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All Things EARTH... part 2


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22 hours ago, Sailor_Sally said:

Melody , So will you just get to lay around on Thanksgiving ?


Margaret , I saw that first dress last night while looking and that is a perfect wedding dress ,

Our daughter cooks Thanksgiving. I’ll make my pies in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. Day of I’ll sit with a glass of wine & my foot elevated (kind of like a potentate 😂😂). 


Laurie, the high low dresses are comfortable but I agree with Anita on the wrong side showing, also too much bulk up front showing. Macy’s is showing some lovely lace dresses in their holiday line. Melody

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This is why I like to shop for dresses in stores. Pictures give us so little information. I'd much rather take an armful of dresses into the dressing room and experiment a little, look at the quality of the fabric and stitching, and see the colors IRL.


Another visit to the dentist today, my stitches look fine and the infection is on the wane. Still can't have anything crunchy, but I can eat chicken and vegetables if well-cooked and cut small. One can, in fact, get tired of ice cream. Dr. gave me the ok to start exercising again, in moderation. Unfortunately it's been too rainy to take advantage of my bike membership even if I had been able to, and now it is getting too cold. 😞


Africa is in less that 6 weeks, so I'm very focused on the remaining items on my list, like binoculars. I know December is going to fly by. I'm waiting for my new convertible pants to come.


Surprise treats in the neighborhood... the mockingbird was outside my apartment building, first time I've seen one in the city though they are common in Brooklyn parks that have roses, apparently. He's all puffed up because it's cold and we have snow on the way. There must be something delicious in that bush to protect because he just stared at me as I walked by not four feet away. The waffle truck parks on campus now. I wish I didn't know that. 🙂




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IMO the dresses out now are too wintery for a summer wedding . They usually start showing those dresses in Feb..I hated shopping for my Mother of the Bride dress . They were either too old or too fru fru  . I went to tons of stores .I was finally at the point of paying any amount of money for something I could wear for a day and be comfortable . I finally lucked into one at a bridal store . Long ,off the shoulder with some bling . The month after the wedding I sold it on ebay for almost full price as I knew I would never wear it again.For Gary's sons weddings I always aimed to be a little less formal than the mother's since I wanted them to be the stars . It worked perfectly until the last wedding when Gary's ex and I both wore dark blue lace pants outfits.Pretty funny !

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I don't know what it's like in Florida but here all the dresses are geared toward the holidays, so lots of red, black, burgundy, and green. Maybe some royal blue. Some winter white, but that is more a current fashion industry thing as it's really not practical with all the dirty rain and snow we get in the winter.


As soon as the January sales are done, waves of dresses for weddings and proms will come out in our department stores. We tend to be on the early side of that. That's usually the best time to shop for swimwear also, even though it's hard to take off coats and try on bathing suits. 🙂 All those layers.


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I hate typos.
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Once October comes all the stores in Florida sell semi winter clothes .Nothing I would usually wear so I try to stock up in after summer sales and then search for a few things to make it through until Feb. when they will sell Florida clothes again. The exception is Beall's which is called the Florida department store . They sell Florida clothes all year but they are so -so.There are also stores that sell bathing suits year round .

Your Africa trip is coming up . How exciting !

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I like that dress....how do I put it?  I can love something, I can think it is beautiful, but that doesn't mean I want to wear it.  I can admire it for what it is.  Generally speaking, I decided against that dress due to the material.  If it was a crepe, or something similar, then it would be an option.  I don't want satin or taffeta or anything too stiff.  I think it creates a bit more formality than what I am looking for, and there is a sense of drama with this dress.  I love it, but I don't want to wear it personally, I don't think.


It is pretty weird, but there is not a lot to choose from in store around here.  We have a JCPenney, Macy's and Lord and Taylor up at the mall.  The formal wear section is very limited, all year round, and mostly black.  I was just in all three of these stores on Sunday, and they had nothing.  It won't change much with spring.  They will add a few gold dresses and silver dresses, and that is pretty much it. 


They will get a selection of prom dresses in, but most people go to a store called Boom Babies for prom dresses and school semi formal events.


