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Cruising on Norwegian Bliss and Testing Positive-- One Family's Experience


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5 hours ago, cruisingguy007 said:

Omicron snuck up on everyone, cruise lines included. Things were going well before that. 

Again, I disagree.  Omicron or not, they should have had firm, well-thought-through plans in place for a large outbreak at any time.  Omicron is irrelevant.  This was not even a massive # of people…a few dozen.  The fact that they were incapable of accommodating this # of people shows they were utterly unprepared,  which is incomprehensible to me.  

They need to do better, much better, and that starts with holding them accountable and ditching the excuses.

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What state was this in? After hearing this horrible story, I would only sail out of a Florida port. Florida isn’t playing quarantine games, “call the police” games, none of that. If anyone tried to heard you to a hotel here, you could just walk away and be fine.


NCL is incentivizing people to not self-report. That’s really bad. They should be treating positive cases like kings and queens, anything else and they are destroying their own industry will horror stories like this.

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Thank you for posting your family's experience.  I think it was fortunate that the couple affected were not traveling alone.  At least they had someone to be their advocate while they were stuck in quarantine on the ship.  Although it didn't seem to help much, but at least they didn't feel quite so isolated.

Also, by the time they got to the hotel, I'm sure everyone was exhausted and frustrated.  At that point I might have let the hotel call the police (or call them myself) to straighten out the situation.  A call from the authorities might have gotten the attention of someone at NCL.  In addition, I'm sure the fact that it was a Sunday didn't help either.

If NCL wants to continue to cruise at this time, then they really need to get their act together and have very clear protocols outlined and followed with passenger support people in place.

I would definitely send this to the upper level management to let them know how this was mishandled and hopefully they can address the problem.

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 Getting the cruise lines attention to deliver what they promised a few minutes before in holding them accountable not aging Karen games.



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Thank you so much for sharing, it was well written, and prepares me for our cruise.


If I test positive at the pier, my wife and I wearing N-95 masks will make all our own plans and deal with the insurance company later. 


The same is true if something happens due to "close contact" during the cruise, or an illness, for I have and will do the right thing for ourselves and those on board.  However, once off the ship my safety (and others) will be taken care of properly.


What will not be happening is a scenario where I allow a third party, with limited skills, to tell me where I need to go and when.


They do have a department that works on shore excursions right?  I'm not trying to be wise but it's not outside of their skillset to have a plan in place for those who need the help.








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NCL has a long history of abandoning people at the pier or worse.   I've been criticized for years on these boards when I've warned of it.  NCL provides a great vacation experience as long as you fit into the standard NCL program.  Once you exit that framework, you are on your own.  OP, hope all goes well for you family.  Thanks for sharing your experience.

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@szpal wow...what an awful experience to have to go through. Appreciate the factual information so that one can make an informed decision about what to do for their own situation - whether on board or after they disembark. 

I agree that precautions should be taken by NCL on board but I have to wonder if before Covid, were they in Hazmat suits when there were norovirus outbreaks (which are just as contagious and spread just as rapidly and can be much less sanitary when the onboard sewer system gets backed up)? 

I hope everyone who was in that group is recovering as that is the most important thing - but I have to wonder where the humanity and treating people with dignity has gone since the word "covid" came into the news almost 2 years ago... 

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Thank you for posting this. It reinforces my decision to cancel my Hawaii/Tahiti cruise in May if NCL doesn't have the brains to push out final to 60 days when things could be different. I've no desire for an FCC so will cancel a few days before final.


I'd hate to test positive at port in Hawaii or during the cruise or before I fly home from Tahiti, at either port the outlay of costs would be expensive and then you have to wait for reimbursement.


NCL totally dropped the ball on this one, it's not the first horror story I've read either on the cruise or disembarking. 


Hazmat suits, total over kill even medical professionals dealing with Covid patients are not geared up in hazmat suits

Edited by njkate
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10 hours ago, nocl said:


In this case there were very clear failures of NCL to execute not only items they were responsible for, but items that they said they would handle.  Not a case of someone complaining that they got covid. NCL told them that they would provide transport.  NCL told them that they had made hotel arrangements.  Instead they were left standing by a fence, with no help, no one responding to phone calls trying to ask what to do. 


To be honest I would have walked over to the check in area with my mask on (staying away from passengers) and walk up to one of the staff (6 feet away)  and say in a loud voice that I had just gotten off of the ship with others that were infected and were left by the fence and cannot contact anyone from NCL about where to go next. Maybe that would have gotten somebodies attention from the cruise line.


The other option would have been to call the counties department of Health and tell them what happened and ask them if we can just go make our own arrangements.  One of the issues in this case is since some of them were infected they were not provided what they could or could not do once on shore.


I can guarantee you if I was in the OP place I would go down the list of everyone involved in the company.  The entity with which the cruise line signed the port agreements, and any other potential regulatory authority.  


