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Royal Champions


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Totally aside, I wanted to refresh my memory regarding a few of the RC's here by going to the mega fuel surcharge thread. At least 2 of the RC's were with us on that fight, saying something about their objectivity, IMO -- but I had the vague recollection that some others were pretty ugly. Well, I had forgotten that the 4,000 post thread had been deleted before we were finally able to declare victory -- DELETED. Locking a thread is one thing -- it stays in the archives. Some of the more tangentially related threads that still exist, did, however, adequately refresh my memory for a couple of the RC's I thought I remembered from that time. What popped into my thoughts was that this PR program was started just before the announcement of the fuel charge debacle and the ensuing fight, if I have my dates correct -- was that a coincidence?


Actually, what I said repeatedly on the fuel surcharge threads is that RCCL would discontinue it when they could; they had already set that precedent in the 1970's. No one believed me. You know the rest.

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If you were going to contact a group of people by email, would you rely on nformation collected over a period of time during which they might have moved and/or changed their email address? Even if they signed up for a M&M within the last couple months, that could be true.


I doubt it. You would go to someone you knew to have the current email addresses of everyone you wanted to contact.


What say you?


I say you correct!

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I’ve been on CC for a year, maybe two. From the very beginning I noticed the many unusual acronyms and nicknames used here. When I first saw the Royal Champion designation in the signatures, I asked them what it meant. Some of the very harsh critics in this thread have been on CC much longer than me. Why didn’t you ever ask what it was? I can’t be the only person who asked.


I don’t understand why there is so much animosity toward them. The RCs have always been very upfront. Not only are they seasoned cruisers, but they’ve been on the boards for awhile and I find them very knowledgeable. I think many are missing the point that these posters were “Royal Champions” long before anyone at RCI thought of the marketing campaign. It has been explained over and over in this tread how it came about.


There are cheerleaders on these boards; in fact every sub forum has them. Most of the RCs aren’t very good cheerleaders, Many have been highly critical and vocal about some of RCI’s decisions, such as the Chops Steak in the MDR, the new ad campaign, the Oasis of the Seas, the reserved seating by the pool, etc. And many are not “loyal” to RCI, they sail all the lines.


I find nastiness on message boards prevalent throughout the Internet. People will attack in this type of forum, but they would never confront someone in person or sign the attack with their name. There are many posters in this thread and in the previous ones who I have never seen before. I also find it odd when you have no RCI cruises listed in your signature line, yet you feel you have been maligned by the Royal Champions.


I’ve learned a lot on CC and generally enjoy reading it. I read every post with a critical eye- I look at who wrote it, how many posts they have, their CC tenure, where they are from, their affinity status. I don’t have any problem with Royal Champions or the program. I’m amazed that some people are so jealous over this “status.” I am also very sorry that the RCs have been attacked on here.


Thank you, Steve.

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thanks. The reason I asked about the thread that supposedly existed wherein this was all discussed by prospective RC's was that I was trying to determine how evident that thread was to cc'ers -- evidently not too evident, even to prospective RC's, but then, I understand there were two waves of selections. Were you in the first wave or the second, may I ask? ShirleyPM, for instance, speaks of only recently being invited, I believe.


Let me reiterate what others have said -- the focus is not to impugn the character of any RC's, rather, there is a concern about an appearance of impropriety by a board that purports to be non-affiliated that we are trying to examine.


I was in the second wave.

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Oh you gals! I'm so sorry to hear about Rick, Peggy. I hope everything is OK. Congrats on getting an invite to the one night. We're just jealous. :D:):D


And congratulations Colleen & Doug on 25 years of marriage. I hope we get to sail on Mariner soon too. But I don't know when it will be, we already have 3 weeks of vacations booked this year...it's that work interfering with vacation thing again. Have a great cruise!


And one of these years Peggy!



Patti :)


Hi, Patti!!


