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for fun: Do/Would you still put on all your makeup and decent clothes if you are quarantined


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5 hours ago, awhfy said:

Noosa is dense & creamy. Lovely rich taste. I just added fresh raspberries to a raspberry Noosa. It was like having dessert instead of breakfast (I was out of blueberries). Melody

I love to put blueberries in my Lemon Noosa!!!  Different stores here have different flavors so I go a Noosa hunt!  Lemon, Key Lime, Sour Cherry, Blueberry, Blackberry, Strawberry Rhubarb, Vanilla bean...  all so good,  Sometimes I'll add a little TJ's Coconut Granola to the yogurt.


Bad news at work - my co-worker just gave notice.  There's no way my boss and I can do it all.  She's trying to find another person, but she's been looking for an addition for a good month without success.  Time to start panicking...



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Well, the trial is over. The state put up a really good case, the defense only put the defendant up. He was his own worst enemy. If I hadn't been leaning toward guilty, he sealed it. There was discussion in the jury room, but mostly about legal points. None of us had any doubt he was guilty. There were two-three bailiffs in the courtroom the entire case, but it increased to six for the reading of the verdict.  He intimidated the ADA during his testimony, so it makes sense. I'll take my $252 and run.


Oh, two things we found out post-verdict. Neither attorney wanted to go to trial but the defendant insisted. He refused to accept any form of a plea. He will probably get up to 30-50 *years* in prison. Also, the ADA is getting ready to indict him on another assault/rape case--this one a 13 year old. Just confirms our decision.


It's supposed to be bitterly cold here too, but our low of a mere 20 is much warmer than some of you. There's a reason I live in the south and a low of 20 isn't it. Stay warm every one.


I'll get back to real life Monday. Today was a scheduled day off and I took full advantage. Slept in and did pretty much nothing all day long.

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  1. Purple - good to hear you finished jury duty.  It sounds like it was a nasty case.  If the ADA has another case in the works, this felon isn't going to see the outside of a prison.  

You all in the East - stay inside and stay warm!!!   some of the overnight lows were astounding -  -100 degrees!!!  Makes the -7 I had this week seem absolutely balmy.  we have some more snow on the way maybe tomorrow.  But not as awful cold.


Hopefully a quiet day at work.  I'm still spinning about the co-worker giving notice.  With Presidents Week coming up, I am cringing.  


No movement on a off-season vacation.  I'm actually thinking of just camping this summer and doing some major chores around the house.  Gratuities this year at work are pretty bad, outside of the Holiday gratuities from the owners so it won't be enough to fund anything.   I even looked at one of my easy Coastal repositionings from Southern California to Canada and couldn't get excited.  Maybe I have a major case of post-vacation letdown - my month in Europe will be hard to top.  

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24 minutes ago, slidergirl said:


Hopefully a quiet day at work.  I'm still spinning about the co-worker giving notice.  With Presidents Week coming up, I am cringing.  


If no help is forthcoming, any chance you can hit up your boss for more $$$?  Adds to your vacation slush fund.... 😁




24 minutes ago, slidergirl said:


Maybe I have a major case of post-vacation letdown - my month in Europe will be hard to top.  


I hear ya. When I have a spectacularly good trip it's sometimes hard to get psyched to start planning the next one. But usually once I start planning I get into the excitement of it all over again...


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8 hours ago, awhfy said:

Purple, bet you’re glad that’s over. 

Yes I am!

7 hours ago, slidergirl said:
  1. Purple - good to hear you finished jury duty.  It sounds like it was a nasty case.  If the ADA has another case in the works, this felon isn't going to see the outside of a prison.  

I did my civic duty, learned a lot about the process, and am actually glad I did it. If the law of averages is on my side, I'll be in my 90s before I get called again.


The low was a mere 25 at 5am, but it was still only 26 at 8:30am, warmer than some of you, but pretty danged cold here.  I skated this morning and couldn't feel my toes after a while. And that was *inside*.

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Cynthia - I had to chuckle at the "more money" comment.  The big boss is a cheapskate - I'd be lucky to squeeze an extra penny/hour out of him!  We don't need a full time person. We just need someone who can do 4 days a week to cover my 2 days off and boss' 2 days off.  Fingers crossed!


I had a bit of a sticker shock moment at the pharmacy yesterday.  $550 for 30 days of Rybelsus!!!  I know it's the beginning of the deductible year, but wowza!  I had the prescription for 90 days BUT the pharmacy couldn't get hold of that much.  Those idiot people are still buying it off label to lose weight to get into those size 00 jeans.  My pharmacist is really good, though - he's going to put 2 bottles away for me to get a month at a time when he can get them.  Ozempic is still hard to get, too.   Bothers me to no end that people are taking needed medicine away from people to satisfy a vanity.


