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I will let John read all the Birthday wishes when he gets home.


Now here's a few pics, sorry they aren't better. First one is Trudy and her buddy, then the painting she made and finally the pic of Wexler that she painted on a feather from some little pic I posted here. Unbelieveable!


Wonderful pictures. Beautiful work Trudy!

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I will let John read all the Birthday wishes when he gets home.


Now here's a few pics, sorry they aren't better. First one is Trudy and her buddy, then the painting she made and finally the pic of Wexler that she painted on a feather from some little pic I posted here. Unbelieveable!



Trudy - you are sooooo talented! I love your feather paintings - you must have so much patience to do such a delicate work of art. Guess that's your new buddy Wexler you're cuddling - he's not objecting much is he??? LOL! :D

Edited by fairbourne
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Trudy - you are sooooo talented! I love your feather paintings - you must have so much patience to do such a delicate work of art. Guess that's your new buddy Wexler you're cuddling - he's not objecting much is he??? LOL! :D


Thanks fairbourne, it is a fun hobby of mine.


Cindy thanks for the e mail I will try to post some pictures too, but not today :D

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The potty box is in. A 4x4, wooden box, filled with real sod/grass. Horton likes it and it's in a place where we won't be subjected to cars [moronic drivers] or bad weather.

The most difficult part of the whole process was getting the insurance clearance from "Doggy and the City" and having our security guards check his car before he entered our garage. A car filled with fertilizer made our security people a little edgy! But, it's part of the mans business and it's going to be breeze to live with this. :)

It's really the answer for anyone who owns a dog and lives in an apartment or brings their dog to work with them. I should have done it sooner!

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Here's a little poem I got from our puppy raisers.


CCI Christmas in the Kennels


Twas the night before Christmas and the kennels were still,

With most dogs now asleep having eaten their fill.

The Labradors sprawled out, quite snug in their beds,

While visions of ANYTHING edible danced in their heads.

And the Lab/Golden crosses curled up on the floor,

The Goldens twitched in their sleep and some even did snore.

The dog food was stacked in the feed room with care,

In hopes that a trainer soon would be there.

On the window ledge, the kennel cat DaHootie lay,

Surveying the lawn at the end of this day.

Something was different, that little cat knew.

Tonight something would happen, it had to be true.

For that day as the workers had left to go home,

They’d wished “Merry Christmas!” before starting to roam.

The dogs had noticed it too during this past week’s walks,

The trainers seemed just that much happier and eager to talk.

In the mall where they worked through the maze of people and stores,

There were decorations and music and distractions galore!

Most dogs pranced along without worry or fear,

But some balked at the man on the sleigh and those fake looking deer.

The cat was almost asleep too when she first heard the sound,

A whoosh through the air and a jingle around.

It reminded her of a dog’s collar when the animal shook,

But this sound kept on growing. She’d better look.

From the ceiling there came a faint sort of thunk,

As Dahootie climbed to the highest pile of junk.

Once before people had worked on the roof,

And come down through the trap door to a chorus of “Woooof!”

But the dogs still were quiet, all sleeping so sound,

As this man dressed in red made his way right on down.

He patted the cat as he climbed past her spot,

Then made his way right to the coffee pot.

A Labrador sat up, not fully awake,

Then a Golden followed her with a mighty loud shake.

That did it! All the dogs sprang to life with a loud noise.

In spite of the din, the old man kept his poise.

He filled the pot full and it started to brew,

Then he pulled up a chair and took in the view.

Dogs all around him, so carefully bred,

He knew well their jobs, the tasks that lay ahead.

Some had stopped barking and looked at him now,

While others delighted in their own deafening howl.

Laying a finger in front of his lips,

The jolly old man silenced the excitable yips.

“You all may not know me, but I’m Santa Claus,”

The old man smiled and took a short pause,

While he filled up his mug with hot liquid and creams,

“I’ve always wanted to stop here. It’s been one of my dreams.”

Dahootie had climbed down and was exploring Santa’s sack.

“Yes, little kitty, that’s an empty pack.”

Santa smiled as he drank and looked at those eyes,

Deep brown ones and gold ones held wide in surprise.

