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Everything posted by SenatorsFan

  1. I'll be following along, too. I can't believe it's almost 5 years since we've been on Horizon. I hope you have a wonderful cruise. 😊🚢
  2. Well done! I enjoyed every post of your fabulous review. 🥰👏
  3. I look forward to following along on another of your cruises. Thanks for sharing it with us! 😊
  4. @YVRteacher Yvonne, if you and other followers are looking for a quick, amusing read put "An Elderly Lady is Up to No Good" by Helene Tursten on your list. It's short stories translated from Swedish about Maud, a cranky 88-year-old who's not above a little murder when things irritate her. I really enjoyed it. Edited to add I see there is a new collection of stories called "An Elderly Lady Must Not be Crossed". I'll need to read this, too. 😁 Heather
  5. I'm so happy to see that you are back with another entertaining review! 🥰Funny, our first night dinner in Miami before our cruise in Nov. was at Luke's, except we had the chowder with the trio and I also had to have gelato after. 😃
  6. I'm glad you're back. I have really enjoyed this wonderful review. Thanks!
  7. As usual, it was great to follow along with you, Megan. I'm adding Greece to the bucket list. 😊
  8. Happy Birthday @Saint Greg! Looks like it was a good one. 🍻
  9. ... or Aphrodite! That works for a Greek goddess. 😆
  10. Good for you being able to get all that sleep. That should keep you going for a while today! 😆
  11. I have a purple Travelon bag and just love it. So many compartments and ways to keep things locked up. We had to go through a metal detector and have our bags examined at La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and I noticed the guard knew exactly how to unfasten everything to look inside. I bet they see lots of those bags! 🤣
  12. I'm happy to see you've started your review. Looking forward to seeing Greece! 🥂
  13. Thanks again Jeff and Patti for another stellar review. I was excited about Celebration before but now seeing all of these great pictures has really ramped up the anticipation. I so look forward to meeting you both in January! 🍻🥰
  14. Montserrat is so amazing! When we were there last month, the only cat we saw was hanging out by the cheese vendors! 🐱
  15. Everyone got a new pair sealed in plastic when I did this last month! 😀
  16. Sorry about your airport issues. When we flew Air Canada to Barcelona direct from Toronto last month we pulled right into a gate. Customs was easy and then we did have a bit of a wait for baggage, but nothing like yours. Hope the rest of the day goes smoothly.
  17. Sorry, I haven't been in the Montreal airport for years, and never the international area so I have no idea what to recommend to you.
  18. Sacrilege! Maybe we can't be friends! 🤣 I don't like poutine but love maple syrup. Ketchup in small amounts, but never ketchup chips.
  19. What a relief! I'm so happy you've been reunited with your bags. Go have more sangria. 😁🍹
  20. I do enjoy European hotel breakfasts! 😋We were in Barcelona last month (not for a cruise) and loved exploring the city. We also went to La Sagrada Familia; wow! Yay for the luggage situation!
  21. Thanks for taking us along again. Enjoy your weekend!
  22. I used to be responsible for my branch "Banned Books Week" display. People were always surprised by some of the titles on the list and the books were always checked out. Thanks for what you do @YVRteacher. ♥️
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