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Everything posted by mnocket

  1. I've been looking at O too. From reading their forum here on CC it seems that they too have some cutbacks, but not to the extent that loyal customers are up in arms. The most significant complaint to me is that O seems to have implemented a "go slow" campaign to reduce climate impact. In reality it's a corporate decision to reduce ship speeds to save fuel. Unfortunately, the result has been shorter time in ports because it takes longer to get there. Time in port seems to be significantly less than promised in the itineraries. I'm continuing to monitor this as I consider sailing on O in the future.
  2. My journey through grief... I humbly fall on my sword🔪 Denial I was one of those who thought there was much more rumor than fact to the initial talk of the demise of the dinner buffet. While reports from different ships still differ, there's no arguing with the OP's video. It might not be dead, but it most certainly is on life support. I really didn't believe the drastic change evidenced in this video were within the realm of possibilities. I was wrong. I see many other posters who seem stuck on another form of denial insisting that these cutbacks don't really matter. "I don't use room service" "I don't eat dinner in the buffet" "I don't eat steak-lobster-etc.-etc.." "I don't drink" ... on and on and on. It seems that for some no matter the cutback they will find a way to rationalize it as ultimately OK. They seem blind to the death spiral that seems to be engulfing the Premium cruise sector - Celebrity in particular. Anger Yeah I began to get angry at Celebrity for all of the cutbacks and price increases. I wanted Celebrity post-Covid to resemble the Celebrity of just a few years ago. I found myself blaming Celebrity's management for destroying the cruse experience I so enjoyed. Bargaining I seem to have skipped over this stage, but I see many posts here describing communications with the Celebrity "Executive Office". Generally these seem to be pleas for Celebrity to rollback the changes or at lease moderate them. Some cling to the hope that Celebrity management will alter their course if they just understand how disappointed loyal customers are. Depression What can I say? It's hard not to be bummed by the inexorable demise of Premium cruising. Acceptance Yeah, I've finally reconciled myself to accepting that Celebrity management is not making these changes because they want to. They're not making them because they think they improve Celebrity. They're not even making them because they're greedy bastards and think they can get away it. No, I've come to accept that they are making these changes because they have no other choice. These are going to be permanent and there will be more to come. The price/service proposition that defined the Premium cruise sector is no longer sustainable - largely due to the need to service the huge debt they took on to survive the Covid shutdown. I've come to accept that Celebrity and other Premium cruise lines may not survive as a separate segment of the cruise market . I'm no longer angry about the changes. This is the new reality. So I'm moving on. I'm now booking fewer cruises, but on luxury cruise lines. I'm also taking more land vacations and I've even vacationed at an all-inclusive resort. There are others who come to accept the new reality of Premium cruising and will continue to sail on Celebrity. Those are the people who offer a glimmer of hope for the future of Celebrity. Whatever the case, I hope everyone comes out the other end with a resolution that works for them and allows them to keep chipping away at their bucket lists🙂
  3. Am I having a senior moment or did I used to get self-serv soft-serv at the Mast Grill on the Reflection?
  4. My prediction is not based on VV making cutbacks. That said, it's only my prediction and I may well be proven wrong. Time will tell.
  5. People don't like snails - they like garlic butter. At least that's my opinion and I'm sticking with it😁
  6. Very similar thoughts to my post above (which I was typing as you posted) - the difference being I'm not sure the premium cost/service model is still viable. Thanks for the well thought out post👍
  7. I've begun to question whether there is a path forward for the so-called Premium cruise lines. Can they cut their way to survival or is the Premium cruise line cost/service model no longer viable? Rather than linking to my post about this in another forum, I'll repost it below... As I've thought about cruise line troubles I've come to wonder if the so-called premium lines (Celebrity, Princess, HAL) are really the most at risk. I think the luxury lines will do fine as they have more pricing power and an affluent customer base. They will also benefit as refuges from the premium lines move upscale. The family-friendly mainstream lines will also probably do fine as I think this demographic still sees cruising as a good value proposition. It's the premium lines that I worry about. Those customers are more sensitive to the value they get for their vacation dollar. They tend to be experienced cruisers and yearn for cruising "the way it used to be". Judging from recent trip reports, these ships seem to still be sailing at far from full capacity. Predictions: The distinction between premium and mass market cruise lines will shrink to the point where there is little to no difference. I wouldn't be surprise if parent companies decide that the premium category is no longer sustainable and they fold these ships into their mass market brands. Either this or one or more of the premium branded companies will declare bankruptcy (I don't know enough about how the parent companies are organized to know if say Celebrity can declare bankruptcy separate from the other RCCL companies). Virgin Voyages will be no more in 12-24 months. Their target customer base failed to show up in the anticipated numbers causing the company to shift directions. The result is they are stuck in no-man's land. I just don't see a path to viability - Virgin does eventually cut loose unprofitable brands.
