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ACCIDENT on Mariner of the Seas 03-30-08

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I'm just wondering why you didn't find the same bridge dangerous on your 2 previous Explorer sailings which is the same class with the same type of setup? An accident is a bad start to any cruise but you just have to write it off as an unfortunate accident and therefore bad cruise, and move on.

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Where I work Crocs and similar shoes were totally banned over 2 years ago due to accidents. I was wearing a pair and fell in my own office, thought no one knew, and someone had seen me fall.


I tried to give my collection of Crocs to a charity. They wouldn't take them as they aren't allowed to give them to the poor!


You can bet the ship's doc wrote 'Crocs' on the medical report.


Case closed!

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We have been on Mariner 5 times so far. I am the clumsiest person known to man and I had no trouble seeing the incline. I think OP, you need to give up your idea of finding a million people to agree with you so you can sue.


I think walking carefully, looking where one is going, and maybe getting new glasses would solve the problem. Give it up.

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Katiel53 and others:


.......just to let you all know, this is NOT about a law suit or any other thing, I told you I love RCCL and have had great experiences with the company and this did happen to me......I've very sure footed, athletic, and do not have a problem and NO , drinks were not involved, I just feel that as great as the ships are, they need to put up more signs, etc.... if there is something a little different if one is going to go across something... there should be some type of sign, etc.....


Katiel53, I have traveled a lot, but let this thing happen to YOU and I can assure you, you would be singing a different song, especially if it will effect the next 6 mos or year of your life......


I LOVE to cruise and it will be quite a while before my next cruise which I had hoped would be in the next 6 mos.


Happy and SAFE crusing to all, and thanks for all the comments!

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I just went back and reread lasolomon's original post, and no where is it mentioned that suing is involved. I think that morphed over the life of this thread, which has been pretty harsh in spots, IMO.


As I said before (twice): that bridge is deceptive, and no matter what shoes you're wearing, it CAN be tricky, especially if you are over a certain age, and wear a certain type of glasses!!! :D

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My thoughts exactly, I think this one needs to be filed under "Personal Responsibility".


We're about to go on our 4th sailing on the Mariner, never had a problem in this area.


Blame needs to start at home. If I had been paying attention to what I was doing, then I wouldn't have stumbled.
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After reading this thread I am truely amazed. These message boards are filled with such an eclectic group. We have the critics,cynics,defenders,offenders, fishers,trolls,suporters, blamers, flamers, abstainers, self proclaimed maritime law experts, self proclaimed cruise ship design experts, the list of special people on here is endless. If it sails with the crown and anchor, just mention the name and 50 "experts" about every aspect of her will descend upon your thread to either demean you or clarify why you are mistaken.

With that being said, I find it an awe inspiring feat that most of you who regularly feel we need your "2 cents" on these boards can enjoy a cruise.

I wish you all peace, happiness and smooth sailing.

P.S. dont bother flaming me, I won't be back on these boards for some time as I can see nothing has changed since I last passed this way.


What makes you think we care anything about your "2 cents"?


Heavy Surf

Cool RCI Cruiser

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You are a business invitee on the vessel. The owner has a duty to make reasonable inspections to look for foreign substances, spills, etc. They have a duty to warn of hidden conditions... something that is open and obvious doesn't require a warning. As a reasonable prudent person, you are expected to watch where you are walking...

Hope you are feeling better now.




My thoughts exactly! Guessing you are an attorney or have studied torts at some point.

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You are a business invitee on the vessel. The owner has a duty to make reasonable inspections to look for foreign substances, spills, etc. They have a duty to warn of hidden conditions... something that is open and obvious doesn't require a warning. As a reasonable prudent person, you are expected to watch where you are walking...

Hope you are feeling better now.




My thoughts exactly! Guessing you are an attorney or have studied torts at some point.

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We left Port Canaveral on the above date. About 2-3 hrs later, I realized I had lost my SeaPass card in the casino. I went to the Deck 5 Customer Service Desk for a new one.


