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Outrageous Paying For Soda

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When we took our children years ago there were no soda cards and we just told them they had to drink, water, tea or lemonade. They had no problem with it and soda products are overly consumed by children in the first place. My children did not always get what they wanted. They never drank soda at dinner. I agree that RCI charges too much for adult soda cards.
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You miss my point. Two lines may be equally well managed and have just as good business practices yet charge completely different amounts for soda depending on their particular marketing//pricing strategies.

Cruiseline A may make up the difference in food quality, Cruiseline B may make up the difference in entertainment quality, Cruiseline C may make up the difference in service quality. None of these have anything to do with the quality of their management, just resource allocation and marketing/pricing strategy.

It could very well be that cruiseline A needs to charge more for soda to break even, while cruiseline B doesn't because they budget half as much for entertainment. These are marketing/pricing decisions.
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[quote name='montgomeryfamily']If as some of the posters have indicated the charge is necessary because the cruise line cannot otherwise make money, then Princess and HAL must have better management and business practices since they are able to stay in business and make money although they both charge less for the adult soda card.[/QUOTE]Which is, of course, a silly assertion. However, no one has said that RCI cannot make money any other way. That would be irrelevant, anyway. All that matters is that they can make money this way, and they can't make more money a different way. Folks work hard for years to gain the knowledge and experience necessary to gauge that properly. Companie apply these knowledgably and experience resources to their efforts.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']The reality is that RCI has significantly increased the price of the soda card twice in the last three years because they view the soda cards as an income source and they will push the envelope to get the most revenue possible.[/QUOTE]As will and should all corporations.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']It is likely when the last sizeable price increase occurred (which was less than three years ago) there was very little complaints from guests and, probably more important to RCI, no signficant decrease in the numbers of soda cards being purchased.[/QUOTE]Correct: Complaints aren't the issue, as much as purchasing habits. Customers always grumble about having to pay for things. What really matters is how pricing changes affect actualy purchasing behaviors.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']It is also interesting to note that the soda card advertisement and pricing structure has also changed. In the past the soda card was always advertised as a flat total amount for the length of the cruise. Now the soda card charge is advertised as $6.00 per day rather than $42.00 per adult card. Could this be that even RCI thought the new soda card price required a public relations spin?[/QUOTE]Rather, I'd chalk something like that up to a bit of equity: Three days, seven days, eleven days -- different sized cruises, different prices. Makes sense to me.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']Soda cards cannot be purchased on a per day rate as such. You cannot buy a soda card only for sea days, when it is more likely that you would consume larger amounts of soda. So it is really somewhat misleading for RCI to advertise a daily charge for the soda card.[/QUOTE]While I agree that some people may misunderstand the situation, I do not believe there is any intent to deceive. RCI knows that they have to deal with the customer, in person, at some point. It is in their best interests to communicate as accurately as possible, while still fostering revenues.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']Although I don't think some of the posters intended it this way, I agree that a positive way to address the issue is to not buy the soda card.[/QUOTE]This is the way customers communicate their level of satisfaction with the service offerings. There is no more effective means.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']If RCI sees that the market will not support the current price of the soda cards, they will consider reducing it.[/QUOTE]Or discontinuing the offering.
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[quote name='montgomeryfamily']Kat1613, I agree that the price of the cruise would not have to go up if RCI went back to their former practice of serving complimentary soft drinks with the meals in the dining room. I also don't believe there would be any significant impact to RCI revenues if RCI lowered the price of the soda card to be comparable to that of their competitors, Princess and HAL.[/QUOTE]Your beliefs to that effect notwithstanding, and no offense intended, but why should one believe you over the clear indications that RCI's experts have determined differently?

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']As has been pointed out by many posters and disputed by none, the actual cost of the fountain sodas is very low.[/QUOTE]Because, of course, cost has little or nothing to do with pricing.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']The price now charged for the soda card is completely out of line with the actual cost to RCI and is unreasonable.[/QUOTE]I grant that you feel that way. I disagree. It is not unreasonable to price offerings in line with perceived value, as determined by the customer-base at-large. It is, as a matter of fact, a [u]best[/u] practice.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']This is highlighted by the fact that RCI's competitors, HAL and Princess, charge approximately half as much as RCI for an adult soda card. [/QUOTE]I could say the same thing about those cruise line's fares, which I found to be consistently higher, cruise-for-cruise, than RCI's. So, as you were alluding to earlier about RCI, can we say that RCI is better at managing the cruise portion of the cruise, since they charge less? :rolling eyes:

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']So RCI is just price gouging in regard to the soda card/fountain sodas[/QUOTE]No. Accusations of gouging are hyperbole, and utterly inappropriate. That's like me accusing you of committing libel for having made that accusation against RCI. It just isn't true. It's emotion talking, nothing more.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']It is not acceptable for any company, public or private, to price-gouge.[/QUOTE]That's correct. And RCI isn't price gouging. Making such accusations is irresponsible. Repeating them is doublely-so.

