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News - Alleged Assault & Drugs on Pacific Star

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I agree with what has been said, the issue that everyone should be looking at is how they got the drugs on board. I did notice that security wasnt the tightest getting on the ship at Brisbane. I got through the metal detectors with a set of keys in my pocket without the thing going off. the sniffer dog did maybe one pass of the group of people going through customs and they didnt even walk it past everyone.


There is tighter security to get into the court house in brisbane than there was at the cruise terminal.

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I feel sorry for the girl and can understand why she would not want to press charges and try to forget about it, but then the maggots will get away with it.

On the cruise we were on we were amazed at how late the under 18s were allowed to roam free. We never went to bed until our kids were back in the cabin. There was plenty of Security walking around when things got late, but they are only in public areas. P & O can only be expected to do so much, what is next a camera in every cabin?

Maybe keep the under 18s seperate from the over 18s unless related or registered friends. But it would be a nightmare to supervise, this is similar to the problems of schoolies.

This still doesn't fix the drug problems, tougher screening may be the only solution. If you have nothing to hide you got no worries.

Well the TV news is on and guess what the top story is :(

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On the cruise we were on we were amazed at how late the under 18s were allowed to roam free. We never went to bed until our kids were back in the cabin.


That is what i liked the most about my cruise. The freedom we had after dark. Myself and the others i travelled with are all night owls and we loved it. Most nights we ended up playing poker or uno outside the night club so we could still get the atmosphere and order drinks (non alcoholic of course). On both of the theme nights, we (the people we met at the teen club and me and my friends) ended up being the only people left on the dance floor with the DJ.


It was nice not having parents with us and giving us a curfew because it meant we enjoyed our holiday more. We even met the parents of some of the teen place people and they prefered that their kids were with us instead of off by themselves.

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Oh dear...firstly take note of what Jarrod has to say about cutting and pasting from Word...just lost my ever so long post, you will save time now not having to read it.


So my pennys worth in a nutshell, Feel for this young girl and her family. These vile creatures have no right to prey on the vulnerable, they are pure scum, along with the media. Parents please discuss this type of thing with your kids so they do not put themselves in the same position as this young girl did. Work out between you what is acceptable behaviour and get them to report in from time to time. I think walkie talkeis are a great idea even if they do seem daggy. (me a mother and #1 dag). Get to know who your kids are with and make sure they stay in pairs at least. Remember that this kind of thing not only happens to young girls, Diane Brimble was a grown woman and a mother herself.


If you see any suss behaviour please report it no matter how trivial it seems. I am a security guard myself and always appreciate being alerted to anything does not seem right, we cannot act appropriatley if our attention is not drawn to things we sometimes miss.


Drugs...wouldnt mind an hour wait each time I re-boarded the ship if it meant tighter screening, would be happy for sniffer dogs to be onboard the whole cruise, it would make us all feel a whole lot safer I am sure.


Gee my other post musta been long...

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Maybe I am an overprotective mother but when we cruised with my children when they were teenagers there was no way they would ever be drinking on their own with older people they were always with me late at night or their older siblings (and this was before all the bad publicity of late). I was not a party pooper and they always had a great time without having to sneak drinks and hang out with unsavoury types. That being said I truly believe that no-one deserves to be assaulted in any way but I do feel it is up to individuals to look after themselves and parents their underage children.

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When you offer bargain basement prices, ($495.00pp 4 share) you will always attract a large number of unsuitable riff raff. :D


I take offence at this quote. The only way I (and probably a lot of families) can go on a cruising holiday is because of these low fares, and my DGF and I are certainly not "RIFF RAFF". Not all of us can afford to travel Princess or the more expensive "upmarket" cruiselines. I'm sure there is bad people in every income bracket and on every cruiseline, but being in Australia, you don't hear of the overseas assaults/drug problems etc.


My thoughts to the young girl and her family.



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My 2 cents worth.. I am very sorry for what this young girl has been through and hope she has a great support team around her. Luvvin_u_2 has said:


i was on this cruise.. i was friends with the girl this happened to, so i know what happened.. she didnt deserve what happened to her, but she put herself into that position, she knows it as well..


Therefore I am led to believe that this is a young girl who got in over her head. I guessed as much when the paper didn't say that the guy had been charged. Remember a complaint must be laid for charges to be brought in these sorts of cases. Still it doesn't excuse the behaviour and I'm sure she needs some form of counselling.


