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Bimmer 09 sails APEX to Iceland June 2023


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So glad you are home and on the mend. Your travel reports have long been an inspiration for me, not only to travel more, but to enjoy and take note of all the wonderful details of my travel. I have had many WWND (what would Norton do) moments where I take travel lemons and try to make them into Norton style lemonade. 

To have your hospitalization inserted into this travel review, combined with your ability to report that serious event with typical humor and insight, creates another lesson for me. As I start to think about whether I have the time, energy and finances for another cruise, my WWND voice tells me that tomorrow is not promised. A hospitalization for illness is a real possibility as we otherwise enjoy our lives. WWND: Travel when you are healthy. Don't overlook any detail. Make those around you smile. And, document it so you can share with many others thereby making it enjoyable for as many others as possible and helps them with there travel  planning.

Get well and back on the road as quickly as possible.

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1 hour ago, jruben18 said:

WWND: Travel when you are healthy. Don't overlook any detail. Make those around you smile. And, document it so you can share with many others thereby making it enjoyable for as many others as possible and helps them with there travel  planning.

Norton and Norris agree!

Thanks for a well-considered post.

"make hay while the sun shines" applies and especially to bucket list cruises. At most we have only ever taken 2 cruises a year and will never be invited to a "most traveled" lunch on a ship. We love our land travels too, especially to Europe.

I hope you stay following and appear in my next cruise. It will be on the Princess board starting January 1 2024. The link will appear on this review.


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12 minutes ago, Bimmer09 said:

Norton and Norris agree!

Thanks for a well-considered post.

"make hay while the sun shines" applies and especially to bucket list cruises. At most we have only ever taken 2 cruises a year and will never be invited to a "most traveled" lunch on a ship. We love our land travels too, especially to Europe.

I hope you stay following and appear in my next cruise. It will be on the Princess board starting January 1 2024. The link will appear on this review.



Whoops. WWND= What Would Norris Do. It is totally unclear what Norton might do. But, I encourage him to follow your postings. Looking forward to your January 2024 reporting.


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Alaska Itinerary-2.jpg


Amsterdam is so walkable although the sidewalks can get crowded on the narrow canal paths and you find yourself stepping into the street. You can hear cars coming but watch out for the silent approach of bicycles. The outdoor cafes are doing great business!

It helps that I love the architecture...


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It's a setting that encourages the visitor to walk slower than normally you would, so you can stop and lean over a bridge and take it all in and remember it.


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I'm navigating by my sense of where things are in relation to each other, thanks to all the Amsterdam walking videos I watched by Walking Man on Youtube.

When  I found I was where I had wanted to be I sat at a cafe and rewarded myself the only way I can...




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 Amsterdam Centraal train station




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Such a crowd coming out that I decide to move to another angle. I canceled my plan to go in as I have seen the modern interior with all its shops and cafes during the walking videos. If you go through to the back the ferry boats are waiting to take you across the river to features like the NEMO science museum (great for kids especially as it's very hands-on and a great teacher about physics. Also over there (next time!!) is the Maritime Museum featuring an old sailing ship in great condition. Those ferries I beleive are free.


There's a huge waterfront restaurant I want to try next time


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Stromma tour boats live here (free canal cruise if you have the IAmsterdam card)


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Stromma boats here too


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Looking to my right


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More tour boats over here behind me


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I ask a  Stromma girl about the small boat tours but they stop those at 4.30. We want a small boat and not one of the 90 seaters that you see loading up here..



Time to walk back...

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Hotel Victoria- too much in the thick of it all (by the train station bridge) to consider.

From that train station, on a whim you could take a train to Bruges in Belgium, Paris or pretty much anywhere in Germany if you change trains. Europe has such a fantastic get-you-anywhere rail network! 


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back into the narrow streets and canals


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Wonderful cafe culture! 


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I stopped for another boost, a double espresso


 A coffee takes me through about 30 minutes of people watching-a favorite when on holiday

This pic maybe 50 yards from our hotel says "Amsterdam" to me



We can't wait to return to Amsterdam for a land-stay. A couple of days doesn't scratch the surface and we left a lot of planned treats untouched. 

