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Woman missing on the Pearl


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It was a bit weird hearing about it from outside sources when everything was business as usual on board. I think NCL decided not to ruin the cruise for everyone else but a little heads up would have maybe put some of the rumors to rest. Even so, it was a fantastic vacation.

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If I was traveling with my family and one of them committed suicide, I wouldn't want an announcement to be made to the whole ship but if it was questionnable then yes, I would want help. There's is a lot of unknown here, not a lot has been disclosed, and it WON'T BE.

Privacy is important for them at this time.

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Well, if I were onboard and this happened, I would want to be informed by NCL, not CNN. It would have been appropriate to send out a notification letter before the news broke on national TV.





Why ? Is it the simple desire for information ?


There was nothing to gain by telling all the pax on board. She had already been in the water 9.5 hours

based on the tape of her going in and the husband making the call. How is this woman and her family going to be aided by 2000 pax asking a million questions.

The lesser of two evils is to keep it as quite as possible and let people go on with their cruise. I dont feel anyone is "entitled " to an explanation unless their trip is some how altered or they are in danger .

just my 2.



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i am mixed on whether passengers should be informed or not. some people just can't handle that type of information. if someone else is depressed or has mental problems...learning a fellow passengers is missing, overboard, could be mental overload. plus some kids could take it very hard, not understanding what happened and then worrying it could happen to them or their family.

it's a touchy situation. it should not be a subject for ship gossip..the gossip gets in the way of the real investigation. either way, it's a no-win for everyone.

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To the people who think NCL made the wrong decision in not alerting all the PAX to this situation, I ask you, do you honestly think NCL doesn't have procedures in place that have been thoroughly researched in case this type of tragedy happens? It's not like the higher-ups are acting like the 3 stooges and making it up as they go along.

I don't think any of the posters here have said this, but I'm surprised at some of the responses of PAX from this sailing blaming NCL for their decisions.

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I'm sure they will, its just a lot of video records to go through. In time I'm sure they will make some announcement.




"The husband, identified as Ray Seitz of central Florida, had reported his wife missing around 4 a.m. Friday, eight hours after the camera recorded the image of the woman identified as his wife, 36-year-old Jennifer Seitz. No announcement was ever made to other passengers, and the ship continued on its way as if nothing had happened, according to Jim and Suzanne Nestor, who talked about the incident with TODAY’s Lester Holt Monday in New York."

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SOME people sure do enjoy speculating (despite a complete absence of any factual information) and relish the resulting press they obtain -- http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/28419077/?GT1=43001


The couple in this article are really .... um..... well, words just fail me. What sleazy, nasty insinuations they've made. And here I thought some of the quadruple hearsay folks have posted on this thread was bad -- the media is quoting these individuals like they actually have valuable or accurate information to share!

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If I was traveling with my family and one of them committed suicide, I wouldn't want an announcement to be made to the whole ship but if it was questionnable then yes, I would want help. There's is a lot of unknown here, not a lot has been disclosed, and it WON'T BE.

Privacy is important for them at this time.


I agree!

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When reading the article from the link I noticed this statement:

" close friend of the family said Seitz and her husband lived with her mother in a home on Knotty Pine Drive (see map) . Seitz's mother rushed to Miami as soon as she was notified",

so, it appears the other woman on the ship was NOT her mother...perhaps it was an older sister?

...That would be his mother...not her's. Her mothers last name is Ellis

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My son worked on Carnival and he said there were several times the crew had to do searches for people and they would turn out to be because the one being searched for was in a room not belonging to them let's just say.;) I probably would not be a happy cruiser if I got the annoucement blared into my room during the night and then find out the person was having a good time. In this case, the whole truth is not coming out. The husband and mother were in the room at some point and there has to be some responsibility for them not realizing she was missing.


We all would like to be informed of what is going on around us but then if our cruise is interrupted for any reason, we whine. I know my son has told me about several medical emergencies that diverted the ship and one caused a near riot. So, as far as NCL not informing anyone, I think the cruise lines have determined what everyone should or should not know to cause the least amount of disruption and other than the cabins surrounding them, what would anyone else know.

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Does anybody really believe that a shipwide announcement by the Captain would have put a stop to all the rumors? The announcement, if made, would only have stated the bare-bones facts of the case (woman overboard, investigation has begun). Unfortunately, immediately after an announcement, hundreds of people would begin asking questions that had no immediate answer or had no relevance to the investigation but definitely would interfere with the ongoing investigation by being a major distraction. Some people would still speculate and spread rumors since they wouldn't have ALL the facts that they felt entitled to. Sorry, I just don't think an announcement was necessary or would have been helpful.

