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US State Department Travel Advisories

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Please refer directly to the US State Department Travel Advisory website for Turkey with regard to any updates and the specifics of where those advisories or warnings are in effect. The latest update of 27 June 2016 does NOT reflect the Ataturk Airport terminal bombs of 28 June 2016. Here is the link:




Please note this information is subject to change at any time and Cruise Critic is not the place to come for complete and accurate information - only the State Department is - or the equivalent in your country, as well as your particular cruise line. Some cruise lines have already withdrawn from Turkey while others continue to call at ports in Turkey.


Please refer to your individual cruise lines if you have ANY questions with regard to current or future port calls in Turkey.


The choice to travel to Turkey or not, is personal. The choice to respect another traveler's choice to travel is requested and required, as ever, per our TOS. Thank you :)

Edited by Host Bonjour
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Appreciate this posting and the details on this warning from the U.S. State Department.


ISTANBUL AIRPORT BOMBINGS??: Real tragedy there! When we flew out from that airport in late June 2006 after our first cruise, we were impressed that they had security and checking BEFORE we even entered the building. PLUS, the security before getting on the airplane. Clearly, it's needed there in that part of the world.


We wish to return to Istanbul and other parts of Turkey. BUT, we have other priority places of the world where we have not yet visited and need attention ahead of going back to here. We hope for the best for Istanbul and Turkey.


THANKS! Enjoy! Terry in Ohio


Enjoyed a 14-day, Jan. 20-Feb. 3, 2014, Sydney to Auckland adventure, getting a big sampling for the wonders of "down under” before and after this cruise. Go to:


for more info and many pictures of these amazing sights in this great part of the world. Now at 146,451 views for this posting.

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I love Istanbul! We have visited there on a cruise with an over night and also a cruise where we spent several days pre cruise. But at this point we plan to visit other parts of the world where we have not visited and that seem to be safer. Such a shame we all have to go through this.


So sorry for all the deaths at the airport today! When will this all end!

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Was just in Turkey, 6-8 in Kusadasi and 6-9 to Istanbul. Had no issues at all but recognize that some cruisers will be uncomfortable. A few on our ship, Royal Princess, elected to remain on board in Istanbul. It is really to bad as both of these were fascinating ports and were a prime reason I booked the particular cruise. Local Turks were great but are suffering from loss of revenue that cruise ships bring.

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I too have visited Istanbul several times and love walking around this historical city. This situation is so sad for Turkey and everyone throughout the world that loves peace and wants to freely travel around the world visiting such wonderful places. This will certainly had a terrible effect on tourism. Thoughts and prayers for Turkey and all those who lost love-ones in the blast!


Edited by Cruzer Two
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I also was in Istanbul recently, 6-2 to 6-4, when I boarded the Seabourn Odyssey. We were there last September as well and on this visit the manager of our hotel said tourism was down 70 percent. I am afraid that with today's horrific events tourism will totally dry up in the near term. But that is a subject for another day. Today my heart breaks for those who died and were injured and their families as well as those who were at the airport and witnessed this tragedy.

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My heart is heavy as I read of the death toll rising from today's attack. We have been lucky enough to visit Istanbul both last year and this and we've met lovely people and made good friends. It's been very difficult for Turks lately. They depend so much on tourism and that, as everyone has noted, has plummeted. Businesses are suffering which means that families are suffering.


Such a beautiful country with warm, welcoming people--they don't deserve these tragedies.

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I love Turkey and have traveled there throughout the country. We were not on a tour, but rather just the two of us for a month. The people are so kind & friendly. I found it to be one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited. I pray for all the residents that are having to endure such terrorism. We as travelers have to do what makes us comfortable. I for one will not be deterred by terrorism as that is their goal, to disrupt. And after all, it can happen right around the corner from home, just as it can in another country. I stand strong as one with the Turkish people and look forward to returning there when I can spend a month and visit the region and spend time with the wonderful people.

