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Sending you all good wishes for a speedy recovery so you can get those dancing shoes back on.

What a great hubby you have to take over the posting for you.


Hope you both start enjoying your cruise again very soon

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Hi Sanda and Dave,

I have so enjoyed reading your review thus far, thank you so much for sharing your wonderful cruise with us all.

I am so sorry to hear that you have norovirus Sandra, I really do feel for you.

It does make one think about how easy this can happen when on a cruise, and I imagine it must be terrible for you both. May your cruising health be restored soon:)


Big hug,


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Hi Dave,


thank you for posting and give Sandra well wishes for me. I just logged on this morning and was taken back to hear about her norovirus.


Please pass on a thank you for Sandra on giving me a tip on the hydrofoils. Now, I have put that idea out of my mind for next year's cruise. So sorry to hear about short the stay at Vung Tau. Saigon is an interesting city to explore as well.


Once Sandra is back on her feet, the cruise will be back to the exciting and wonderful cruise as it is.


Best wishes,


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Hi all....

so very appreciateive of all your good wishes, thanks to each and every one of you. Thanks for the goodie basket Geoff!!:D


We...where was I......we were approaching Ho Chi Minh, we had dinner, and I just started violently being sick..(and the other end too):eek: ...so violent, I have never had a gastro like that..and I hope it never visits me again ....:mad:


This lasted all night, about 8 or 9 hours, the 2 Dr's came, gave me pills, took BP, pulse, temp...very very nice they were too, must have been rushed off their feet poor things. There have been a LOT of cases, seems to have slowed now, they are doing all they can as usual, sanitizing everything..all the time....they have done a wonderful job under difficult circumstances, and we wrote to the Capt. commending the staff...they have been fab!!!


Then the nurses rang every few hours to check how I was, and room service kept ringing to see what they could bring me.....very thoughtful.

Anyway, I was cleared at 6 am this morning, and flew up to the deck, boy did I miss the fresh air.


Anyway, we ended up not docking in Vietnam after all...there were the old tenders, and it was a long haul up and back to HCM as dave has told you. he brought back 4 lovely lacquerware pots for me from there, and a few DVD's 80 cents USD. Pots...$2 and $4.


We docked in Cambodia this morning at 6 am...straight off onto the complimentary buses into town, I did pop in, but have come back as I am feeling drained today..Dave however, bless his lil heart has trotted back in there in search of more beer...yes, we can bring it on at ports! He will see if there are other goodies at the market too.


This is a pretty spot, lovely beaches as we passed on the way in, but a very run down town centre, the people seemed very nice too. Tuk tuks for hire quite cheap, also a few tours available...not too expensive. They say there is a huge casino and resort coming here, this will open the area up to a lot more tourism, of course. The port was very organized, all air conditioned buses waiting in line..very nice. The marKet is supposed to be good, Dave will let me know when he returns. Still..we have Thailand and Ko Samui coming up...I shall be raring to go!!! The town is 15 mins by bus to the ship.


This is a great cruise, the virus is of no consequence..this could happen at home, or anywhere - what can I say...a good way to lose 4 or 5 pounds in a hurry???:eek:


Not many pax onboard at the moment, very quiet here in the internet. We shall spend this afternoon up at the pool, Dave has taken to swimming now the hot weather has hit..I just lay about with a fizz and listen to the music.


Tried a pina colada too the other night, it was huge..like a bucket...LOL...and very addictive too!! delicious.


OK..that's it for today... will report in tomorrow....thanks again to everyone...


Love to my girls..

Hugs to narelle, wendy, deucefarmers....




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Glad to hear you are upright & nearly back to 100%, & to hear that this little interuption hasn't taken the shine off your enjoyment.

Did you find you needed warmer clothes for the first day or two?



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Hi Sandra and Dave


New to this and following closely in particular it is so nice to hear good things about Sun Princess ..


You certainly have the right attitude ....


My wife and I are travelling S909/910 next April SYD/Fremantle back to back then South Africa cruise...


Kepp enjoying and will be following your journey

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Hello to the both of you!

So glad you are up on deck again, sounded like you had a real rough time Sandra. Good to know the staff on board, doctors etc were very concerned, reassuring!