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I think it is safe to assume that this issue has been discussed amongst cruise line execs, travel experts and police agencies to decide the best course of action. Regrettably what happened on the Pearl wasn't the first time such a thing has happened, nor is it likely to be the last. Clearly an industry wide protocol is in place. I expect that all of the pro & cons of telling passengers were considered.


I expect different protocols exist for different scenarios, including when and when not to turn a ship around, when to tell passengers and how much detail they are to be told.


Personally I do not think that passengers have a right to know anything about a ship board incident UNLESS their safety is at risk, it involves a change in itinerary etc. I don't think I have a particular right to know that the poor soul in the cabin next to me died in his sleep, or choked on an olive at the bar, fell down a flight of stairs, or fell overboard etc. It is different if it is immediately obvious it was homicide and the culprit is still at large on the ship. That is a risk to other passengers.


It would seem that an immediate and intial assessment of the known facts would be made by on board security to assess any video evidence, witnesses etc. It may well be that the video was watched, and it was obvious that the only person in the cabin at the time was the woman who fell. Other cameras on board could easily confirm when the husband and any other travelling companions went into the cabin and left the cabin. Furthermore, cameras would be able to be viewed to verify where the husband and travelling companions were at various times in the evening. I would expect that should there be any issue that more than one person was in the cabin at the time she went overboard that other person would be kept under observation and away from other passengers until police could speak with them.


I think its human nature to want to know, we are all naturally curious but that curiosity doesn't mean a right to know the details involving other passengers.

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SOME people sure do enjoy speculating (despite a complete absence of any factual information) and relish the resulting press they obtain -- http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/28419077/?GT1=43001


The couple in this article are really .... um..... well, words just fail me. What sleazy, nasty insinuations they've made. And here I thought some of the quadruple hearsay folks have posted on this thread was bad -- the media is quoting these individuals like they actually have valuable or accurate information to share!


Totally disagree... My friend was on that ship and those folks did interact with the couple... why would u discount what he is saying? Also, she said she felt something amiss about his behavior after the fact...Like there was no remorse/ cold and the mom acted weird after the fact.. and so did a few others report the same thing....


I really think there is more than this than just a straight forward suicide... but we'll have to wait for the FBI:)

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Totally disagree... My friend was on that ship and those folks did interact with the couple... why would u discount what he is saying? Also, she said she felt something amiss about his behavior after the fact...Like there was no remorse/ cold and the mom acted weird after the fact.. and so did a few others report the same thing....

Here's my problem - very few people know what the husband and mother are going through right now (emotionally, that is). You have to be in the exact same situation to be able to know and not many people (percentage-wise) have lost a loved one on a cruise. Who is anyone to judge how they should act? Some people cry at funerals; others are stoic. Neither is wrong. Besides, why should there be remorse if he didn't do anything wrong?

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Totally disagree... My friend was on that ship and those folks did interact with the couple... why would u discount what he is saying? Also, she said she felt something amiss about his behavior after the fact...Like there was no remorse/ cold and the mom acted weird after the fact.. and so did a few others report the same thing....


I really think there is more than this than just a straight forward suicide... but we'll have to wait for the FBI:)


I'd discount it because they are basing it on the few minutes they were fellow contestants in a game show and a casino sighting at a time when pretty much anyone would be in shock? And they have ginned that up into an entire Lester Holt TV interview full of innuendo?


I don't understand their use of the word "remorse" --I'm hoping they just don't understand what that word means, and intended to say "sadness" or "regret" -- not "culpability" and "guilt" as they implied)


The latest AP report says the FBI is trying to determine if a crime occurred -- I imagine within a day we'll have the verdict of the professionals on it.

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I can assure you if my hubby was over board I would not be going gambling "to change my luck". I guess for you that's ok..


So not to be judgemental but there are human responses to death of loved ones.. I guess you think Caylees mom reacted "right' to her death... let's not judge her for partying after her child goes misssing...not telling anyone for a month she is even missing.............


Get real.............................:rolleyes:

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So I asked my husband last night....if I were "missing", how long would he wait until he started looking for me. The only reason we could see us being apart on vacation was for one of us to run down to get us some soda's or if I wanted to check out of photos, which he doesnt like to do. There was a cruise where he got very sun burned and stayed in the cabin all during the day and I laid by the pool, but that is unusual for us. We agreed that if I said I was just running to check photos, he would get concerned after 30 minutes. Im glad of that.


One time, I was feeling a bit sea sick, so I went out on the balcony at 5am, but I woke him up first to tell him so he wouldnt worry. I guess I find it odd to be apart on vacation. Its probably because we work so much and dont get alot of time together normally, so we spend every second of our vacation together.