Some of these dogs, he’d seen just last year,

In the puppy raiser homes, cute and full of holiday cheer.

He’d seen the effects of a pup on a tree,

But now they were here at the school, just waiting to be.

“I didn’t bring you presents or bones just to chew.

I’ll tell you something better, what you are going to do.

You all will work hard and the trainers will share,

Both praise and correction, gentle and fair.

You’ll go lots of places and face big scary things.

You’ll ride buses and subways and hear fire sirens ring.

Cars will drive at you but your path you will stay,

Not moving into danger, let your handler lead the way.

And then just when you think that this trainer’s the best,

The kindest most fun person, toss away the rest,

That trainer will begin to ignore you and give you away,

Handing your leash over despite your dismay.

Now the person who pets you and feed you may ask,

For your expert help in many a task.

This man, woman or child, whose heart you will snatch,

Thanks to CCI you will make a great match.

So, you well-trained dogs it is no big surprise,

You will work as a team and discover the size

Of this great world we live in, because you will go

A million new places with this person, you know.”

Santa sipped at his coffee and looked over the brood,

Knowing what he had to say next might sound kind of rude.

“Not all of you will make it and become a working pair

Your time here isn’t wasted though, please don’t despair.

Some of you will be drug dogs and some will find bombs.

Some of you will become pets in a home with a dad and/or a mom.

All of these things are important. People wait on long lists

To receive such good dogs as you, the school folks insist.”

The last drop of coffee had gone into his cup

As Santa turned, smiling at each wide-eyed pup.

“The best gift of all is to give something back.

That’s why there’s nothing for you all inside of my pack.”

Draining his mug, Santa went to each pen,

And petted and scratched each dog again and again.

“Now next year and many more years after that,

You all will give gifts wherever you’re at.

You might lick a hand that’s had a bad day,

Or retrieve and object that’s fallen out of the way.

You might help catch a crook or discover some loot,

Or just bring some joy to a tired old man in a funny red suit.

Your master will love you and treat you with care.

In return, your training and trust will always be there.”

After the last dog had been petted and soothed,

Santa put away the coffee pot and made ready to move.

Up the ladder he rose to the door high above,

With a smile and a wave as he slipped on his gloves.

And all the dogs’ ears were pricked as he disappeared out of sight.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!”

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The potty box is in. A 4x4, wooden box, filled with real sod/grass. Horton likes it and it's in a place where we won't be subjected to cars [moronic drivers] or bad weather.


The most difficult part of the whole process was getting the insurance clearance from "Doggy and the City" and having our security guards check his car before he entered our garage. A car filled with fertilizer made our security people a little edgy! But, it's part of the mans business and it's going to be breeze to live with this. :)


It's really the answer for anyone who owns a dog and lives in an apartment or brings their dog to work with them. I should have done it sooner!


What a great thing!!!


Moronic drivers in LA? Really? LOL

Edited by rangeley
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Here's a little poem I got from our puppy raisers.


CCI Christmas in the Kennels


Twas the night before Christmas and the kennels were still,

With most dogs now asleep having eaten their fill.

The Labradors sprawled out, quite snug in their beds,

While visions of ANYTHING edible danced in their heads.

And the Lab/Golden crosses curled up on the floor,

The Goldens twitched in their sleep and some even did snore.

The dog food was stacked in the feed room with care,

In hopes that a trainer soon would be there.

On the window ledge, the kennel cat DaHootie lay,

Surveying the lawn at the end of this day.

Something was different, that little cat knew.

Tonight something would happen, it had to be true.

For that day as the workers had left to go home,

They’d wished “Merry Christmas!” before starting to roam.

The dogs had noticed it too during this past week’s walks,

The trainers seemed just that much happier and eager to talk.

In the mall where they worked through the maze of people and stores,

There were decorations and music and distractions galore!

Most dogs pranced along without worry or fear,

But some balked at the man on the sleigh and those fake looking deer.

The cat was almost asleep too when she first heard the sound,

A whoosh through the air and a jingle around.