I too was surprised that there was no mention of her parents in the press. But then again we all know how little you can trust news reports!! I have to agree with my Mum (Suey) and say that parents need to take more responsibility for their teens. I'm not suggesting that they need to "ruin" their fun but it is important that they know who their kids are hanging out with and where they are. I'm sure my younger brother & sister would agree that they still had fun on the cruises when they stayed with us after dark. In reality one of the best things we like about cruising is the quality family time!


I saw the young 15 year old daughter of the family we were sharing our dinner table wander out of a lift and follow a much older guy up the corridor one night. I could see he was up to no good and I bet her parents had no idea where she was. She was so innocent at dinner and had her parents wrapped around her little finger. They too were laughing about the fact that she was not getting to bed until well after midnight and had been hanging out with a group of "friends".


Please parents it's too late after something happens to be lamenting the fact that you should have had a few more boundaries. Please remember that this sort of thing could happen anywhere. Be careful whatever age you are!! And parents keep an eye on your kids. Make sure you have boundaries in place to protect yourself & your kids.





PS luvvin_u_2 please pass on our best wishes to this young girl... I am sure there will be appropriate counselling available she should really utilise... if she can't find anything tell her to see her High School Chaplain and they should be able to point her in the right direction

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Maybe I am an overprotective mother ...... parents their underage children.


It's a sad world we live in where we cannot trust strangers anymore, but better to be safe than sorry.

When were were in a spa on the Star, a little girl (about 6 yo) came in on her own and climbed onto our laps, moving from lap to lap, including our husbands' as well as on another man we didn't know. Her parents were nowhere to be seen until I stood up to look around, and told her she should be with them. We were a bit surprised that they were so trusting of strangers!

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It doesn't take $495 cruises to attract riff-raff. Have you looked around lately and seen the likes of Paris Hilton and co., I hardly think they would be on a bargain basement cruise and I certainly wouldn't like my daughter (when older) to be associating with the likes of them.

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It's a sad world we live in where we cannot trust strangers anymore, but better to be safe than sorry.

When were were in a spa on the Star, a little girl (about 6 yo) came in on her own and climbed onto our laps, moving from lap to lap, including our husbands' as well as on another man we didn't know. Her parents were nowhere to be seen until I stood up to look around, and told her she should be with them. We were a bit surprised that they were so trusting of strangers!


We had a similar experience on Star with two young children (brother & sister around 6 or 7) they were befriended us in the spa, and then followed us to the pool as well. We also saw them doing the same to other people. There didn't seem to be any parents about anywhere.

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It's easy to be judgemental and blame certain classes of people, P&O, security, alcohol, drugs, at the end of the day it's the perpetrator who commits the offence.

We are all put in circumstances in life where we have to use our better judgement and make a choice. Some may take advantage of these situations, and this leads to what has happened on the Star.


We all know our own children best, I did not hesitate letting my daughter wander around the ship, she was never on her own, we met the parents of the other kids, and they would hang around in a group, knew where all our cabins were and come knocking on the cabin door to collect each other for different activities. She is nearly 16yrs, gosh I had moved out of home at that age!! (not for long though), she is very mature for her age, but not all girls are like this. Different story had the group she was with been older and more influential, then I would have stepped in.


I guess what I am trying to say is we all base our opinions and values on our own experience, everyone is different, lets lay the blame on the low life that take advantage of some situations, that 6yr old girl in the spa may not have been so lucky had it had been a scumbag in the spa.

And yes the parents should have been aware of where she was and what she was doing.......but there is a big difference between and 6yr old and a 16yr old.



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Oh and just wanted to add, it's healthy to have discussions and there will always be a difference of opinions, thats what these boards are about!

I just get annoyed when it gets personal and comes down to how much you spend on a cruise and which cruise line you choose.


Oh and ADF, I agree about the Paris Hiltons of this world, doesn't matter how much money you have, class just can't be bought!!:D



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Maybe it is time for the cruise companies worldwide to 'vet' passengers before confirming bookings, i.e. have the passenger agree to a police criminal records check, if they are bad dudes do not allow them on or if they decline to be crim record checked refuse confirmation of booking.


At least you might prevent a few bad ones getting on board.:cool:


I do support the remarks of others not all people taking the cheaper 4 berth cabins are riff raff. Not everyone has the big bucks to spend on higher category cabins.

