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Everything posted by broberts

  1. Apparently your TA did not read the requirement. Most particularly "provide clients ...". A more likely scenario in which the TA provides generalized information. TA: You will need a valid passport that does not expire (before) or (however many months required after) your return. Canadians require/don't require visas for ... I would expect a good TA to also provide advice to non-citizen residents. Such as to check that their residency status allows exit and return and the possible need for multiple entry visas when sailing round trip out of countries that require a visa.
  2. The TA has to have established traveller citizenship & residency status in order to ethically sell international travel. It is the job of a good TA to inform customers of usual documentation requirements. https://www.acta.ca/code-of-ethics#:~:text=ACTA members will respect all,strict professional integrity and courtesy.
  3. https://globalnews.ca/news/9196431/us-canada-nexus-negotiations/ https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/u-s-is-holding-nexus-trusted-traveller-program-hostage-canadian-envoy-says-1.6107453 https://www.theglobeandmail.com/politics/article-nexus-canada-us-backlog/
  4. Roll calls are also accessible navigating from the main index. All of the Nieuw Amsterdam roll calls can be found at https://boards.cruisecritic.com/forum/461-nieuw-amsterdam/
  5. The simplest method is to unfollow the thread. Go to any page in the thread. On a phone or tablet: Below the posts on the page you will see a blue bar with the word Following. Tap the bar and then Unfollow. On a desktop or laptop: at the top click on Following and then Unfollow.
  6. The company has said it will be installed in ships across its 3 brands in 2023. The antennas have been reported on Independence and installation crews on several other ships including Allure. Presumably some time next year one will be able find at least one ship offering the service. There are a number of open questions. Coverage is one. The satellites are low orbit so they do not have large coverage areas (relatively). Of course the big question for most of us is cost. But one can justify a fairly high premium if it's a business cost.
  7. Perhaps the upgrades being made by RCL will result in more useable internet.
  8. I have had mixed results asking the cruise line not to convert the account balance when charging my CA$ CC.
  9. You could call anytime. The setting should not affect local service. Alternatively, you can get the information from Bell Support pages. I was going to post the links, but they are not working at the moment. If I recall correctly, you need to enable voice over LTE. The Key 2 allows one of several network type settings.
  10. Presumably one has to remember to declare winnings over $10K upon disembarking as well as subsequent entry into Canada?
  11. The Key 2 should work. You may have to change a phone setting. Call Bell support.
  12. Sheesh . . . is is possible for the government to do a single thing without someone getting confused and complaining? What is confusing about the guidelines?
  13. If I tap on a picture in a post it goes to a full window display. Took me the longest time to notice the black x in the top right corner. This is because the picture background is also black. Is this because of local settings on my tablet / browser or is this site specific?
  14. It does happen. I suspect there are any number of reasons, bad mood, boredom, improper interest, supervisor watching, work action, etc.
  15. I shamelessly impose on family for drop-offs, pickups, and coat storage while away. 🙂
  16. It's tied to passports so scanning a passport is all that is needed to verify.
  17. T&C had significant hurricane damage. Including part of the pier at GT being destroyed. This may account for some itinerary changes. Insisting on visitors being vaccinated hardly seems to be an onerous requirement.
  18. 40 seconds times the hundreds of people in front of you adds up to a significant improvement.
  19. The actual news release can be found at https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/news/2022/09/government-of-canada-to-remove-covid-19-border-and-travel-measures-effective-october-1.html
  20. A few questions constitutes a check.
  21. Guidelines for returning to work have little to do with cruise ship passengers. Rules for cruise ship passengers that test positive for COVID are detailed at https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/cruise#symptoms. Since you tested positive on the cruise the isolation period is 10 days. As noted in the link, had you not tested positive on the cruise but after disembarking, the isolation period would be set by local public health authorities.
  22. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/government-lifting-pandemic-border-measures-1.6591883
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