I wore one of my favorite outfits to work yesterday.  All the ladies commented on how nice I looked.  It's just a fun way to be able to wear leggings.  I almost want to take a cruise to Alaska so I can wear it some more!  The insulated mini skirts are just so perfect to put on over the leggings so you don't have to wear a long tunic to cover up the potential "camel toe" effect.  Took a pic of me last night as I was closing up the Fitness Center..


OOTD:  jeans, black hoodie.  Low key day.


winter leggings.jpg

Edited by slidergirl
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Hello  Everyone,  where to start…… Kat, that stinks that you can’t get the meds you need in the quantity prescribed. When I see a commercial for one of the 2 you mentioned, I notice that they say it isn’t for Type 1 but they never add that it is not for most weight loss situations. BTW is anyone else annoyed by the huge number of prescription drug commercials? Many times it is one right after the other. 

Lois, we’re you able to work out arrangements for your flight home from Athens? Hey,  I need some of your spring cleaning energy….big time!


Cynthia, we’re you able to rescue what you needed from your old laptop? Maybe you have a back up that you can transfer to your new computer? I hope you have been able to figure out all the changes you needed to make because some of the ports changed on your upcoming cruises. Are you visiting Kyoto?


Melody, how are you doing? Don’t you have a dr’s appointment this week? Hope that goes well for you and you will get a good progress report.


Sherri, I hope you enjoyed your visit with family and the weather did you interfere too much.


Christy, I laughed when you mentioned that you most likely won’t be called for jury duty until you are in your 90’s!


Interesting comments about Trader Joe’s. Unlike many  of you, I do most of my shopping at TJ’s. I like their products and it is easy to shop there.I also shop at Whole Foods and Costco although, I do avoid many of their items as the packages are just too large and I know we won’t make good use of an item before it goes bad or we get tired of it. As for a chain grocery store, I don’t like the one that offeres the most locations and the other chain is too far away. 

I hope everyone is doing ok with all the crazy weather. Just hoping that the weather doesn’t impact our flights coming up in 3 weeks! We had more rain tonight. We are currently ahead of the game and the snow pack looks good. 

Take care all and wishing everyone a good week ahead.


PS, Kat I agree, you do look nice in that outfit.

Edited by purduemom1
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Good morning, Sharon, always good to see you.🙂 Got my flights home so good to go and hopefully it will stay that way.


Melody, I bought a Noosa yogurt yesterday. There were a few choices, the lemon you were talking about? I was reading the ingredients and it has ALOT of sugar and carbs in it. Many more than what I normally buy.   They did have another size (smaller) with much less sugar and carbs so I gave that one a try. It was peach and I had it this morning and I must say, it was delicious. So depending on which flavor, I would buy this brand again. 


My heart goes out to all those folks in Turkey and Syria......what a horrific event☹️

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Sharon, yes Dr tomorrow, can’t wait to get this bandage changed out!


Lois, Noosa does have more carbs/sugar. I buy the small container, I find it gives me more lasting energy (especially if I sprinkle some granola in it). This morning was lemon Noosa, blueberries & granola. I’m good till dinner (which is beef noodle soup). All of the flavors are much richer than other yogurts. I love the lemon & raspberry the best


Kat, you look adorable, hope you find a part-timer soon!!


on TJs. We have one in town but where they stuck it the parking is almost inaccessible (right now it’s totally inaccessible to me). Melody

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Melody, I put some blueberries in my peach yogurt too.......tasted really good🙂.  I wish the lemon was in a smaller size......it was in the bigger container so that is why I didn't get that one.


Here is a link to their website:



It shows the lemon has 37 grams of sugar in it.......YIKES!!!!!!!!!! And 39 grams of carbs!!!

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Just now, Lois R said:

Melody, I put some blueberries in my peach yogurt too.......tasted really good🙂.  I wish the lemon was in a smaller size......it was in the bigger container so that is why I didn't get that one.

It is resealable. I’ve gotten 2 breakfasts out of a larger container. I’ve discovered the small container is usually sold in a 4 pack

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I see the ones called "LIL TUBS"..........that is the size of the peach I bought. 

I didn't see a 4 pack at my particular Publix.........I will look around for it.