I had ordered all 4 of those dresses, and they will all go back.  I think I started to try on one.  The rest were taken out of the bag, looked at, and then put back in the bag.  No loss, I got free shipping and I can return them at the mall.  This is pretty much how I shop most of the time.


The evergreen was almost black looking.  You had to get right up to it to see that it was green.  The two blue ones were too dark.  The wine colored dress with the gold I was going to to try on, not so much for the wedding but to see if I might want it for a cruise.  The sparkles were shedding everywhere, and it didn't even look like a size 2, so...


But I will keep looking and see what comes along.  I am definitely leaning towards a wine or burgundy color at this point.  I'm very at home in shades of red.  I don't think I will ever figure out why, but I just feel good in red, and other strong colors.


I love the teal one Margaret.  That is definitely your color, and I like it also.  I would probably look at that as an option in a wine color.  I have not tried on that style neckline in a very long time. I'm wondering how it will work for me?  I am top heavy, but broad shouldered as well. 

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Happy early Thanksgiving from me too! We are going to DH's cousins on Long Island for Thursday, and then to the lake for the weekend. I will make a turkey breast and stuffing on Friday, and maybe an apple pie, because we like leftovers too and we never get any. I just finished my antibiotics so I am being careful with my stomach and avoiding rich foods, so we'll probably have it with a salad. :)


We had quite the snowstorm on Thursday and our end of the lake is now frozen. Very early for us to have this weather. Here is a really good lazy afternoon read: it's a memoir called Educated, by Tara Westover. It is the story of how she grew up in a survivalist family in the Idaho mountains, was not allowed to go to school, and ended up a best-selling author with a PhD from Cambridge. I'm still in the early parts and it's fascinating.



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I just finished that book Margaret. Very interesting read. I didn't put it down...reading it last Sunday. 


Happy early Thanksgiving to everyone! I bought our turkey last Thursday. It's just us three which is what has happened for several years recently. Both DH and DS have work and school Monday and Tuesday so we celebrate a lazy day on Thanksgiving.


DH starts his new position December 3. He had to travel last week and will travel again the week following Thanksgiving to close out the old position. It's been a busy bit of time sorting DH's housing situation for this time before we fully move the household next May. We do have it sorted now though so it feels good to have those plans in place.

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Wow, Anita.  There is a lot going on for you right now - your son getting situated with school, your husband starting a new job and then the move.


Has your son figured out where he is going yet?  It's been a little while since my girls were in school, so I'm trying to remember the drill.  I seem to recall they would apply and the letters of acceptance would arrive fairly soon?  I can't believe I don't remember, lol.  I know there was early acceptance available.


We are having the smallest group ever for Thanksgiving.  Just three of us.  My daughter and her fiancé are hosting Thanksgiving.  It wasn't their initial plan, but his father has an apartment, and wanted his daughter to come in from Florida so they are using Steph and Dashaun's house.  I guess they will fix a few sides but his Dad is doing the main stuff.  This way they have room for everyone.


My stepmother normally comes over, but this year she wanted to stay in her neighborhood.  She is about 45 minutes away and doesn't like to drive in the dark.  We now have a spare bedroom, but she already accepted another invitation before she knew.  


I am currently reading a book called "Lie to Me".  So far, it is very, very intriguing.  I love suspense novels.  I have two others to read when I am done with this one.  I do most of my reading during the winter or on vacation.   After this book, I'm reading one called "The Woman in the Window".

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Oh, and if I could get this dress in a wine or burgundy color, I might consider it.  I'd have to think long and hard - I am realizing the width of the top makes a difference, so I'd be better off with either a thinner strap area than this, or something that comes in off the shoulder.  Then it depends on how it lays.  I'm short waisted, but this looks like it creates a nice flow.





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Actually, I think this is THE dress.  I've been reviewing it with my daughters, and they both agree that it is "me" and will work with the wedding.  They also think that wine or burgundy may be too matchy matchy with the wedding party, and I agree.  I got to thinking that it could end up looking like one of the bridesmaids or something.


The navy is also a clear bright navy, which is a color in Stephanie's group (fire).  I think I can pull this off.