[quote name='montgomeryfamily']However, it is possible if there is sufficient outcry that RCI will reconsider and revise/revoke their charges.[/QUOTE]More likely, they'll do so to better compete with Disney, and increase their fares to be more in line with Disney's to compensate for including more. So everyone will help pay for the sodas that are consumed by some. I'd probably win-out on that arrangement, but I know many people who would rather [i]not [/i]have part of their fare cover beverages they have no intention of consuming. They lose.
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[quote name='Mark_K']You miss my point. Two lines may be equally well managed and have just as good business practices yet charge completely different amounts for soda depending on their particular marketing//pricing strategies...[/QUOTE]Very well said. Typically, customers have a much harder time understanding the good decisions made by businesses, than businesses have in understanding the good decisions made by customers. The negative slant being thrust onto the good business decisions being discussed is really quite sad.
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Gerif - I like your idea of bringing Crystal Light - I especially like their pink lemonade! Also, I don't like my kids to have too much pop or sugary stuff, because of tooth decay from the carbonation and/or sugar. Where did you get individual packets? I've never seen them, but I am always racing through the grocery store, so I tend to miss new products.

Thanks for the good idea! That's what I love about these boards!
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Gerif - I like your idea of bringing Crystal Light - I especially like their pink lemonade! Also, I don't like my kids to have too much pop or sugary stuff, because of tooth decay from the carbonation and/or sugar. Where did you get individual packets? I've never seen them, but I am always racing through the grocery store, so I tend to miss new products.

Thanks for the good idea! That's what I love about these boards!
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[quote name='Kat1613']I find it outrageous for these cruise ships to charge for soda. I own a restaurant and there is so much profit in soda. I don't understand why cruise lines find it necessary to charge almost $50 for soda and then not charge anything for coffee, tea, milk?? Coffee, tea & milk cost much more than soda maybe that will be next. What about milkshakes?? Milk is free and soft ice cream is free but $4 for one shake? Next they'll be charging for lobster and prime rib-although that's already happening in their specialty restaurants. They seem to be taking the joy of cruising away by having all these additional charges. I wouldn't pay for the soda cards -boycott soda for a week![/QUOTE]
The milkshakes I think are in Johnny Rockets-that is Johnny Rocket's price here in our local mall.

Over all cruising has become less expensive-except for the voyager class ships-which have all the extras which no other line has so there is nothing else to compare to them, for that reason they don't need to make those criuses less expensive.

I love the fact that the cruise is cheaper. I can decide how many cokes (or not) I want to drink. Actually I drink none as carbonated drinks suck the calcium out of your bones. Not good for you-my DR. said don't drink more then 2 a week. Last time I had one was when hubby had emergency surgery back in Oct. I only drank one then as I was exhausted from being with him in the emergency room all day- before he was admitted and had to drive home safely that night- so I needed the kick a coke would give me. I left the hospital like 11p.m. and had been up since 2 a.m. that morning.

Anyway if you just want only 1 or 2 cokes they are like $1.75 with tip. You can also buy a coke and drink card pretty reasonable which allows you so many beers, glasses or wine, a few of the drinks of the day in the price with sodas. I forget how much but the price was not bad at all for what you got.

there is usually soft serve ice cream in the windjammer and milk. I guess if you wanted to you could make your own shake. Probally would be healthier because those Johnny Rockets are super rich. Nothing like a Mac Donalds shake.

As I said though I stick with the free tea and lemonaide mostly though I do like to splurge on cappacinos and a foo foo drink here and there.

Also, lobster and prime rib you have on formal night and since my cruise cost less I can afford to hit the specilty restuarant at least once or twice if I want that more.