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Amsterdam has never been on my bucket list of European cities to visit, I am beginning to think it should be…I guess being so relatively easy to get to for us it has always been somewhere on the back burner…


re the cost of coffee, snacks etc overlooking the canals, expensive or reasonable?

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Despite the heat and the crowded narrow streets I had a great walk and was back at the hotel to discuss dinner plans with Carol. here is some of the eerie art in the tunnel linking the two buildings.


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We were considering a place on the little black drawbridge on our way to de Jaren. Called Staalmeester's . Carol saw some Indonesian items she fancied. It was on the canal which floats my boat every time. Less than 5 minutes away.

When we got there we snagged a table right by the water and waved to a waiter in the distance who waved back (maybe just being friendly or being attacked by a wasp at the time). We sat for 10 minutes. Ignored. We could see the river deck of de Jaren from there....glances and raised eyebrows and "yeah, let's go".

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3 minutes ago, chemmo said:

Amsterdam has never been on my bucket list of European cities to visit, I am beginning to think it should be…I guess being so relatively easy to get to for us it has always been somewhere on the back burner…


re the cost of coffee, snacks etc overlooking the canals, expensive or reasonable?

Hi chemo, coffee was 3 to 4.50 euro (a double) a toasted ham and cheese croissant at de Jaren @ 7E, fries @ 5E. To me reasonable. Beer about 5E (25ml) and maybe 9 for my 50ml Grolsch. Cheaper than any beer I drank on APEX which I therefore rate expensive and didn't come with the good-to-be-alive feel of Amsterdam. If you recall my Stella Artois beer on Apex was @13.20 per bottle. A 6 pack in Chicago is $10. 


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21 minutes ago, Bimmer09 said:

Hi chemo, coffee was 3 to 4.50 euro (a double) a toasted ham and cheese croissant at de Jaren @ 7E, fries @ 5E. To me reasonable. Beer about 5E (25ml) and maybe 9 for my 50ml Grolsch. Cheaper than any beer I drank on APEX which I therefore rate expensive and didn't come with the good-to-be-alive feel of Amsterdam. If you recall my Stella Artois beer on Apex was @13.20 per bottle. A 6 pack in Chicago is $10. 


Thanks Norris, very reasonable!

I don’t mind paying for a coffee with a view, I do mind if I feel I should be walking away with the chair and table!


Hope your health continues to improve, don’t overdo it!

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Well by now you know what de Jaren looks like and in the evening with the sun not beating down on you it's even better, so I'll just stick with the food here.

Carol loved her Caesar salad with an egg and smoked chicken on top and a bowl of sweet potato soup with paprika.



I had a burger which needed salt so I asked for it and the flavor exploded in my mouth as a result. I did not order fries which proves I am an idiot at times. 

(poor focus iPhone pic follows)



So this was our last visit to our favorite watering hole. As we left I took one last look back, vowing by the Fiery Beard of Asgard that we would return..


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We discussed at dinner taking that canal boat tour but, having to be up bright and early for our flight home tomorrow decided it can wait until our next more leisurely  A'Dam visit. 

Bed by 10 p.m!



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3 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:

We love our land travels too, especially to Europe.

I hope you stay following and appear in my next cruise. It will be on the Princess board starting January 1 2024. The link will appear on this review.


Do you ever do a ‘live review’ of your land trips?  
Love your writing style and would definitely follow along. 

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We were awake and up and about by 5.30 a.m on June 20. We just needed to pack and have breakfast by 7 as our car to the airport was coming at 7.30.

If you've wondered how they deal with trash in the narrow canal streets the answer is tiny trash trucks pick it up and then transfer it to a barge which is later towed away. Here's one on the canal below our window..



We hit the (now complimentary) buffet and there was only one other guest there so breakfast was quick, no waiting, and everything was fresh and tasty.  The Mercedes station wagon by Welcome Pickups was there on time and the luggage loaded. Despite an accident on the highway we were at Schiphol Airport in 30 minutes. Now the fun part begins...