Edited by Atocha Shipwreck Gal
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I love Turkey and have traveled there throughout the country. We were not on a tour, but rather just the two of us for a month. The people are so kind & friendly. I found it to be one of the most beautiful countries I have ever visited. I pray for all the residents that are having to endure such terrorism. We as travelers have to do what makes us comfortable. I for one will not be deterred by terrorism as that is their goal, to disrupt. And after all, it can happen right around the corner from home, just as it can in another country. I stand strong as one with the Turkish people and look forward to returning there when I can spend a month and visit the region and spend time with the wonderful people.


Hey Neighbor,


We live in Gainesville, GA. I agree with your comments about not being deterred by terrorism. We're doing a black sea cruise in September with 4 stops in Turkey - if Holland America does not cancel these stops. But, I just heard on the news that tourism was already off by as much as 50% prior to the bombing today and I afraid this will just make matter worse. I feel so sorry for the people in Egypt and Turkey that earn their living off of tourism. They deserve so much better!



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Hey Neighbor,


We live in Gainesville, GA. I agree with your comments about not being deterred by terrorism. We're doing a black sea cruise in September with 4 stops in Turkey - if Holland America does not cancel these stops. But, I just heard on the news that tourism was already off by as much as 50% prior to the bombing today and I afraid this will just make matter worse. I feel so sorry for the people in Egypt and Turkey that earn their living off of tourism. They deserve so much better!




Just down the road from Gainesville off 369! I really hope your cruise goes to all those wonderful ports. I have traveled all of Europe and Turkey remains my favorite. I am a little biased...my mother's family were refugees from Spain in the year 1492 during the Spanish Inquisition and emigrated to Turkey. The Turkish people welcomed them with open arms in 1492 and still welcomed them 450 years later before they emigrated to America. My grandfather spoke fondly of Kemal Ataturk who the airport is named after. When I first went to Turkey in 1996, I still remember everytime we told someone we were from America, the Turkish people in the shops would say, "Oh, you must know my cousin, he lives in Chicago" or Los Angeles or some other big city. When we would say no I do not know him, they would still love to chat about what our life was like. That is what struck me, they were always interested in our life & made us feel so special. In one shop, a rug merchant told us, Oh you must know my cousin, he has a shop in Atlanta! Wow....it turns out his cousin owned the rug shop in Sandy Springs at Roswell Rd and Hammond Drive and indeed, I had been to the shop. This merchant was so excited, he insisted on giving us a small rug that fit in our bag so we would always remember him. When I came home after that trip, I realized how we, as Americans, are not always so friendly to our visitors, and this was pre 9/11. I learned a lot from the Turkish people and have a great respect for them. I can only imagine the hardships they are facing with tourism down not to mention having these chaotic terrorist events happening in the homeland.

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Fortunately, I cancelled our cruise to Turkey just in time to receive a full refund of our booking. We were scheduled to fly in to Istanbul Ataturk Airport, Turkey arriving this Friday. Thank heavens, we cancelled our cruise because a good friend of mine and a reliable source of information at DHS, advised us to stay out of Turkey for the foreseeable future as the radical Islamic Muslim terrorist are ramping up it's terrorist activities in Turkey and the surrounding region, and at targets like airports, museums, cafes, restaurants, food markets, and other spots where tourists are likely to frequent.


I actually really don't care about visiting Turkey anymore. I've crossed Turkey and the region off my bucket list.


So, best of luck to those of you people cavalier enough in the next few months to still cruise Turkey and the surrounding region. I would not want to be in your shoes, to be on edge, to be always on guard, and to be always wondering if a terrorist attack will maim or kill your or/and your family. Who needs those kind of security worries and hassles, when one is trying to enjoy a relaxing vacation? I surely don't. I'd rather take my chances by doing road trip vacations in the U.S.A.


How about you? Still going to Turkey?


You've got to do what you think is best for you...


I'm not worried anymore than I am when I go to a school, movie theater or shopping mall here in the U.S.


Was just in L.A. last February (and Orlando a couple of months before that).


I refuse to allow terrorists to 'win' in successfully terrorizing me...but that's doing what I believe to be best for me.