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NSWP, I am in your "old" line of work, good idea re criminal history check, love to see NSW police fund this!! not more paperwork!


It's sad really that it's come to stuff like this, but it is so true that there is a lot more security to board a plane and a lot less time spent on them compared to a 10 night cruise.


I guess these are all issues that P&O will have to address, I am not familiar with other cruise lines but I am sure there are incidents on the boats as well?? Do we no just hear about them??



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Well, CheznANDY, you must be a 'D' to have sussed me out. Right old son 35 yrs in NSWP, hence the tag. I did do a couple of cruises as security on the Russian cruise ships, 25 yrs ago..when we were allowed to.


Nowadays cruise security is more challenging, not just footie teams causing problems any more, predators too of the worse kind. I reckon security on ships will just keep getting upgraded as in aviation. Such is life.:cool:

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Maybe it is time for the cruise companies worldwide to 'vet' passengers before confirming bookings, i.e. have the passenger agree to a police criminal records check, if they are bad dudes do not allow them on or if they decline to be crim record checked refuse confirmation of booking.


At least you might prevent a few bad ones getting on board.


I really don't think this would be a feasable option, considering the cost, resources and time involved.


I think people need to take more responsibility for their actions and be mindful and weary of the situation, rather like if you were going out on the town for the night or even visiting a place/city/country you've never been before. You wouldn't let your guard down in those places, why should you on a ship, after all, it is a floating "city" so to speak.


I agree something needs to be done in regards to stamping out drugs and I believe sniffer dogs at all ports prior to embarkation and even down to random cabin searches (sniffs) can go a long way to helping the problem.


As for assualts, I believe anyone under the age of 18 should have a parent or guardian travelling with them who will ulimately take responsibility for that minor and keep a good watchful eye on them at all times (even from a distance so you don't cramp their style). Stories of children as young as 6 being by themselves is absolutely adhorrent and their parents should be reprimanded.


Alcohol is cause for a lot of assaults and more can be done by staff to cut people off when they're had too much, before it gets to the point of passing out or not knowing what you're doing. Security does need to be a lot better trained and possibly a doctor should be roaming the decks at all times to watch out for any effects of poisoning (drink spiking). Perhaps even cabin confinement for those too drunk (just a thought).


P&O and for that matter, any cruiseline can only do so much. People need to take more responsibility for their actions and know when enough is enough and when it's time to stop drinking. You will never stop the perverts, no matter what you do, from boarding the ship, but we can all do more to protect ourselves from being hurt. All it takes is to be a bit more careful and weary of those around us.


Sorry for the rant, just my thoughts.


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Hey all,


Well we can safely say my friends and I are not the ones in question even though we are from Sydney too and of similar age. I hope some of u didnt get worried it was actually me!


Seriously though, I know quite a bit about what happened too but wont say too much.


Firstly ill touch on the drugs subject and will say that its FREAKING EASY to take drugs onboard, sorry P&O, but its true. I have never done drugs, never will and didnt take any on board, either do my friends, but there is hardly any screening process. I heard of others having drugs on board, I think the easiest way to get them onboard was to purchase from a port because when u re-enter the boat, there is hardly NO screening process other than showing ur cruise card and metal detector. Think about that P&O.


To this sexual assault claim, yes its terrible, its not human, its not right by anybody, BUT, she put herself into it which is why she doesnt want to lay charges now. I was actually very nearby when these 3 males from Sydney (Auburn area) were talking to the girl, it was Island night on the deck and about 3am. I didnt see them walk off with her as I left apparently just b4 it happened, and everyone knows it wasnt all 3 guys in the room, it was just the one. These 3 guys are Turkish, so technically not Middle Eastern but not far off. I didnt think these guys were too bad, we were at the nightclub nearly every night and I dont think I ever saw them in there and really didnt seem them around much too come to think of it. Some ppl I knew saw the girl apparently right after it happened running through the corridor crying and away from security who were chasing her to see what happened and she was pondering jumping off. We saw her for the days after and she always seemed quite normal and happy by face value. The weird thing was that while were up on the deck and this girl was chatting to them blokes, I was sure that her parents were just about 30metres away as they kept looking at her and she kept looking back at them which made me sorta think to myself if she was an undercover?? Probably not though...