  8. There are a few restricted ports for larger ships (Venice, Key West, et.al.), but I don't know that this is really a major threat to the viability of large ships. I could be wrong. As I've thought about cruise line troubles I've come to wonder if the so-called premium lines (Celebrity, Princess, HAL) are really the most at risk. I think the luxury lines will do fine as they have more pricing power and an affluent customer base. They will also benefit as refuges from the premium lines move upscale. The family-friendly mainstream lines will also probably do fine as I think this demographic still sees cruising as a good value proposition. It's the premium lines that I worry about. Those customers are more sensitive to the value they get for their vacation dollar. They tend to be experienced cruisers and yearn for cruising "the way it used to be". Judging from recent trip reports, these ships seem to still be sailing at far from full capacity. Predictions: The distinction between premium and mass market cruise lines will shrink to the point where there is little to no difference. I wouldn't be surprise if parent companies decide that the premium category is no longer sustainable and they fold these ships into their mass market brands. Either this or one or more of the premium branded companies will declare bankruptcy (I don't know enough about how the parent companies are organized to know if say Celebrity can declare bankruptcy separate from the other RCCL companies). Virgin Voyages will be no more in 12-24 months. Their target customer base failed to show up in the anticipated numbers causing the company to shift directions. The result is they are stuck in no-man's land. I just don't see a path to viability - Virgin does eventually cut loose unprofitable brands.
  9. By the authority vested in me by absolutely no one, I hereby present you with my Post of the Day Award🏆
  10. I just don't understand that Vegetable Carving Station. Nothing in that picture requires "carving". What's the story?
  11. Preferring to eat sirloin vs filet is a personal & subjective choice. The relative cost of sirloin vs filet is an objective truth and illustrates Celebrity's ongoing cost cutting. You're lucky to not be negatively affected by this particular change, but many are...... and I'd wager that nearly 100% of them would be able to discern sirloin from filet in a blind taste test.
  12. I bought some cruise line stocks near the Covid lows. I really expected a sharp rebound as Covid waned. Initially I thought the rebound was underway and strong - maybe it was or maybe I was just seeing what I wanted to see. However I'm now seeing many (most?) trip reports mentioning that they are sailing far below full capacity. I'm also seeing growing outrage about cutbacks and price increases. Typically there are some complainers and many who simply accept the changes as necessary. This feels different to me. This time I'm feeling like the threats to forego cruising until/unless the price/service ration rebalances are serious. I believe more people are switching to land vacations. I'm no longer bullish on a cruising rebound and I've recently sold half of my stock. I'll be selling the rest in the next few months. I'm also doubting my belief that, much to my surprise, all of the major cruise lines got through Covid without declaring bankruptcy. I now once again believe that we will see one or more major bankruptcies in the next year or two. So yes, I think cruising is in trouble.
  13. Thanks for the input. I'll have to reconsider the ocean view cabin.
  14. I don't see how this matters or why you distinguish between this case and a Muslim woman being uncomfortable in the same circumstance. That said, I see no value in arguing the point.
  15. One could also say it's the same FDA that recommends the Moderna Covid vaccine for demographics that other countries banned (i.e. many European countries). I'm by no means anti-vaccine (fully vaccinated and boosted) - just illustrating that these things are very nuanced. Each person needs to make their own decisions on these matters. I like to use MSG. I also like to eat peanuts. In both cases others have very good reasons for avoiding.
  16. The lunch buffet photos were actually encouraging to me. If more frequent cruisers say there were cutbacks, I believe them, but to be honest if I was eating there I don't think I would have recognized the cutbacks. I'm very much looking forward to the dinner buffet report. Keeping fingers crossed!
  17. I think MSG got a bad rap years ago. The FDA considers it as Generally Regarded As Safe. I understand that many people still avoid it and that's certainly fine with me. Personally, I use it in savory dishes and find it enhances the flavor. ymmv
  18. I think you're being a bit unfair here. I'm sure you wouldn't say that to a Muslim who is uncomfortable with certain attire. Why do you mock @Keys Kathyfor feeling uncomfortable?
  19. Did she say her culture was superior? No. She said it made her uncomfortable. Do you actually believe it's wrong for her to feel that way? Animal sacrifices, bull fighting, woman subjugation, child brides, etc. etc. are parts of different cultures. These things make me uncomfortable. I make no apologies for feeling uncomfortable about things like these. This has nothing to do with placing one culture above another. I accept that cultural norms differ widely. I have no idea why you responded by throwing up a strawman argument about her saying their culture was inferior. She never said that. I'm probably overreacting here, but it bothers me when someone responds as you did.
  20. I think what you are missing is that for some (most?) people, one's surroundings play a major part in setting the ambiance of an experience. Being surrounded by well-dressed people in an elegant surrounding feels different than being surrounded by people wearing jeans and shorts in an elegant surrounding..... at least to some people. To others... ambiance may not be very important or perhaps ambiance is more dependent of comfort than appearance? There's no right or wrong here - it's subjective. Take for example attending live theater. Years ago people dressed up when attending the theater, today not so much (if at all). The quality of the production may remain unchanged, but for some of us the experience just doesn't feel as special. On the other hand, there are many who would hate having to dress up to attend and for them it would actually worsen the experience. In short, perhaps what you are missing is an appreciation that different people value different things?
  21. Thank you all for the replies. It never occurred to me to make two bookings and cancel the veranda if the ocean view came through. Duh
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