It reminded her of a dog’s collar when the animal shook,

But this sound kept on growing. She’d better look.

From the ceiling there came a faint sort of thunk,

As Dahootie climbed to the highest pile of junk.

Once before people had worked on the roof,

And come down through the trap door to a chorus of “Woooof!”

But the dogs still were quiet, all sleeping so sound,

As this man dressed in red made his way right on down.

He patted the cat as he climbed past her spot,

Then made his way right to the coffee pot.

A Labrador sat up, not fully awake,

Then a Golden followed her with a mighty loud shake.

That did it! All the dogs sprang to life with a loud noise.

In spite of the din, the old man kept his poise.

He filled the pot full and it started to brew,

Then he pulled up a chair and took in the view.

Dogs all around him, so carefully bred,

He knew well their jobs, the tasks that lay ahead.

Some had stopped barking and looked at him now,

While others delighted in their own deafening howl.

Laying a finger in front of his lips,

The jolly old man silenced the excitable yips.

“You all may not know me, but I’m Santa Claus,”

The old man smiled and took a short pause,

While he filled up his mug with hot liquid and creams,

“I’ve always wanted to stop here. It’s been one of my dreams.”

Dahootie had climbed down and was exploring Santa’s sack.

“Yes, little kitty, that’s an empty pack.”

Santa smiled as he drank and looked at those eyes,

Deep brown ones and gold ones held wide in surprise.

Some of these dogs, he’d seen just last year,

In the puppy raiser homes, cute and full of holiday cheer.

He’d seen the effects of a pup on a tree,

But now they were here at the school, just waiting to be.

“I didn’t bring you presents or bones just to chew.

I’ll tell you something better, what you are going to do.

You all will work hard and the trainers will share,

Both praise and correction, gentle and fair.

You’ll go lots of places and face big scary things.

You’ll ride buses and subways and hear fire sirens ring.

Cars will drive at you but your path you will stay,

Not moving into danger, let your handler lead the way.

And then just when you think that this trainer’s the best,

The kindest most fun person, toss away the rest,

That trainer will begin to ignore you and give you away,

Handing your leash over despite your dismay.

Now the person who pets you and feed you may ask,

For your expert help in many a task.

This man, woman or child, whose heart you will snatch,

Thanks to CCI you will make a great match.

So, you well-trained dogs it is no big surprise,

You will work as a team and discover the size

Of this great world we live in, because you will go

A million new places with this person, you know.”

Santa sipped at his coffee and looked over the brood,

Knowing what he had to say next might sound kind of rude.

“Not all of you will make it and become a working pair

Your time here isn’t wasted though, please don’t despair.

Some of you will be drug dogs and some will find bombs.

Some of you will become pets in a home with a dad and/or a mom.

All of these things are important. People wait on long lists

To receive such good dogs as you, the school folks insist.”

The last drop of coffee had gone into his cup

As Santa turned, smiling at each wide-eyed pup.

“The best gift of all is to give something back.

That’s why there’s nothing for you all inside of my pack.”

Draining his mug, Santa went to each pen,

And petted and scratched each dog again and again.

“Now next year and many more years after that,

You all will give gifts wherever you’re at.

You might lick a hand that’s had a bad day,

Or retrieve and object that’s fallen out of the way.

You might help catch a crook or discover some loot,

Or just bring some joy to a tired old man in a funny red suit.

Your master will love you and treat you with care.

In return, your training and trust will always be there.”

After the last dog had been petted and soothed,

Santa put away the coffee pot and made ready to move.

Up the ladder he rose to the door high above,

With a smile and a wave as he slipped on his gloves.

And all the dogs’ ears were pricked as he disappeared out of sight.

“Merry Christmas to all, and to all a Good Night!”


It was l o n g......but so worth it. Thanks for sharing it.