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Re your post..no worries Trevor, you are not ranting at all you have some goodpoints there.


Parental responsibility is a MUST. Responsible serving of ALCOHOL on ships is a MUST. Random checks of cruise embarkation ports in OZ by Police/Customs drug detection dogs is a MUST. At least it is a start.

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When you offer bargain basement prices, ($495.00pp 4 share) you will always attract a large number of unsuitable riff raff. Time for things to change......... these beautiful ships are not the local pub where its the usual Friday night boozed up free for all and damm the

consequences...... I am making a stand and will no longer cruise or recommend P & O Australia.... :D




Hi badgerbill, I am sorry to read your opinion of the bargain basement prices.


(There may be a small percentage of people who make trouble on a ship, but they would make trouble wherever they went.)


I would rather take 4 el cheapo cruises each year, than pay top price. .... and I don't regard myself as riff raff.


Everyone likes a bargain no matter what their circumstances are.

For a family to have a nice holiday, the cheap cruise deals are great, also pensioners, who may never have experienced a cruise otherwise.


You are entitled to cruise elsewhere.


but I will still cruise P&O , and meet a lot of great people enjoying their holiday.

I have only ever had great service, from cabin and restaurant,to cruise staff and pursers desk . and to me that means a lot.


All cruise lines will have to do better regarding security...


It seems all too easy to have drugs on board.....


I won't make a comment on the present situation, because we don't know

exactly what happened.


kindest regards, Lorraine:) :)

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This is the most expansive story that news.com.au has:


P&O rocked by cabin rape claim


By Lou Robson and David Murray

January 28, 2007 12:00am


Article from: h14_sundaytelegraph.gif



A TEENAGE girl has alleged she was raped on a P&O cruise, forcing police to board the vessel on Friday and detain three men in their cabin until the ship docked in Brisbane yesterday morning.

The 16-year-old, who is believed to have attempted suicide after the attack, claims she was the victim of a late-night assault in a cabin after an Hawaiian-themed party on the ship's top deck on Wednesday night.


Six detectives boarded the Pacific Star off the Queensland coast.


Plainclothes officers led a 23- year-old NSW man away in handcuffs after the ship docked in Brisbane yesterday. He was later charged with possession of ecstasy and amphetamines.


Police confirmed he was one of the men in the cabin where the alleged assault took place, but was not believed to have carried it out.


No charges relating to sexual assault have been laid, but police investigations were continuing late last night.


Passenger Darren Pont, 37, said detectives had questioned him after security cameras identified him sitting on deck with a group of friends late on Wednesday night.


"They asked about rape, drugs on board, punch-ups," Mr Pont told The Sunday Telegraph.


"It was the worst trip I've had in my life."


A police spokesman yesterday confirmed the allegations of sexual assault aboard the ship.


"When police were informed of the allegations, swift action was taken," the spokesman said.


A Melbourne woman who attended the theme party said she saw security guards grab the girl in the early hours of Thursday.


"She very upset and tried to throw herself overboard," the woman said. "Security guards grabbed her, pinned her down, and she was crying on the deck."


Another passenger said there were three men in the cabin.


"But when we got up on Thursday morning, there was police tape over the door and a security guard outside," he said.


"We asked what had happened, but the guard wouldn't say."


The latest assault accusations occurred after the teenager allegedly returned to a cabin being shared by three men after the theme party.


Detectives and forensic police met the Pacific Star at Brisbane's Portside Wharf at 7.30am yesterday.


Unmarked cars, a police wagon and a forensic van were parked near the wharf, and a handcuffed man was led from the ship after it docked.


A Melbourne woman who shared a dinner table with the three men said she last saw them on Wednesday night.


"I was allocated to sit with them, but after Wednesday night we never saw them again," she said.


"I became concerned when they stopped turning up for dinner. It was like they never existed."


A spokeswoman for P&O refused to confirm if, or where, the men were being held.


"P&O contacted police on Thursday morning. The ship's officer was made aware and the captain informed," the spokeswoman said.


"There was an alleged sexual assault and the matter is with police."


As passengers disembarked yesterday, forensic police examined the cabin where the assault allegedly occurred.


Police boarded the ship as it returned from a tropical Queensland cruise to Port Douglas and Willis Island, 450km east of Cairns.


"We couldn't believe it when we saw police coming aboard," Jemma White, of Sydney, said.


