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Chair Hogs a thing of the past?

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Well, it depends on which one. Are you talking about the 10 yr old, or the 21 yr old? I'm going to assume the 10, as that's the one you're going to find out in the liquor stores, and is far more affordable -- somewhere in the neighborhood of $20 a bottle. The Speyburn 10 is not my favorite...it's too light, too fruity. I prefer an earthier, warmer, peatier flavor. My favorite (as I've mentioned) is Glendronach 15, which goes for about $45-49 a bottle. It's matured in sherry casks, so it gets some honey sweetness from that. It's also got a really nice oakiness to it.


Another good one is Craggonmore 12...especially if you prefer a Speyside Scotch (same region as the Speyburn), with a lighter, fruitier flavor. It also goes for about the same price as the Glendronach.


If you'd like to go a little less expensive, there's always the Balvenie 12 Doublewood, which goes for about $30. It's actually one of my favorites as well. It's got a nice, medium to heavy body, with a lot of wood, and smokey/spicy accents.


Wait...which thread am I on? Is this the booze thread, or the Chog thread? I'm getting lost....

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You're on the Carol Hijacks Thread To Talk To LeeAnne Thread.


Well, I'm cheap. I want my Dad to be able to have a drink when he's here, but I'm not gonna spend $35 - $45 a bottle for the privilege. I have already bought the 10 year old Speyburn, so as long as I'm not poisoning him, I'm ok with it. (based on your description)


When we're out, he will order, say, Glenlivet. Not a Laphroig drinker or anything. (my ex is a MAJOR scotch guy)

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LOL Carol you always crack me up.


I'm sure he'll like the Speyburn. It's a fine quality Scotch. Believe me, I've tasted much worse. It's only the style that is not my favorite.


Now, when *I* come over to visit, I'm going to expect you to buy one of the others! ;)


Btw, y'know you can always find me on the MOS thread (the original...y'know, the "Ten reasons" one). I've become quite the addict.


And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...come ON, Chogs? Where are you? I'm in the mood for battle! :D :D :D

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Novice cruiser here...just so I understand, it sounds like the chair hog problem is mainly the area right near the pool. When we go on the Navigator later this year, I'm hoping we don't run into the problem of not being able to find chairs especially on sea days. We don't necessarily need to be near the pool. I just want to lounge somewhere relatively quiet and catch some rays. I don't get overly hot in the sun (and besides, a tropical beverage can help with that ;) ) so I don't need to be close to the pool.

Any tips on where the best deck/location is to find available loungers in the sun? We aren't travelling with any children, so we'd be fine in the Solarium too. Are the Solarium loungers situated in areas in the sun or the shade there?




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For pity's sake, folks, get a backbone. Move the towel, the book, the flip-flop, and sit yourself down. If the chogs come back, just point to the sign stating that "Pool chairs may not be saved for longer than 20 minutes". Ignore the rude idiots -- they're not worth the effort.
I agree. I may be little, but I'm scrappy.
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I still contend........This wouldn't be an issue if there were enough chairs to go around. . . I say stop turning your anger towards other cruisers and place the blame where it is deserved, with the cruise lines!
This is an impossible idea. The larger ships hold, what, 3000 passengers? If the pool deck had chairs for HALF those people, we'd be unable to walk around. Plus, people would still want the ones right by the pool.


Nice idea, but unworkable.

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Novice cruiser here...just so I understand, it sounds like the chair hog problem is mainly the area right near the pool. When we go on the Navigator later this year, I'm hoping we don't run into the problem of not being able to find chairs especially on sea days. We don't necessarily need to be near the pool. I just want to lounge somewhere relatively quiet and catch some rays. I don't get overly hot in the sun (and besides, a tropical beverage can help with that ;) ) so I don't need to be close to the pool.

Any tips on where the best deck/location is to find available loungers in the sun? We aren't travelling with any children, so we'd be fine in the Solarium too. Are the Solarium loungers situated in areas in the sun or the shade there?