That is a thought though. Charge less for the cruise where you can eat at the windjammer all you want but pay extra for the more formal restaurants. I have read posts of many who don't want to dress and they eat at the windjammer anyway. Hubby and I also have done that when we have gone to the beach or something in late afternoon. I would go for that.
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Another thing too-how about those stupid prices we pay for a coke and popcorn at the movies. Plus the prices we pay for that cr^&* py food we get at Disneyworld, Six Flags and if we go to a professionial ball game like Braves or Hawks. We do it though don't we? and mostly we don't complain.
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Was on the adventurer on 7-ll, bought a soda card, don't do alcohol, the soda was fine, it came with an insulated mug, nice also. I ordered soda the entire time, dining room also, it always came in a glass, even ordered it in Johnny Rockets. It worked for me.
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It stands to reason that soda is charged for and the tea, lemonade etc is not. If it were the other way around would you pay for the instant tea and lemonade offered? Probably not, you would drink the free soda and water. Where you would not go out of your way to pay for said tea and lemonade you will go out of your way to pay for soda. So it is only good business to charge for soda since it is :
1) So cheap to serve
2) The higher more popular commodity
You make your profits where you can people and soda is a HUGE profit maker. As far as juice goes even most bars on land charge 50 cents more or so for drinks requested mixed with juice. (though I do believe juice was free at breakfast on my last few cruises.)
That said, this is the only instance where I am thrilled to see Coke as the product of choice cuz I drink Diet Pepsi and I have the perfect excuse for bringing my own and not feel like a criminal :). Since they do not carry Diet Pepsi there is no sneaking or hiding in luggage involved..I carry it right thru embarkation with me.
Thanks Coke keep up the good work:D
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[quote name='momofmeg']
You can also buy a coke and drink card pretty reasonable which allows you so many beers, glasses or wine, a few of the drinks of the day in the price with sodas. I forget how much but the price was not bad at all for what you got.

there is usually soft serve ice cream in the windjammer and milk. I guess if you wanted to you could make your own shake.

Also, lobster and prime rib you have on formal night and since my cruise cost less I can afford to hit the specilty restuarant at least once or twice if I want that more.

There are no drink cards for alcoholic drinks, at least not on any of the cruises I've been on. Those have been discontinued.
On my last cruise 3 weeks ago, Monarch, 3 night, there was no lobster or prime rib. In the Windjammer there was no soft serve ice cream, not that I ever saw. There was a Ben & Jerry's for a charge. I guess this is saved for the longer cruises. Looking forward to my 11 night cruise and my $77 coke card (OUCH). Well... maybe...

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Right -there are no drink cards offered on the Mariner for beer or alcohol and there is no soft serve ice cream in the windjammer or anywhere on this ship only frozen yogurt on the promendade or by the pool and honestly, do you really think that someone is going to make their own shake?? Come on lets get some real answers. If you want real ice cream, you can pay for Ben & Jerry's and if you want a real shake you can pay for it at Johnny Rockets.
There was lobster tails served one night on the Mariner and there is also steak in the dining room.
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We carry a six pack of diet cokes on the ship with us and pick up more at the various ports if needed. You can also buy can soda at the shows...I think it was $1.50/can. It would not be good to encourage a child to continuously drink soda but then I am from the "dairy products" generation and raised our kids on milk.
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[quote name='barbarajoy']Gerif - I like your idea of bringing Crystal Light - I especially like their pink lemonade! Also, I don't like my kids to have too much pop or sugary stuff, because of tooth decay from the carbonation and/or sugar. Where did you get individual packets? I've never seen them, but I am always racing through the grocery store, so I tend to miss new products.

The packets that come in the tube-like container actually make 2 quarts each, but you can measure out about 1/2 tsp. to a regular size water bottle - just adjust it for how strong you like it (I like just a little flavor, while DH likes it stronger - no problem). It's easy to mix just a portion at a time - I bring them to work with me and mix some in my water bottle.
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If you are Diabetic then you can drink tea and coffee, if you don't drink tea or coffee...you are hooped. The cruise lines now can make money off of those folks that don't drink alcohol and also it means that those that smuggle liquor on board will have to purchase a soda card for mix.

Sugar is Sugar and it doesn't matter if it is in soft drinks, lemonade, juice...it breaks down in your system the same way...the same as chocolate bars and white bread do....chocolate bars are better for you than white bread.

Drinks should be free for all meals, bottled water should be available in your room at 2 per person per day.