Crowds of course but only a squeeze at Security when those plastic trays have to be filled and instructions on what to put in them issued. Also have to go through Passport control even though  leaving the country.

Then to the gate, which judging from the walk is somewhere in Belgium. We had the furthest gate-E23. It's a huge, bright, beautiful  but sprawling airport. Many eateries and shops and beautifully lit. The walk is long.No-longer than you are imagining. We keep looking for a United or Star Alliance lounge but the S.A is a detour from the gate and would add many steps.

By the time we reach our gate we have to go down an escalator only to find that there is no jetway for our plane and .....there is no plane. It will be an hour late and then have to be cleaned.

As there is no jetway it means a bus ride to wherever the plane is parked.

We are thirsty after walking ONE MILE within the airport (Carol wears a Fitbit). There is a bar down here but it isn't open and won't open until about 10 minutes before we get on a bus. Great.

I go back upstairs as I saw a booth selling drinks. I walk all the way back to gate 9. It's a coffee bar but I walk around and find a cold case with beer and Cokes. Score! Back to gate 23. It's taking a toll on my breathing somewhat. 

Eventually after about a 1 hr 40 minute delay the bus comes. Soon packed and we wait for the next.

We are on the bus now for 10 minutes of holding on with our carry-ons at our feet. I takes bends like in a Nascar race. 10 uncomfortable minutes to a plane that is sitting there, high above the tarmac with a long flight of Air Force One type stairs. Up those steep stairs dragging my 19 pounds of camera gear and stuffed rolling bag. We are seated halfway down the plane so narrow aisles to drag ourselves down. The one saving grace- we have a window (always me) and an aisle( always Carol) and no one has bought the middle seat. Hooray! Economy Plus.

See you on board!


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22 minutes ago, tcmagnum said:

Do you ever do a ‘live review’ of your land trips?  
Love your writing style and would definitely follow along. 

We don't visit cruise ports on our land trips so can't use CC. I used to do a blog on Blogspot. com but it wasn't enough fun and there was no feedback from readers. I like the feedback and questions etc. In short -no.

I write up reports with photos for Carol and I to remember and send to a friend who stayed home or came with us and had an interest on where we went. But they are not live. Written when we get home as this was.

Thanks for the compliment! 


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We are taking off soon, after our delays. As usual we are flying United Airlines in a Boeing 787-800.



We hit the runway. A flight attendant comes and leans over- "Captain wants to know if it's ok to take off Sir Norris".  I nod..."make it so!" She walkie-talkies the skipper and the plane roars forward.  The flight attendant goes flying as she wasn't in her jump seat yet. We are up in the air and I am looking longingly and wistfully down on the North Holland countryside. "When will I see you again?"



We will be up here for almost 8 hours so I decide to watch a movie


I watched and laughed as long as Melissa McCarthy was highlighted and before it went off the rails with a side-story. Then I switched to The Hangover which was funny all the way.


Lunch was served at some point



Said to be Peri Peri Chicken (stretching  somewhat) with rice and green beans. Stomach filler. The mozzarella (?) was a big gummy mass that might have been a melted tennis ball. Carol noticed people nearby let it go back to the galley rather than bind their jaws together.

We eventually landed in Chicago and were taken to the M gates, way out in the boonies.

Another long trek to Customs where we thank ourselves for being members of Global Entry. We breeze though with the facial recognition.

Otherwise there was a snaking line of hundreds of people to join. Then to the scrum that is Baggage Claim where 5 flights were showing on the same carousel. After a while we found that our luggage wasn't coming out on this one as the sign said but on the next which was also taking a few flights that had just landed.

Our bags came within the hour and we passed through the Nothing to Declare (except disappointment at the organization) and headed for the outdoors at the International Terminal of O'Hare.

Taxi. Good driver. Express lanes open on the Kennedy highway which is a mess as it's being repaired (come back in 2 years) and in less than an hour we have traveled the 18 miles home.

Waiting there are these two...





