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Everything posted by waltd

  1. I don't think I will ever let Princess choose my cabin now that many Guarantee cabins have a non refundable deposit
  2. I also take a lot of yoga classes. When we were on the Diamond in December I also did not care for the yoga classes they offered. I think it was also the instructor I had an issue with. I passed on the classes.
  3. I don't know. What do you want for dinner. What ever you want is fine with me.😆
  4. Well you're coming home to a nice sunny, cool, day. Probably in the 60s
  5. waltd


    I agree. I went almost 30 years ago and it was bad. Shame. It is a pretty bay.
  6. waltd


    Does anyone cruise to Acapulco anymore? It use to be a favorite stop many many years ago.
  7. When we were on board they could not scrape up any Jalepeno's. The pizza could have used a kick.
  8. You will meet the room steward the first day. He/she will come by each cabin to introduce himself. They will always be in the hallway in the morning and evening taking care of each room. You will see their cart in the hallway. Very visable. When you meet them ask them their schedule. Then you will know the times they are working.
  9. The way the dining rooms are set up now with people coming and going at different times I really don't care anymore what one wears. Not the same as it was with early and late seating. The old dining ways are long gone. Either accept it or look for another form of vacation.
  10. Maybe you should change your cabin to a regular mini if available. Club Class is nice but really not worth the money. If your mom is sailing with you save the moeny for some specalty dining room evenings.
  11. Our favorite dining room. We were lucky to have Bella who was our head waiter and her crew. Perfect dining.
  12. Thanks for the photos. This is one of the ports we by passed due to the political unrest in December. At least now I know what I missed.
  13. You didn't say if the first few days on board ship are sea days or not. That makes a difference to us. You can catich up on your sleep on board. Also sounds like you might be limited on time becuase you still work. You can always sightsee after the cruise when you are feeling better. We would fly so we arrive one day ahead. That's it for us. We would get a car service to Southampton and check in. Nice place to walk around before crashing. Right next to the port. Almost walking distance. For a cheap thrill they have a big mall in walking distance that you can pickup some food that will not break the bank. I would try and get some International Premium Economy seats. Designed like the Domestic first class seats of old. Nice way to travel and not crunched up. Im tall and I don't like cruhched up. And absolutely get Direct flights. At the end of the day only you know how you might feel. We have all done it. Dragging the first few days but hey it's vacation. You can sleep when you get home. All the suggestions above are great also.
  14. If a cabin becomes available can I change my Guarantee to an assinged cabin?????? Confusing.
  15. I would say IF you want to try Princess go for the newer ships and ports you have never been to before. A good product, beautiful ships but Princess is not RCI as far as grown up activities . Pools and gym yes.
  16. Not sure if this has been asked. If you already have a guarantee booked prior to to the non refundable change does your booking now become non refundable. When did this change occur? Any specific date? Thanks
  17. Just another pool deck to me. 🙄
  18. I'm sure they would do it if they had time but they are usually very busy. I think your husband should do it.
  19. It would be an easy fix if the area did generate money or they wanted more money. Just put a railing around the area like they do with Alfredo's. Then have a hostess at the front seating people while Vines is open. If not then just like every other area just come and go as you please. Nothing is going to change.
  20. I think some of you need to direct your anger toward Princess for not designing areas with enough seating. My feeling is as long as Princess has a venue that is charging for a product then leave the tables for those customers. When the venue is closed then use the table area all you like.
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