On my way back to my stateroom (deck 10), after leaving the Customer Service Desk on Deck 5 and heading to the elevators I attempted to walk across a 'bridge like wooden structure' that is between the elevators. This structure looks 'flat', but it actually has a slight curvature to it. (up-across-down) (See picture in link) This curvature makes the crossing quite dangerous. It is very easy to slip, trip or fall. That is exactly what I did. The next thing I knew, I was on my back in extreme pain and couldn't get up. The crew members could not get me into a wheel chair and had to call for a stretcher.


Through x-rays in the infirmary, they found out my left shoulder was severly dislocated and there was a fracture in the bone. Thankfully the ship's doctor was able to get it back into place, put me in a sling and give me pain medication. Naturally me and my husband's long awaited cruise was ruined.


The main reason I'm posting this is to find out if anyone either on that trip or at any time have had a problem with this area on the ship. Everyone that saw my arm in a sling asked about it and after hearing what happened, most of them knew the area I was talking about and had some kind of uncomfortable experience with it.


I would appreciate any comments that any of you might have about this area, be they pro or con.


Happy and SAFE Crusing!

Linda ( Lsolo33166@aol.com )


I don't mean to take anything away from the ship's infirmary, but did you get your shoulder checked out after you returned home?


The only reason that I ask is that my sister slipped on a step while she was in Europe and did exactly the same thing to her shoulder. The hospital relocated it, gave her pain meds, a sling, and sent her on her way. Months down the road, because she didn't have full mobility in her arm, she had it checked out again. It had healed incorrectly, and she had to have surgery to fix all of the muscle damage from not moving her arm for so long. She should have had physical therapy, or at least instructions on on special exercises. Sorry you had such a bad thing happen on your cruise.

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Katiel53 and others:


.......just to let you all know, this is NOT about a law suit or any other thing, I told you I love RCCL and have had great experiences with the company and this did happen to me......I've very sure footed, athletic, and do not have a problem and NO , drinks were not involved, I just feel that as great as the ships are, they need to put up more signs, etc.... if there is something a little different if one is going to go across something... there should be some type of sign, etc.....


Katiel53, I have traveled a lot, but let this thing happen to YOU and I can assure you, you would be singing a different song, especially if it will effect the next 6 mos or year of your life......


I LOVE to cruise and it will be quite a while before my next cruise which I had hoped would be in the next 6 mos.


Happy and SAFE crusing to all, and thanks for all the comments!


You can love RCI and still sue.


The lady who spilled hot coffee on herself because she was stupid also loved McDonalds, she still sued. Now she has a few million more reasons to love McDonalds.


Why is it that nobody wants to take responsibility anymore. Anything and everything that happens must be someone elses fault. In this thread a few people admitted of falling in various situations and they said "they acted clumsy". Why not you?


You need more signs to warn you on a cruise ship of a bridge?


You've been on the Explorer twice. Its the sister ship of the Mariner. You didn't realize in that location is a bridge?


I have been on the Navigator twice - sister ship. I know the bridge you are talking about. I did not see a problem, neither with incline, nor with the shape, nor with the color, width and height.


Sorry you got hurt but it is neither the fault of the cruise line, the designer of the Mariner or the bridge itself.

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Been on the Mariner twice already, one coming up. The wood bridge offers a nice change in the floor textures and gives the area a softer, natural feel as though you are crossing a bridge in a Japanese garden.


Thousands walk across it every day without falling. Accidents happen, and that's just what they are, accidents.


"they need to put up more signs, etc.." no, we don't need signs to warn us of everything that could/might happen. IMHO the signs on the rear of the ship that warn people to not sit on the railing should be removed so we can weed out the gene pool a bit.


How about a big sign at the entrance to the ship "Caution, this ship moves and don't run with scissors".

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Been on the Mariner twice already, one coming up. The wood bridge offers a nice change in the floor textures and gives the area a softer, natural feel as though you are crossing a bridge in a Japanese garden.