Enjoying the thread guys, feel as if we are there with you, take care!:)

Tim & Wendy

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Hi there everyone,


Just docked in Bangkok (Laem Chabeng)...lovely clear sunny hot day, should be a great experience for everyone. Firstly....to answer the questions..we found we needed long sleeve t's for a day or 2, since then, very hot..so woo hoo. No idea how many were sick, but they seem to be getting it under control, and doing a fine job!


We have a confirmed case of official LAUNDRY RAGE folks...yes, one of our group saw a cat fight in the laundry resulting in a physical set to and scratching!....who would think a pile of clothes would be worth all that effort:D


Yesterday in Cambodia, Peter (Ros)...went to the town with a few $$ and decided to give the Marlin Bar a go for a few beers, Ros came back to the ship. This is a popular spot with the crew also. Ex Pat Oz owners. They made him VERY welcome to say the least.....after running out of money for beer...they continued to spoil him just a tad, and kept the beverages flowing for the rest of the afternoon for no charge...a very friendly bunch!...then they gave him a special Kh'mer Rouge (spelling)??...scarf, ...by this time he had missed the LAST bus, they then sped off with peter and the scarf flying..back to the ship, where they deposited him just in time for the gangway to be pulled away!!...a wonderful day for Pete.


We are just about the grab some brekky..yum...and head to the seaside town of pattaya in a taxi with Vera and Ian for a wee shopping fest....look out vendors..this gal has been locked up for nearly 3 days and is hankering for a little bartering!


Stay tuned for more...



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Reading Sandra's thread about Noro on SP, worried me, as we are due to board SP on 26 June. Anyway, it is all about hygiene, washing hands as we know. Little story..after I retired from the suit of blue, I took on a part time job as security officer for a large 500 person retirement village/nursing home in southern Sydney. First thing I was told was 'You can pick up a lot of germs here, wash your hands after touching anything, rails, furniture, doors etc.

Even wear latex gloves.' Which I did inside. I caught no germs, bugs, diseases or norovirus.!:p


It is unfortunate to relate that to cruising but a lot of people on cruises do not wash their hands post toilet, pre food, nasty thing to say, but you know what I mean. :mad:


ANYWAY, enough of that..good to see Princess stll allow a few BYO beers as well as vino. Sandra and Dave, enjoy the rest of your cruise.


Stop press: just read your latest post Sandra, good to see you about, Laundry rage..had to happen, you have to get to Elite soon, use the free laundry service. ! Like we will.



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Hi Sandra and Dave thoroughly enjoying the daily posts.....good hear you're better now ..... wow cat fight in the laundry...what some people will do for entertainment....:D:D:D:D have a great day cheers shiona and john



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:D So glad you're up and around and ready to go! Hope the rest of your cruise is illness free for both of you and your friends!:)


And even though you must have had cabin fever after your enforced confinement - great to see it hasn't affected your wonderful, positive attitude!


Looking forward to the next installment!!:D

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OOh - OOh - OOh!!!!!!!!....what a fab day....met Vera and ian for brekky. and yes...appetite is back now...:eek:


Disembarked at the dock, loads of buses waiting for pax to take them on the excursions, very nice modern air cond buses, and we grabbed a mini van at the teminal to take us to Pattaya for the day. Must say the terminal is great, with a very well priced shop/market inside, lots of goodies there!


What a great deal...$10 each for the van RETURN- up to 10 pax...we had 7. ...Lovely new van, air cond...took about 30 mins up to the town. Dropped off at the wonderful Marriott...picked up after about 4 hours. We wandered, shopped, shopped and shopped...hee hee....got lovely pj's for the grandbubbas, great oriental dress shirts for Dave...Dvds here were $3 each, we did not get any today, will look tomorrow in Ko Samui.


Saw Jeff, Annette, Steve, Dot - who were all having a good pampering and some massage and beauty treatments there in Pattaya...looked like a great time!


Lots of great shopping in Pattaya, similar pricing to Bangkok last trip...nice seaside location, loads of girlie bars and girlies everywhere!...;) ...real holiday destination. We had a lovely day here, there are a few large malls and loads of small shops etc everywhere. Small winding streets full of bars, stores, stalls - everywhere you look.