I'm gonna be on Navigator in August myself, I haven't cruised her yet so I don't know how the Chog sitch is on that ship. As for other ships, I think it varies widely. Some ships only have Chog problems right near the pool. Others, especially on sea days, can end up being a sea of Chog Artifacts all over the ship. So you just gotta be prepared to do what's necessary for all passengers to be treated fairly -- namely, turn Chog Artifacts over to the pool attendants, and sit yerself on down. :)

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Donna, the Navigator has three levels of decks with loungers. One deck up from pool deck is nice............there's another bar up there. :D Two decks up is good, too, although there is usually more of a breeze all the way up. If it's a REALLY hot day, that's a good thing.


So, it's your choice - do you want to be cooled by Mother Nature, or by Demon Rum? ;)

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I'm not going to bother reading all the posts to this thread because I firmly believe that getting a chair all depends on the person. You have to be assertive, you have to use common sense. Does the chair really look like it is being used? Does that towel really look like someone was lying on it? Are there any personal items that need to be retrieved? If not sit your butt down and use the chair. This works for me and I always get a chair and have only had one confrontation and that was after 3 hours of no one showing up for the chairs.

I have even told people that the chairs around me weren't really being used and they have refused to sit down. Some will sit down but not all. So most of these people complaining about not having a chair aren't really willing to do something about it.

I'm sick and tired of people suggesting that the cruise lines should be doing something this issue; people need to take care of some things themselves. I just can't see how one can expect employees to police the guests.

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I'm not going to bother reading all the posts to this thread because I firmly believe that getting a chair all depends on the person. You have to be assertive, you have to use common sense. Does the chair really look like it is being used? Does that towel really look like someone was lying on it? Are there any personal items that need to be retrieved? If not sit your butt down and use the chair. This works for me and I always get a chair and have only had one confrontation and that was after 3 hours of no one showing up for the chairs.

I have even told people that the chairs around me weren't really being used and they have refused to sit down. Some will sit down but not all. So most of these people complaining about not having a chair aren't really willing to do something about it.

I'm sick and tired of people suggesting that the cruise lines should be doing something this issue; people need to take care of some things themselves. I just can't see how one can expect employees to police the guests.

Ahh...a woman after my own heart! I'm with ya...I couldn't agree more.

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I also can't understand why people don't just sit down and apologize and move if someone shows up within 15 - 30 minutes. After that, just tell them you've been occupying the chair for xx minutes and figured they were off doing something else that the chair was not required for.


Confrontation doesn't HAVE to be angry. If the person continues to give a bad time, then I'd leave. No sense making that much of a fuss over a sunburn!:D :D

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Last week on Mariner, it was not the least bit unusual to find the CHOGs out early. Especially on the 12th deck, the one above the pool. We'd go out for the walk a mile deal every morning, and on the second sea day, it was hilarious to see two chairs with one deck towel wound through the webbing, or one sandal on two chairs. Fortunately, the deck patrol was really good around the solarium about moving peoples stuff if they were gone very long. I didn't personally see a single confrontation since the deck patrol lady looked like she could be a linebacker if she lost the RCL job. I sat on the edge of the solarium pool while my wife was in the pool, and read, one lady actually came and got me to offer her two chairs right next to the pool. So there are good people out there, too. We stayed out about 2 hours and left the chairs for the next pair. Far as I'm concerned, if you're going in to eat, or whatever, common courtesy would suggest that you vacate your chair, and when you're ready to come back to the pool deck, then search for new ones just like everyone else. Just my two cents.

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I'm of the mindset that if you get up at 6:00am to get a good spot, and actually USE it...you shouldn't be labeled a chair hog if you get up for 1/2 hour to go get some lunch.


If you want to sleep in until noon....go move someone's else's lone flip flop...not my pile of stuff. All of the people near me, and the bar-waiters, will KNOW that I am an occupant of that seat. I'm an evil, inconsiderate round-buyer (sorry, residual shock from another thread), and a good tipper. :)


I guard my spot with more than a flip-flop. ROFL



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On my last Brilliance cruise, it was a common occurence to find every chair in the Solarium reserved. See my photo in the link below.