Rick's doing better (slowly). He had a benign polyp removed from his colon, but they pretend they are cancerous and do the same surgery as if they were. His belly looks like an intersection!! He had reactions after the surgery, and instead of being in for 4 - 5 days, he was there for 9 days. Instead of losing 15 lbs, he lost 30 lbs!


We are on the Constellation and then the Majesty starting on 3/27 for our 40th wedding anniversary!!! Thanks for asking.


I'm looking at TAs for next year, how about you?

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Got it. I don't dare publish my e-mail address online, it has my full name in it.


Oh and I see you are friends with JC. For some reason he always goes after me and tries to rile me up. But I am sure he will be so jealous to see that we are friends. Just kidding JC....see I do have a sense of humor.


that's why we have 5 addresses.

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So now that this has been hashed and re-hashed and the posting rules are clear...again, we can post threads on these subjects, right??? Because that's where some of the distrust comes from. People were curious, wanted answers, started a thread trusting that they could get answers here and POOF. Quicker than you could blink they all disappeared one right after the other. That's where the "Hey... wait a minute... what's going on here" got started.


Oh yeah...we have all been guilty of not communicating to each other very well in the last couple days. Having your post go poof seconds after posting when you are careful to follow all rules was not fun.


Anyway, looks like this sticky helped, once we were actually allowed to communicate civilly to each other about this subject, I think we all came together with a better understandng of each others thoughts/feelings, etc.


NOBODY should ever personally attack anyone on these boards, period. Learn it, love it, live it!!!!


Thank you Laura S. for your excerpt of the interview (I won't quote it here, too long) and your explanation of CC's involvement with the RC program. Now it looks like this drama may just die down.


So I gotta ask.........Where is my invitation to the Oasis pre-inaugural????????????


Happy sailing folks,


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Thanks for the reply. It is interesting-so, the original contact was CC. Ok.

But, hopefully not starting a different round- what is a Diamond Plus? Isn't that recognition that you have sailed X number of cruises? (Oh please let it be that- please! I hope I hope I hope!)


"What we did then with the various communities was, in respect for peoples’ privacy, ask community managers if they’d mind asking the posters and bloggers that were discovered by Nielsen Buzz Metrics if we could contact them."

So why was this RC taken back by all the personal info that Laura asked in that email -- an email that simply asks if RCCL can contact them, wouldn't have that, imo. Heck, I would think the email from CC would just say, if you want to participate in a new program blah, blah, contact xyz at this RCCL email.

This fellow also says that the RC's didn't come just from CC by a long shot -- well, not such a long shot since 40 of the 50 did. (words aren't exact as can't scroll back, but meaning the same).

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"What we did then with the various communities was, in respect for peoples’ privacy, ask community managers if they’d mind asking the posters and bloggers that were discovered by Nielsen Buzz Metrics if we could contact them."

So why was this RC taken back by all the personal info that Laura asked in that email -- an email that simply asks if RCCL can contact them, wouldn't have that, imo. Heck, I would think the email from CC would just say, if you want to participate in a new program blah, blah, contact xyz at this RCCL email.

This fellow also says that the RC's didn't come just from CC by a long shot -- well, not such a long shot since 40 of the 50 did. (words aren't exact as can't scroll back, but meaning the same).


Still a lot of very fuzzy areas I agree. Can you say spin?

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What say you, RC's? Who helped with the new ad campaign, Nation of Whatever? Who helped with RCCL's own cruise forum blog set up? The only things that we have learned that you have been involved with is writing your opinions of RCCL, and attending an "event" but Hayden says you have been doing far more. True, or not? If I read some of these posts correctly, some of you seem to say you have had only one email contact, the intital one, since about last summer. I judge a person's veracity by what can independently be verified, and the RC's are the independents here for purposes of verification. Responses to Hayden's list of what you are doing for RCCL, or have been invited to do for them?

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Oh, full time from Galveston? YES, we would support that. Our recent Voyager cruise from Galveston was outstanding, as was our two days pre-cruise in Galveston!

