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Everything posted by DavidsNana

  1. @KarmaCruisersSo sorry to hear this but it happens to the best of us, sometimes more than once!! I found the love of my life after two divorces and we were together for 43 years before he passed. I hope you reconsider not cruising again. I have always really enjoyed your live from posts. I wish you happiness in the future, it takes awhile. Take care of yourself.
  2. @azbirdmomThanks so much. This helps a lot. My son and his fiance like their steaks medium well so that is something to consider. I like mine medium but can do medium rare. I am not too enamored with the thought of octopus but after reading other's comments, I would definitely try it. It just looks so interesting to me. My son is saying nope it is too expensive but heck, I think we should do it at least once! I checked on the app and there are still reservations available. I just found a website with the entire menu on it for his fiance, she is pretty picky but I think she would like most of it. I'm thinking that seeing the menu she might just want to do it and then we could talk my son into it. Thanks again. If I can't talk them into it, then I'm going to do it by myself on a future cruise when I am solo.
  3. @azbirdmomThinking of booking the 360 Experience for me, my son and his finance. But if you don't mind, could you please tell me why he was underwhelmed while you enjoyed it? Just curious as my son's finance and I are very interested but my son not so much. Thank you.
  4. Thanks for this "Live From". I am not a big gambler but I have thoroughly enjoyed your style and candid report of this solo trip for you. I have often wondered just how much and what it takes to get the good Casino Offers. I also love the ones that you and your wife post when she is with you. Hope you both can take advantage of that great offer and have a fabulous time.
  5. Totally agree!! Looks like cat food! Very unappetizing.
  6. @nbsjcruiserI feel your pain about Princess not notifying its passengers of port schedule changes ahead of time. I have 2 cabins on Enchanted Princess for 4/27. There have been some indications that we weren't going to dock at MB as there were none of the beach items to book on our excursion list such as the clamshells and snorkel gear etc. Then someone on the cruise noticed that our day in Roatan had changed on the Mahagony Bay Port Schedule. No word from Princess. Frankly, I wish they would change us to docking at Coxen Hole as Mahagony Bay is so problematic with the wind and seas that one of the two cruises that I took last year bypassed due to winds. Then both of them bypassed Costa Maya due to high winds and surf. I'm just hoping that we are able to make all the ports on this cruise. Actually, if we were to miss one, Belize would be my choice as it isn't my favorite port on this itinerary.
  7. I think we are on the same sailing, 4/27 Enchanted. My itinerary is still showing that we are to be in Costa Maya on 4/29 and Roatan on 5/1. Has your itinerary on the website been updated to change the port order? I see that the port schedule has Enchanted in Roatan on 4/29. Have they changed the port order and not told us/me? Fine with me as I really do not want to miss Roatan if possible but let us know so we can book independent excursions if we want.
  8. Has anyone ever tried to do the Ultimate Balcony Dinner with more than two people in the newer ships that have the small balconies? If so, how is it done? Would love to do this but we have 3 people on the Enchanted in April and that balcony is pretty small.
  9. When reserving and coming to the payment screen, it automatically gives the person who's personalizer is being used, I used my son's, with all their information. But no credit card info. That must be filled in. I tried changing it to my name and address etc and then my cc# and then tried leaving it with his info and using my cc# and it still rejected it no matter how I did it.
  10. Tried that and kept saying that something was wrong with cc information and couldn't book. I tried 2 different cc's and my paypal account and no go. I was almost certain that it what I did last year, book on my son's personalizer and used my credit card.
  11. I'm still using the old app until I have to change over. Cruise not until 4/27. Is there a way in the old app that I can give permission for my credit card to be used for pre cruise charges such as shore excursions for my son and his finance? We are in separate cabins so separate booking numbers. The CVP says that our bookings are linked. I tried to book a shore excursion for them yesterday as there were only 4 spots left on it and I couldn't get the app or website to accept my cc. I might be wrong but I thought I was able to book excursions for them on the website and it would take my credit card on our last cruise.
  12. Oh boy , all this is making me nervous. I have 2 cabins booked on the Enchanted for W. Caribbean for 4/27 out of FLL. The itinerary is Costa Maya, Belize, Roatan and Cozumel. The day we are to be in Roatan, the Carnival Mardi Gras is to be there with us. We are to be there 7am-4pm and Mardi Gras 8am to 5 pm. Mardi Gras holds over 6400 passengers. I'm wondering if Princess is going to change us at the last minute. I was on the excursions yesterday looking around and saw that there are none of the beach related stuff for MB like the clam shells etc. to book. Just the outside excursions. Since we are already going to Belize, if they change Roatan, I hope they can dock us at Coxen Hole and not just eliminate Roatan. I'm not fond of Belize as it is and like Roatan. We already have plans for Roatan for an independent excursion.