The alleged sexual-assault victim was part of a club for under-age passengers. Club members have a special colour-coded pass they wear at all times.


Brisbane mother Dianne Brimble, 42, died on the floor of a cabin on the P&O cruise ship Pacific Sky on September 24, 2002, after ingesting a mix of alcohol and the drug fantasy.


A coronial inquest continues into her death.


In October, P&O abandoned its "party ship" image and focused on family and child care in its new advertising campaign.


We saw the police boat rock up next to the boat while in sea, we actually thought that thats when they were getting taken away but looks like it was detectives coming on board. We were told the boat would be delayed into Brisbane by 2 hours coz of some government directive about the travelling direction but this was all due to this police activity.


When we got off the cruise, we were approached by Sunday Mail reporters about what happened but we didnt tell them anything, just that we had heard of some things happening


We actually saw the 3 women who were sitting on the same dinner table as the men in question talking to the reporters for a while. They were the table next to us aswell and yes for the last 3 days or so, they were not at the dinner table, at least we were aware why.


There were reports of a punchup between some Asian men which led to them being led off the boat early in the cruise and then someone who tripped the fire alarm on purpose also being shafted off.


But the most worrying "rumour" I heard was something to do with P&O staff, I dont know much more at all and yes it could be a rumour but either way will not say much more on it.


Why someone said worst cruise ever is beyond me, maybe thats hogwash from the media. No one else was directly involved in these sexual assault claims and 90% of the boat prob didnt even know about it so dont see what his problem is.


I thought the cruise was pretty good and will have a review and photos very soon!

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It happened at Coffs Harbour a few years ago with the bulldogs (something very strange there), and there was a sexual assault a few weeks ago at the Tennis on a young child.:mad:

No matter where it happens, it is not to be condoned in any way. It is such a shame what this world is becoming.:(

In a way I have to agree with badgerbill to a degree. Those $495 for 7 nights cruises are going to be nothing but trouble.

Btw I am still considering the Sun at this stage.


I hope ur not another person having a go at the Bulldogs. I am a lifelong supporter of the club and know ppl in the club and like everyone should know by now, that whole situation was a bunch of crap. Did anyone get charged? No. It just another case of a woman trying to crack onto big name footy players for her own image and when she got rejected, she wants to cry high and loud about it.


Then of course the media come to the party and want to point fingers, Bulldogs is a fav target coz of their location in Sydney and their fanbase who apparently are a bunch of rapists! Yet the Bulldogs are STILL the most supported NRL club in Aus and NZ, which other team consistently plays their home games in QLD or NZ to promote the game?


Even last year, one of the head detectives in that case who had now retired came out and said that there was absolutely no case against the bulldogs but it all blew out of this earth when Channel 7 arrived and screwed everything up.

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Can't believe that people have been offended by the line containing the word "riff raff" let me tell you never did i say the entire passenger list was riff raff so if you feel affronted.... thats your problem....... With fares so low it wont be long before P&O Australia have a ship load of "Fairstar the Fun Ship Booze Cruise" passengers, who buy the cruise cheap and then spend up big big big in the bars........now thats where the money is made, and by then pensioners and families will have abandoned cruising altogether......It's like groundhog day we havent gone forward we've gone backwards.

Hey Trevor i m with you back to the good old days of the Fedor etc....... when policing and security were real.....


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But the most worrying "rumour" I heard was something to do with P&O staff, I dont know much more at all and yes it could be a rumour but either way will not say much more on it


Ah well, we'll just have to watch Today Tonight this evening. I'm sure if there's even the remotest hint of a scandal involving the crew, TT will pick it up and run with it, true or not.


I notice that Sky News was using some of TT's Island night footage either from the cruise they secretly filmed in March (the one we were on) or the second one (that Aussiedisneyfan & group were on) to illustrate the recent story.



I noticed in the P&O repsonse that I posted last night two of their strategys are "deployemet of sniffer dogs at the start of every cruise" and "random screening for drugs at overseas ports". I wonder how rigouroulsy pre-cruise screening is done on Coastal crusies - and if any screening done at the domestic ports of call (Whitsunday's, Cairns, Port Douglas) on the coastal cruises? I imagine it wouldn't be difficult to get drugs in Cairns and take them back on board if no screening is done.


Maybe someone who's done a costal cruise can comment on the security on reboarding at these Australian ports.




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