Next up (after a nap) FINAL THOUGHTS





Edited by Bimmer09
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Norris your humor shines; I am so glad you are feeling better, and well enough to entertain us; your hospital food pic had me in stitches; Amsterdam looks lovely and I know you and Carol will return; what a terrible hike at the airport; the one part of travel I truly detest, the return flight home; your 2 pud tats are truly precious

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Great review Norris. Question. If your pick up was at 7:30 and it took 30 minutes to get to the airport, then go thru security and passport control, what time was your flight originally.  Thanks and glad you are feeling better. 

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13 minutes ago, REEtired said:

Great review Norris. Question. If your pick up was at 7:30 and it took 30 minutes to get to the airport, then go thru security and passport control, what time was your flight originally.  Thanks and glad you are feeling better. 

Glad you enjoyed!

Original boarding time was for 10.15 with an 11.05 push away. The passport control was a surprise.


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Norris and Carol your cats 😻😻 are beautiful! I’m sure they were glad to see both of you when you finally got home. 


I’m glad to see that you got home before the worst of your pneumonia symptoms hit. Still, I’m sure it was not at all fun hauling your heavy camera gear and carry on through the airport, on the bus and up those stairs finally board the plane!


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                              My Takeaways/ Thoughts

If we ever take another cruise from Rotterdam we'll always stay in Amsterdam for its walkability and canals and relaxed vibe. Then a car over to the ship just like we did this time.


The Apex has spoiled us for the S and M class. We were impressed by the MDR food which I can't say for any of our other cruises on the S Class. The 4 smaller restaurants were a great new bonus. On the S only Blu and Luminae impressed but we had to be in a suite to enjoy them. Suite prices now make it less likely that we will enjoy them again. 

We always enjoyed Murano but now that we've discovered Eden that takes precedence.

Rooftop Garden Grill isn't the experience that Lawn Club Grill was. LCG was the main reason we were never interested in the S class other than Silly and Reflection. Glass blowing is of no interest to us. Dining outdoors is.

I had my back to the kitchen in the RGG on Apex but Carol has told me that all our food was cooked under a broiler and not on a grill. The French fries also came from a freezer bag.

There was no overhead camera to watch the chefs cook nor were there overhead heaters.

I would eat there in a warm climate and challenge them if I saw broiler instated of flaming grill.

Eden Cafe was a good addition but only on sea days is a bit lame. It only had about 3 staff which was enough and not a drain on resources.

Grand Bistro is a great addition and I'd look forward to eating there again.

Service staff are much improved over our previous X sailings, I have to say. They were on par with Azamara for  me. Friendly, efficient, helpful, relaxed.


To me the most impressive designs belonged to Eden and Destination Gateway. To have a great meal while looking out those gigantic windows over the wake was icing on an already rich cake. Tendering and returning via DG was civilized instead of the usual crush through narrow metal corridors. So I guess I have to salute the Magic Carpet!

The non-private cabanas for rent near the pool are a fail for us and we won't waste money on them. We always rented one on the S Class.

The lack of pool deck shade vs the S Class is also a fail for me.

I did think that the Grand Atrium (?) was a smart move to get the Martini Bar, which draws a crowd, out into the open vs the S Class small space on deck 5. Bands and a dance floor helped make this big space a lively magnet.


The weather for the first week wasn't conducive to me hanging out at my favorite bar- Sunset- and maybe just as well as they couldn't keep it stocked from day 1. Lost sales from me but I was happy to save about $500 vs the Premium Drinks Pkg. at Sale Pricing.


Entertainment in the theater was good and at times (Uptown/Phil Tag) just what the doctor ordered. Visually stunning.


The Retreat is basically the only way you'll get to see where you are going with its forward views but you have to pay the price. We managed without it and enjoyed our half of the ship. We did an upgrade bid but at an extra $1300 on top of the minimum asking price of $850 we didn't get an upgrade. No biggie.






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21 hours ago, Bimmer09 said:



 "When will I see you again?"


The Three Degrees

When will I see you again?
When will we share precious moments?
Will I have to wait forever?
Will I have to suffer (suffer)
And cry the whole night through?






So glad you're home and OK! 😁 We will be waiting for the next!

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