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Unfortunately even those of us who will not be deterred by terrorism can find our plans disrupted by factors outside our control. My close friends were booked on a military tour of Turkey next month, Gallipoli being sacred ground to Aussies and Kiwis, but it was cancelled after the previous attacks. Their non refundable flights were not covered by insurance so they are $1000 worse off, the rest of their itinerary does not flow as well and they are very sad that they feel they may never get there now.

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We just finished a celebrity cruise that started in Istanbul. We had a lovely day with a fantastic guide. After the cruise, we spent a few magical days in Venice. We left Venice last night and were scheduled to land in Istanbul at 11:00. About 20 min before landing, the pilot announced that we couldn't land in Istanbul because of traffic. Once we were on the ground, we learned what happened. We were diverted to Izmir and spent hours in the airport before being bused to nearby hotels. They sent too many buses to the same hotel so we had to go to a different hotel. It was about 5 am before we got into a room. We could not get thru to Turkish air to rebook and finally found out that we'd have to fly to Istanbul and then have a day layover before flying to the US. We ended up booking Lufthansa thru Munich with a 22 hour layover but we just want out of turkey. We have to pay but just want to get our kids home safely.


It's so sad. Turkey is so beautiful with a rich history. Glad I saw it but really want to go home.



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We just finished a celebrity cruise that started in Istanbul. We had a lovely day with a fantastic guide. After the cruise, we spent a few magical days in Venice. We left Venice last night and were scheduled to land in Istanbul at 11:00. About 20 min before landing, the pilot announced that we couldn't land in Istanbul because of traffic. Once we were on the ground, we learned what happened. We were diverted to Izmir and spent hours in the airport before being bused to nearby hotels. They sent too many buses to the same hotel so we had to go to a different hotel. It was about 5 am before we got into a room. We could not get thru to Turkish air to rebook and finally found out that we'd have to fly to Istanbul and then have a day layover before flying to the US. We ended up booking Lufthansa thru Munich with a 22 hour layover but we just want out of turkey. We have to pay but just want to get our kids home safely.


It's so sad. Turkey is so beautiful with a rich history. Glad I saw it but really want to go home.



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Safe travels to you and yours... My heart aches for the families of those killed and injured. We're scheduled on a cruise with a planned overnight stop in Istanbul in October. If HAL keeps it on the itinerary, not so sure what we'll do. Such a sad, sad situation.

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We just finished a celebrity cruise that started in Istanbul. We had a lovely day with a fantastic guide. After the cruise, we spent a few magical days in Venice. We left Venice last night and were scheduled to land in Istanbul at 11:00. About 20 min before landing, the pilot announced that we couldn't land in Istanbul because of traffic. Once we were on the ground, we learned what happened. We were diverted to Izmir and spent hours in the airport before being bused to nearby hotels. They sent too many buses to the same hotel so we had to go to a different hotel. It was about 5 am before we got into a room. We could not get thru to Turkish air to rebook and finally found out that we'd have to fly to Istanbul and then have a day layover before flying to the US. We ended up booking Lufthansa thru Munich with a 22 hour layover but we just want out of turkey. We have to pay but just want to get our kids home safely.


It's so sad. Turkey is so beautiful with a rich history. Glad I saw it but really want to go home.



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Glad to hear you did get to have a lovely day in Istanbul and what sounds like an enchanting time in Venice which was surely deserved in advance of this very challenging and arduous time right now as your journey home by the explosions at Ataturk.


I hope you and your family are underway via Lufthansa now and though it will be a long journey, somehow knowing you are safe and headed home is some comfort as you reflect on the better parts of the cruise and ports you visited. Having lived through the direct impact of 9/11 in NYC (lived less than 4 miles from Ground Zero, friends/neighbors - some made it, some didn't - I once worked in Tower 1 at 101st floor...it goes on) I know all too well the challenges of what happens in our lives when everything changes. We have to keep going and keep living - things DO change but we keep going, keep living.


Get home safe.