Rick and Deirdra


Glad you enjoyed our neck of the woods (Texas). I asked Adam Goldstein a couple weeks ago about plans for a year round placement in Galveston, even offering up my thoughts about what two ships may be good for the job and was told it is not presently in the cards.


If you really like Galveston, come down for a week or two and help with relief efforts...If you need help figuring out how to help email me from my profile and I can help get you in touch with the right folks.

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Still a lot of very fuzzy areas I agree. Can you say spin?



"It’s important to note that when travel is involved, Royal Champions pay their own costs for transportation and hotel."

I think Hayden has been reading too many posts here!

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Actually, I think the sequence of events was RCCL monitoring the boards, asking Laura to contact people, she does and requests permission to give them our name and email addy, they contact us for whatever. For me it was Rachel Hancock's one night invite on the Mariner; docked overnight with dinner. We had to cancel because my hubby had surgery and was still in the hospital.


My email invite was not even signed. I had not a clue who sent it?

It told me to go to a site and fill in my name and information if I wanted to attend. And a guests name. I took my husband of course.

Then it said to wait for a confirmation email.

That name you just posted is the person who I heard others on board say they were invited by. That is who I was told to send a Thank you to when I asked on here after I got back.

There were many people on board that ship who are Cruise Critics on here and who were invited that are not Royal Champions.

They could not figure out how they got an invite either.

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If you read my post c a r e f u l l y, you will see that I n e v e r said you were Royal Champions before you got your 2-day free cruise from the marketing company. Were you a RC when you got the VIP invite to NYC?


Isn't that funny... "the free cruise was not compensation".


To me, compensation is something I get in exchange for doing something and I know up front that it's going to happen. Sure, RCI had a motive for inviting me, which I know more about now than I did 2 years ago. But to call it compensation implies (or I infer from it) that I said the things I did in anticipation of payment. I did not.


Yes, I was an RC when I got the NYC invite. It never even occurred to me to spend the money/points/time to fly there from LA, book a hotel and spend a couple of hours being teased with a portion of the Oasis unveiling. Others were honored to have been invited. I'm a cynical ingrate, I guess.


As of now, have not received a nickle in payment from anyone.

Oh, one more thing. Can we all learn how to spell "JUDGMENT"?

Rick and Deirdra


Or nickel?:p sorry I know that was agains the guidelines but I couldn't help it and i looked it up first.

What say you, RC's? Who helped with the new ad campaign, Nation of Whatever? Who helped with RCCL's own cruise forum blog set up? The only things that we have learned that you have been involved with is writing your opinions of RCCL, and attending an "event" but Hayden says you have been doing far more. True, or not? If I read some of these posts correctly, some of you seem to say you have had only one email contact, the intital one, since about last summer. I judge a person's veracity by what can independently be verified, and the RC's are the independents here for purposes of verification. Responses to Hayden's list of what you are doing for RCCL, or have been invited to do for them?


Oh, how I wish they'd asked me what I think of the Nation of Why Not ad campaign! Every time I see a Carnival ad I chuckle, and every time I see a Why Not ad, I think that RCI should switch ad agencies.


When we were testing out an early version of a social networking site of our own, we invited the Royal Champions to log in, take a look at it and send comments, and we’ve really taken the input to heart


I Googled it, and it is (or was) called Royal Connect. This one I remember, but it wasn't limited to RCs. It asked for a lot more personal information than I was willing to share, and created a chart with push-pins that placed you nearest to somebody who shared your interests. I'm not sure it's even active anymore, since I didn't see a link on the first page of search results.


First, they engage in passionate discourse on all-things cruising, just as they have always done


It's true that I love cruising and that I spend far too much time on CC, but passionate discourse? Gag me.


He did say NEVER, right?

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Hi, Patti!!