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Hello everyone, Bella is now 5 months old and has already had her first (and i hope last) trip to the emergency vet the other night. It was weird because she just kept throwing her head and I was worried that she had swolled something half way down. David and I both tried to look but could see nothing, so off we went to the er. The dr.found nothing, thank God, just a little sinus drainage.I holidaysthe memory of Valentine just caused me to overreact. A chin hasa really adorable but smooshed in face. This means that they also have a short ustation sp tube which causes backup drainage and they can make some really strange noises from it. Valentine had the same prolem and the noise she made was horendous and scscared us to death. Bella was an angle and loved that Dr. She wagged her tail but she doesn't just wag her tail she wags from head to tail . So cute Valentine was always so blase` about everything and everybody and Bella is just so excited for everything that happens


By the way WHEN DID THE VETS GET SOOOO YOUNG! This dr looked no more than 21 years old . Sure does make me feel olld.


I want to thank everone hear for helping me over this ordeal I have been going through. Sometimes just reading of the silly things that our furry friends go through would make me laugh and forget the pain. YOU ALL MEAN ALOT TO ME.


If i don't get back on board before the holidays I hope you have the BEST EVER.




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Hello everyone' date=' Bella is now 5 months old and has already had her first (and i hope last) trip to the emergency vet the other night. It was weird because she just kept throwing her head and I was worried that she had swolled something half way down. David and I both tried to look but could see nothing, so off we went to the er. The dr.found nothing, thank God, just a little sinus drainage.I holidaysthe memory of Valentine just caused me to overreact. A chin hasa really adorable but smooshed in face. This means that they also have a short ustation sp tube which causes backup drainage and they can make some really strange noises from it. Valentine had the same prolem and the noise she made was horendous and scscared us to death. Bella was an angle and loved that Dr. She wagged her tail but she doesn't just wag her tail she wags from head to tail . So cute Valentine was always so blase` about everything and everybody and Bella is just so excited for everything that happens


By the way WHEN DID THE VETS GET SOOOO YOUNG! This dr looked no more than 21 years old . Sure does make me feel olld.


I want to thank everone hear for helping me over this ordeal I have been going through. Sometimes just reading of the silly things that our furry friends go through would make me laugh and forget the pain. YOU ALL MEAN ALOT TO ME.


If i don't get back on board before the holidays I hope you have the BEST EVER.





Sweet Barbara, it's been a very challenging year for you, to say the least.

May your year ahead be filled with lots of good health and laughter.

Nothing or no one will ever take Valentine's place and we'll never forget her but Bella [with her bouncy butt] promises to fill your heart with joy and hopefully she'll become a good partner for you as Valentine was.

Take care and keep on sharing your wonderful stories of your new little girl, we love hearing from you.

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Hope everyone is just busy, like I am. Even though it is the holidays, laundry still needs to be done, bathrooms still need cleaning, etc. I am trying to get it all done so I can skate the next two weeks! Wishful thinking.

Cindy: That poem was special. It said it all.

Barb: Glad you and Bella are bonding. She will never take Valentine's place but you have room for more love to share with her.

Roz: I thank the stars everyday that we do not have traffic here. Although we have our own moronic drivers. If you are going to pull right out in front of me, could you at least find the gas pedal? Now going to the one and only grocery store in town is a feat in itself and I must go there again!

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Hope everyone is just busy, like I am. Even though it is the holidays, laundry still needs to be done, bathrooms still need cleaning, etc. I am trying to get it all done so I can skate the next two weeks! Wishful thinking.


Cindy: That poem was special. It said it all.


Barb: Glad you and Bella are bonding. She will never take Valentine's place but you have room for more love to share with her.


Roz: I thank the stars everyday that we do not have traffic here. Although we have our own moronic drivers. If you are going to pull right out in front of me, could you at least find the gas pedal? Now going to the one and only grocery store in town is a feat in itself and I must go there again!



Although I do have to fight the traffic practically every where I go, it's nice to know that I have many, many, many choices for shopping. Do I always want to fight the crowds.......heck to the no!


Horty's potty box is working out brilliantly.....amazing how life can get easier when you finally get the idea and it works out!!!! :rolleyes: We're going to have rain next week and I won't have to fight that either when taking him out to potty! :p Yippee!!!!


Stay safe and have a wonderful holdiay.

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Happy Holidays to all my friends!!!!


I will not take a cruise so close to xmas next time. It's just been crazy.