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Just loving all the wonderful posts about your past trips to Turkey, experiences in Istanbul, meeting Turkish people, "you must know my cousin" and "I'll keep going!" Love that!!! :D


The hardest thing to do when something like this happens - another attack on ordinary people living their lives - is to be kind, share good stories and stay positive but again, it's how we win and it's a big part of the reason why we travel....to be in the world, meet others, have experiences, grow, learn, understand.


We very much must 'tend to our own house' but of course part of why we do so is so that we can spend time in the 'homes of others' - most of the time that is an amazing experience. Keep going, via sea, air, land...donkey? Whatever :)


Thanks for all the great stories.

Edited by Host Bonjour
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I just don’t get the comments “when we toured Istanbul, there were no problems” and “those who stayed on the ship missed out”. Istanbul right now is different than any other cruise port. This isn’t the same as Paris, cities of mass shootings in the US, or any place else at the moment. 6 bombings in one year is a sustained campaign of terror and makes Turkey more like a war zone. Saying “I will not let the terrorists win” doesn’t make sense right now in light of the increased danger. I would love to tour Istanbul one day, but not now. I honestly hope Princess cancels our Turkey ports of call before my cruise on the Royal this fall. If they don’t, we will be staying on the ship. I refuse to put my life at risk even for such a rich cultural / historic experience.

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From their website:


"June 29, 2016


Like all of you, Celebrity Cruises is aware of the bombing at Istanbul Atatürk Airport in Istanbul, Turkey. Our thoughts and prayers are with all those affected by the attack.

After reviewing all of the available information and discussions with our Global Security team in Miami, we have decided to cancel all of Celebrity Cruises’ upcoming turns in Istanbul, Turkey, and replace them with Athens (Piraeus), Greece.

This decision was made with the safety of our guests and crew at the forefront of our minds and in an abundance of caution. We realize this may have an impact on your travel plans and our team is working now on available alternative arrangements from this new port of embark and debarkation. We sincerely apologize for the impact on your cruise and will revert throughout the day with more details. We understand how important your vacation is and we did not take this decision lightly.

Thank you so much for your patience as we work through the details."


I expect most cruise lines will follow suit.




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Your travel insurance policy might be your best friend right now. Especially if it has the terrorism clause in it.


From what I understand, travel insurance "terrorism clauses" do not cover those who choose to travel to a destination where a terrorism travel warning has been issued prior to the date that the travel insurance was purchased. Is this not correct?

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We just finished a celebrity cruise that started in Istanbul. We had a lovely day with a fantastic guide. After the cruise, we spent a few magical days in Venice. We left Venice last night and were scheduled to land in Istanbul at 11:00. About 20 min before landing, the pilot announced that we couldn't land in Istanbul because of traffic. Once we were on the ground, we learned what happened. We were diverted to Izmir and spent hours in the airport before being bused to nearby hotels. They sent too many buses to the same hotel so we had to go to a different hotel. It was about 5 am before we got into a room. We could not get thru to Turkish air to rebook and finally found out that we'd have to fly to Istanbul and then have a day layover before flying to the US. We ended up booking Lufthansa thru Munich with a 22 hour layover but we just want out of turkey. We have to pay but just want to get our kids home safely.


It's so sad. Turkey is so beautiful with a rich history. Glad I saw it but really want to go home.



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We have wonderful memories of Istanbul too and spent four days before embarking on a cruise to Rome in October. I pray for a safe trip home with your family.


Glad to hear you did get to have a lovely day in Istanbul and what sounds like an enchanting time in Venice which was surely deserved in advance of this very challenging and arduous time right now as your journey home by the explosions at Ataturk.


I hope you and your family are underway via Lufthansa now and though it will be a long journey, somehow knowing you are safe and headed home is some comfort as you reflect on the better parts of the cruise and ports you visited. Having lived through the direct impact of 9/11 in NYC (lived less than 4 miles from Ground Zero, friends/neighbors - some made it, some didn't - I once worked in Tower 1 at 101st floor...it goes on) I know all too well the challenges of what happens in our lives when everything changes. We have to keep going and keep living - things DO change but we keep going, keep living.


