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Everything posted by waltd

  1. Bring a Jacket when you get off the plane. It is COLD here in Los Angeles today.
  2. We cruised Dec. 2nd to Jan 6th and had no issues with the menus. Some changes but plenty of options. Always a fish dish besides the salmon.
  3. The one thing we didn't like about the Royal was the elevators. Way too small. At peak times you could not get on one.
  4. We use the medallion all the time and we have yet to get any sort of upsell from using it. I wish. Wouldn't mind a few specials directed to us. A lot to do about nothing, again.
  5. The airport is a no brainer. Go on line and request wheel chair service from the airline you are using. The service will be from the ticket counter to the gate and from the gate to baggage claim. We use it all the time.
  6. Right now on the Princess website it says only the Discovery and the Enchanted.
  7. Kathy, just wishfull thinking. 😉
  8. Just normal everyday cloths. They have the singer and dancers come out and do a love boat number. Fun but no special dress code
  9. I think the article said they might move the USS Iowa. So does that mean 5 ships. I just hope they add additional parking. And drop the parking price would be nice. LOL
  10. Has this already been mentioned or talked about? https://www.dailybreeze.com/2023/02/06/san-pedros-outer-harbor-cruise-terminal-plan-underway-again/
  11. Looks like you had a great swim. You had a big smile on your face.🙂
  12. We were also there. Food was pretty bad from what I remember.
  13. We have always been offered a boarding time. Will the ship be delayed? Is there going to be some sort on inspection? Something doesn't sound right. ALL you can do is show up when you want and hope for the best.
  14. Which cruise has the least amount of revisited ports? Which cruise has the most sea days? If a lot of sea days which ship would you be the most comfortable especially if you have to sit inside? If a cold weather cruise everyone rushes to sit in the atrium during the day. We go for the itinerary. If port intensive we like a sea day between ports, if possible. We lean towards the older ships. Have done both types. The newer ships for us are nice but not as comfortable feeling. Tough call.
  15. If you're prone to sea sickness then absolutely not. Otherwise cabin is fine.
  16. Looking forward to more. 🙂 We will be sailing out of Sydney on Dec. 2nd. Enjoy....
  17. latest postings are now saying the room steward does the exchange. Not sure how but you might want to ask when you get on board. Might be quicker then calling on the phone.
  18. We have done both. Really liked the Anchorage to Vancouver the best. Scenery up around Anchorage and heading south was beautiful and something we didn't see RT Vancouver or Seattle. Yes the flights were odd hours but we were on vacation to see the most of Alaska.
  19. Other then food running out does anyone remember YEARS ago the bathrooms had a sea shell soap dish that disappeared the day before the cruise was over? I guess many of them were taken.
  20. Finally, somethng new to look forward to. Maybe an overnight in one of the ports????????
  21. waltd

    MDR Seating

    You didn't say what time you picked. As noted if you like to eat early it will not be an issue. We were on the Sapphire for 33 days, ate at 5:30 and after the first night they asked us if we wanted the table for the rest of the cruise. Will depend on the time of night how successful you are.
  22. Simple answer is No. I placed a bid and we never heard a word one way or another.
  23. No one has mentioned that a Mini Suite is not a Suite. No suite benefits with a mini. Just Club Class dining with the Reserve only, I believe.
  24. Have never seen anyone roll on or off a tender in a wheel chair. Usually a set of stairs you have to walk down to get to the tender. You would probably have to be able to walk on and they could fold up the wheel chair and put it on the tender for you.
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