad to start our meal, and my husband was like "$17?? for this little salad?" At least it was a GOOD salad! And the steak was amazing. Sometimes, a little splurge is a good thing.

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Sally, I know you said it stays pretty warm for you, but when you get a cooler spell, how long does it last for? I was just thinking that having a few sweaters, hoodies and a jacket is probably handy?




We usually get cooler spells in late Dec.,Jan.and Feb but all is needed is a light jacket or a sweater .If it is freezing up north it is chilly here . Our best months are October ,November , March and April.

I really only wear a jacket maybe three times a year .It gets kind of boring wearing the same clothes all the time so I do change slightly in the cooler weather .

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So we leave Wednesday for the long awaited 50th reunion trip. Of course, Les gets really sick (actually been sick since we came back from TX) & I literally dragged him to the doctor this morning. Doc listens to his chest & said why didn’t you come in a couple of weeks ago? I didn’t say I told you so [emoji849]. Luckily (after X-rays & bloodwork) it’s bronchitis not pneumonia. So, 2 antibiotics, 2 different inhalers (that’s new), cough syrup with codeine (& without), MusinexDM & lozenges we get home. Doc said he wouldn’t have gotten better without the antibiotics & it would’ve gone into pneumonia. Asked when we travel & I said Wednesday. He said you’ll be fine by then but if you’re still coughing on Tuesday morning come back [emoji849]. Sigh. Melody


I did find a new international sized carryon case while we were waiting for the prescriptions tho [emoji23]



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Thank goodness the antibiotics seem to be kicking his bronchitis. We both slept the whole night for first time in a couple of weeks


Now off to the packing, we leave at 0430 on Wednesday morning



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Glad to hear the antibiotics are working. Not sleeping is torture. I hate taking medication but after a few days of poor sleep I will try anything that knocks me out. :) Sleep is the great healer. I hope Les is back on his feet soon. That poor man has had a rough time of it.




My cold is finally gone but I still have that annoying little pseudo cough if I exert myself. I did start back with Zumba and some paddleboarding this weekend. I am very tired today.



My "assignment" for myself this summer was to work at being healthy which included trying to reduce my stress level to the extent that is possible. One of the side benefits has been more time for reflection and re-examining my short and long term goals going forward. As the new school year approaches, I am seriously considering leaving my job at the end of the spring term. I love my students and my work, but it does crowd out many other things I would like to be doing. So, I am not going to rush things, but I am putting that on the table for the first time. I am starting my 11th year there, and perhaps it is time for something new. I know that some people change jobs often and it's no big deal; but, I like to settle in, have a sense of purpose and belonging, and have durable relationships with co-workers, so it will be a major change for me.




Do any of you belong to homeowners associations? We have one here at the lake. We have a neighbor who is trying to wrangle her way onto the board through back channels. She has an agenda that most of us are not happy about. The upshot is that I impulsively volunteered to fill in one of the vacant board positions until the next election comes up (in 11 months). Becoming more involved in the lake's management is one of those things I always thought about doing "when I had more time."




This all may seem like a giant off-topic post, but to me it is just a digression. I feel like our work here on fashion and color has taught me to better step back and really see, not just make assumptions about what I see. Or what choices am I making based on prior choices, without re-examining whether they are still appropriate. So, from the perfect green for me to how I spend my days, the process is similar.



A big thank you to Laurie for the super cute top! :*

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You know, we all started talking because we cruise, and this thread started because we had some commonalities. I often think about how I now have this amazing group of friends. We still talk all the time about our cruise planning, and specific to our thread, what we wear when we cruise.



In between it all, we talk about us. In my mind, it isn't even off topic or a digression because our personalities and lifestyles have an impact on everything. For example, Anita's personality and choices for her vacation had a direct impact on her Alaska vacation, just as Sally's did with her Cuba trip and so forth. I just love seeing where we are the same as well as where we are different.



We help each other. Anita, your discussion about your son is something I can really relate to. I went through it with Alyssa living in campus, but being very near by. Then she moved to Albany for her internship, and in between, she participated in a summer abroad program. But it was all short term things. Having Stephanie move was something we expected would happen, but it is difficult nevertheless.



So I am focusing excess energy to updating the den, and now a spare bedroom. This comes full circle, because I can use it as a cruise room. I can set things out on the bed to plan, and not rush to put them away because we need some place to sleep, lol.




Margaret, your current thinking mirrors mine in many ways. I am celebrating my 35th anniversary at the bank this week. I started with nothing more than a lot of desire to learn and do better. Over the years, I have moved up to a position of Vice President of Lending, and I'm so grateful.




I am also under a tremendous amount of stress which has been ongoing for a few years now. I sometimes have some depression, which my husband talks me through. I am fortunate that even though I have that underlying feeling of unhappiness with my employment, it doesn't last. Thank goodness for all of you, and for my family and other interests to keep me focused on the big picture. Unfortunately, I am not in a position where I can change jobs. I think if you feel it is time and you have the ability to do it, go for it.



My husband and I have definitely decided the room will be a spare bedroom. I did a lot of figuring out yesterday, and since my husband has a lot of overtime coming up this month, I will be working on the room a little at a time, but I have it mostly all planned out. This is something I love to do - create a plan, figure out the details, and then make it happen.



I will be painting the ceiling, walls and trim. I am bypassing blinds, because our location allows you to just draw the drapes closed when needed. The morning sunlight into the room is beautiful, and I feel we should take advantage of that.



Here are the drapes I have chosen, which were the starting point:




I feel like these are serene and fresh looking. One thing about bedding and curtains - I often find them to seem very dowdy and dated at times. It's hard to find what I like, until I get to the Pier1 website. :-)



Here is the bedspread, stone blue:




There is a little oddball side window in the room, so I ordered an extra panel for that and I will alter it to make it work for the window. It's one of those weird little crank out windows that is only about 2 feet tall, if that?




Then the closet is super tiny, with no door. After discussion with my husband, told him that I don't really want it open, but I agreed that a door was awkward looking. So I am going to actually put a curtain there.



I am hoping this ends up looking as nice as it does in my head, and doesn't end up too busy. I toyed with a solid color curtain on the closet, but I felt that a shade of blue would stand out even more than having the same print as the windows. I will have to hem the panel for closet door, but no biggie. I had some thoughts for those little pieces of fabric that are left over as well, but we'll see.



in our basement, we have a table that is about 30 inches side and about 14-18 inches deep. I'm sure my measurements aren't accurate, but I wanted to give you an idea of the overall shape. There is also a nightstand in the same tone of wood and a square table as well. I am thinking I can use them in the room. I then I have the beloved rocking chair from my mom, and I somehow feel like it will be very at home in there.



I wouldn't mind some sort of little dresser in place of the square table. I don't want the room crowded, but since it is a spare bedroom, I thought a guest might appreciate having a drawer or two for clothes?



This just doesn't just provide "therapy" for me, but I also have the joy of knowing that if Steph and Deshaun want to stay at our house, they can. I think they will love that. After all, it was her room and now it will be welcoming her back as a guest.



I hope that all made sense. I had way too much coffee this morning, lol.



I'm glad you like the shirt, Margaret! I adored the colors in it.

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