The point is if you cannot get a response from the other areas of NCL then maybe the PR section might get internal action  that talking to NCL does not seem to be getting.  After all its in their interest to resolve the situation directly.  Better for them to respond to the OP and resolve any remaining issues, If they don't then I would have absolutely no issues with pointing out in public how they left  them hanging out to dry.


After all in this case it is not some imagined concern.  It was a set of real issues where NCL failed to perform.  Not only that but where they are not even effectively responding.


If it takes contacting the head of media relations and give them a chance to respond or get the appropriate departments to respond then why not.  According to the OP nothing else seems effective.

@nocl agree 100%.

@cruisingguy007 The point of going to the media or PR or Twitter is not to stroke an ego. It's to let the company know how their employees are carrying out the company's policies. The employees are representatives of the company and if Covid wasn't creating enough bad press, then employee relations and treatment will. The OP followed NCL's Guest Cruise Ticket, complied with their requirements, why shouldn't NCL live up to their end? Sure, they could've taken a taxi and made their own arrangements as soon as they disembarked but I'm sure at that moment they were probably thinking "I need to do what I'm supposed to so I'll be taken care of". No one is expecting a red carpet roll-out but at least someone from NCL to tell them what's happening - they were, after all, given paperwork stating as much.  That's already a breach of contract and/or an outright lie. 

And yes, this does give incentive for people to 'hide' symptoms - is that better? Wouldn't it be better for NCL to live up to their end of the deal and leave cruisers with a sense that NCL does care rather than people foregoing stepping up and saying they're ill? 




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10 hours ago, cruisingguy007 said:


"The letter says they will be responsible for paying all costs upfront and will need to submit all                 expenses and claims to their insurance carrier. If they don’t have insurance or insurance denies the claim, Norwegian will reimburse for the length of         stay (Med Com will determine the need), reasonable transportation costs, up to $100 a day for meals, flight change fees up to $300 (if applicable)."

The cruise lines must really love passengers like you.


Are you as forgiving of airlines and hotesl as well.


Sorry you cannot see the difference between


1. We will provide you with transportation to a hotel where arrangements have been made for you.  Here is the letter explaining how to deal with expenses.  Only to be dumped in the parking lot waiting for the promised transportation




2. You are on your own, go find your own hotel and transportation. Here is the process for handling expenses.



They did 1, not 2.


Also have you tried in a city to find quarantine hotels, and transportation.  What do you think the response would be when you tried to set up transportation and lodging while disclosing that you need to quarantine.


Just as a test try calling the main chains and ask them if they can assist if helping you find a hotel.


For that matter see how many Uber drivers accept a fare if you disclose that you need transportation to a quarantine location.


Might not be as easy as you think. Or would you just neglect to tell them?


I wonder if you would be as forgiving if you were the one dumped by the fence

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Thanks for posting and I hope you son and your group are doing better now.


Any idea how he got infected?


Was there a time that he was on his own without the other members of the group and unmasked?


Stay well.

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3 minutes ago, nocl said:

The cruise lines must really love passengers like you.


Are you as forgiving of airlines and hotesl as well.


Sorry you cannot see the difference between


1. We will provide you with transportation to a hotel where arrangements have been made for you.  Here is the letter explaining how to deal with expenses.  Only to be dumped in the parking lot waiting for the promised transportation




2. You are on your own, go find your own hotel and transportation. Here is the process for handling expenses.



They did 1, not 2.


Also have you tried in a city to find quarantine hotels, and transportation.  What do you think the response would be when you tried to set up transportation and lodging while disclosing that you need to quarantine.


Just as a test try calling the main chains and ask them if they can assist if helping you find a hotel.


For that matter see how many Uber drivers accept a fare if you disclose that you need transportation to a quarantine location.


Might not be as easy as you think. Or would you just neglect to tell them?


I wonder if you would be as forgiving if you were the one dumped by the fence

You don't need to attack the guy.

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10 hours ago, cruisingguy007 said:


They fell short of expectations, of that there is no doubt but the next best thing is allowing someone to forge ahead on their own and cover those expenses, even if they cost more than they could provision with their corporate might. There really isn’t much more you can do at that point. Promptly reimbursing folks and apologizing profusely for the shortcoming is about it. No need to pull  Karen moves and blow things out of proportions. Omicron snuck up on everyone, cruise lines included. Things were going well before that. 

Actually since at that time they were still at the port and still at the ship.  It is the ideal place to try and get action on the issue.


1. They tried calling all of the numbers NCL gave them

2. The next step would have been to try and call the port agent.

3. The step after that would be to try and contact a cruise line employee.  The way to do that is to go to either the closest place where you know one is located or two contact security to contact the ship.