It doesn't count if you take pictures like this on your way to the muster drill! :D


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I refuse to put my items on the ground. It is dirty, often wet, children/adults tend to step on items in there path with no regard, and frankly, objects that I respect do not belong on the ground (thank you sen-sei!). I usually try to find a chair right near the pool/hottub because I want to keep an eye on my items and need a place for my flip flops so I do not have to walk too far on the ground barefoot.



But you do see how this is a little annoying to people who actually want to use the chair for its intended purpose right? I mean lets face it, shoes belong on the ground not in a chair that is intended for a person to occupy. I can understand that you might not want to lose your items and you might not want certain items to get wet (towels, books, etc) but I think the best thing would be to place them on the ground where you can see them but they are out of the way of others. Not intended to be a flame at all, just my opinion.

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For those of you who think you aren't being a chair hog but leaving for an hour or so and eating and thinking your chair should be saved - think about this.


What if people went to the dining room and sat all day, eating, playing cards, etc. and it was time for you to eat, but the people at your table said "tough, I've been here all day and I shouldn't have to move"? Or how about playing mini-golf and people walk off with all the putters while they go eat lunch, so they are available when they get back? Or, how about playing a slot machine in the casino and thinking that if you decide to leave the machine to go get a drink or something to eat, that it should still be there waiting for you when you get ready to return? What makes poolside chair hogging any different from any of these scenarios? It may seem like a strange comparison but I'm trying to make a point. There are only so many chairs on the ship in the pool areas. That is the point of taking turns. If you have to leave for more than a few of minutes to go to the bathroom, then you should be willing to give up your chair to someone else who wants a few minutes in the sun. It's called "SHARING".


Those of you who defend chair hogging and think it is okay to stake your claim for the entire day whether or not you get up and leave, you are in essence admitting that you don't want to give up the space because you know it will be hard to find another spot when you return. So how do you think the people feel who decide to go up to the pool for a little while and they spend 20 minutes walking around hoping to spot an empty chair?

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I still contend........This wouldn't be an issue if there were enough chairs to go around.


If there were a lounger for everyone on the ship it wouldn't be an issue. Passangers might have to move chairs together, even carry them from the bottom deck to the top deck or whatever but if there were plenty of chairs made available then passangers wouldn't be reduced to having to take extrordinary means to save them.


On sea days, there are not enough chairs, they are either being used or being saved. I don't care where you look, on the pool deck, on the upper deck, around the back of the ship, no where is there a chair to be found.


If the cruise lines are going to have sea days then they need to provide adequete facilities. Enough chairs and enough deck space around the pool to accommodate everyone.


I say stop turning your anger towards other cruisers and place the blame where it is deserved, with the cruise lines!


The problem is that everyone wants to sit at the pool (why I don't know because it is too crowded and too loud). How would you get enough deck space around the pool to accomodate over 4000 people on a Freedom class ship? I have never had a problem on any ship (16 cruises) in finding a lounge chair away from the pool on any day.

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Here we have the classic Chog argument -- I am entitled to that chair, whether or not I am using it for it's intended purpose...because I want it, and you can't have it, and I am entitled to it because I take longer to do things than you.

I am NOT A CHOG! The cruiseline has provided me we a place to put my clothing - nothing is stated that I must keep my butt in the chair every second. Please state where it is stated that the "intended purpose" of each chair is for sun worshippers to work on their cancer levels. What I said is that I leave my items on the chair while I am either in the pool or perhaps taking a potty break. What? I should take my stuff off my chair, get into the pool, get out of the pool 20 mins later and walk around dripping with my stuff trying to find a chair so I can sit for 15 -20 mins? Do a reality check.


First of all, I do hope it doesn't take you 45-60 minutes to use the restroom! :eek: ..