After about 3 hrs we went back to the Marriott...HIGHLY RECOMMEND this one....looked around the hotel and the glorious pool and garden areas. Sat outside on the Elephant Bar terrace, surrounded by tropical palms, smooth jazz music, pools, waterfalls etc, just fabulous, we ordered lunch for 2 .... and drinks included was less than $30..and we just had a great time sitting there...teak tables and high back chairs with huge thick cushions.


Vera said it was the best iced coffee she had ever had. Dave loved it all including the half of mine I couldn't finish - as is usual!!!:rolleyes:


Got picked up and taken straight back to ship..very quick journey. Good shopping destination, and we are looking forward to doing it all again tomorrow at Ko Samui..will let you know how we go there in the next post.


Off to din dins tonight to drink the wine from the Captain, he also sent us flowers (HUGE)...we had sent a letter when I was sick, saying we had wonderful care from the medical staff and everyone on the ship, and how happy we were...... we were touched by his gesture.


'til tomorrow..


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HI Sandra, Hi Dave,

Love your posts. We did many of the ports you are visiting on the Gemini last year and right now we are 142 days from the SP to Tahiti in October. A question please. Has the coffee improved? Some time ago there were many comments about the "lousy coffee on the SP" Any change?


Best wishes

Frank & Mary

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Hello you two,

We haven't met but we have enjoyed watching you two hit the dance floor on the Star and the Diamond!

Great to see your posts. I have been lurking here as my friend is aboard with you. She is a lovely girl from Darwin (Kylie) who is sailing with her mum and grandmother. So I was pleased to see your posts when checking the boards. Seems like you are having a good time despite a setback with the dreaded Noro! Good to see you battling on in true South Aussie style!

How does the Sun compare to the Star and Diamond? We are setting sail on the Dawn in August next year and I believe she is a sister ship to the Sun. Can't wait! (Must email you one day, if you don't mind re bookings!)

Hope to meet up on board in the future! Meg

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Hi All.....and thanks Meg....email me when we get home!!!


It is past midnight...it is hot, humid, still and calm seas, a lovely night, a lot of lightening everywhere, and very bright outside! The seas have been like glass the whole way really...very lucky!


A wonderful day on Ko Samui...we docked sand had to tender over about 20 mins to the buses which were waiting once again...very organised too...they took people on the tours and to the other side of the island to shop or swim.


We had all waited in the theatre until the groups were called, as per usual, a few irate pax always complaining...we had a short wait of about 20 mins for the call to board the tenders. Left ship about 9.15 am..Journey to Chaweng from dock about 30 mins by mini cab...air conditioned once again.


Water available as you leave the ship..always a good thing.


We went to Chaweng Beach area, some nice hotels along there, we just wandered and shopped a little, had a coffee there, got yet more DVDs...now these were $3 each..and some playstation games x box were $12 for newest games..playstation $3. There are a lot of little shops there, lovely beaches for snorkelling and swimming. There were massages available on the beach for a few $$..a lot of pax had them, a few girls got their nails done cheaply too.....lots of beauty parlours there. Many t shirt/shoe/bag type shops all along this area. A nice place to visit.


We got back to the ship about 3.30pm, it had been a lovely spot to visit. Pattaya had better shops, Ko Samui is a beautiful place though, lots of lovely scenery.


Saw some "tender rage" on our tender boat, a very bossy lady caused a slight upset....isn't there always one????:eek:


It was a VERY hot humid day, the crew were waiting at the dock as we returned, they had cold water, cold towels for us, and were very nice in the heat..poor things...they work so hard.


Anyway..we came back, had coffee with some of our CC friends, had a snack...yes...another one!!!!...and had a short nap before we headed up to the pizzeria for tea, then off to dancing..


.....as we ate our pizza...we encountered yet more "rage."...this time of the "pizzeria variety"....we were having a nice meal, and an elderly gent was at the next table, raising his voice for some time at his poor wife, and generally being a beast.....anyway....maybe it's the extreme heat....but some people just have no manners.... we had to try not to laugh!!!!!



We had a lovely evening dancing to the trio in the wheelhouse, and popped out in between...to do the music trivia...(yes, we won again)...hee hee...lucky fluke more like....... anyway....then we returned to the dancing with Al and Nancy and John and have finished the night off by popping in here to do the daily report.


Formal night tomorrow, and the Captains cocktail party...should be fun..fun..fun...


The virus seems to be abating, all seems well, still a wonderful cruise, having a ball....



until tomorrow night...



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