Thousands walk across it every day without falling. Accidents happen, and that's just what they are, accidents.


"they need to put up more signs, etc.." no, we don't need signs to warn us of everything that could/might happen. IMHO the signs on the rear of the ship that warn people to not sit on the railing should be removed so we can weed out the gene pool a bit.


How about a big sign at the entrance to the ship "Caution, this ship moves and don't run with scissors".



I agree. Signs everywhere, warning us of the dangers inherent in just about everything we do. Let's destroy the beauty in our world everywhere we go with "warning signs" so that liability can be reduced. All about liability. It's just getting crazier and more ridiculous all the time.

Heaven forbid we should watch where we're going and understand that no matter what, accidents happen and sometimes we can get hurt without someone being blamed and forced to pay.


Have you ever seen the comedy bits about funny warnings on products you buy and use every day? It's hilarious and yet sad at the same time. All thanks to litigation.

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We left Port Canaveral on the above date. About 2-3 hrs later, I realized I had lost my SeaPass card in the casino. I went to the Deck 5 Customer Service Desk for a new one.


On my way back to my stateroom (deck 10), after leaving the Customer Service Desk on Deck 5 and heading to the elevators I attempted to walk across a 'bridge like wooden structure' that is between the elevators. This structure looks 'flat', but it actually has a slight curvature to it. (up-across-down) (See picture in link) This curvature makes the crossing quite dangerous. It is very easy to slip, trip or fall. That is exactly what I did. The next thing I knew, I was on my back in extreme pain and couldn't get up. The crew members could not get me into a wheel chair and had to call for a stretcher.


Through x-rays in the infirmary, they found out my left shoulder was severly dislocated and there was a fracture in the bone. Thankfully the ship's doctor was able to get it back into place, put me in a sling and give me pain medication. Naturally me and my husband's long awaited cruise was ruined.


The main reason I'm posting this is to find out if anyone either on that trip or at any time have had a problem with this area on the ship. Everyone that saw my arm in a sling asked about it and after hearing what happened, most of them knew the area I was talking about and had some kind of uncomfortable experience with it.


I would appreciate any comments that any of you might have about this area, be they pro or con.


Happy and SAFE Crusing!

Linda ( Lsolo33166@aol.com )



I'm sorry, I've read your post and looked at the pictures, and I truly don't understand how something with a "slight curvature to it" can be "quite dangerous." I just don't see it, but even so, I'm sorry you were hurt. I recently fell and broke my wrist while walking by a monument in Europe-the surface on which I was walking suddenly suddenly slopes downward on one side of the pavement, while the other side continues on at the same elevation.There is no warning sign, but if you are watching where you are going, you can make a choice and continue on your way. I was too involved in looking at the beautiful monument, didn't see it, and fell. But I just can't imagine that there must be blame assigned. I should have paid more attention to where I was going. As it was, I paid my medical bills and paid in other ways for my mistake. It's really okay to make a mistake. It doesn't hurt all that much to admit it, the world did not end. Even though I was injured there, I don't think my experience automatically merits a change in the physical environment, nor do I think a warning sign is mandated. I think people should just naturally expect to look where they are going as the world is not flat.

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I never thought the wooden walkway was an issue. I'm curious, did you slip because it was slippery, or because of the slight arch? Either way, sorry to hear about your misfortune.


The white stairway leading down to the theater....now that one seems dangerous.


I agree with THAT, Paul!

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Katiel53 and others:


.......just to let you all know, this is NOT about a law suit or any other thing, I told you I love RCCL and have had great experiences with the company and this did happen to me......I've very sure footed, athletic, and do not have a problem and NO , drinks were not involved, I just feel that as great as the ships are, they need to put up more signs, etc.... if there is something a little different if one is going to go across something... there should be some type of sign, etc.....