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Just now, Lois R said:

I see the ones called "LIL TUBS"..........that is the size of the peach I bought. 

I didn't see a 4 pack at my particular Publix.........I will look around for it.

They have a pretty long shelf life usually 4 weeks

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It looks like Target carries this brand too. There is one very close to me so I will look there!  I suppose you are right about using 1/2 the amount from that larger tub. I am just used to eating "single serving" sizes.  I want to try that lemon🙂

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The regular tub of lemon is 39 carbs so it's under my 40 carb deal for breakfast.   And adding blueberries is good for me!


I had my blueberry one this morning.   Probably peach tomorrow.  The peaches come from the Palisades, CO area, which raises fantastic peaches.  The strawberry rhubarb is good, the vanilla bean is good, the tart cherry is good, the key lime is good.  The coconut is good.  The pumpkin is good.   Haven't had the mango.  I didn't like raspberry and blackberry because it has the berry seeds in there.


BOOOORING day today.  Quiet.  No check ins.  And I couldn't sleep last night.   So, I'm hanging on.  At least it's my Friday so I can sleep all day tomorrow if I have to.  



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1 hour ago, purduemom1 said:

Ok, ok, Melody and Lois, you talked me into it! I’m going to look for Noosa the next time I go to Target😊. Hope they have the lemon.

Hope you like it, it’s my all time favorite 

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Good morning, I tried the lemon this morning and Melody, you are correct, it is delicious🙂.....it actually reminded me of the lemon when I find the perfect lemon meringue pie. (Not the meringue part LOL) but the lemon.......really smooth and not too tangy but definitely a good flavor. I used 1/2 the container and put fresh blueberries on top and mixed them in..........really good🙂

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1 hour ago, Lois R said:

Good morning, I tried the lemon this morning and Melody, you are correct, it is delicious🙂.....it actually reminded me of the lemon when I find the perfect lemon meringue pie. (Not the meringue part LOL) but the lemon.......really smooth and not too tangy but definitely a good flavor. I used 1/2 the container and put fresh blueberries on top and mixed them in..........really good🙂

Exactly the taste!  Glad you enjoy it!!

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43 minutes ago, awhfy said:

Lois, has your cruise changed going to Turkey?  I was reading earlier that several cruise lines have taken Turkey off due to the earthquake. 

Hi, no news on any changes, as of now anyway


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On 2/6/2023 at 12:40 AM, purduemom1 said:

Cynthia, we’re you able to rescue what you needed from your old laptop? Maybe you have a back up that you can transfer to your new computer? I hope you have been able to figure out all the changes you needed to make because some of the ports changed on your upcoming cruises. Are you visiting Kyoto?


I'm happy to report that my techie son was able to help me get the old laptop booted up somehow and we transferred the most critical info to the new one. Huge sigh of relief!!  Since then I've been busy keeping up with the changes and tours that had to be adjusted, etc. Lots of last minute tour arranging on the roll call and HAL FINALLY added tours for some ports that had been missing any options until now. This is the longest cruise I've ever planned for....!


We are overnighting in Osaka for Kyoto. I have been to Kyoto twice before and have seen many of the sites. It will be packed during the sakura (cherry blossom) viewing. I would love to do the walk along the canal ("Philosopher's Path) that reflects the cherry trees planted alongside it. I will probably avoid the most crowded temples, though I do plan to get to Nara -- have been before but it is one of my favorite sites.


Since I have been to Kyoto, I will probably take one day to sightsee in Osaka itself. Osaka castle and grounds are also known for being good places to view the blossoms, as well as a scenic ride on the river...

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We now have a Noosa Fan Club here!  This morning it was Peach for me.


Cynthia - my one skeleton friends just took her family over to Sapporo for some winter fun and skiing while they are based on Okinawa (DH is a Marine copter pilot).  She posted some photos from the way back and it showed some of the blossoms appearing already.  


Good news on the work front - we got a new person!  He starts in a week.  I am relieved.   He likes working mornings and he doesn't mind driving in the snow, so he's OK for me 😸


I had 2 "new" (for me) TJs things for dinner the past 2 nights.  The Roasted Cauliflower and Orzo casserole and the Spinich and Artichoke Timbales.  The timbales were so-so. Kind of like a chunky souffle.  But the Cauliflower and Orzo was tasty.  I'll  buy it again if it shows up in the refrigerated section.   I'm going down there tomorrow as I do need to pick up more sunflower and pumpkin seeds for my little squirrel friend.  


OOTD:  sweats.  I'm just taking it easy today after not sleeping well all week.  

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