I've been shopping and baking for a couple days. Just a few things to get done today and thats it!


John is getting a cold and I told him not to give it to me! :(:(


Now we are suppose to get alittle snow tonight into tomorrow. I am going to take a chance and wait til the morning to go home to CT. John will go to his sisters not far from here. I hate splitting up for the holiday but I don't want him to have to drive home from my moms on xmas night. Plus his mom leaves for Florida Jan 1st and this is last time he gets to see her.


Everyone have a great day and I will talk to you when I get back


Love you all!




Barb best of luck with your new baby!! She is adorable.

Edited by rangeley
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Cindy: Have a great Christmas and please, you and John both drive safely. I know you will, but the other "moronic" drivers as Rozilla calls them can be down right stupid!

I baked a ham last night. Had scalloped potatoes and mixed veggies with cream sauce. Yummy. Tonight we are going to cook a Rib Eye roast. Haven't had one in years, as they are just too darn expensive. Splurged this time and got a 4-5 pounder and I thought the price was reasonable. Of course they had the jumbo 15 pounders that would require a loan to pay for it!

Hope everyone enjoys their day.

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John is getting a cold and I told him not to give it to me! :(:(


Oh Gosh, I hope I didn't give it to him. :eek:

Cindy, you have to get things done before the Cruise :D it is so much easier that way-----I know :p

because I did a couple of Dec. cruises. I did some baking yesterday and maybe some today. We are going to be "HOME ALONE" this year but that doesn't say we will not have company. Every time we plan an alone time, that never happens. LOL

Wishing everyone the Best of the Holidays and stay safe.


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Happy Holidays to all my friends!!!!


I will not take a cruise so close to xmas next time. It's just been crazy.


I've been shopping and baking for a couple days. Just a few things to get done today and thats it!


John is getting a cold and I told him not to give it to me! :(:(


Now we are suppose to get alittle snow tonight into tomorrow. I am going to take a chance and wait til the morning to go home to CT. John will go to his sisters not far from here. I hate splitting up for the holiday but I don't want him to have to drive home from my moms on xmas night. Plus his mom leaves for Florida Jan 1st and this is last time he gets to see her.


Everyone have a great day and I will talk to you when I get back


Love you all!




Barb best of luck with your new baby!! She is adorable.


Safe travels to you all!

Love you,

Roz, Morey, Brenda & Horton

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Cindy: Have a great Christmas and please, you and John both drive safely. I know you will, but the other "moronic" drivers as Rozilla calls them can be down right stupid!


I baked a ham last night. Had scalloped potatoes and mixed veggies with cream sauce. Yummy. Tonight we are going to cook a Rib Eye roast. Haven't had one in years, as they are just too darn expensive. Splurged this time and got a 4-5 pounder and I thought the price was reasonable. Of course they had the jumbo 15 pounders that would require a loan to pay for it!


Hope everyone enjoys their day.


Yummmmmm! Since Morey's become a vegan it's not much fun to cook or even go out anymore!!!!!!! I say we run through Farmer John's lettuce patch and nibble with the other herbavores!!!!! Yuck! The only thing we have in common, when it comes to food is Mrs. Fields cookies!!!!! ;)

Have a yummy holiday and if I lived closer I'd be over in a heart beat!

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Happy Christmas to you all, and wishing you and your wonderful doggy companions all the very best wishes for the new year! :)


Keep those tales coming and those tails wagging in 2013 my friends!



"Slainte!" from Fairbourne and her "walking dustbins"! ;):D


Right back at ya! May the coming year bring you only goodness and love!!!!

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John is getting a cold and I told him not to give it to me! :(:(


Oh Gosh, I hope I didn't give it to him. :eek:


Cindy, you have to get things done before the Cruise :D it is so much easier that way-----I know :p

because I did a couple of Dec. cruises. I did some baking yesterday and maybe some today. We are going to be "HOME ALONE" this year but that doesn't say we will not have company. Every time we plan an alone time, that never happens. LOL


Wishing everyone the Best of the Holidays and stay safe.




You too Trudy.......All the best for a fabulous New Year!!!!!!!

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