  13. Yes, and I really enjoyed it. I can fully understand your unplugging on cruises. Have a wonderful time.
  14. @SargassoPirateSure hope that you will do a running review of your upcoming World Cruise. Would love to follow.
  15. @MissP22Looking forward to your review/comments on your Christmas sailing on the Enchanted as my family and I have 2 cabins booked on that ship for late April. I know things can change in 3-4 months but all info is good info. Always good to be prepared.
  16. topspot's instructions worked just fine for me also. No problems. However, I did get a server error message the first time. Just waited about 10 minutes and resubmitted and no problems.
  17. @esper10See Ken the Cruiser's response above. I followed his instructions. As I stated before, I could create an account with Stockperks but then couldn't get it to load. All I got was their home page and when I tried to sign in, it just flipped back to the home pace. I deleted the app and waited a few weeks (my cruise isn't until 4/27/24) as Shipwalker said that he had contacted Stockperks via email and they were aware that there were problems with certain phones. I then re-installed the app just last week and I chose the sign in feature since I had previously created an account, was just unable to get it to work. My account popped up. I then chose the Aleva option and took a picture of my page from my Schwab account showing the Carnival stocks but no account number etc. Just my name and the stock. I got a response that it would take a couple of days to verify my Schwab account. 2 days later I got an email and a notification that it had been verified. I then went to the redeem section and chose Princess and filled in the info, name, booking number and sailing date. About 5 hours later got notification that my onboard credit had been applied. I checked my booking and it was there. Immediately made a hard copy to take on the ship. I'm no computer wizard either. Just the opposite but with the advice and instructions from many of the wonderful people here, I have been able to master the app and now this. I just got a smart phone 2 years ago and I'm not young! My phone is an iPhone SE which is the cheapest iPhone they make. Hope this helps. Ken the Cruiser is a great source of information here.
  18. I'm new to this Princess Visa stuff having just gotten one due to the promise of $200 statement credit if I spend a designated amount within 90 days. But this statement credit sounds like a pain. Can I simply redeem the points for a Princess Gift Card and then have it applied at Guest Services as onboard credit when I board? This seems like a much easier way to use the credit.
  19. @ShipWalker Thank you. Unfortunately, since I commented here, my purse with my phone was stolen in a vehicle smash and grab of my car and another at the VA cemetery this afternoon. So I now have to replace it. Maybe I will have better luck with the new one. How is that for trying to look on the bright side!!
  20. @racj846Regarding your above post. Did you send your information via email to stockperks or to the regular/old princess email for SHB? I still cannot get the stockperks app to work on my iphone. Have done everything, turned phone off and back on again, deleted the app and reinstalled. I have the latest update on my phone installed. I even changed my password but the app still won't open after I put in my email and password. I emailed my request for the SHB to the regular Princess email address several days ago and have not gotten a response as some people here are saying they are getting. Thank you for your assistance.
  21. I have and iPhone SE. I downloaded the update just prior to IOS 17 and everything is working well. Haven't downloaded 17 yet. Maybe that is the problem. I will download it and see if that works. Thank you.
  22. I just tried this and am having trouble. I downloaded the app and completed the information to register/open the account. Got an email to verify my email address, did that. But can't get the app to do anything now. When I bring it up on my phone, the home screen for Stockperks appears but then just vanishes, never loads anything else. Did I do something wrong, is there a waiting time or is there something going on with the app? I never got to any of the areas shown in Ken the Cruiser's detailed steps/description. Thanks for any and all help.
  23. @CruisemungusThanks for your review. When we were in Belize in April, we took the cave tubing excursion through the ship. We also enjoyed it. However, we had to carry our own tubes down to the river, I like that you didn't have to do that. Also, I totally agree with you about the footwear you suggested. I wore water shoes and walking over all those rocks in and out of the water was painful. In fact, I ended up with bruises on the bottom of my feet. I would do it again but will wear shoes with a better sole like you suggested.
  24. @beshearsMy husband passed away 4+ years ago. Since then, I have cruised with my son and his girlfriend and my grandson and his wife. I always have my own cabin. With my son, he and his girlfriend do not do any shows other than a comedian and I like all the shows. So I just tell them that I am going to the evening show and they are welcome to come with me but if they don't, we plan to meet up somewhere after the show. Also, I am just short of 76 and even though I am very active, there are some excursions that have maximum age limits so I cannot participate, such as the ATV excursions. So I just tell them to go ahead and enjoy themselves and I will either stay on the ship and enjoy the pool etc. or I will find an excursion that I like and I do that by myself. It works out just fine. Also, with the Princess app having the tracking feature (if it works for you, which it has for me) we can track each other and meet up that way. Like others have said, nice quiet cabin, solo bathroom but family when you want to do things together. The best of both worlds. Now if those single supplements were just lower!
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