Katiel53, I have traveled a lot, but let this thing happen to YOU and I can assure you, you would be singing a different song, especially if it will effect the next 6 mos or year of your life......


I LOVE to cruise and it will be quite a while before my next cruise which I had hoped would be in the next 6 mos.


Happy and SAFE crusing to all, and thanks for all the comments!


I´m sorry this happened to you and it sucks to have this happen on vacation especially if it´s some lengthy painful recovery.

Anyway to me it sounds like an accident that happened and nothing on earth will ever prevent accidents.


If it was intended or not your initial post sounded to me like fishing for others to email you for a law suit.


I have to disagree with you about the signs. Actually it´s been proven already that all those signs have nothing to do with safety at all but only to cover for potential law suits.


People don´t pay attention to these signs anyway and the more signs are put up the less people tend to read them.


Walk along the outside decks of a ship and everywhere you will find those signs "Caution Deck is slippery when wet". Does that stop people from falling? No it doesn´t people still slip and fall.


Many people on this thread reported to slip and fall on stairs. Now should there be a sign at every staircase? "Caution stairs ahead"

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You can love RCI and still sue.


The lady who spilled hot coffee on herself because she was stupid also loved McDonalds, she still sued. Now she has a few million more reasons to love McDonalds.


Why is it that nobody wants to take responsibility anymore. Anything and everything that happens must be someone elses fault. In this thread a few people admitted of falling in various situations and they said "they acted clumsy". Why not you?


You need more signs to warn you on a cruise ship of a bridge?


You've been on the Explorer twice. Its the sister ship of the Mariner. You didn't realize in that location is a bridge?


I have been on the Navigator twice - sister ship. I know the bridge you are talking about. I did not see a problem, neither with incline, nor with the shape, nor with the color, width and height.


Sorry you got hurt but it is neither the fault of the cruise line, the designer of the Mariner or the bridge itself.



Gotta love the stubborn presumptions. Again, nowhere does it mention a lawsuit.

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I was on the Mariner last August and our cabin was also on Deck 10. I know EXACTLY where you're talking about and was quite nervous walking across that area, especially when wearing heels.


Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone. So sorry to hear about your fall.....

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Last May, we were travelling with a pregnant friend and she slipped on that very same spot. There was some spilt coffee (not from us) that probably contributed to her falling. Fortunately she was ok, but it's a little unnerving at 20 weeks pregnant taking a pretty good spill. The doctor checked her out the best he could and told her to watch for cramping, etc... The ship paid for the dr's visit and the drycleaning of her clothes that were soaked with the coffee.

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Last May, we were travelling with a pregnant friend and she slipped on that very same spot. There was some spilt coffee (not from us) that probably contributed to her falling. Fortunately she was ok, but it's a little unnerving at 20 weeks pregnant taking a pretty good spill. The doctor checked her out the best he could and told her to watch for cramping, etc... The ship paid for the dr's visit and the drycleaning of her clothes that were soaked with the coffee.


This sounds like it was a wet floor problem more than her inability to navigate a slight incline/decline. Falls happen all the time on flat ground when water is on a smooth surface.


Glad she was okay, though. Pregnant women are actually a lot more resilient than we realize. A friend of mine played soccer up until her 7th month (never told anyone, didn't look pregnant), and that is one rough game with lots of falls. Of course, it is on grass, not on marble.

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.....thanks for your comment, I was very lucky with the ship's doctor..My husband said it took them '2' times to set it correctly (I was out), we were back home on Sunday and I was at my Orthopedic Surgeon's office the next day and his x-rays showed it was back in correctly and the fracture set correctly, so I can only hope that all will continue to heal correctly. I go every 2 weeks for x-rays and check-up and after it heals in about 6-8 wks, I will begin extensive physical therapy. Probably will be about a year before I'll be somewhat normal again...

I appreciate all the 'pro and con' comments from everyone, but let this happen to a few of these people and they would be 'singing a different song'.


Thanks again for your concern Aloha43.....Have a great day!

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