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Everything posted by MoCruiseFan

  1. BTW who is this Miss Leading you speak of and what is her first name? I've never met her on any of my cruising and she sounds, shall we say, interesting! 🙂
  2. ---> That only applies to 2.3% of cruisers. The rest are nice people who couldn't care less... --->Not necessarily. 21.3% of NCL cruisers won't book a ship without an OL. 57.21% of people quoting statistcis are making them up off the top of their head!
  3. I am already on my 5th bag of popcorn! 🙂
  4. Nothing was switched. The full terms of the FAS are explained pre-purchase, They advertise free drinks and that is what you get, free drinks. You still pay the gratuities and rightfully so. If it makes you feel better to pay full price for soemting you can have for free then by all menas turn down the free drink package and pay for it out of pocket. That'll show 'em!
  5. The drink package IS free, you just still have to pay the gratuities. After all the barkeep still has to prepare and serve thr drink all the same. If it makes you feel better you can turn down he free drink package and pay full price for it. It is not MISLEADING!
  6. Hey you guys have the absolute best logo of any team in the league!
  7. Hey MITSUGIRLY I noticed the picture of the three of you in the hot tub! Are the tubs on the Encore actually HOT or are they somewhere between tepid and slightly warm like all other ships. I like a HOT hot tub!
  8. I rarely do have a point> just filling in more info on the post n question. 🙂
  9. Levi 503 orange tab boot cut jeans is all I own. No need for any other type of pants, they are appropriate at any occasion. 🙂
  10. Thank you. I thought that was the way but I had heard that they changed it recently. Fake news! 🙂
  11. That is NOT the original. The song was writtem and performed by the Five Man Electric Band out of Canada! 🙂
  12. Thanks for tajing my post with the 'tongue in cheek' manner that was intended. One hint on hotels and airlines that helps a lot. Get a Citi Bank American Airliunes and an American Express Hilton Credit Card. We all have one of each and use them to buy/pay for everything possible. Then as soon as the charge hits our on line account. we pay the entire charge. That way we pay $0 interest and get a ton of airline miles and hotel points. We have crusied about 20-25 times and we never had paid for a hotel and we have flown for just the $5.60 9-11 fee per person each way. Not to mention that keeping a $0 balance at the end of each month has zoomed our redit scored well into the 800s. It is the ony way we can afford to cruise 3 times a year! Thanks again for the great review. Hope y'all get to sail again soon and have yet another fantastic voyage!
  13. Nope. I have always worn tshirt and jeans and never had even a slight issue.
  14. Don't they hold back s certain percent of them for booking on board?
  15. Thanks again for the review and pictures. While that is a HUGE amount of pics (you did warn us ahead of time) and I am not a big picture person (I take maybe 3-4 pics year on my phone), the array you took gives everyone at least some that are very helpful. On another note, I want to say (not in the creepy internat stalker guy way, please) that yoru daughter is a reak cutie. Also you and you husband look familiar, I may have seen Y'ALL (he he he) on a crusie or two. I'll watch for you guys on any roll calls for future crusies... Oh yeah, in the Miami area the hotels just south of teh airpory in the Blue Lagoon area are really nice and not too expensive! Give them a try next time.
  16. Great review, very informative. One of the best reviews I have read here, One minor thing... Any true Southerner knows the word is Y'ALL not YA'LL. Y'all is a contraction of "you all". Take out the "ou" and add the ap[ostrophe and you get Y'ALL. LOL 🙂 🙂 😉 Happy cruising to you and your family!
  17. Not sue why you would check twice (phone then PC). I just check in for everyone on my C and I', doen with it. As far as the picyure goes, it really does not matter since they almsot always take a new pic when you check in. I simply use a silhouette pic for everyone.
  18. Bring your own cord, just make sure it is a plain extension cord and does not have a built in surge suppressor. They will provide distilled water for you. Let them know ahead of time. There is a page on the NCL site to make ADA or other special requests, Enjoy your cruise.
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