4. Then I would contact port operations and see if they can contact either


5. If all of that failed to resolve the issue, then I would take action on my own but first I would contact county health to find out if I can leave the port to seek my own transportation and quarantine location. This makes sure that it is in agreement with local mandates and restrictions.  I would also ask them if they have a list of hotels that will accept travelers for quarantine as well as suggested transport companies



The reason why I suggested sending his letter to the media relations department  is very simple.


1. They work with senior management of the company

2. There job is to minimize bad press and to maximize good press.  It is there interest to head of and resolve a potential problem.

3. It is easier for them to get the issue to the appropriate senior level person to get it resolved then it would be to deal with any fall out.



One of the biggest problems with cruise lines prior to Covid was the lack of accountablilty due to their corporate locations, ship registrations and maritime law.  The practice of once a problem is off the ship it is no longer our problem was fairly widespread.  This was a similar situation, they were not able to deal with it so instead they just left them.

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14 minutes ago, n4w said:

You don't need to attack the guy.

Well he did come up with the Karen comment.


Just pointing out the obvious.  He is willing to look past the cruise line flaws in what is one of the worst failings in a cruise lines handling of a quarantine.  So just wondering if he is as forgiving of other travel companies or just cruise lines.


There have been failures described on the RCL board, but at least they informed the passengers that they needed to arrange their own transportation and hotel stays.  

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So sorry szpal and family (as well as the rest of the group) had to endure this horrid experience. There's no excuse for this. Hoping your family is healing and doing well. Safe travels when you get to go home.  

Here's hoping NCL powers that be are reading this thread, and take necessary steps to make protocol and communication adjustments to prevent this type of BS from happening again. 

I, like others on this post, have some upcoming cruises booked with NCL. We have always had nothing but good times and experiences on past crusies with NCL, and hope for that to continue. But they need to get this latest mess figured out.  

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This sounds very similar to when my mother-in-law fell and broke her hip in the casino on Getaway in 2018 on the 2nd day of a 7-day cruise.  Her and my sis-in-law were off-loaded in Belize.  They were told an NCL rep will handle everything. They were put on an ambulance and they never heard from NCL again.  My sis in law (who does not speak spanish) had to arrange for a medivac to fly them back to Florida.  That was the worst nightmare for both of them.  Luckily, my MIL had great health insurance that covered all the expenses.

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5 minutes ago, BermudaBound2014 said:

At least in this case they did provide the shuttle and the hotel, even if the passenger does not like it and wanted more testing.

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12 minutes ago, BermudaBound2014 said:

Important to note that he is quarantining because he can't back into Ireland. Not because of any rules or laws in Florida.  If you live in the USA and get off a ship in Florida testing positive, you are free to return home.  I live right behind the Radisson - it's a nice hotel and near many restaurants he can walk to but I still feel badly for them.  I'm surprised Radisson is taking quarartining folks. It's the #1 hotel in the area where people stay before getting on a cruise...that's not a good mix.

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Just as a matter of curiosity I decided to run a little test.  I have top tier status with Hilton and IHG so I caled customer relations for both and asked them the following question:


If I was traveling and contracted Covid and needed to quarantine do you have any program where you either keep a list of hotels that would be willing to accept someone that needed to quarantine or would be able to help find such a hotel.


In both cases the answer was not in the US.  That in some Asian countries there are hotels designated as quarantine hotels, but in the US each hotel in the area would have to be contacted and see if they would be willing to accept guests to quarantine.

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7 minutes ago, susanf31 said:

Important to note that he is quarantining because he can't back into Ireland. Not because of any rules or laws in Florida.  If you live in the USA and get off a ship in Florida testing positive, you are free to return home.  I live right behind the Radisson - it's a nice hotel and near many restaurants he can walk to but I still feel badly for them.  I'm surprised Radisson is taking quarartining folks. It's the #1 hotel in the area where people stay before getting on a cruise...that's not a good mix.

Actually in all of the states you are free to return home, as long as you drive there.


As the OP mentioned those that had cars parked there were taken to their cars and not part of the mess.


The OP was not from the local area, so they were not within driving distance.  So while they might be able to get on an airplane to fly home (because no one at the airport would know) to somewhere in the US.  It would certainly not be ok until they were outside of the infectious period.  A matter of morality and ethics.

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15 minutes ago, BermudaBound2014 said:

Quoting from the article above....".Heather Silvis, of California, said in her vaccinated and boosted family, one of her three teenage sons had a 105 degree fever, but crew members took two hours to give him a COVID-19 test and six hours to bring him medicine."

I'm in no way defending NCL,  but sorry,  why did she not bring medicine for her son.   Traveling, in these times,  or any time,  you should always have a supply of Tylenol,  Ibuprofen, cough drops, etc.   That's all they probably gave him anyway.   And definitely at least two weeks extra of prescription medicine.  I could probably supply the ship's infirmary  with all the stuff I bring.    And many times, myself, husband or our friends were grateful I brought the contents of my Medicine Cabinet with me, lol.

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