I have some physical issues that, when I am having a bad joint day, can make it harder some days for me to move around as quickly as someone else. So yes, it might take me 45 mins to manuever my legs so I can get up off that very low chair, amble myself over to the restroom, navigate the lip of the doorway and move that heavy door to an open position, get in, do my business, and get back to my chair. I hope you never have to deal with the pain that comes upon you suddenly and can be very debilitating. I have had days that I'm great and can move like the wind and participate fully in my daily active life, only to wake up two days later and find that getting up from my bed is a major challenge. Judge not.


But ignoring that -- if you are going to be away from a pool chair for that length of time, then saving it is simply unfair and disrespectful to the other passengers who actually DO wish to sit at the pool. While you are eating lunch for that hour, you are not using the chair. You are eating lunch. The polite thing to do is to remove your belongings and let others use it, as you are not..

Other than being IN the pool (and isn't that a reason to have a chair at the pool?) or perhaps at a potty break, I do not leave my chair unattended for hours at a time.


There are usually tables and upright chairs nearby -- I often place my things in an unoccupied upright chair, within view of the pool. Absent that, I do have a waterproof tote that I bring, which I am comfortable leaving on the ground. My articles are protected, and I am not blocking usage of prime, in-demand chairs -- it's an all-around good solution, doncha think? :)

So you DO put your items on a chair??? I see, it's only the loungers that you are kvetching about??? And why would a chair right at the pool edge be prime real estate? It's noisy, loud, wet and crowded.


As for those you think people are "squatters" when they sit at t table all day playing cards or reading or talking - remeber that these are activities that many people enjoy - I've spent many happy hours with family and friends sitting at the dinner table after a meal talking, playing cards, sharing a newspaper - you know spending time TOGETHER - creating acommunity. Just because you are too plugged in and shut off from the world, don't assume that every one is!


There are no time limits posted anywhere for any of these places - if a chair looks unused - sit in it until someone comes to claim thier belongings. If 2 people are sitting at a table talking and you need a seat, ask if you can join them. Frankly, I've never had a problem finding a seat in any of the restaurants or at the pool or anywhere else onthe ship - it may not be THE seat I wanted, but, hey, it is a big ship - there's always a spot to sit!

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For those of you who think you aren't being a chair hog but leaving for an hour or so and eating and thinking your chair should be saved - think about this.


What if people went to the dining room and sat all day, eating, playing cards, etc. and it was time for you to eat, but the people at your table said "tough, I've been here all day and I shouldn't have to move"? Or how about playing mini-golf and people walk off with all the putters while they go eat lunch, so they are available when they get back? Or, how about playing a slot machine in the casino and thinking that if you decide to leave the machine to go get a drink or something to eat, that it should still be there waiting for you when you get ready to return? What makes poolside chair hogging any different from any of these scenarios? It may seem like a strange comparison but I'm trying to make a point. There are only so many chairs on the ship in the pool areas. That is the point of taking turns. If you have to leave for more than a few of minutes to go to the bathroom, then you should be willing to give up your chair to someone else who wants a few minutes in the sun. It's called "SHARING".


Those of you who defend chair hogging and think it is okay to stake your claim for the entire day whether or not you get up and leave, you are in essence admitting that you don't want to give up the space because you know it will be hard to find another spot when you return. So how do you think the people feel who decide to go up to the pool for a little while and they spend 20 minutes walking around hoping to spot an empty chair?


You are just plain off your rocker... a slot machine, a dining room table and a putter do not even compare to lounging in a chair by the pool. I for one stay out most of the day. I also leave once in awhile and I do expect to come back and once again utilize my chair.

Most people are talking about people that never show up, hold the chair incase they decide they want to use it and the people that hold it for a long period of time before showing up. I do not feel that I need to wrap up all my belongings just to get a break. I leave all my belongings to let others know that this chair is being used. Now if you are suggesting that because I may have a better seat and I'm not in it at the moment that it should be up for grabs well that is another issue.

Like I posted earlier there is not a flippin chair issue if you use common sense. I think most people are just whining because the ones right by the pool are the ones that are always taken. Duh! But then again there are chairs available there too if you use your brain power.

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