Rick's doing better (slowly). He had a benign polyp removed from his colon, but they pretend they are cancerous and do the same surgery as if they were. His belly looks like an intersection!! He had reactions after the surgery, and instead of being in for 4 - 5 days, he was there for 9 days. Instead of losing 15 lbs, he lost 30 lbs!


We are on the Constellation and then the Majesty starting on 3/27 for our 40th wedding anniversary!!! Thanks for asking.


I'm looking at TAs for next year, how about you?


I am sorry to hear of your husbands illness.

I hope he is on the road to recovery now. ;)

Is that the person who sent emails for updates on our names and emails months ago?

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What say you, RC's? Who helped with the new ad campaign, Nation of Whatever? Who helped with RCCL's own cruise forum blog set up? The only things that we have learned that you have been involved with is writing your opinions of RCCL, and attending an "event" but Hayden says you have been doing far more. True, or not? If I read some of these posts correctly, some of you seem to say you have had only one email contact, the intital one, since about last summer. I judge a person's veracity by what can independently be verified, and the RC's are the independents here for purposes of verification. Responses to Hayden's list of what you are doing for RCCL, or have been invited to do for them?



Here's mine.


1. invitation to the Liberty preinaugural. about 250 out of pocket


2. look at a royal connection website. did and determined it was worthless to me. no compensation nor any expense.


3. invite to new york media event. 2k out of pocket.


that's it.


i apologize for the lack of caps. have a problem with my left hand.

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"It’s important to note that when travel is involved, Royal Champions pay their own costs for transportation and hotel."


I think Hayden has been reading too many posts here!


Are you saying I'm being untruthful when i say we pay for our own transportation and hotel? i truly hope not. i will take extreme exception to that.

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Are you saying I'm being untruthful when i say we pay for our own transportation and hotel? i truly hope not. i will take extreme exception to that.



Everything is falling on deaf ears Paul. :(

No matter how hard we try to convince these people that we are not "on the cuff" as they say, they will still believe what the "naysayers" post about us.

I will not remove my Royal Champion from my signature as I see others have done.

I am not ashamed of being a Royal Champion.

I did nothing wrong in my postings before becoming one, or since becoming one, to deserve this rampage. Sure I have been flamed many times over the years. Haven't we all?

And I truly do not believe that the other RC people on here, who are trying to tell you the truth, if you would only really listen to them, have ever done anything to deserve this either.

They are good people who spend a lot of time trying to help answer questions about cruising. They have a tremendous amount of knowledge from years of cruising and being on Cruise Critic.

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All I can say is, when I had a problem with the wine and dine package and was very angry, a RC memeber did their best to calm the situation and had "contacts":rolleyes: who they were in touch with and had information on the situation that I couldnt get.;) Why couldnt I? Because I wasnt a RC member.

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"Rachel Hannock, Manager Loyalty Marketing and Royal Caribbean Cruises shared there story at a recent loyalty marketing conference. Hannock noted, “The key to success in viral marketing is to subtly influence the influencers without them overtly realizing they are being influenced.”



Yip she let the cat out of the bag !!



PLEASE LISTEN TO (LOOK AT) ME! (yep, shouting) The first time we even heard or saw the "Royal Champion" moniker was after we boarded the ship. So the free cruise was not "compensation" for anything. Perhaps they forgot to schedule the session where we were to be told of our obligations.



Funny others have said there was NO free Cruises !!



We invited some Royal Champions to attend an Oasis of the Seas event in New York (in June, 2008, we showcased developments such as the boardwalk, royal promenade, Central Park and the loft suites). Some traveled to New York, Los Angeles or Miami for two-night pre-inaugural cruises.




Maybe there's different levels of Champs - seeing some haven't had a free cruise yet !!



Why have RCCL and CC decided to come out and defend this situation - because members and cruisers are unhappy with what has happened its seen as being underhanded !!


Although its nice to see them talking about it and allowing us to discuss it !!





To Laura and other Mods have you given my idea any thought - highlighting Champs so we can have transparency ??





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