Get home safe.


My heart goes out to you. Agreed to continue to keep living. And, I embrace the memories and never forget those who lost their lives.

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From what I understand, travel insurance "terrorism clauses" do not cover those who choose to travel to a destination where a terrorism travel warning has been issued prior to the date that the travel insurance was purchased. Is this not correct?



Some policies waive that requirement when you buy with 14 days of initial booking just like the pre existing clause


But who knows in these days but it should absolutely cover the travel delay etc....even though it might not cover if someone cancels a trip for next week due to terrorism....unless of course the bought the policy within the 14 day timeframe



Sometimes credit card offer coverage as well but travelers currently caught up in this mess should not just go with the "I dont care what it costs I'll pay it" mindset


They absolutely should get out of Dodge but then go right at it to get reimbursement


Their flights were cancelled in many cases....the airline needs to make good on this regardless


My main point is that exceptions will be made because quite simply....they have to be made in cases like this

Edited by luvtheships
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From what I understand, travel insurance "terrorism clauses" do not cover those who choose to travel to a destination where a terrorism travel warning has been issued prior to the date that the travel insurance was purchased. Is this not correct?



That may very well be correct but I buy within the 14 day timeframe for several reasons


So I guess it comes down to if you are actively planning to go to a known terror area that has been designated as such when you buy the policy



IMHO if your primary destination is turkey at the moment this is what I would do....



Pay only the 1st night at the hotel


Would not prepay any tours


And as far as airfare....well if the flight is cancelled due to terrorism you are being refunded by the airline....plus the airline sort of has an obligation to reschedule you...


Same if your cruise is cancelled...but you would know that before you got there anyway and would be refunded



So it comes down to those that are diverted or stranded....that is a travel delay to me and the airline has to make you whole don't they? Insurance as far as I know covers travel delays.



Let's think clearly here...you are in Istanbul and the airport is shut....you need to stay in your hotel because of this travel delay....your airline refunds you and/or puts you on the next flight...it might take a few days but they want you out so they will get you out. You may choose not to go on their next flight in 72 hours but get out now on another flight....well your airline has to refund you and since you bought a more expensive tix elsewhere you are only paying the difference right? Yes it still will be expensive...but that's why you have a travel credit card with a high limit....my travel card has a $30000 limit


Your insurance should cover your hotel or possibly even the airline will...again under travel delay


Your insurance should cover your food etc...again under travel delay



You did not cancel your trip but rather you had an Unforeseeable delay


Now if you were planning to fly next week and just dont want to....but the flights are running...that is a different story....


But then again policies that cover terrorism usually cover for terrorism with a certain radius of your destination if it happens within 30 days of your trip...so yes you might be covered



Bottom line....buy the most comprehensive policy you can afford and buy it with 14 days of deposit....don't fly to cities on terrorism alert lists...and don't prepay anything more than you need....and specifically read the terrorism portion as yes, this has changed on many policies


Otoh....if you just don't want to go on your trip any longer but the airline still goes at your scheduled time then you might just be sol


Your best bet is the airline cancels your flight and you can't reschedule at a convenient time so you get your money back for the flight if you are still home. Pax that were scheduled to fly there today are certainly being canceled and refunded by the airline if that's what the pax requests....so no insurance even needed in that case



If you are already in the terrorism city....either you stay put until the airline can get you out.....or you pay your own way out....out of pocket....and submit your costs to the insurance where they might give you something back.....possibly under the "total cessation of services" or some other clause like travel delay



It's not a pretty picture by any means....but travel insurance is just too important not to have regardless.



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Breaks my heart as a country in decline and crisis just breeds more anger and resentment and terror. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-36549880


We were in Istanbul exactly a year ago and loved the vibrant, magnificent city. The people who are suffering are the beautiful citizens of Turkey and I hope this situation doesn't spin further out of control.


The citizens of Istanbul most go along their daily lives with their livelihood threatened and with the shadow of violence growing. Heartbreaking.

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