Im just sick over Jennifer being missing since 8pm and he doesnt think it odd until 5am especially if she wasnt with her mom. So she was in the cabin and they (mom and hubby) around the ship somewhere. Maybe they were at dinner and she said she didnt feel well so was alone in the cabin. But if that were the case...when mom and hubby came back, why didnt they find it odd she was gone.


Thats another thing we dont do. If I run to look at photos...he has to stay put until I get back so we know where eachother is at all times. I would be worried sick if i came back from a quick visit to the photo gallery and he wasnt in the room. Call it being paranoid, I call it love!:D



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I agree with others, that we should not speculate too much as to the cause of the disappearance until more facts become known.


However, if she did kill herself I would like to remind everyone that there is pretty strong evidence that there is a biological predisposition for depression (runs in families, lower amounts of the neurotransmitters norepinephrine and seratonin, and changes in brain function). When these combine with stress the chances of major depressive disorder increases significantly.



In addition, despair drives some people to suicide, and the risk is greatest when their energy returns as the depression begins to lift. Thus, people are more likely to kill themselves during times when they may appear to their families and friends as if they are getting better.


Also, between the temporary blue moods we all experience and the crushing impact of major depression is a condition called dysthymic disorder—a down-in-the-dumps mood that fills most of the day, nearly every day, for two years or more. Although less disabled than people with major depressions, those with dysthymic disorder tend to experience chronic low energy and self-esteem, have difficulty concentrating or making decisions, and sleep and eat too much or too little. Imagine feeling like this for two years or more. Suicide may be perceived as a way out of a never-ending sadness.




OK, lecture done. I just think it is important to educate people as to the seriousness of depression and dysthymic disorder so that if they, or someone they love, experiences these illness they will seek out the medical care that they need.


My thoughts are with her suffering family at this time.

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Amazing how when something like this happens everyone on the ship becomes experts at reading the emotions and minds of others. In any accident investigation, the most unreliable source of information/evidence is from human beings (what they remembered, what they saw, what they thought, etc.) Acutally, in a perfect world, the cruiseline would have done just the opposite of telling people and shut off the news feeds, phone/cell phone access, etc. so anyone interviewed would not have been contaminated. However, that is just not possible.


Soon, they will piece things together from the hard evidence such as video surveillance and we will know.


My Mother in Law frequently travels on the same cruises as us. Even if she were in the same cabin, she would not always know where we were and vise-versa. That is because she would be in front of a slot machine in the casino about 22 hours a day:)


The last thing I would want to hear about on a cruise is something I could do absolsutely nothing about. I work for a large company, and they don't tell us every single move they are going to make before we hear it on the news, though ones directly affecting us, they tell us as soon as legally possible before it hits the news. Next thing you know, those who were onboard or were even somehow aware of it somewhere in the world will be claiming they are owed an on-board credit or free cruise from NCL....


As always, thanks for the links Derf!:)

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My neighbor committed suicide in his home about 4 years ago...I was not notified,informed, questioned, memo'd or ever asked my personal opinion about it..The neighborhood found out when everyone else did,the next day in the paper..


The couple on TV also state.."No,that did not talk to or question any of the paz" How on earth would she know that...I am quite sure the near-by cabins were question as authorities saw fit...

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I can assure you if my hubby was over board I would not be going gambling "to change my luck". I guess for you that's ok..


So not to be judgemental but there are human responses to death of loved ones.. I guess you think Caylees mom reacted "right' to her death... let's not judge her for partying after her child goes misssing...not telling anyone for a month she is even missing.............


Get real.............................:rolleyes:


"Not to be judgmental?" Really? I guess you feel that way unless it's YOU judging ME for saying that the retired state trooper who found himself in the middle of a "real murder mystery" might have overstated the case and been enjoying the publicity?


We'll see what the FBI says. For the record, on the case last Mother's Day on the Dawn, my "spidey sense" was tingling and was 100% WRONG. People do strange things under stress, and it's a good thing we have professionals who can use evidence to form conclusions now -- and don't have to rely on so-called "witnesses" like the ones in the Today interview.

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I can assure you if my hubby was over board I would not be going gambling "to change my luck". I guess for you that's ok..


So not to be judgemental but there are human responses to death of loved ones.. I guess you think Caylees mom reacted "right' to her death... let's not judge her for partying after her child goes misssing...not telling anyone for a month she is even missing.............


Get real.............................:rolleyes:


I am with you-if it was my husband or child that went overboard, I would have to be sedated because I would be hysterical-not heading to a casino. But I guess we all deal with grief differently.

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Sorry.I posted this on another thread..Forgot it was not the main thread..


Anyway..Whats the deal with the video.I saw it very quickly....But it seemed enough to me that upon review,and some minor enhancement..It should be clear what happend??

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