Soda cards are to make sure non alcohol drinkers also get charged.

The above are my personal oppinions. I will bring some club soda and diet drinks in luggage, just to drink in my room
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wow- I am such a "diet coke aholic" you would not want to be around me if I had not had any that day! LOL!! So, my dear hubby gladly pays for my coke card- and my children! Although, we last went on rccl in March and we did not have the cups- we all got stickers on our cards. I will be going on the voyager this coming March and will definately be buying the coke cards for me and the kids! I wonder if I will get mugs or the sticker??
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[quote name='Tapped Out Again']The reason is simple. It's the same reason they charge so much for drinks in a movie theater - movie theaters don't make money off your tickets, only off the concession stands.

On a cruise the base price is less than cost. They can only make it up by onboard casinos, sodas, alcoholic drinks etc.[/QUOTE]

Their base prices are not below cost.

The sad thing is that they have seen some of their compadres start the charging extra gig for this and that and they will all be doing it before long. Just cae back from a Princess Cruise. Coke Card was the best deal I paid for all week. They had three pay to eat places..... Sabatinis, the Desert Rose, and a Bistro in the Horizon (buffet) lounge at night. It is a way for them to introduce the idea of people having to pay on a cruise ship for services that five years ago were part of the ticket. If cruisers don't complain, then they will continue to engage in predatory charging for everyday services.
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[font=Comic Sans MS]We are taking many children from our dance studio to perform on RCCL's Monarch. I know several parents will want to buy soda cards for their children. Since it's only a 4 day cruise I'm assuming the price will be lower than the 7 day card. Does anyone know the 4 day price?:rolleyes: [/font]
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Dear tapdancemom,

I'm the mother of a tapdancer, too!

But, you want your question answered: for a child's soda card, it's $4 x the number of days, i.e., 4 x 4 = $16 plus 15% gratuity charged at the time that you purchase the card, i.e., $18.40. Wait until the ship has sailed, so that you don't get nicked for sales tax.

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[b][color=blue]How about NO free drinks?[/color][/b] [color=darkslateblue]That's my vote! We enjoyed the lemonade but think if coffee and tea are going to be available 24/7, then so should lemonade. We're all for no free beverages but water and would be happy not to subsidize coffee and tea at the cost of paying for lemonade. [/color]

[color=darkslateblue]We agree the soda cards on RCCL are too expensive, so I took Diet Dr. Pepper and Crystal Light, (bottled so I didn't have to mix) and dh had Mtn. Dew. Even if we did like the selection of soda, we wouldn't pay that much for a soda card to show our dislike of the pricing. We paid for probably 5 Dr. Peppers and 6 virgin strawberry daquiris during the 7 days. [/color]
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[quote name='tapdancemom'][font=Comic Sans MS]We are taking many children from our dance studio to perform on RCCL's Monarch. I know several parents will want to buy soda cards for their children. Since it's only a 4 day cruise I'm assuming the price will be lower than the 7 day card. Does anyone know the 4 day price?:rolleyes: [/font][/QUOTE]It's by the cruise length, $6/day adults and $4/day children (Plus 15% gratuity and maybe sales tax).
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[quote name='Woodsmaster']Their base prices are not below cost.

The sad thing is that they have seen some of their compadres start the charging extra gig for this and that and they will all be doing it before long. Just cae back from a Princess Cruise. Coke Card was the best deal I paid for all week. They had three pay to eat places..... Sabatinis, the Desert Rose, and a Bistro in the Horizon (buffet) lounge at night. It is a way for them to introduce the idea of people having to pay on a cruise ship for services that five years ago were part of the ticket. If cruisers don't complain, then they will continue to engage in predatory charging for everyday services.[/QUOTE]In 2003 RCI (including Celebrity) had net income of $280 million and had 20 million passenger days. That works out to a net income of $14 per passenger per day.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if they make more than $14 per passenger day on drinks, casino, photos, merchandise, shore excursions, etc. (actually it would surprise me if they didn't). And if so, their base prices are below cost.
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[quote name='Woodsmaster']If cruisers don't complain, then they will continue to engage in [hyperbole omitted] charging for everyday services.[/QUOTE]Complaining cruisers who still pay for the service are little different from those who don't complain and still pay for the service. If you're really dissatisfied by this move, your strongest means of communication is to book a cruise line that doesn't have such fees.
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