It is decently priced, plus another 15% off.  I can totally see me wearing this on formal night on a cruise too.  I have a lot of options for jewelry, depending on hw much I want to bling it up.  

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Laurie, that's very pretty, I thought it was velvet at first. The fabric has a rich look to it. One nice thing is that you can pretty much choose anything you want for jewelry. I wore shoes just like that with my navy anniversary dress.


Wow, Anita, I didn't realize your DH was moving so soon. Lots of big changes going on for the three of you.


We were just talking about how much fun we had at Disney last Christmas. DH says he wants to go back, but I would like to wait until the new Star Wars land is open at Hollywood Studios, and maybe do the Harry Potter thing at Universal, possibly add a visit to Cape Canaveral. We are looking at easy fall vacations since our next big trip is probably going to be to Patagonia in December 2020. That's a very long wait after Africa.


Here's a funny pic of our kitty playing peek-a-boo with us from inside the kitchen.


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Margaret, your cat!  That picture is so funny!


I'm going with gold sandals, I think.  I actually have a few pair. Im.trmpted to see my bronze sandals look like with it.  The thing with that is, jewelry.  Gold is easier.  

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Beautiful dress Laurie! I like the wider straps...less issues with undergarments. That is something I would recommend you test out with the dress, since it is jersey. Jersey shows everything...especially in pictures. Do some test runs from all angles so that you know your foundation garments are photogenic.


OMG Margaret...DH said that photo was the best. I agree. So funny!


Yes...the DH work transition has arrived. We would have preferred timing for this summer but you can't plan these details. Positions become available when they do and you make do and make it work. We found some interesting temporary housing for DH...that will begin in January.


Sally...there are several things that I enjoy about moving. It's disruptive and quite a bit of work, but we have very opportunistic outlooks regarding moving. This move is particularly exciting...a whole new season is about to begin! I usually "lighten the load" a bit before moving...but this move. This move is going to be epic. This move draws a line...there will be the time before and the time after this move in a way that hasn't happened since DS was born. 


I put the Woman in the Window on hold...

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Margaret, great kitty picture!  She looks good & healthy. 


Laurie, absolutely love the dress!  Easy to move in & fun to dress up or down, you’ll wear that dress again on a cruise. Try the dress with nude heels


We just got our flight arrangements for our Hawaii cruise. I was putting around on the United site & was able to score multicity, first class tickets from Colorado Springs to Vancouver & Honolulu to Colorado Springs for $800pp. I’m stoked. It came in at $1600pp less than I’d been quoted from ChoiceAir. The way I did it ended up being $400pp less than economy. Happy almost anniversary to us!


hope everyone has a happy & safe Thanksgiving, we’re going to our daughter’s with the gang. I did buy a turkey, ok a ham too & we haven’t decided if we’ll have them at Christmas or just cook them. I miss having leftovers. Melody

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My in-laws come to our house for Thanksgiving, so I'll be busy this week getting ready.  We keep it pretty simple though.


We had a great college visit over the weekend.  It confirmed the first choice for daughter and helped us adjust to the distance (9 hr trip vs. 4 - 4.5 for the other school on our list).


Have a great Thanksgiving everyone (and great Thursday/Weekend for those not in the US 😉 )

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Excellent news pacruise! It must be so exciting to know where your daughter is going. 


Laurie...we're still in the application process. For music majors, the application process has multiple stages. The prescreen stage is like the normal application, there's an application form, an essay, recommendations and for some schools, test scores and transcripts. Not all conservatories care about official transcripts or test scores. For composition, DS had to submit his portfolio...usually between 2 and 5 scores. The strength of his portfolio can get him past the prescreen. Then he is invited to interview (vocal and performance majors would be auditioning). Then the strength of his interview could earn him admission.


The admission deadlines are still in the future...soon, but we're still submitting applications. We are not doing early decision/action for any school so we won't know about acceptances until next year. Interviews are normally in January and February...so...we have a ways to go still.


Melody...we normally do a turkey for Thanksgiving and a ham at Christmas. We're headed to AZ to spend Christmas with Mom and Dad.


I just realized that this year has the longest gap between Thanksgiving and Christmas possible! That's nice.


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